Remember I'm not trying to be an a****** I just felt and saw an experienced what you guys will be experiencing if not already.
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was based upon ignorance and once you get knowledge you're going to have to be accountable for your choices.
Once you eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge now you are accountable and so that's why people like to keep themselves ignorant so they never have to becime accountable and that's why they want to have children.
And many people practicing Christianity and Judaism, the girls are kept so innocent, virginal and ignorant then they become the human sacrifice because once they get knowledge of the world they don't know how to deal with it..
and so they either screw away their own life or they have a billion babies and die for their family..
And that's all over Facebook
Now look at your Facebook you see OnlyFans or you see pious wives serving their husbands and then dying for the family or you see single mothers pissed off at the patriarchal society
And Lilith was the evolution.. and some would say she was evil because Evolution could be extremely painful.
Jillith indeed
And so when the system brings religion to the classroom and then gives you the choice to belong to a Satanic Charter school, only a few people will get choices while the rest will die for their sins.
What do you think nosebleeds are?
Weak blood vessels bursting during a high pressure change in the barometric pressure. Just like when you climb a mountain and the pressure so thin people get headaches and nosebleeds and some of you who live in Denver Colorado experienced how thin the air is in mile high city until you regulate
When I was a kid I would get spontaneous nose bleeds because I was that immunocompromised and that weak and the Spring time was that brutal in Silicon Valley California..
Everything I was exposed to during the winter time came through my nose and I was sneezing and coughing and my nose was constantly bleeding all the time..
Any kind of spontaneous energy from your body came from a wave of energy that you can blame on anything you want because you're surrounded by frequencies. But when you have a large population experiencing almost the same thing at different times and levels then you know every single one of us is exposed to aggressive frequencies hitting us differently..
and some places get hit harder than other places and you don't know which ones they are because you don't have the blueprints to what's going on
That's how they got you
 that's how they were able to excite your nanotechnology and then you became the virus to everyone around you and the accelerated growth developed little shrimps in your blood vessels called blood clots..
So if you can avoid having a baby the next 5 years you might save yourself some aggressive pain and suffering because these kids have weak blood vessels and any kind of spontaneous energy could cause deadly consequences in newborn babies and in the elderly along with those who are living an immunocompromised lifestyle
In my world during this climate change without being physically in contact with somebody your friends give it to you straight. No sugar coating and no lies.
In the next world when everything has calmed down you'll be more cautious with who you hang out with and you will still give it to people straight but you're still very cautious with how honest you are In public
The people who gave it to me straight saved me a lot of pain and suffering of trying to figure out the f*** I was dealing with.
And unity can be just as deadly as separation relative to the environment.
In the old world people were stronger in numbers and so Unity was strength
The next 5 years and potentially the new world it'll be strength in separation and you still can be connected to people through a different way
The environment the paradigm is the catalyst to as above and So Below. You have to know what paradigms you're living in and what kind of environment you're living in before you start spouting off that Unity is strength because it may not be in a different environment
As Above So Below
I want to redefine separate but equal so it doesn't have a racial background but it means you can separate yourself from the crowd and still be as equal as they are without anyone thinking they're better or worse than you
And even though the term separate but equal has racial connotations that term was meant for the Old World when they want people to be tolerant of each other. Wanting to understand each other's differences and find a way to get along. The system wanted to see what would happen when you put two firecrackers together what kind of explosions would happen. Now that world is done with. We're in a new world.
We don't need to be racist but we must understand not everything and everybody is tolerant to minority groups and microbes or other people's differences and you must factor that into every single equation because you don't want to put yourself in a position to be destroyed by intolerance.
And by the way if your body was so strong and you already had herd immunity with your family unit and togetherness is everything then you wouldn't be in fear of the vaccinated people. After all you believe that your family unit is herd immunity and strength and numbers and separation makes you weaker and so if that is in fact the case then I don't know why your protesting the vaccine when you first of all are not taking them and second of all you're stronger than the people who are taking them. So the argument that someone who is vaccinated should not have any problem with the unvaccinated if the vaccines work so well and vice versa if you're unvaccinated and you're so strong with strong immunity and you never get sick then you wouldn't have problem with the vaccinated people or climate change. So then you shouldn't be on the bandwagon against the vaccines. Unless deep down inside you know you're not as strong as you claim to be
you cant have it both ways
 you can't claims strong immunity with unity and then be afraid of somebody else because then you're not strong even in numbers
"Separate but equal" was a legal doctrine in the United States that allowed for racial segregation:
The doctrine stated that racial segregation was constitutional as long as it affected white and Black people equally.
