Children are ghosts of the past who have has yet to learn the hard lessons..
It will take one adult who used to be a child to either reproduce another hard lesson and not survive and potentially not even their offspring or learn the lessons and survive.. there is no guarantee their offspring will survive the lessons out there.. as you're seeing it's extremely brutal
You will either learn the lessons of the past or you will keep reproducing the mistakes in the future until that whole genetic line is completely eradicated.
Sometimes you will intellectually learn the lessons and then physically later on learn them again and then rebuild the future. And there's no guarantee your children will survive the lessons you're learning. Because they have yet to learn their own lessons and if you haven't taught them it's not going to matter anyways. All reproduction of children are unlearned lessons of the past.
Once you actually learn the lessons of the past you will not want to have children or encourage anyone to have children. Because they will be lessons that will not be learned until the system forces people to learn the lessons and they don't survive them
The reality is your children are the lessons that weren't learned and they are the ghosts of the past. Somebody's got to be the future. Or nobody will be the future in your family
Military Memories_Shoulder/Backpack Pain
Every pain, suffering and dreams/nightmares comes from a memory you actively remember through the cells or they manifest at night through your dreams. Some of the memories are so painful people must medicate the pain away or try to carve out the cell memory, but those memories never go away. Pregnancy, cancer, disease, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders all come from painful memories which are continuously reproduced until the person essentially "stops the bleeding" and converts the "bad memories" into "good" memories.
I was lucky enough to remember everything and still not be traumatized too much from any memory because my parents did it right and I was in a relatively "safe" society in Silicon Valley, despite the riff raff across the railroad tracks.
I was lucky enough to get injured in sports and hate school and have an opinion about men, women, family, friends, society, politics, religion and science. I was lucky enough to travel during the Summer with my family and have Christmas Trees during the Winter and take medication during the Spring Allergy Season when I was plagued with nosebleeds. I was lucky enough to have parents who cared, and even when I thought they never "cared" they cared, but they had to let me learn the hard way or else I would never learn.
I was lucky enough to battle my peers on a "level" playing field with no guns or knives or weapons, but with our fists and defensive postures and adults who finally came in and stopped the mess. I was lucky enough to bring up the danger hormones so when I was an adult I could save myself and get out danger when it really mattered and potentially live another day.
I was lucky enough to get into the military and go through the pain and suffering and psychological operations to know I could survive one level of hardship without truly injuring myself or get into trouble overseas. I was lucky to get into the California Air Guard and still get the training but also have an appreciation for civilian life and struggling "trying" to make it as a civilian while doing weekend warrior duty.
With that said, the pain yesterday of feeling all the arm/shoulder pain was intense and it reminded me of wearing the heavy backpacks in basic training. I remembered looking into the bathroom mirror at Basic and spied all these red dots on my shoulders and I wondered what they were. I figured out they were broken blood vessels from wearing something so top heavy and marching in the heat in San Antonio, Tx. Yesterday was a reminder of the heavy backpack I wore waaaay back when I was 19 or 20 years old and I injured myself and yesterday, I paid for it.
After waking up from my nap yesterday and feeling the hot shower on my shoulders and hockng up loogies I felt better and the ghosts of the pasts were circling the drain and then gone.. the clear mucus looks like ghosts as the water carries them away. Later on that evening, I still felt the front of the shoulder pain but I would suffer through it and I was ravenously hungry. We ordered Pizza Oven, so good and I had several slices of pizza, a few pieces of fried chicken and jo jo's/broasted potatoes and wow, what a difference.
This morning I released a "few demons", blew my nose and I have better range of motion and my armpits are not as "inflamed" like they were awhile ago. I still feel a bit of arm pain, but not as much and it is nice reaching for something and twisting my arm and not yelling in pain. My arms are finally actually healing without using surgeries or antibiotics.
The moral to this story.
The pains we go through in childhood and as adults as we make little mistakes and massive mistakes reminds us of the lessons of life. If you had not gone through the pain and suffering developing those lessons, how will you know later on you actually learned from those lessons when all the conditions are right.
Some of you will keep looping in the trauma of the painful lessons never learned and then your children will be plagued with the same lessons until they learn them or reproduce the genetic line out of existence like those Russian Nesting Dolls. Others of you, like me, will sit with the lessons, the memories and pain and remember everything and learn the hard lessons and pay the piper without hurting ourselves again or anyone else, for that matter.
If you survived the war of culture and childhood and adulthood, and you are NOT too far gone, you have a chance to actually learn the hard lesson, or you will keep on looping in the most comfortable tree ring of memory until a forest fire burns down the forest.
Ghosts can come back to life, if they so choose.
Ectoplasm injections. That's the vaccine industry. Injecting ghosts of the past
Microbial necrophilia. They're telling you. Spike protein zombies replicating within your immune system and that's why people get crazy cancers and diseases. Because they trap these little beasts inside.
Basically ectoplasm injections. The system may have brought your life but they can figure out how to use the past to take you back to the ancestors
Even though the antigen are not alive. Once injected that offspring comes alive and that's what causes your disease unless you figure out how to release those demons. That's the legal loophole. Nothing is dangerous until you make it dangerous. If you can't release those demons. That's your issue.
