Change the matter you change the mind
Organic is starvation and genetically modified is more advanced.
And that's what spring cleaning and fall cleanup and winter hibernation is and then summer is life.
People who survive on organic are living extremely simply and I would say for all intents and purposes very simple minded and so are their children.
They can't handle surviving the air food and water and the environment and that's why they're dying suddenly and suffering astronomically with parents who cannot handle air food and water and are extremely predatory
and they're going back to the caveman times. They're trying to make the system cater to the lowest common denominator. That's why you get all these Food and Drug recalls because the humans out there are deteriorating aggressively. And so the system has to cater to the lowest common denominator.
So we have people who can only eat organic destroy themselves with starvation and I'll have to spend more money on organic food to make up the difference that genetically modified food would give me. Gmo is far more cost-effective and advanced than some piddly organic b******* people are selling because they're f****** starving
And right now we are in the season of fall cleanup and you will see the fall of society and the fall of humanity. But they'll go through their different seasons to give people like me a chance
I used the example of a bear. The Bear spends their summer eating food and looking for a place to hibernate. The fall is when they're preparing their nest to hibernate for the winter. Spring is when you should be regenerating and releasing demons and giving birth to yourself but the bear gives birth to baby bears in the springtime and spends the summer making sure her children become relatively independent.
And that's why you have spring cleaning and fall cleanup summer life and winter hibernation and hopefully you've done enough in the summer so you can survive the winter. People die suddenly over the winter because they didn't have enough body to give them that platform to survive the winter. Now watch people in California right now in Lake Tahoe get snow. During August..
Remember how I was trying to feed my dog so much milk and canned babyfood meat and have her go through the process of release at least twice a day because I knew that was the answer, well it is the answer for humans as well.
And that's what I'm doing with my body and I know how to release retain and rest and feel pain and suffering.
And I'm getting stronger and even more strategic with each climate change which is basically extreme dips and rises in the temperature barometric pressure.
Because that's what you're dealing with, is high pressure and low pressure and that is what is causing your blood pressure to rise and drop which is why people are dying suddenly as well. They can't handle the extreme highs and lows because everything is a transition. You can't jump from one world to another without transitioning.
So with my dog sugar, I had to have the infrastructure to support that process and I had to basically pick her up to go downstairs to go to the restroom because she couldn't pee in the bathroom on the towels because she wasn't trained to do that. I also didn't have the support system to keep her alive as far as eating and releasing.
And I was suffering as well. And everybody who knew what I was doing was freaking out and I don't blame you.
We were in uncharted territory
not so much anymore.
But we were back then
That's what people will be doing with their kids. They will be begging for them to eat if they even are f****** aware if not people will just pretend everything is pleasure and paradise until people fall over dead and that's kind of how it's going to happen
People will be fighting for them to eat food and they will be resisting .
Once you realize how important meat milk and cheese and eggs and everything is you'll want your kids to eat and to catch up but you can't hurry up a growth and development process
and so you hope that their lifestyle is not burning more energy because the environment is burning more energy than before and people don't know how to pull back and they're on their diets.
And even the obesity you have to bring in food the person doesn't normally eat especially milk because that will cause immune system activation and yeah you'll be sick and feel so bloated and then you'll feel the pressure down there and hopefully you have the infrastructure to support releasing those demons.
There's such thing as milk waterfalls too but remember people have issues with dealing with aggressive release so that must be done very carefully no different than weaning yourself back on the salt supply. That's another transition.
And the last three years I have been coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose to leverage the pressure up here to blow out down there and get my bowels moving
The medical and holistic system did a number on many people for so many reasons and at this point you really can't blame anyone but find a way to reverse your starvation.
Many of you most of you are like starving Ethiopians and you can't cold turkey get off your addictions or wean yourself back on to milk meat cheese eggs gluten salt fruits and vegetables.
Eating ALL food and releasing demons is reverse engineering the death process and it's brutal.
When you eat like you're in 8G not 1G your body will retain and release what it deems appropriate. I hope you can handle the process..
And so when the system employs Robert F Kennedy Jr to go after genetically modified well one should have the choice to eat genetically modified because you're an advanced human you should also have an option for organic for non-advanced humans. 🤣🤣
But you're going to see the takedown a lot of people because they can't handle vaccines or the food supply. The system will give people choices but I'm sticking to my milk and meat and cheese and eggs and even processed food when need be and I will choose to eat anything modified when it's appropriate.