The phrase originated from the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, which ruled that separate rail cars for whites and African Americans were equal.
The doctrine led to decades of legal and social mistreatment of African Americans. In 1954, the Supreme Court overturned "separate but equal" in Brown v. Board of Education, ruling that separate schools for African American students were "inherently unequal".
In the 1950 case McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, the Supreme Court ruled that the university's requirement for Black students to sit in separate sections was unconstitutional.
The doctrine was a sham, as the treatment and facilities for Black citizens were often inferior or barbaric.
Google AI Generated Description
I'm legally a CEO and I'm the only employee officer and product that is not for sale but I'm not rich and I don't preside over the life and death of people regardless of perception..
So then what was the point of being a CEO because I was planning to become rich off of what I was doing and realized you can't make money off of pain and suffering and you can't force people to eat food they have no tolerance for and you can't sell life to people who can't even manage the life they have. And you can't sell people's lives back to them. And so my LLC is nothing more than just proof I did something with my life and that's it. It's really a symbol of my own perseverance to save myself. I do not want to sacrifice anyone to get ahead. But I did think I could get rich off of my world and that was not my path in life
Fructose also feeds humans with cancer. But if the cancer gets to the food first then it'll eat it before the human gets it. Watch people's starve because of this..
I will tell you all food will feed cancer until you starve yourself to death because you're supposed to release the cancer and keep yourself around by still eating food even fructose sucrose glucose..
Let me save you the energy of listing out every single food in the food supply and every single element on the periodic table.
Everything feeds cancer.
You ARE a cancer to somebody else.
And so they will attempt to starve you and release you to save themselves. And how do they do that by telling you food causes cancer so you starve yourself thinking you're starving the cancer and that's how they were able to turn your belief system guns against you. Ignorance does not pay
That's called the Great reset. Boom
Sometimes you have to go back into the past so you can fix the future.
And note the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was also the same time the Bolsheviks took over
Back to the Future
The Bolsheviks killed the Romanovs in July 1918 for a number of reasons, including:
The Romanovs were out of favor with the Russian public
The Romanovs lost favor early in Nicholas' reign, when they massacred nearly 100 unarmed protesters in 1905. Other factors that contributed to their downfall included:
Nicholas' son, the crown prince, Alexei, was born with hemophilia.
The family kept Alexei's disease a secret.
The Bolsheviks wanted to prevent the rescue of the imperial family
Some Western historians believe that the execution order came from the government in Moscow, specifically Vladimir Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov. They wanted to prevent the approaching Czechoslovak Legion from rescuing the imperial family during the Russian Civil War.
The Bolsheviks wanted to destroy the tradition of czarist rule
The Bolsheviks, led by leftist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, seized power during the Russian Revolution. They wanted to destroy the tradition of czarist rule.
The Bolsheviks killed every member of the Romanov family and their associates. Only a few of their remains were ever recovered. The rest were dumped in mass graves or burned beyond recognition.
A "czarist rule" refers to the system of government in Russia where a single ruler, known as a "Czar" (or Tsar), held absolute power, essentially an autocratic monarchy where the Czar had complete authority with no democratic representation, and his power was considered divinely ordained; this system was prevalent in the Russian Empire until the 1917 revolution that brought about the Soviet Union.
Key points about czarist rule:
Absolute power: The Czar had unlimited authority over all aspects of government, with no checks and balances.
Divine right to rule: Czars believed their power was given to them by God.
No democracy: There were no elected representatives or a parliament under czarist rule.
Nobility as support: A powerful aristocratic class, the nobility, largely supported the Czar and held significant influence in society.
Suppression of dissent: Opposition to the Czar was often harshly punished, including exile to Siberia.
Sometimes you have to go back into the past so you can fix the future.
Back to the Future
And so if you want to become a whole person with ideological choices your kids are going to have to go to a Satanic School and endure that label and it's a f***** up label to endure because of the connotation regardless of the tenets.
