In the modern world Darwinism is about strategy..
Intolerant People Will Literally Phuck Themselves, Strangers and their Families out of Existence
It must be nice to bite the hand that feed you.. And still expect to be fed
Those Who Do Not Understand History from 6k Years Ago Will Be Doomed to Repeat their Own Extinction
World War III is Voluntary Starvation via Micro-Macro Conception-Starvation
I Found the Missing Link Hidden in Plain Sight
History is Written by the Winners so Don't Die and Write Your History - Live for Yourself Forever
Survival of the physics.. Or fittest..
Physical Might is Not Always Right it is Intellectual Capacity and Strategy
You Can Actually Be a Genius Without Being a Sex Offender, Not Dying from Either
What Was an Asset Before Climate Change is now a Liability During Climate Change
Biological and Social Assets and Liabilities
The Micro-Macro Reincarnation By The Rosicrucian Order of Magnitude Requires a Purge
Second Chance at Life If You Learned Your Lesson in the First Life, the Life You Have Right Now
October 4 and 11 FEMA Test
Higher Power_Religion_Spirituality_Law of Large Numbers
"Save" the Strong Adult Children
Biological and Intellectual MKULTRA is Radicalizing People into Beliefs Developing Predatory Victims
America is Rosicrucian, a Melting Pot of All Religions Running the World You Must Survive