I would like to remind the activists who are against Bill Gates and air food and water that somebody gave you a reason to blame Bill Gates and the air food and water.
If you didn't have Bill Gates or the air food and water to blame you would find somebody to blame and so the system did you a solid. They gave you your arguments of blame.
So before you say I'm indoctrinated remember you suppress your own immune system with all the different natural and synthetic remedies thus disabling your immune system and then claim you don't do vaccines because you have an immune system.
Indoctrination indeed..
The vaccines were always supposed to activate your immune system. Severity of sickness is relative. And so the question is
did you die?
And if you did not die then maybe it's time to explore the food supply.
Because evidently the cures market was never supposed to keep you well. They were the thin dam that was the difference between your life and all out destruction. And when you get to that point when you have that thin line between life and death it just takes the seasons to change and the wind blowing and then the dam breaks..
And all of those diseases on the inserts are representative of everyone in your society and the different Generations you live among that you will inevitably be exposed to or hold within
why is death on the insert..?
Because some of us are cyclically closer to death than others. And anytime the seasons change whether it's spring allergy season or cold and flu season or cancer someone will inevitably succumb to the change regardless.
And those who get extremely sick or get adverse reactions to their environment or any kind of therapy regardless was always cyclically closer to death than others.
That's why some people don't have any reactions and why other people have aggressive reactions. It's a matter of how close to death you are and how much Evolution you need to withstand backed by everything in the food supply.
Nobody can afford to starve and you can't make a kids suffer that's why my information is for adults only..
And back in July 2022 both my husband and I experienced an extreme aggressive reaction to the diseases we held within and that's why both of us were almost at death's door.
He was afraid he was going to die and so was I but we both pulled through.
He was able to handle NyQuil because he had a lot more substance than I did and I had to resort to my methodology and it was not using my juice.
I had to leverage both my upper and lower immune system to release the pressure so I didn't f****** die.
I've been the most sick the last 5 years because I have been closer to death than most people. And when you have been closer to death than most you can sense when someone is trying to hurt you spiritually immunologically and physically.
But as you know over time anytime you use over the counter drugs or natural remedies or Pharmaceuticals they will eventually not work anymore and they will work against you and everything is relative to intention and expectation.
Eventually you're going to have to go literally organic and that doesn't mean eat organic food or eat s*** and die.
You literally have to understand the power of suffering and eating food and understanding to your upper and lower immune system.
And the system knew eventually we would learn this the hard way and we are.
And remember you cannot make anyone suffer to live or die. This information is for adults only who have discernment
We've had vaccines ever since beginning of the baby boom and all of a sudden the vaccines are poison?
No, this is some aggressive f***** up climate change and it's f****** people up until you figure out how to deal with this energy.
Your immune system is undergoing aggressive barometric pressure squeezing as the temperatures and pressure rises and falls. Because every winter, and I've been here ever since 2010 and then consistently since 2014, it's been cold and it stays cold and I've never had to deal with such aching joints.
But, climate change is causing my blood vessels and tendons to expand and contract consistently.
And it's like the energy is causing my immune system to exercise and I don't have to move a f****** muscle.
That's enough to put anyone in the insane asylum if they don't understand what's going on and it also causes wear and tear if people don't understand how to feed the energy and release the demons.
And so when you start feeling sick and seeing everybody getting sick it's because the climate keeps changing.
You're not getting 3 months of consistent changed weather 4x a year such as winter spring summer fall. We are experiencing spring in the middle of winter, and we're experiencing extremely hot hot days in the middle of summer and experiencing summer in the middle of spring. And it's not just hot and cold and warm and wet there's also a third force which is particle acceleration that is making everything even more damaging. That's consistent with climate change.
And the term climate change has a lot of different contexts based upon seismic and Volcanic and the ever moving jet stream which has been moving so much since 2019-2020
And you can see different landscapes and geographies based upon the weather and the climate. And when the climate changes in different areas some animals and some people don't survive because they don't have the adaptation ability to change with the weather and the climate.
That's why the dinosaurs became extinct and why the Giants were eradicated even if you think they've never existed because there are some people who think Giants and dinosaurs never existed.
And then we have people who think dinosaurs never existed but the Giants did
Before we expected cold and flu season and then spring allergy season.
Now all year round we're getting cold and flu season and spring allergy season and people cannot tell the difference anymore what kind of sickness they have.
I have people on their Facebook asking if anyone else is experiencing allergy season.
Why would they ask that in the middle of December?
Why do you think we have deadly RSV infections going on all over the world. Yes it's an RSV infection which people say is normal but it's RSV infection on f****** turbo steroids.
And also maybe because the unseasonable warmth is a f****** people up.
And with this particle acceleration and climate change everyone's immune system is living on their sleeve. The microbes are jumping from person to person increasingly faster than ever before.
They're riding those frequencies.
That's why the microbes are a lot more aggressive and deadly and that's why you're seeing turbo cancers.
Remember everything is physics.
You can have particles but they have to have catalysts of energy to accelerate.
What's in motion stays in motion
what's at rest stays at rest
and for every action there's an equal or opposite reaction.
It's all laws of motion.
The system never lied to you.
They were right up front with you right off the f****** bat. And they definitely let you believe and let you feed into the fears of air food water and vaccines and of course promoting anti-government protocols such as your activist people. They weren't going to educate you on the laws of motion or physics or chemistry or entropy or thermodynamics.
Even if they did try to educate you you would disregard any kind of Education because it would not fit within your narrative..
If you were knowledgeable you wouldn't have to believe or disbelieve. All belief is based upon ignorance.
And even if you think you know, it doesn't matter what you think you know because what you think you know may not be what is unless you can prove it with the laws of science and physics and chemistry and math and English.
Find the laws that prove your theories. And just because something is poison in one context doesn't mean that it fits within your narrative or context.
Fluoride alone is not poisonous. Your environment is made up of all the elements on the periodic tables and guess what fluoride is part of the periodic tables that's all over your f****** environment. You have trace minerals in your body. Some of you hate to release demons so you hold on to a lot of trace minerals that are more than just trace minerals.
Poison is determined by how much parts per million is enough to cause an aggressive immune system reaction such as developing antibodies of protection as well as the intention of it .. all outcomes determine its levels of poison or efficacy based upon the intention of administrator or the receiver.
The administrator has processes and protocols they go through and the receiver is also responsible for how they receive anything based upon an intention.
And since you don't understand how to receive things you have to see a doctor to give you permission to receive something regardless of what it is in the health and wellness industry
And when people get caught up in words and make assumptions because they believed the stories around the words then you have a population who will easily develop a new religion of hate or love
And ignorance causes people to believe someone or disbelieve someone.
And when you deal with an ignorant population you have people who live on faith and hope with absolutely no basis in science.. and they will always choose to believe or disbelieve whatever confirms their biases because somebody provided them an excellent argument they could not refuse.
That's why religion can shape a society in whatever direction it wants.
And that's why these gurus make a f****** killing.
Ignorance was always their best customer