Some of you are working for the govt and you don't even know it.
Activism was just used as a tool to make you a government informant and keep people protected from the truth while you trying to give them the truth knowing they'll be in resistance.
How many hours and years and how much money did you invest in giving people information of what the government is doing compiling the dates and times and evidence of what they told you what they were doing to begin with that you resisted and didn't want to believe until then you're forced to believe it because you shown people and yourself the evidence.
How many precious hours of time and survival did you used to be a government informant and reporting on government activity and you didn't even help yourself.
You became a non-paid government employee.
All leaders in the activist movement either played the game correctly and made money from being a non-government employee reporting on the future or they developed a Lifeline for themselves. What benefit do you get regurgitating platitudes and copying and pasting articles already given out to the public filtered through your perceptions?
What Roi did you get or return on investment.
I spent thousands of dollars and time and trauma and this is my return on my investment: I regained another hayflick limit that some of you will eventually peter out because you didn't give yourself a platform to regain another 50 years.
You spent your whole life taking away your own lifelines as well as other people's future .
You were government. You are a government
You've always been controlled opposition even informally
My world is the cycle of death without actually dying.. but it is a suffering requiring a complete change in lifestyle and beliefs..
And when I sleep it's almost as if I died for those few hours and when i I do wake up but I don't remember anything. And there are no dreams.
it's just the body doing what it needs to do silently to push out the demons when I wake up.
Yesterday in the middle of the night I had a hunger that I did not want to go and satisfy and then I woke up eating bread and other stuff to satiate the hunger and then I went on Facebook live yesterday. And I was tired. So after I did the Facebook live yesterday I ate a bunch of spaghetti and I took a nap and I passed out for at least 2 hours and remembered nothing with no dreams. Woke up and released demons and less pain in my shoulders today..
I slept amazing last night and I released a few demons this morning.
The last 8 years was preparing for me to deal with this demon within. Preparation is key. Innately I knew what I had to do to save myself and so I went back into the system but i left Society.
No animals no children no religion no politics not even any scientific dogmas no resistance no activism. No remedies no surgeries. No pleasure and Paradise.
Straight up brain expansion and stretching my capacity for information.
And your friends are not your friends they're just government informants bringing you back into the system of death dying and destruction until you figure out how to function without your friends and family and still be an amazing member of society.
And if you can't function without your friends and family and politics religion science then you will be a government informant as well as cultivate government informants pretending you are playing outside the system when you're truly not.
You're doing exactly what the system wanted you to do. You're giving people information and warning them and telling them yes they're changing the weather and here's a proof and you're also giving your friends remedies and distractions so that way they're protected from the truth.
You are a government informant in the chemtrail activist world as well as the anti-government world.
And I am also a government informant giving you information that you choose to reject or accept. All of us are playing the same games.
You choose your poison..
7 years to "regrow" all systems, but once you hit the 7th time to "regrow", you just used up all of your hayflick life lines because 7 times 7 equals 49 or almost 50 and you must give yourself another platform of substance to regain another 7 years times 7 to receive another 50 year hayflick limit..
Which is why it took me 8 years to release the demons and eat food and deal with pain and suffer from the past present and future choices.
And I don't do my juice anymore. I faced the pain and suffering and it was brutal.
I discovered the lower immune system activation point during the J Juice World and then finally activated my upper immune system activation point and recognized the nosebleeds was what saved me as a kid.. your nose is one major part of your immune system
You have two immune system activation points and that is the upper hemisphere and the lower hemisphere of your body. Which is why you get weird pear-shaped people because their lower hemisphere has been clogged up but their upper hemisphere has been open
The system activated your immune system with the nose swabs. Because up in your nose is one immune system activation point and then your sphincter is another one.
And then climate change accelerated everything.
I was sick so much as a kid because I had so many bloody noses because my immune system was activated so much from the allergies that I had to cough and sneeze and sneeze so much and so violently. And I had a lot of headaches and stomach aches from all the different cold and flu season and spring allergy season which is basically climate change
My juice helped activate the lower immune system and also the upper one but it was the last 4 years of the climate change that even activated my upper immune system that was already open above my neck.
