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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Can You Survive Aggressive Chakra Manipulation?

They have a type of machine that acts like the Large Hadron Collider

Men's sacral chakras have been manipulated through the medical system through circumcision which wakes up the demon way before they even know what that means

And then the music and the movies and the video games also alter their third eye which means over time those demons become out of control which is also why girls get pregnant at a very young age. And then women who have had those demons wake up at an early age become literally out of control and hard to control especially once she has children. It will take a very strong woman to regain whatever she lost through pregnancy.

Because that baby mangled up her lower chakras. And she had to give a lot of her chakras to keep that baby intact and then she had to find a way to regain some of her life back that was lost during that process

The crown chakra influenced by the COVID is altering people's personalities and you have to be strong enough for the crown chakra to be woken up and going through a purge.

The system is systematically waking up all of our different chakras because the serpents of colonies through the microbes have enveloped their way all over our innermost core and releasing those demons are brutal.

They fight when you are trying to push them. Which means you have to be stronger than those serpent demons within and it could be so small not seen through the naked eye.

The last 8 years when I was water falling I would see pods of corn nuts with little tiny serpent tadpoles attached almost as if it was many sperms and an egg still fused together.

I was also seeing a type of weblike substance come out of my body especially when my body could hardly move and I had to really get those demons out.

It was like a mycoplasma. Like a blanket of fungus.

But you can't attack the fungus with antifungals or else you'll make the fungus in your body stronger and you need fungus because that's yeast and that is one of the major platforms for your DNA to send messages to different parts of your body.

People literally screw themselves by taking so many antifungals because they think that's the only problem when they have 39 trillion of other microbes that are not in the fungi Kingdom

Any kind of insecticide will piss them off so that's why I had to open up both ends of my chakra points of the alimentary canal and it was literally releasing demons on both ends. It's like an exorcism but my head was not spinning around.

And milk was my best friend because it gave me the Arsenal to blow out the demons through the mucus from the milk because the milk has fat and the amino acids and other nutrients and I also had an Arsenal to release demons down there through the milk. Oatmeal and milk and gluten and sugar and all food is the carrier force of nutrients in and gives you substance to carry out the demons

A strong immune system means you have a lot of serpent demons to deal with because they develop a resistance and they don't want to leave their host. You must have a strong body coupled with a strong immune system so that way both of you find a happy medium but you will each let each other win occasionally.

If you're stronger than your immune system the resistance will destroy you. If your immune system is stronger than you the resistance will destroy you.

Literally getting your Humanity back that isn't possessed by the serpent demons snaking away through your core is a brutal process. And it's like the different heads of Medusa.. which is also why it's good to know what people are in for so that way you stay away when people are going through those heads of Medusa

A coronavirus is one that can affect both birds and mammals (including humans) and is so named because of the spikes on the surface of the virus (corona means “crown” in Latin).

According to the New Testament, Jesus' captors placed a woven crown of thorns on his head as part of the events leading up to his crucifixion. The crown was intended to cause Jesus pain and mock his claim to authority, particularly his title as "King of the Jews". The crown is considered one of the instruments of the Passion and a symbolic reminder of Jesus' suffering to redeem his people.

The headaches the last 8 years was probably the most brutal redemption..


It makes sense

it does. Which probably means women might be smarter over time if they don't have a lot of children and if they do have a lot of kids they better be eating to regain the intelligence back they lost.

Seminal conservation without fasting could actually give men more lifelines if they can handle the pain and suffering. They would have to release demons through their butt and skin and armpits and everything else and pee and sweat. But not through their pollinator

I stand for humans. And I never say anyone is subhuman.

If you stopped listening to your parents telling you that certain people are less than human we wouldn't have government urging you to go to war against those who thinks certain people are less than human. The fact that you repeat those fallacies that certain people are less than human gives power to the government to make you right. If we all got along and learned how to keep our powers under control not develop so much chaos through family the system wouldn't have to regulate human life so it doesn't become out of control and then extinct itself.

I believe in life but sometimes there must be a regulatory system called your government to make sure human life doesn't go back to the caveman days or destroy itself through ignorance and lack of Tolerance.

I would never ever put my life in the hands of an adolescent or a grown up adolescent with less than 100 Years of life experience as well as less than 100 Years of knowledge. Even that just scratches a surface. Sometimes you need a collective body of people with over 6,000 years of knowledge.

And I would never put my life in the hands of some influencer who thinks they understand 6,000 years of knowledge filtered through their perceptions and biases and even their lack of nutrition

And I would never put my life in the hands of some influencer on Facebook who's only been on this Earth for less than a hundred years radicalized by their own government who gave them every single argument they have that they're making money from.

So just because a person has a license doesn't mean they're coming from a neutral perspective. If anything they're so biased because they were made to be that way from their government and from their own parents. To have a license you must be biased towards a specific thought process. That's why the system is changing. That's why people are having trouble with doctors and nurses and healing modalities because those days are numbered.

To regurgitate script from any text doesn't take a whole lot of thinking or thought process. Because you're very good at regurgitating lines from a script doesn't mean you fully understand the big picture even if you think you know from 6,000 years ago with that script was intending.

Because the people who gave you the perspective gave you their biases on how to read this script that you are regurgitating daily with people following you daily attracted to your hormones..

Give a man a little bit of knowledge above others and they become prophet making a profit..

Follow the money and the social capital and you will get another culture that will inevitably evolve and some don't survive evolution

People don't need to be saved or rescued they just need access to their power.

Well they got to stop giving it away for one thing.

And then they need to learn how to retain the life-giving power and release the demons

Seven chakras

7 days in a week of creation

7 Seconds of death

There's always somebody with a license who will want to commandeer your chakras.

You must have discernment to understand if you can survive chakra manipulation by a third-party.

I went through a battery of chakra manipulation from the government my peers and even voluntarily through the military.

And releasing those demons the last eight years was brutal

And children are subjected to a lot of abuse to their chakras based upon the medical holistic energy healing world..

They're not allowed to say no to anything and they're forced into Therapies and they're not allowed to suffer either.

So literally they're screwed. And they don't have enough life experience to understand how to battle the demons.

And that's why a lot of children will be dying suddenly in the future because the environment will be too much for them and they don't have enough life experience to understand what they have to do to survive even their friends and family and the culture they live in.

Remember they're trying to keep up with their peers and they can't handle air food and water or pain and suffering for that matter. And neither can their parents.

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