If you want to be the human sacrifice like Jesus Christ propagated that people die for their sins or he died for your sins or something then you will dilute your potential and give your kids away to the system to learn how to be a servant and a human sacrifice and to be temporary people and maybe they get pleasure and paradise or maybe they become science experiments or stem cell donors.
What other choices do they have? They don't have enough life experience to be an architect because they would have to be exposed to diverse situations to understand the world they live in. So then they become a servant to their own belief system and literally die for their beliefs. Which is exactly what the system wants people to do is die for their beliefs in a narrow-minded fashion without harming anyone outside of their belief system.
So again it is polytheistic versus monotheistic. And if the family is polytheistic and singular one which someone could say is satanic, is monotheistic parents still get choices but these children have zero choice but they never did have any choice. Kids don't know enough to make sound choices.
So the system helps the parents want to become human sacrifices ao their children want to become human sacrifices and that's how it works.
If the parents who want to set themselves free and their children free, they will endure the f***** up label of going to a Satanic School.
That was and it's the depopulation agenda.
That's some clever s***.. and I knew that was in the background and that's why I was trying to warn you guys in the Christian world what was going on but you can't tell people to let go of their beliefs if they think they should die someday.
Because even certain Jewish people believe they should die someday and do you think they want to go to a satanic temple confirming every single stereotype they had to endure?
It's genius that's f***** up but it's not because people do choose the roads they go down and then they get mad at the outcome and they blame somebody else. No now you're getting the choice and you're seeing exactly what you're choosing because it's all over the internet and in your families and now you won't get the medical system to hide every single injury and damage.
You're going to see the fall of the medicine world and holistic remedies won't be enough because it won't be regulated and people will overdose and you know just as well as I people use holistic remedies in conjunction with modern medicine because the holistic remedies will do a number on someone and they end up in the hospital or the ER because the pain will be just too great or an event will happen.
 And that's the whole point behind my world is I don't want to depend upon anything in the medical system and especially not the surgical system
And in the beginning of the J World we did use very minimally the garlic oil and the colloidal silver but even that would end up giving us heavy metal poisoning at some point if we didn't release those demons and then there'll be no need for the garlic oil or the silver or any other essential oil for pain and suffering because you would be dead.
You can only imagine how many people have died overdosing on holistic remedies but they blame it on the vaccines or whatever else. You can only live on antibiotics for so long before it actually kills you. And vaccines are a type of probiotic that could have antibiotic qualities if you don't know how to manage that life. But antibiotics are exactly what they are. Anti your life and they will compete for your life. If you take a probiotic you better know how to manage that life no different than if you take a vaccine you better know how to manage that life giving birth to yourself and if not you'd give birth to a baby that may not survive or some kind of fast moving cancer because whatever life extension you conjure up the body has to release the demons and people resist it taking their remedies thus trapping those demons in their colon and blood vessels causing little shrimp clots that are pulled out by embalmers
Antibiotics develop fertility no different than the baby boom developed so much fertility and they called Generation X the baby busters. There's a reason behind that.. and so we were the third generation tearing down the fertility world after the silent gens and the Boomers and then the Millennials became the third generation tearing down the rest of the world as they destroy what their parents built after the Boomers and the Generation X because they would have repeated what their parents did spending everything out of existence thinking they lived in 1985.
Now watch your millennials inherits so much wealth from their parents and they will spend every f****** dime of it and they won't save a penny because they will say you can't take it with you. No s*** Sherlock
But as far as the J World not using any of the antibiotics it was just using the salt for extreme pain, just to give us a little relief but even then that's not enough because of when energy is extremely influential even the salt can't hold back the energy.. and then using the salt water or the juice internally could only lasts so long because then you get constipated and then you have really hard packed s*** in your colon and you don't want that either.
 It was the PASTEURIZED and homogenized milk that gave us the waterfalls and the nutrients coupled with the meat and the cheese and the eggs and some fruits and vegetables but not so much that you starve yourself but you had to have a well-balanced intake of grains and carbs and gluten.
You can't play the same games you played before and the system brought people in under extreme deficiency because people wanted to have children and they wanted to give you what you wanted but that world wasn't sustainable because you bring in weak people who can't handle change then they become predatory and intolerant.
Yeah it's fun to bring a kid into your house to see what kind of magical powers they have assuming you know how to foster that but then there is a suffering.