The last 3 years my husband heard me cough and sneeze and blow my nose so violently he thought I was dying. No I finally had to face a demons above my neck
The nosebleeds was the body releasing demons as well. And then I had enough clotting mechanism to make sure I didn't bleed out. And yes I had headaches and pressure and even stiff neck because my upper immune system had to release those demons and it was f****** miserable.
You can't get away with only activating one side of your immune system. Both sides eventually have to be open and releasing and receiving information. Or else you're going to get someone who is top heavy or bottom heavy or you get top heavy bottom heavy equally distributed
And that's called obesity
and if a person is in complete resistance you will get a skeleton and a highly sexualized person screwing themselves out of existence or you get someone gelatinous because their infrastructure is converting into goo.
There's a reason why all of you are different shapes and sizes because it's the level of resistance of clogged exit and entrance points and food mitigation diets.
Why do you think a person can stay alive with the top half but not the bottom half.
You don't see people walking around Society with just a stomach and legs but you do see people who walk on their hands with no obvious stomach or legs..
That ought to tell you you need your upper hemisphere open releasing and receiving information.
If you want to be a whole human both sides have to be connected speaking to each other and releasing and receiving information
You can go back to the system and still leave the Society of "normies" fighting over which poison is much better than the other person's poison and resistance
I went back to the system and left Society and I'm doing exactly what they recommended to begin with. Staying home and staying safe. Expanding my brain and facing my own demons
How do you go back into the system but still leave Society if Society is the system?
You just actually do what they recommended without doing more than what you need to.
Society is a compilation of people in different levels of resistance and call it politics religion and science dogmatic principles.
Many people in society think their resistance is so much better than another person's resistance.
And that's where you get religions and spirituality and politics and of course the science of remedies or different ways of dying.
Choose your poison is a very popular idiom.
Everyone's choosing their poison and thumbing their nose at the system and each other and they're still dying blaming each other
I wore mask for a long time until I realized that it was the energy of the people that triggered the hives and vertigo from the beasts within but then yes you could also be inhaling microbes so there's always different layers of defense.
You just need discernment to know which ones are appropriate for you
Recommendations are only for those who know how to discern which recommendations are appropriate and which ones are not.
They might recommend a vaccine but I don't have a doctor so I don't need to go see a doctor and ask him/her because I can take care of myself.
But if they recommend that I evacuate because of ecological or geological event then I will evacuate.
Discernment is everything..
Mental clarity is wealth..
Today I feel so strong and pain-free and it's f****** phenomenal but it was 8 years of suffering.
Do you really think the system can afford all of you guys to suffer for 8 years.
Some of you can't even handle a little bit of suffering much less 8 years of it..
So we have storms fires floods earthquakes and climate change and you'll have to figure it out what's best for you. Change your ways give yourself a leg up or not and thumb your nose at the system.
Everything has always been your choice and everything is in plain sight and they told you the truth about everything.
Nobody lied to you.
you just chose to resist and not believe and also you chose to mischaracterize and stay biased
you shot yourself in the foot
you had plenty of time to study my information plus everybody else's and make a choice.
But some of you even laughed at me. You even said I went back and sold out.
No I didn't.
I just chose to understand the other side of the story.
You shot yourself in the foot.
You had time the time awhile ago to start the process and you laughed at me and who's to say if you had a chance and maybe it's too late.
I don't even know.
But today could be the first day of the rest of your life or the last..
There's nothing like catastrophe to get people moving.. there's nothing like an untimely death of a child or an adult to get people to wake up and the survivors will either blame somebody or something or self-reflect.
You will always have a choice how you choose to react to catastrophe and trauma.
Some people will keep making the same mistakes repeating the same mistakes until those mistakes destroy them.
And you can't tell them what those mistakes are because they wouldn't see it that way.
Choose your poison
The idiom "choose your poison" is used to describe a situation where someone has to make a difficult choice between two undesirable options. For example, at work, someone might have to choose between being partners with a difficult coworker or with their boss.
I chose the "poison" of suffering and eating all food because someone else would not want to suffer and they hate most food.
Everything is relative
Some people will go back to the system because they have the knowledge but no fear and no ignorance. And they know the system must do what it does. No more resistance. They're now just staying out of harm's way.
