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The Official Website of the Jilly Juice Journey, LLC

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Welcome to LIFE



 Another Arm of the Hydra
The Undefined Life
Available Now!!!
This book is all about me releasing the "demons" of disease. 

This is my current book available to read.

This is The Next Chapter:

It has taken me about 3 years to wean myself back onto the food supply and it had to happen in stages. First, I had to release so much mucus and disease and even traumatic thoughts and beliefs and that was no picnic. Like I said in the book, it was a process of understanding my childhood, my parents and then understanding why I had to learn such hard lessons. Once I was able to release many demons of disease and pain and suffering, then it was weaning myself back onto the food supply and that was NO easy venture. Then it was facing my mistakes, organizing my information and then developing many different ways to say the same thing connecting all of my thoughts together into a logical sequence. 


After I published this book in 12/2022 I started drinking and eating so much milk, cream, ice cream and cheese and meats and pork and steak and wow. It was eating to repair and regenerate and sit with so many colonies of disease just popping up and manifesting into fatigue, hives, headaches, so much poop, coughing, sneezing, and rashes and saying goodbye to the past and welcoming in the present. 


Welcome to Life and Milk is Life and Jilly Juice, LLC might give you the clarity to understand how important all food is, including meat, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits vegetable, sugar, salt, gluten, carbohydrates and rest, release, retention, and water. Always see a doctor when you are weaning off of drugs and addictions and weaning yourself back onto the food supply.​


Arthur Schopenhauer Quote:
All truth passes through three stages. 
First, it is ridiculed. 
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

About the Author

A product of Generation X, Jillian Mai Thi Burke-Epperly created Jilly Juice LLC in 2016, which evolved into something more abstract, in 2022. Rather than being absolute regarding health and wellness expectations, she had to peel back layers of programming compartmentalizing a society full of blind spots. Furthermore, she had to write her third book online using bits and pieces of data that her community fed her either knowingly or unknowingly. This was so that she could finally fill in the gaps in her background and identify the unique backgrounds of her readers. Throughout the process, she developed relationships with people and then disengaged when necessary. Her disengagement allowed her to understand her own motivations and what motivates other people. To connect all the dots, she also had to self-study Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Allegory, Literature, History, Social Studies, and even social media. In a world ruled by absolute definitions, Jillian developed another arm of the hydra, the undefined life she had defined through her intention. If you want to find out more about me, find the tab with the three line on the mobile interface labeled "Blog", of which I am done updating. Please find my Facebook page from the links on the page and follow me there. I suggest you do not troll me, otherwise I block and delete.




To All the Misdirected People Who Watched the Dr. Phil Show Recently or in the Past and Must Hunt Me and Intend to Destroy, Maim, Hurt or Kill Me Physically or Spiritually (Super Karens and Chads)


Innately, my Jilly Juice Protocol in the beginning was not wrong. I birthed an idea that most people could not wrap their minds around nor even understand the science behind my intentions. Deep down inside, like most of the holistic and allopathic people, our perception of food stemmed around starvation or failures to thrive and we had reactions when it came to food and we did not know why.


Adding in the salt and water and even vegetable fermentation was never poison, along with the "diet" we developed due to our inability to tolerate food stemming from the medical and holistic industry. Food was never poison, we were starving and we had to go about weaning ourselves back onto the food supply slowly. I mean very slowly and then understand the power of salt and its curative effect/covalent and it's ionic effect/waterfalls or release effect.

Innately, I knew that chicken and eggs, fruits, veggies, potatoes nuts and butter, etc was a "bland" diet for those in actual extreme starvation and even those in hospice, who are actually in the extreme stages of failure to thrive.

Innately, I knew the holistic and medical system of remedies on bodies in deficit was just another nail in the coffin if I were to ignore the "suffering" of pain and just looked at the intention of the medical/holistic system.

Innately, I knew the operations were just another trauma the body had to deal with and recover from and how could one sustain so many operations in the course of a lifetime and not be suffering later?

Innately, I knew we did not have to die someday and we could potentially live to 300 years if all the conditions were right.


Even though I clumsily said babies come from a man and woman, as you can see, we are allowed to identify as a man or woman to have children as science has proven uterus transplants do exist or women who identify as men could have a baby. It does not matter what you call the human or how you characterize the gender. However, to gain more reaction, the journalism community purposely fashioned my statements I made very clumsily and said I was homophobic. But, in their defense, I was hanging out with right wing Christians at the time and so I do not blame the community of journalists to fan those flames of perception. Ha. yeah, I was had.


I may have said that babies needs jilly juice, maybe not "live on it" and I don't remember if I even said just living on jilly juice, however, I did recant that stupid statement of mine given how much I was under fire at the time. We all have made dumb statements when backed into a corner, myself included.


As far as the airing of the Dr. Phil Show and myself, 2018 was 7 years ago!! All of us have changed since 7 years ago!! To purposely hunt and hurt someone for what they said 7 years ago is a natural reaction until you are shown something different. You must intend to see something other than what was shown to you many years ago and do you have the capacity to see where the person is and what evolution they sustained so you do not feel you must be a virtual vigilante and shoot first and then ask questions later?? Policemen are not even allowed to shoot first and then ask questions later, and I know many people who think they hate me love law enforcement because they need someone to go to if they feel the law has been broken.


Regarding "injuries" from the Jilly Juice, I learned never to get in the middle of someone who is deemed in hospice. What was set to happen for someone immunologically, was already set into motion, so never get involved in taking away people's suffering, as you might kill them, especially during climate change. Anyone in hospice or palliative care are deemed untreatable by the system and anyone who experiences heart attacks and strokes could have been triggered by anything. 


Correlation does not equate to causation!!


We are in a great reset and many of us have been through the body, mind, and spirit wringer and it is brutal. Rather than hunting people you think are the enemy, intend to understand the person's point of view at the time (minus all the dramatic histrionics) and then intend to see the evolution of the same person, now.


Innately, I knew the world was starving, traumatized and suffering. I was and am not unlike any of you trying to put down suffering and hunt for a "demon". However, with that said, instead of looking for the demons out there and instead of being a vigilante and putting down suffering you have no business putting down or "bringing in", try self reflecting.


You might be surprised as to who you need to give your attention to.





Jillian Epperly

CEO Jilly Juice LLC



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