The Micro-Macro Reincarnation By The Rosicrucian Order of Magnitude Requires a Purge
Second Chance at Life If You Learned Your Lesson in the First Life, the Life You Have Right Now
October 4 and 11 FEMA Test
Higher Power_Religion_Spirituality_Law of Large Numbers
"Save" the Strong Adult Children
Biological and Intellectual MKULTRA is Radicalizing People into Beliefs Developing Predatory Victims
America is Rosicrucian, a Melting Pot of All Religions Running the World You Must Survive
Your Memories Are Your Protection and Rapid Growth Depletes Your Protection Taking Resources
The Ultimate Mother Allows Her Offspring to Account for their Choices
Conditioning Must Be Done Well in Advance
We Need to Leave the Old World Behind and Welcome to the New World
Assimilating to the State is Strategizing Your Survival _Your Behavior is the Mirror of Your Family
Devil = Accountability We are the in the Days of Noah and the Demons of Accountability
The System Draws Out What Already Exists in you to Begin with from the Accumulation of Your Choices
Gods and Gurus of Redundant Destruction
Capitalizing On the Death of People Via the State and the Smart Cities Prototypes
Viruses are Hertz Frequencies from Climate Change Affecting Biodiversity
Are You the Ultimate Survivor?
Surviving the Path to Sustainable Development
Forced Fertility is the Enslavement to the Human Race