 They pay the price because somebody wanted to play God with their own immune system conjuring up life they don't have the potential to sustain. And then who suffers everyone around them plus that kid.
The fear of the milk additive was pretty well played and then you can't really do the raw milk because it has pathogens that you can't even release if you're living off of holistic remedies so then people hold Medusa and Dragons and rhinoceroses in their colons.
People hold 20 ft of intestine and you can only imagine what's living in 20 ft of any kind of expandable organ
On average, a person's intestines are around 22 feet long, with the small intestine making up the majority of that length at roughly 20 feet, and the large intestine (colon) measuring about 5 feet long.
And so when you think about it Christmas is when you collect so many toys and things that are disposable and they stay inside the house collecting dust and they could be unicorns and stuffed animals and games and throw away things and it's just there doing nothing for the kid not even entertaining them because they're bored of it
 that's pretty much your colon..
and if you are in the age of your most fertile years potentially you might develop a succubus or an incubus that will drop eggs or semen and then potentially you conjure up a little demon.
 And then it gets released onto the world and the system has been figure out what to do with it..
And the only reason why you have money or a job or have to go and deal with stress death and destruction is because you and everyone around your thought it would be neat to have a bunch of little demons running around with no real purpose because the system is done with studying innovation and they have been trying to tell you this for the last 50 years and people resist the messages from the government..
And so the system will guide reproduction carefully because we know people bring children into this world and these kids are suffering and they end up either left or abused or completely neglected. And so those who have a lot of money will raise the children and some of them will be born from surrogate and raised by people who not only have money but also have the discipline to raise a kid with purpose. And when you don't have money what makes you think you can develop a well-balanced child that will be a great purpose for your Society.
 If you don't have money how can you possibly afford to have a child and I'm telling you you're going to need a lot a lot a lot of money to raise well-balanced children and I'm telling you the family is not enough. The family has to deal with their own b******* or else they're just going to destroy your kid with their traditions..
And that's why the system advocated abortion so women could figure some stuff out because she made a mistake and there wasn't enough evidence to show what happened when you have a kid. You have to see the worst of it when people develop children they can't take care of and what they could potentially encounter while raising that child.
And so while the federal system may eradicate Family Planning and criminalize abortion and Plan B birth control, it will be up to the states to give people the opportunity through the religious schools such as the satanic temple to give people an opportunity to learn about their choices and I don't mean abortion or they go into the Christian side of the school and face every choice they make with no choice because it won't be provided to them.
They won't know if any other choice besides having a family assuming they would survive it and assuming that child survives childhood.
It'll be up to the state to give people some kind of understanding that maybe they shouldn't be having children maybe they need to develop themselves and not focus on trying to carry on their genetic line because there's no guarantee you'll get carried on if anything pregnancy could kill the mother..
You see how that works?
If you want freedom with ideological choices you have to go to a Satanic School
and those who are Christian would not dare walk into a Satanic School and so their daughters and sons will destroy themselves through fertility and the family and you know how medicine is not what it used to be so you can only imagine one dose of anything could kill somebody in this environment the next 4 years
It's f****** crazy
 oh my God that's so strategic
What the system is doing is making you accountable for your choices and when your daughter's and sons don't know anything but you're supposed to have a family you're not supposed to kill any baby and you worship somebody like Jesus Christ
and go ahead and have unprotected sex because it's God's will but you better marry the person you're screwing because inevitably she will get pregnant if she's fertile enough ... and if you don't marry her then you will be paying child support for the next 18 years and with these guys who can't even handle the world you think they're able to handle raising a family or paying child support? So she's in danger.
yeah these kids are done before they even started
 and then you have the Bible, these kids will be indoctrinated and they will have family and early pregnancy because you know birth control won't be taught by the parents or the school system because that's not the place for it assuming that's still the climate around sex and birth control, they will have children and some of them will probably get married at 16 like that one kid because he had a baby with his girlfriend.
And so when you have Hollywood marry off 16 year olds to be responsible for the child they brought into this world there you go.
 That's how you get people to voluntarily become a slave for the system as well as sacrifice themselves because you know fertility is deadly. You've watched the died suddenly groups of people who just got pregnant or raising children.