Screwing with ghosts is one thing but developing an offspring from a ghost is another.
And these Offspring sometimes turn into children. A type of Franken people.
You think I'm crazy. You don't even know the half of the society you live in. You don't even know the half of it..
System is telling you this is the zombie apocalypse.. people are literally getting screwed by ghost of the past.
And every time you encounter the same type of genes your body remembers to develop offspring. You call it protection I call it a bunch of demon children laugh out loud.. because people don't release demons they trap them inside with all of their remedies and drugs😥😅🤣🥰😥
I can release demons so have no issue taking on other people's nanotechnology and releasing the demons. I think what the system is doing is developing the best prototype of the future. But you have to know how everything is connected. And again I find it extremely interesting how they figured out every single legal loophole. If they're dead or inactive then you can't hold them accountable if they're not alive. Yeah when you screw a ghost people think nothing happens. No those ghosts offspring are your children cancer disease and chronic illness
The melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s. The exact term "melting pot" came into general usage in the United States after it was used as a metaphor describing a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities in Israel Zangwill's 1908 play of the same name.
The microbial Melting Pot
1796 was the first vaccine called the smallpox vaccine. Then you get injected with the Melting Pot and you get aggressive diversity and a lot of fertility. At some point you also get the strongest culture and people rising to the top. Not necessarily a star or a celebrity. Someone who could change with the environment and the times and still survive their peers
Yep the Zombie Spike proteins are on the move
The world is made up of ghosts of the past. Wow. And the system has to see who are the strongest ghost of the past who will be part of the future.
No more ghosts.
Civilisation is said to have originated independently at six different points on the globe known as the “Six cradles of Civilisation” (Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China, Egypt, Peru and Mexico).
And America was the training grounds and the war. The last greatest experiment.
And all the different children adopted and what not were part of the experiment. The grand experiment. The strongest one would always have to go to the next level of the battle. But the system had to figure out at the base level who is going to be the one to go to the next level. And there's a lot of psychological operations to figure out who would be psychologically and physically strong to get to the next level. And people were pitted against each other and then pitted against their society and then figure out what the next level for their survival would be because there's always another levels of survival.
And it would be a continuous battle until the person decided to walk away or they fought to the death and they died in battle..
Or they realized it was a microbial battle then they had to get the hell out of society before society would kill them with their traditions😥
Why am I laughing right now?
Because you can't make this up. Everything the system is talking about in the movies and all the different series happens at the micro level translating at the macro level. You're not getting literal zombies coming down the street I mean maybe. But the zombies are in the Therapies. Developing ghost antibodies. And they do wreak havoc in the body if they don't get released. And they also develop Offspring with the other colonies in your body so now you have a war of ghosts within your body. That's why people get crazy dreams and they get Incubus and succubus
Lord of the Rings.
Dead Men of Dunharrow
Your gut is basically Middle-earth
"Vaccines are made from microbes that are dead or inactive so that they are unable to cause disease. The antigen in the vaccine is the same as the antigen on the surface of the disease-causing microbe. The vaccine stimulates the body to produce antibodies against the antigen in the vaccine".
Kind of like a microbial necrophilia. You're getting screwed by dead antigen developing an offspring called an antibody.
The zombie apocalypse is inside all the Therapies. They told you they were dead and inactive and the only come to life when that you get screwed by the dead developing a ghost within your body
Immunological stimulation is no different than sexual reproduction it's just a different way to produce offspring and antibodies and colonies inside the body, the person's going to have to figure out how to deal with.
Everything is hidden in plain sight
War in a petri dish is like sticking two opposing gang members and families together and they fight to the death
The strongest one will either beat everyone to death or walk away. Or find a way to walk away and if you can't find a way to walk away then you're stuck defending yourself until you're the last man standing.
The microbial war is one will be the last microbe standing, and sometimes it's not you.
It's microbes from other people 50 miles away from you that was inserted in your body through your permission. To develop antibodies.
America is The Melting Pot of innovation diversity as well as fighting to the death at some point at the micro level. Sometimes at the city level
I know what happens at the macro level at the community level and at the gang level is also what happens at the immunological level. And all the Therapies contribute as well as everyone's sexual proclivities and mixing microbes through community exposure. Yeah you're in a war. But it's a microbial War
And some people go to war with others because they're projecting what they hold inside
and these microbes are extremely strategic with their survival
That's why you can't attack anything in your body because you will attack yourself. You can't starve anything in your body because you will starve yourself. You have to know how to open up your immune system and sit with a pain and suffering and I don't know if you can do that. People get maimed through the surgical system just like those who are maimed on the battlefield back when they were sword fighting
You want to know why you're starving because you can't deal with The life in your body
you were never taught how to do it..