And the Paradox is going back to the system by staying home and staying safe and not playing the traditional games. It's not doing what people are doing living in ignorance and staying traditional and resistance. Even the main streamers are in ignorance in resistance and staying traditional. No different than many of these conspiracy people in resistance.
The ones who finally made it back to the system but do not look like everyone else out there in resistance playing the mainstream or the conspiracy game, they might f****** make it..
but there are so many layers to making it. Just reach whatever layer is comfortable for you..
I'm very glad I was adopted. I was given the chance to survive. There was no guarantee.
But I had an excellent platform
They were modifying the weather a long time ago. Everything is safe and effective until your body cannot handle safe and effective. Food was never poison. You just couldn't handle food. Nobody ever lied to you. You just didn't believe or you chose to lie to yourself and mischaracterize everything.
All businesses in the medical holistic system will not shoot themselves in the foot and give you more information than you need.
So if you choose to (not) believe and you choose to mischaracterize and you choose to only listen to one side of the story through the use of your own fear and through the fear of your friends and family and even the professionals then yeah you have been psyopped.
That's something you're going to have to face one day when you choose to face all the psychological operations you did to your friends and family as well as what was done to you by your friends and family and Society.
One day you will actually wake up from waking up. Sometimes woke is not enough.
People who claim they're woke are still under the influence sleeping like a baby until they can't ignore the elephant inside their own bedroom.
The woke people kept proving the patents that were changing the weather so no one lied to you because the patents traced all the way back to the 1900s. So who's lying??
The woke people are showing you that they have to develop nanotechnology and artificial intelligence because you keep developing children who can't handle air food and water or growing their own organs.
Some kids are deteriorating faster than they're growing up
They told you climate change was going to happen. You as a chemtrail activist gave everyone the proof it was in the works since way before you were born even before your grandparents were born.
Probably way before the greatest generation.
And they told you that even the Vietnam War was a training grounds for climate change and aggressive weather.
Who is they?
The others..
It's nice to be around "others" who don't let you face the reality. Government paid friends. They get paid by the government to stay homogenized and closing their ears to another truth.
It's harder to face reality on your own because facing reality with people and friends and family is completely destructive and when somebody finally shows the reality of the world, they are let go.
That's why friends come and go because if you can't keep the illusion up, you can't be friends.
There's always new Illusions to be friends with and another person to take the place of someone else who couldn't keep up with your illusions.
Everyone is replaceable. Everyone is.
and that's why you get domestic violence. As well as murder suicide
Because people are fighting the reality which finally came to surface.
Both men and women nowadays are not prepared for 18 years of servitude to a child who may or may not survive or even give the return on the investment.
Some people can't even handle a puppy or a dog and it's already at the shelter waiting for another owner..
Be glad there are others who will take the bullets for you for a minute until you can handle the bullets on your own.
If you choose not to believe or to believe you've made your choice. You've made your bed and now you must sleep in it.
The proof was always in plain sight you just had to know where to look and if you didn't then you had the choice to believe or not believe.
I believe it all and I don't pretend anymore. I can't live in Fantasyland. I don't live in false illusions because it never served me and it was deadly to me. When you do live a lie you feel like an actor in your own movie. And that's a horrible way to go through life.
People hate you because they still want the protection of the ignorance and the safety of the system. Your truth is dangerous to them. I don't blame people for hating me
I ripped off the Band-Aid a long time ago
Expect people to hate you when you rip off the Band-Aid, letting the truth bleed and pus
but you had to finally face the world but not everybody can and sometimes even the people who rip off the Band-Aid can't afford to but they also can't afford to live a lie so they're kind of screwed and so are the people they're trying to wake up.
Like two peas in a pod..
And it becomes another dichotomous predator and prey. So I just stay home and stay safe. And let the woke people rip off their friends and Family's Band-Aids and then wonder why everyone's bleeding.
If you're going to rip off the Band-Aid don't expect anyone to want to hang out with you and I completely understand that.
Now it's time to stay home stay safe and realize it's too late even for you if you can't figure out how to save yourself. And admit they told you the truth even before you were born.
You just chose not to believe it.