I just hope Robert F Kennedy Jr doesn't starve out people who need all of that food to survive‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I might have to buy a lot more organic to make up for what genetically modified gave me with so much condensed advanced nutrition.
Either way I invest in nutrition and I invest in food and fuel which is basically food for my body.
If I have to spend a lot more money on food because I have to buy now 10 ingredients in separate forms charging a whole lot more versus one package processed food with 10 ingredients under one price then whatever.
But that's what the organic industry has done it's f***** people so royally.
So when you're all about eating one ingredient it'll be so cheap
And if I need 10 ingredients then I have to buy 10 separate ingredients when I could have bought just one food with 10 ingredients.
Starving people love to pass on their deficiencies and inadequacies to everyone they can. I know what I'm in for whatever.
But that's fine because of those who are in starvation eating their supplements and holistic remedies are going to take themselves out
but I want you to the logic of what you're doing. I want you to see your own logic of your belief system developing your own death and blaming somebody else
So you'll see the Republicans clean up the streets and even sanitize your food to the point where there is no nutrition and it's so simple and well we'll see what happens with that.
I'm just getting out of the public because the more the energy is so aggressive and changing so drastically and the more people are eating their organic b******* the more starving and predatory they'll become and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire when someone supernovas themselves out of existence.
Which is ALSO why at some point 15 minute cities will be a safety zone because you'll have so much law enforcement controlling those who are completely out of their f****** mind protesting when they should be f****** eating and releasing at home 😳😳😳😳
Every year it is the same. The system offering upgrades during climate change during the FALL people have issues with life and FOOD
My 1 of 4 cups of milk with egg dinner roll bre'fast sliders
I mixed coffe and vanilla oatmilk with my first cup of milk
So what I do with the food supply and with the milk is I do a spring summer winter fall cleaning. And it can happen many times in between each season change because the temperatures are so aggressive I have to keep acclimatizing to the changing conditions. Which is why I didn't go fishing yesterday. It was too hot. It wasn't too hot for my husband. But I knew it was too hot for me.
My gut is the environment that must change to acclimate to the changing conditions in politics religion science and the weather
People might say summer is normal and of course it is.
But it's the other energy that people are not aware of and it's the aggressive Heat and 91° for almost a whole week is pretty bad. Then they're having a Half Marathon today. This is not good. Athletes are already dropping like flies and this is just going to make it worse
Kids are going back to school in classrooms with no air conditioning and people say we didn't have air conditioning back then. We also started school after Labor Day and we weren't in climate change. These kids have a lot more to deal with. Many of these kids are gluten-free living on food allergies mother's shoving holistic remedies down their throat everyday and the intense heat will destroy them.
You think this is bad now with all the different died suddenly and people blaming it on the vaccine. It's the lack of food and the aggressive UNRELENTING heat and the malnutrition is what's going to destroy these children and adults especially when they haven't changed their lifestyle.
And over here it's the Football Hall of Fame and so we have so many athletes and young kids trying to be AN athlete and oh this is really crazy..
During this aggressive climate change from cold to hot my armpits were opening up literally and they were raw but that was just my left side and not my right side. And then I purposely after I did my chores yesterday and literally cleaned the house I drank about a half a quart of milk because I knew my body had to release and I knew I had to gain more fat for this heat and release because I already felt some weird s*** going on and so I purposely gave my immune system the Arsenal and then release Demons of course and that was crazy and ate a steak and potatoes and corn. And even after releasing some demons yesterday I still had some this morning.
Nothing too extraordinary but every single climate change I'm going to have to do that and when I see the weather changing I know I'm going to have to bring on an arsenal milk and feel the climate change in my body and I was bloated. I could feel my stomach getting bigger and bigger developing the pressure to release. And then every time I eat oh my gosh never trust a fart. And boy was I farting and it was great.
I Googled how much milk should an adult have daily and they said about four cups a day. So space it out especially if you haven't conditioned yourself to drink milk.
But here's the thing you can't do what I'm doing if you haven't conditioned yourself to eat meat milk cheese eggs fruits and vegetables and if you're under a doctor's care you have to ask them to help you wean yourself back onto the food supply. I'm just giving you my experience with it that milk and food is the answer but if you have food allergies and your malnourished or over abundant which means you have so much immune system you have to figure out how much is too much and you have to make sure you condition both the upper and the lower immune system to open up.