But every month I dealt with the war of my body back when I was dealing with my pmdd. Which is no different than lupus and Parkinson's and fibromyalgia. It was a different set of symptoms and it was triggered by the reproductive system. All disease is a war stuck inside your body developing Offspring torturing you and yes people become pregnant sometimes
And you're supposed to feel inflammation when you eat foods like milk meat and cheese because you're also supposed to poop a lot and blow your nose and cough and deal with facing those demons and if you can't then you will slowly starve yourself and then carve out everything until there's nothing left to treat. If you're suffering astronomically trying to find the right combination of food and herbs they will never be a right combination because the environment is too aggressive.
Everything is on the move. If you can't handle it it's just a matter of time. You have to find a way and if you can't I'm so sorry but that's why you're suffering. The war is stuck inside your body inside your immune system. That's the war. That's why we ended our occupation in Afghanistan. Now it's the war inside. Not everybody's winning that war
And when it's hot and humid outside it's like you are the lab and the incubation of those microbes are on the move and they're replicating extremely fast. Especially when the barometric pressure rise and falls very aggressively
Turbo cancer is watching One microbe overtake another. Just like the petri dish
And when one microbes finds a way to insert itself into another and they drain the life out of it and they take it over that's the aging process. And people do that with the pills the powder supplements the detoxes and all the therapies as well as sexual reproduction and big families. And they are inhaling aggressive nature through their animals and the zoos and all the different biodiversity
I told you everything it happens at the micro level will translate at the community and state level. Everything is connected. You don't live in a vacuum or isolated
Click on the picture
America is supposed to be an extremely strong country and I guess you'll prove it or not. The reason why other countries can't handle our food is because they're malnourished and they can't handle pain and suffering
they were not conditioned for pain.. which means they have to stay where they are and live out their life wherever they are.
America is the last greatest experiment. If you have issues with anything American you won't be able to handle the new world. America is the barometer the new world is using to see who can handle the future and who will succumb to the past
If you cannot handle American food you won't be able to handle the new world. If you have issues with American food you will not be able to assimilate to the Future.
I see so many people taking food away from themselves because they cannot handle inflammation and releasing the demons and feeling the pain and suffering. Oh it's brutal assimilate to climate change but the food supply is what will save you.
The meat the milk the cheese the eggs the processed foods the pizzas the hamburgers the tacos the big large steaks and the pork sandwiches. If you cannot handle any of that you will have an issue with the future
And so if you are a black white hispanic Asian Pacific Islander and any other ethnic culture and you think the food is poison and you can't handle eating the food. There's nowhere else you can go.. yeah you'll die from starvation.
And in my world if you've undergone surgeries and Botox and everything else and you can't handle pain and suffering yeah it won't matter what you do. I just hope you can handle hanging on for another day
So as you know I was up pretty much really early this morning and then I did a Facebook live talking about whatever tree ring memory came up for me at the time. And then I showed you what I ate. And it was good and I mowed it like it was the last food I was ever going to eat.. and then I had to lay down and take a nap after watching a little bit of Dexter. Right as soon as around 11:00 I was about to fall asleep my husband called me and we talked for a few minutes and then I went back to sleep again or tried to. And then I before I did that I went downstairs to turn the AC down because it was a little bit too cold. And maybe I would save some money or something. Well I woke up hot as hell both my arms on each side above the armpit and below the shoulder felt so sore like I was lifting weights. It felt so weird it felt a lot of pressure. And so what did I do I took a shower and I kept talking up loogies and blowing my nose and blowing my nose. I already tried to release demons down there on the toilet but nope nothing. This was the job for my respiratory system and I needed the gut to be able to leverage the pressure through my throat and nose and get those mucus balls out and one of them was green and it did leave my body. Now it's just releasing white mucus which is no big deal. But it's crazy and the pressure is relieved off my underarm lymph nodes and so I Live Another Day
Oh when I turn my AC back down to what it was because it was too freaking hot. But I probably could leave it or I would had it because I really didn't even so no more extra heat from those extra life forms. But right now I just like to feel a little cool
what is funny, lately I have been devouring fried tortillas and salsa..
I really wanted guacamole the other day but we didn't go to that store that day. Aldi's has some great guacamole. Mexican food Hispanic food is another staple along with Italian food. You can't beat the Italian Or Hispanic food in my opinion
That food is so hardy and so amazing. And it gives you the diversity you need and yes fill in the holes if necessary.
The spaghetti is what saved me this last 3 months and now it's the Hispanic food that is bringing up the memories. There is nothing like Hispanic food. Yes the Hispanics will rule the world someday because they are a strong culture. I think the black and Hispanics will rule the world in the future because they are extremely strong cultures.
Fried Chicken pizza and so many tacos and burritos and hamburgers
Yes that's what saved my ass Midwestern food with all of that..
If you can't handle American based food which is basically a compilation of Italian Hispanic African-American how do you think you'll survive climate change and your peers who are extremely strong
BUT remember always going north my friend. Northern European food Italian food Hispanic food and maybe African food if it's as hearty as it claims it is will be the food of the future..
You can't get away with vegan and vegetarian and eating gluten-free b******* you will die from starvation
one day you will earn your peace without rest in peace, if that is in the cards for you..
sitting by myself or with my husband is the peace I earned from a lifetime of war.