Activist who like to hang out together:
By the way if you get a bunch of people who want to hang out with you it is because you have a common goal then you didn't say enough truth to make them even hate your truth.
Popularity is just telling people what they want to hear and giving them what they want.
Sometimes it's ignorance or you coming off as a savior giving them absolution..
Religion has never left activism it just developed another con text
Franklin Delano Roosevelt made it rain during one of his speeches around saving the Farmland because of the Dust Bowl
Yes, it rained during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (FDR) speech on the Dust Bowl during his second trip to the area. A clip of the speech is available on PBS, which shows rain following FDR.
And so the Great Migration West helped Cannery Row and California build the Orchards and Innovation and Hollywood and then middle of America became the Great basket of food and the core agricultural land
Big Agra was born
New deal farm and agricultural land
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), commonly known by his initials FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. The longest serving U.S. president, he is the only president to have served more than two terms.
Weather Modification Patents
1891 – US462795A – method of producing rain-fall
1914 – US1103490A – rain maker (balloon images)
1917 – US1225521A – protection from poisonous gas in warfare
1920 – US1338343A – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists
1924 – US1512783A – composition for dispelling fogs
1927 – US1619183A – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft
1928 – US1665267A – process of producting artificial fogs
1932 – US1892132A – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts
1933 – US1928963A – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails)
1934 – US1957075A – airplane spray equipment
1936 – US2045865A – skywriting apparatus
1936 – US2052626A – method of dispelling fog (mit)
1937 – US2068987A – process of dissipating fog
1939 – US2160900A – method for vapor clearing
1941 – US2232728A – method and composition for dispelling vapors
1941 – US2257360A – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive
1946 – US2395827A – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture)
1946 – US2409201A – smoke-producing mixture
1949 – US2476171A – smoke screen generator
1949 – US2480967A – aerial discharge device
1950 – US2527230A – method of crystal formation and precipitation
1951 – US2550324A – process for controlling weather
1951 – US2570867A – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric)
1952 – US2582678A – material disseminating apparatus for airplanes
1952 – US2591988A – production of tio2 pigments (dupont)
1952 – US2614083A – metal chloride screening smoke mixture
1953 – US2633455A – smoke generator
1954 – US2688069A – steam generator
1955 – US2721495A – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (general electric)
1956 – US2730402A – controllable dispersal device
1957 – US2801322A – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel
1958 – US2835530A – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog
1959 – US2881335A – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!)
1959 – US2903188A – control of tropical cyclone formation
1959 – US2908442A – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds
1960 – US2962450A – fog dispelling composition (see references)
1960 – US2963975A – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet
1961 – US2986360A – aerial insecticide dusting device
1962 – US3044911A – propellant system
1962 – US3056556A – method of artificially influencing the weather
1964 – US3120459A – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts
1964 – US3126155A – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingredient)
1964 – US3127107A – generation of ice-nucleating crystals
1964 – US3131131A – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions
1965 – US3174150A – self-focusing antenna system (haarp)
1966 – US3257801A – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminum additive and binder
1966 – US3234357A – electrically heated smoke producing device
1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hydroscopic smoke
1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp)
1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus
1967 – US3338476A – heating device for use with aerosol containers
1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump
1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker
1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispensor pod having self-sealing ejection tubes
1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force)
1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminum (dupont)
1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds
2001 -US20030085296A1 - Hurricane and tornado control device
compiled by
Natural killer T cells have to look so enticing to attract its prey. That's why it's so hard to cure people because the prey become extremely adept at sidestepping the intent of the natural killer T cells and lymphocytes and even the medication aiming to make your immune system stronger at destroying what they think is the enemy
Serial killers especially gorgeous ones at that are an advanced natural killer T cell.
Their aim is to destroy from within..
So the more gorgeous you want to be and the more gorgeous you want your children to be you're setting them up to be not only a victim but also a predator.
It's EXTREMELY dangerous being gorgeous in this society because you could be attracting predators or you could also become a predator because you were victimized..
Predators were once victims at some point in their life and then they became destroyers..
And I'm sure the aggressive testosterone doesn't help temper their volcanic emotions.
And I'm sure the estrogen the extreme estrogen doesn't help these women temper their emotions or have discernment on who they choose to sleep with.