And I can't tell you if you have what it takes but I'm giving you my experiences for those who might be in between situations who are already okay with meat milk cheese and eggs and it is a conditioning process to wean yourself back on the food supply when the system took you off the food supply and told you food was poison but it wasn't the system it was your peers who bought into one aspect of the systems population control in the holistic medical system.
And the first sign after drinking the milk was I had to really sneeze and once I started to snot up my nose and sneeze i knew it meant things had to push out at the bottom.
Both sides of my immune system the upper and the lower chakras are working correctly and I just had to wait for my immune system to process everything and I even made dinner until I had to go and make sure everything was good. This is how I acclimatize to the changing conditions and when it gets cold again I'll probably do the same thing.
Everyone out there is either selling their deficiency or efficiency and I can't tell you which one is appropriate for you. But I can assure you those to say that food is poison in the air is poison and the water is poison selling you special things are selling you their deficiencies and the system knew how to capitalize on people selling their perception with some kind of product attached to it with a spiritual spin on it..
They told you climate change is here and they warned you for at least 20 years. Now you have to figure out how to do the spring summer fall winter cleaning and some people don't have what it takes to switch to their summer gear or winter gear or fall gear because they don't have any reserves left. That's as allegorical as it's going to get in my world that's why you can't afford to be skinny. If you're bigger you have to play that carefully because the pressure need to be released and has to be done progressively..
And sometimes you will get spring summer winter fall in between spring summer winter fall. That's why you have to watch the weather temperatures and probably change your lifestyle and scale back
Wow 20 years ago..they were just beginning to boom.. i was there in 2003.. so much hope
Now bust..
China’s Social Security System consists of 5 mandatory insurance schemes (pension fund, medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance) + a housing fund (only applicable to Chinese employees).
Matter over the mind because one can't even brainwash themself to stay alive.. change the matter, you change the mind, give it time
Immune system activation waking up dormant viruses and that's what climate change does.. that's why you see turbo cancers.
Every single therapy and your exposure to diversity is a factor developing offspring that eventually organize and turn into a type of disease
The frequency of it is based upon the climate change and everything's a factor when it comes to immune system activation
you have to feed for this environment to release and retain
The Heat before it gets really cold
i have to respond: you only draw the line in the sand if someone is actively going into your house and abusing you..
climate change is not an act of war if they are telling you what they are doing in many different ways and warning you, giving your the choice to respond appropriate for you..
who are you actively drawing a line against???
choose you poison..
they did warn us..
And choosing your responses to people who are not talking to you but to the world also helps yourself clarify why the war is not out there
the war is in your own house and in your body Mind and Spirit which is why I can't wait to stop responding to the world and their suffering using politics religion and science to assuage their suffering
But the only reason why I respond is because I still am releasing my demons and understanding the world I live in. And im not done yet or I'd stop responding..
But I'm almost done because I think I've covered everything that I needed to cover for myself
to those preaching the gospel around sin and fornication:
you might have an issue with macrolevel fornication calling it sin and dirty, however..
using detoxes, and salt and even hanging out with your flock preaching your beliefs develops a microbial fornication of which you use herbs and use of excessive salt to hold the sin in or develop a "new sin" called offspring of antibodies to take away the pain of release, therefore "freezing" or curing the sin in your body, mind and spirit,
which can be just as sinful as community level fornication.
Because you're not releasing the demons.
even too much salt and water cures the body into constipation and starvation.
I see many people selling their salty concoctions based upon the ocean water and we know that salt cures the body and people get very skinny and they don't evolve and they get constipated And potentially even predatory and they're all about saying no to fornication and also telling people that certain foods are dirty thus starving themselves and their flock.
I don't see a lot of difference between Jewish and Christian extremists who are against food curing their disease inside of their body
And you also can cure a person's obesity by stopping the growth process but how are you releasing those demons. It's not enough to stop the growth how are you changing out that programming to develop something that isn't going to torture you later when it wakes up..?
