Now you see why I don't eat spicy food because it does take away the nutritional benefit because it's like taking a billion little lightsabers and annihilating the nutrition before you even get to process it.
Yes it is a type of Life regulation if you feel the life is too much but I just release the demons I don't annihilate the cells or nutrition with spicy food. And people use cayenne pepper as remedies for asthma and other things but eventually that won't work anymore because a person has to build up enough conditioning to cough out and to breathe slowly and obviously you can't make people suffer. People are ticking time bombs and it sucks
I might spice my food a little bit like season it. I don't make an effort to eat spicy food like Curry or jalapenos or turmeric. I don't eat spicy food anymore.
If I want to bring out the flavors in the food I use ionizing waves like salt and a little bit of pepper and a little bit of garlic and that's it..
But the spice trade has turned into a veritable snake oil salesman trade of selling people aggressive aggressive remedies using spicy spicy food
now you know why when someone cooks for you or feeds you, they absolutely love and adore you. they know how radioactive the environment is. And they know food is the answer and so anyone who cooks for you f****** loves you
And when someone wants you to eat they know you need the food but you have to be the one to know how to manage the food you eat and I can't penetrate your belief system around food and what you think is poison or not poison. I just know food is the answer but it may not be the answer for you.
So you see why I've been so frustrated because every turn I make it's illegal to make people eat or suffer or take away their pain and suffering unless you're a doctor.
All the food in the food suppl is the ultimate insulator for a radioactive electrified environment called climate change
What they failed to mention are the habits and practices of people storing reflective particulates within their colon and blood that when catalyzed by outside forces everything becomes Radioactive for a moment
and that's why doctors can't find what's wrong with people when they have events and they go get x-rays and they can't find anything because it was a flash of energy that scared the person half to death. Or it was searing pain that they can't find where it originated from. Or they just die suddenly because the flash of energy caused a flash of ionic and covalent bonding that blocked arteries and capillaries and oxygen to the brain and heart.
You are electricity and you are a radioactive. But like anything it's all relative to perspective. But the bigger you are the more energy you store which means if you don't know how to manage the energy it could destroy you and everyone around you. But the smaller you are the more you'll be susceptible to be radiated out of existence.
So that's why ALL food is a great insulator.. definitely meat milk cheese eggs gluten sugar bread salt processed food because in this highly ionic and radioactive atmosphere you need insulators or else you will radiate yourself out of existence
Insulation in your home/body provides resistance to heat flow and lowers your heating and cooling costs. Properly insulating your home/body not only reduces heating and cooling costs, but also improves comfort.
So you could be so obese or so overly insulated that you'll smother yourself to death
And you could be so under insulated and so skinny that you're susceptible to discomforts of the environment.
And so within the last two three years I had enough insulation to protect me from the radioactive people in a highly electrified environment such as climate change which is why I bloated up when the system upped the frequencies or I walked into a crowded room.
I had enough insulation to expand and contract.. and contracting means you're releasing the radioactive electrified traumatic demons, which are basically symptoms and they are brutal which is why I don't walk into crowded rooms voluntarily unless I'm forced to..
Are people Radioactive
While technically every living thing, including cells, emits a very small amount of natural radiation due to the presence of trace amounts of radioactive elements like potassium-40, it's not accurate to say that "each cell has radioactive energy" in a significant way; most cells do not contain enough radioactive material to be considered actively radioactive and pose a health risk.
Key points to understand:
Natural radiation:
All living things, including humans, naturally contain small amounts of radioactive elements, which means they emit a very low level of radiation constantly.
Ionizing radiation:
The type of radiation that can damage cells and DNA is called ionizing radiation, and while our bodies naturally emit some radiation, it's usually at such a low level that it's not considered harmful.
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