And when you know this oh my gosh it'll be so obvious in your society. And I don't know if you can change the way you do things. Some of you are backed into a corner regurgitating platitudes
Now watch all these mothers and grandmothers advertise their hot daughters and sons on the internet just waiting for some predator to snatch them up. Now you see why the family can be the first human traffickers. They do it with their own sons and daughters.
Maybe it's time to put your t!ts and @ss away mothers and start respecting your body and stop selling sexuality making your children and you a Target.
You advertising a flat stomach just shows how superficial you are especially when you advertise it all over Facebook as if you want young girls out there to become casualties of this extremely deadly sexual War a family and friends and human trafficking
You hope these kids survive the lessons and many won't they'll end up being missing or brutalized to the point where they can't function. That's what you're developing in our society. So we get to watch it. It's already pretty bad.
So no I'm not impressed with how gorgeous your kids are or how gorgeous your sons and daughters are. Are they Destroyers? Are they future victims turning into future predators?
Beauty and gorgeousness can be so deceptive to the point of deadly..
Wade Wilson is the most gorgeous woman killer out there and his looks were deceptive.. and many women were caught in his web. Many men will be caught in some of these deadly women's web of deception
beauty is deceptive..
how many mothers will push their daughters into relationships with men who look great on paper and on the outside.. MANY MOTHERS WILL PUSH THEIR DAUGHTERS INTO THIS TYPE OF SITUATION AND GLORIFY IT AND GAIN SOCIAL CAPITAL.
AGGRESSIVE SEXUALITY HAS TURNED BOTH MEN AND WOMEN INTO DESTROYERS.. IT IS BAD OUT THERE.. it is extremely dangerous and when you put together a gorgeous woman and a hot guy and they both are deadly and then have a child on top of that then you have domestic violence and then murder suicide.
The system had to show you and there's going to be a lot of casualties because of ignorance and superficiality and rampant reproduction
And the more manly the man is the more deadly he could be if he didn't have something else to temper his destructive tendencies.
The porn industry of brutalizing women on film and even killing them on film has turned a lot of men into sexual Destroyers..
You also had to see that. You have to see how deadly it can be behind closed doors
By the way you can be doing so much JJ's you cure those beasts within and you also keep your immune system closed which is why you're not seeing a difference in your thought process lifestyle and belief system and you might look hot and sexual at one point but eventually the Jay juice will cure you to the point of death because you didn't evolve and change.
I told you get off the JJ's you have to feel pain and suffering you have to eat and drink milk and meat and cheese and eggs and you have to face the pain. How can you regrow anything every 7 years when you're deteriorating aggressively in this environment.
But again you can't make people feel pain and suffering but I can't say doing Jj everyday so much even on a bigger person could be helpful because you could be curing your body so much you don't feel anything but again suffering is difficult but I can't tell you it's going to give you longevity if you cure things in your body.
You have to understand both sides. I understand relief but at some point you have to feel the pain or else eventual rest in peace.
Just remember everything in moderation because even if you were taking prescription drugs you would still have to wean off of them..
The Jay juice is a powerful way to help people manage but it can also be abused. There's no way to live life and not feel the pain of the past the present and the future.
Eventually you have to pay the piper.. but if you want to be 100% pain free okay but eventually that will also end up in rest in peace.
I warned you..
And the filters on people are not helping you see the truth.
The filters make everything you're doing look okay
Sometimes you have to look like a beast to earn the beauty and the balance in the future and that's all relative ..
I looked very beastly in a lot of my videos because I was going through a major change. That's facing the past present and future and no you're not going to look hot and sexual or desirable trying to sell an image or a lifestyle.
If anything people will be repulsed and they should because you're releasing demons..
Beauty is very deceptive. Aggressive sexual beauty is extremely deceptive..
Sometimes I do long for the past when I looked so cute in the '90s and mid 2ks
but those days are long gone and now I have the wisdom not the sexuality to hide behind.
Is it really hiding
sometimes wisdom will be the first thing people see not your beauty or sexuality.
If people respond to your beauty or "ugly" then they're pretty superficial.
If they respond to your wisdom they might have a chance.