And self-sabotage is like a suicide but it's incremental and that's a pretty deadly sin
can gospel preachers see it from the microbial point of view.. are they truly understanding that the sin people develop in human fornication started off in the
and then over time, all that microbial sin translated into politics, religion and science religion and family??
even gospel preachers are not immune to immunity aka microbial fertilization developing sexual orientation they are actively resisting, which is why the catholic church had their issues with sexuality, etc...
anyone actively getting immunized by their environment resisting evolution will eventually crack and find a way to act out their "sin"..
And that's where you get all the different sexual orientations and levels of sin which are acceptable based upon the current environment.
And so what does it all come down to.
Are you polite.
Do you pay your bills.
Are you open to all information.
At what point will we all stop being so damn religious pointing out each other's foibles
and we just live and Let Live and die if we choose to and not try to save anyone's body mind or spirit??
And not blame a person place or thing for why we are where we are?
And we're also not condemning anyone either.
And that includes myself.. I can't wait till I get off this f****** platform trying to save the world pointing out everything that is inconsistent
To finally just watch everyone be inconsistent and destroy themselves and then say see I told you so.
But I am so run by Duty DOOTIE🤣🤣 I must be so complete so that way I can watch myself and be so consistent, that I'm also confirming why it is I don't vote or play any of these binary argument games in politics relation science
When will we stop asking each other how to take the pain away?
When will we stop suffering so publicly that we force people to convert to take away our pain and die as well as themselves?
That's the question of the ages..
When will we stop asking the world to take pity on our lack of tolerance?
the family is the ouroboros.. the family cannibalizes each other.. so can you survive the family you live with???? or are they diminishing your ability to exist.. but everyone has a choice..
can you survive your husband/wife/ or wife wife or hubby hubby?? or mother son, or father daughter or father son and mom daughter
the system just give you the information, but they don't tell you how to respond to it.. it is your friends and family who are telling you how to respond to information aka BRAIN WASHING..
chew on that.
so why are you blaming the govt for died suddenly?? ohhh.. you forgot you took those pills and diets a minute
in essence, i may come off as pathologizing your lifestyle and beliefs, but that is not the case.
I am just pointing out the outcomes of "bad behaviors" and also one could be putting themselves in harms way based upon the climate of the world in politics, religion and science and here is another choice and option and also a "warning" of sorts..
you do what you do.. but one cannot claim ignorance if one has chosen to be aware of another perspective, regardless of where that perspective comes from.. you made a choice.. but, what prompted you to choose your politics, religion and science..
in essence, what is running your choices???
all resistance does NOT come from ignorance.. resistance comes from trying to process what is coming at that them at the time..
lack of reaction is lack of awareness.. dead.. deadly.
lack of reaction is a type of ignorance.. not aware of information coming at them..
like a zombie staring at you with blank eyes... they are not registering what you are saying, doing.. only reacting to lower chakras or the lowest rungs on maslow's ladder of hierarchy of needs.. food, sleep, sex, shelter .
What would happen if you keep climbing up the rungs of those ladders until you end up to be self-actualized without needing to be validated.
What would the world look like when you have 500 million or 300 million self-actualized people with 200 million people recycled in and out of society.
What if Society had 300 million completely amazing functioning stable people in society who stayed alive and evolved and changed
and then you have 200 million who are the entertainers and the temporary people hybridized into animals and whatever else and been given so much pleasure and paradise that they don't mind being the human sacrifice and the entertainment.
That's pretty much Hollywood and the entertainment industry and sometimes these orphans do end up to be in Hollywood and entertainment and even the scientists and politicians are examples of what not to do✌️
Is that ethical well everyone gets a choice maybe in the future or not..
Did these child stars get an option to opt out of what their parents forced them into. Not likely. That's why you hear so many horrible stories about Hollywood actors and actresses childhoods and what the system did to gain so much Capital out of forcing them to perform even against their will..
So then you can watch kids with their parents and watch what the parents forced their children into and then you see what happens when the kid goes off the deep end as an adult but then doesn't have what it takes to survive their friends and family and peers.
So the lay population doesn't even know what they don't even know.
So they have to keep themselves alive or let the system develop their whole infrastructure to keep the human race going and given a purpose..
So you're getting the choice you're choosing what roles your Society has offered to you .
And you could be a good actor or a bad actor or an aggressive reactor or a completely oblivious actor thinking everything is f****** organic and the system is trying to harm you. No they gave you options you just chose and didn't like the consequences of your own choices and you were given the information but you resisted which means that you weren't ignorant you just chose to resist the information they offered to you