 It starts in the schools and the type of schools. You're absolutely right the school system indoctrinate your children and they'll be even more indoctrinated and then your kids who are forced into homogenized programs with no real ideological choice will be destroyed
But HEY you asked for it..
That's how the left will destroy the right through their own belief systems and ignorances and they will have you ask for your daughters and sons to be sacrificed as well as you. Fertility is deadly. But you can't tell these people who believe in such rigid belief systems around any kind of Bible even the Old Testament that may be the old traditions are deadly but again you asked for it. So your children will pay the price. It's pretty sad it's pretty sad.
And so when the system demonizes one and they worship plural that one person better survive themselves because you know the plural will cannibalize each other to death..
And that's how the system balances out positive and negative.
To many negatives you'll end up with Extinction and too many positives end up with Extinction.
You get the choice but your MINOR children have no choices at all.. but there must always be a human sacrifice in any society and parents will choose themselves as well as your children to be the human sacrifice and that would have been your choice because first it is indoctrination and then it's sustaining the indoctrination to death..
Somebody asked me if I was a trump supporter and I didn't answer the private message because I don't go back and forth with people I don't even know behind the scenes. I support accountability and the rule of law even if you have to break the law to make the law.
 I will just be the best human I could possibly be and give people options without ramming my information down their throat.
 I will be the representation of what I want to see in the world. And that's it so I support anyone who's president and so for all intents and purposes absolutely I support Trump. He is our next president.
Right or wrong he is our next president..
The people have spoken
I am an American.
HOWEVER, if should something happen and they delay inauguration because of a catastrophic event then I will deal with whatever happens..
The storyline could go all different directions
 I'm only one person
 I can only save myself
We are living in the world Encyclopedia Brown..
Whenever a parent gives her kids options and choices without making them so narrow-minded and rigid they set their kids free to make the choices and be responsible for the consequences.
Personal accountability was my freedom. Suffering from my own choices was the freedom that was given to me and bestowed upon me from my parents.
Knowing I could survive the consequences of my own choices was the freedom my parents gave to me and they just happen to be Jewish.
But there are many Jews who don't hold their kids accountable and their kids are sacrificed to the system..
So you see, you have been given all these enemies and arguments so you had a place to blame and then you would die for your beliefs blaming somebody else
and then you dont realize the people that you hate are also doing the same thing that you're doing and then you guys both end up with mutually assured destruction
and you destroy each other..
And that's how they got you.
 They got you to hate yourself and hate other people because they triggered you so emotionally using children and the death of children
 but you still believe people should die someday and so you were a child that grew into an adult with adolescent points of views sacrificing yourself but getting mad at somebody else destroying children when you are destroying yourself and your own children.
The irony is unmistakable..
Dr Seuss got it right. Adults are obsolete children and they will act extremely predictable
just look at your Facebook
My information is just an opening but it's not the answer if you don't see any relevance to what I'm saying.
That's the magic of ideological choices.
Choices were always considered Satanic to keep people locked in and self-destructive.
That's why the pastors rabbis and the priests and the popes scared people with hellfire violence excommunication and ostracization and Damnation from the pulpit
 You must have the intelligence and the substance to process the new to you information and see some kind of relevance in it or you're just torturing yourself resisting my information. Remember you can always Google every term and every word that I put out there and develop your own thought
And this type of information I'm offering to you would be considered Satanic to some pretty aggressive Right-wing Christians and Conservative or Orthodox Jewish person
And when they have categorized types of thought as Satanic people get stuck in the paradigms and the jails of their own velvet coffin..
Satanism was a tool to keep people stuck.
 It kept people locked in.
Anytime you go outside the lines of any group think you will be considered Satanic and you will be ostracized, naturally
and if you choose to go outside of groupthink then embrace whatever people categorize you because you won't want to die with the group.
The group was intended to destroy itself.
However, even Satanist destroy themselves because of the group think. But it's a stepping stone to finally get away from the deadly group think but it's not the end.
When you don't have a category at all then you might as well say you've graduated from all the hurdles of psychological and ideological jails..
When you can graduate stepping away from the group think and the remedies and the surgeries and the need for company and pets and all the trappings of wealth you won't even be considered Satanic or Christian.
You would just be human with no category not even a sexual orientation because that would require a group thought and acceptance into a group or a category.
You would just be.. and you could become the architect of something.
That's some crazy s*** man