How will you know
oh you know by the responses you get from people.. they will comment on your looks and say you look beautiful or ugly. Which means they don't hear anything you're saying and they have no aptitude for wisdom or words..
could my focus on beauty be also called superficiality?
When you know that was how the system developed people to destroy from within while selling you a product or religion politics science in Body Mind and Spirit.
The future we will determine what is appropriate based upon so many factors that only time willll tell you if those factors are credible or not and those factors will be based upon your intention and desired outcome.
Some people have to sell you their position of authority and so they must look the part for the general population to keep the balance. Other people will have the freedom to fluctuate and they may not look like everybody else because they must evolve with society and that means changing and looking ghastly every 50 years
vaccines have been purified from all the heavy metal, plant based, animal dna.. and only human dna are left in them developing antibodies
safer than your insecticide ivermectin or tinctures..
you just had to release the demons of disease housed in the inserts.. if you could not.. that is why the side effects were listed on the inserts...
And people are dying suddenly because they can't release any demons within regardless if they were vaccinated or not. And of course all the Herbal Remedies and holistic alternatives are just compounding the problem no different than the Pharmaceuticals and prescription medications and over the counter drugs and supplements and of course the Cannabis makes it even worse but whatever. I'm sure your Ayahuasca retreats aren't helping..
I will take MRNA in my food I don't need a vaccine But this is how the system is developing the future human race. You are nanotechnology for the future.
If you can't handle disease it's not going to matter what you do. Disease is the evolution and it is the change. But your children and you are the future nanotechnology for the vaccines for the future children. Gains of function.. gaining function
I never did the vaccine but boy was I suffering the last 3 years releasing those demons of my lifestyle and belief system and all the remedies I did even in the beginning of the jilly juice world and before that
If you can survive death and dying then you just eat the food to keep gaining more function of the future. And when the system develops children they will have all the technology in one shot.
And that's how it works.. and they will feed and eat and release and very carefully treat their disease so they're not suffering too much. All of us were and are the experiments. I hope you survive them
Full circle and I understand the system and I'm out good luck to you guys
Aliens are immunological foreign entanglements and that could also be a subspecies or species outside of their immediate universe. I can never say aliens or UFOs don't exist outside the Milky Way galaxy because they very well could exist outside made from the same type of DNA with different strengths and weaknesses and adaptability because of the environment
you could be sober but not "clean" because the antibodies are skewing your perceptions..
how do you know when the antibodies are not controlling your perceptions about life?
one day you will know..
can you be clean and but not sober, no.. when you're under the influence you're not clean
can you be sober but not clean, yes.. that is called pain and suffering.. you're still releasing demons which is skewing your perceptions and that is a suffering
The pain and suffering can cloud your judgment or give you a major mental clarity..
Only you know which side of that coin you stand on
And when you have a family or want to be a mother or you're highly sexualized or All About Love and Hate and everything else
you're being run by antibiotic demons and some are nicer to be around than others
When you're free of foreign entanglements you'll know because you'll understand where I'm coming from and you won't even have to advertise it.
Because no one around you is going to understand.
Hardly anyone understands me if at all
Maybe one or two or 3 mothers know where I'm coming from.
But they are releasing their demons
Infertility and not aging or dying from preventable diseases is 100% clean and sober.
You were sold that fertility was healthy no it's actually extremely unhealthy and destructive
You have no room to be critical of me when you're not 100% clean and sober and purified
That also means clean of antibodies causing aggressive sexual reproduction and identification and orientation as well as cancer disease and chronic illness and autoimmune disorders.
It's the antibodies that are torturing you giving you your belief system medical diagnosis and your family friends and whole society and also your aggressive sexuality causing you to sell Beauty and sexuality and violence and sometimes sexual violence and even aggressive love. As well as your politics religion and Science and need to be around people and animals and children
Even the Puritans weren't as pure as they claim to be. They were all about sexual reproduction as well.
Colonial families often had eight or more children. Puritans believed that parents must instill self-control in their children, so they would accept the discipline of the Lord. Reading, important for understanding the Bible, was generally taught at home. There was no official school in the Colony until the 1670s.
if you are not 100% clean and sober and whole, you have no room to blame anyone.