This Christmas is far more significant than any other Christmas I've ever encountered
I understand religion now
Christmas is like when you receive all the gifts before you have to pay for them. Somebody pays twice.
Springtime is when you have to pay for all the gifts you received over the winter holiday. You can call it spring allergy season or hurricane season or tornado season. Springtime is the rebirth..
So enjoy your holiday because you'll have to pay for it in the future. That's Mother Nature's accounting systems along with man-made law
Germ Theory+ Climate Change = the Apocalypse
Let's say you have 100 people and the environment heats up to the point where 20% of the people are afflicted in 2021 and they must stay home and stay safe and they feel and see the writing on the wall.
And then the next year comes around and it's 2022 and 40% of the people feel something aggressive and deadly and then you have 60% of the people feeling something but yet 40% don't understand what's going on..
This next year the 40% might feel something but 20% won't survive.
When you have 300 million people and only 100 million survive there's a reason why they conditioned you way in the beginning to stay home stay safe and wear a mask if it's necessary.
Just because you felt nothing or you blamed whatever you felt on something else there's a reason why the system gave you these options. There's no guarantee anyone who believed this meme will learn their lesson and it's not going to matter.
They will either survive or they won't. But it just goes to show sometimes we all speak too soon before we understand why the system had to speak sooner because they're preparing you for something.
Regardless if you believe it or not the system has always tried to prepare you but people develop religions against preparation and they also develop religions for preparation.
Germ Theory plus aggressive particle acceleration on bodies are already been battered and bruised the last 5 years, will not be pretty.
Why do you think there has been turbo Cancers and why even the common cold has been deadly?
Why do you think people don't survive their recent diagnosis and why those infections and Cancers turn septic or deadly right off the bat especially when you read some of the posts in those died suddenly groups.
Particle acceleration has made every pathogen which is basically a foreign microbe so aggressive they tear through people's immune systems and they grow extremely fast. Astronomically fast. It's like a Judgment Day.
The system allowed you to have your cigarettes and smoke your pot and drink your alcohol and do your drugs and go on your diets and take your herbal remedies and you don't realize that stuff is kind of floating.
Kind of like before the pressure starts building up.
If you don't have an adequate and manageable conditioned release process the demons wreak havoc.
That's what the Demon World is all about.
Holding inside trauma as well as foreign particles that do harm to you and they are intelligent. Sometimes they are the fetuses.
Watch this Netflix series midnight mass because it's everything about what's going on. Right now we are experiencing and will experience what this series is all about.
Don't take everything literal because all of these archetypes are symbols of you and your friends and your family and your lifestyle and your belief system.
The ruling elite are f****** smart and they're trying to clue you in through allegory but you can't take everything so literal all the time.
And you have to question your own beliefs. And if you can't question your beliefs you'll take everything literal and then you will be blinded by the light
And since the system gave us so many warnings and they gave all of us a platform within parameters when many people suffer in the conspiracy community and they wonder why people aren't stepping up and helping them please don't guilt the people who don't give you what you want and accuse them of not caring about you.
So many of your friends and family tried to warn you and even though everything is a factor out there guilting people and saying because you don't lift a finger for them when they're struggling means they don't care about you
We all warned each other. I warned you you warned me some dude over there warned us. We all were warned by somebody.
And we all must suffer from the choices we've made. We were warned in so many different ways all over Facebook and all OVER social media and the government and your friends and your family warned you.
Ignorance is not your defense anymore.
Anyone with a social media account around people have been warned by somebody of something.
We all were warned
don't blame anyone for not lifting a finger to help you because they've tried regardless of what it is they warned you about
they f****** tried to help you before you got affected
In my opinion I think the resurrection of Jesus Christ has to do with humans surviving apocalyptic scenarios.
Humans keep resurrecting themselves even after major major death and destruction.
And also why the vampire allegory is intertwined with Catholicism because humans feast on blood because we need to. We need animal meat or animal protein to convert to vital organs. Obviously we need to change the way we get our meat but that's in the process as the old world is going to the wayside and the lab is going to be where most of our food if not all of our food is going to come from. But the vampire allegory shows you just how caveman and primitive we are and were and have been.
Which is also why I suspect why vegans and vegetarians are highly sexualized because they need to get their meat even from another human or they need people around them to suck the life out of even if it's their own family or they need animals as pets. Why do you think some PETA people are vegetarian but they also have dogs and cats as pets? That's how they justify getting animal proteins through cohabitation.
That's how it works. Even vegans and vegetarians know they can't live without blood and meat
And so hell is when we've allowed such primitive behaviors to seek refuge within our immune systems and we don't look to release that primitive behavior and then we do damage to ourselves and future generations but yet we keep resurrecting, but what do we resurrect into?
And so every apocalypse we resurrect another evolution another version of ourselves.
And we will keep resurrecting another version of ourselves as we keep evolving to be smarter and smarter and smarter.
And I'm talking about Humanity as a whole not just you individually or your family
All of us are part of a collective
And so the Caucasian man is the evolution of a Black man. And they both evolve each other and make each other smarter. There's no reason to fight amongst each other. We are each other's evolution
So the young girl who had that miracle of walking again when she couldn't walk before, because of a bullet entering into her lower spine, at the end of the movie at the end of the series while all the people who were afflicted burned at sunrise, she and a neighbor her age escaped and then now the spell was broken or the Cure wore off
and she couldn't feel her legs again.
Moral to the story any kind of magical pills or therapies are only temporary at best.
Once the old world is gone at Sunrise all the magical cures are gone as well
everything will be as it was before.
When the clock strikes midnight everything will be as it was before .. that's also Cinderella
And that's also Midnight Mass
Excellent excellent Bravo
There's a season for everything. Christmas is the death and it's also a rebirth and then another Resurrection in the springtime
Do people really know what they worship and why they celebrate holidays or is it just because it's tradition and they just regurgitate one aspect of the storyline? If people truly understood what these holidays meant would they be celebrating them as much as they do with such Gusto and celebration.
I think I see that's why some people get pissed off and why they call some people fake Christians and fake Jews and fake this and fake that. There's a whole lot more going on in these different religions than some people even want to let on that they know.
Do people really know what they're celebrating?
And so I can see why people get mad. I think many people are more into the tradition and the family aspect of it more than just what the true meanings are. Can we have a celebration of family without bringing religion into it? I don't know. But I see why people get pissed off.
And at this point I intellectualize religion because I have to understand why people celebrate it and what people get mad at it and why people take so many different sides..
But when I'm watching some of these horror movies this is what people who are pissed off get mad at. They get mad at those who celebrate these types of religions when there's also a really dark side to it.
And that's hard to embrace. I understand embracing our own darkness and fixing ourselves but it's so difficult to watch people embrace other people's darkness and watching them destroy themselves even if they're doing it themselves in their own aspect of the religion.
And I'm still so curious as to know how these people knew this stuff as far as the Pope and all the different orders. I know they've passed down these ancient secrets but I guess every generation keeps confirming their predecessors findings and also evolving
I don't love what's going on.. and it's difficult for me to celebrate such death and destruction as people have professed to celebrate and I also have my own nostalgic memories and I'm not satanic and I'm not legalistic about any kind of religion however I do have a moral framework because I have released my own demons and I have seen them. I've experienced Angels which is my dog in my dreams and I've seen the demons.
I know they exist. So it stands to reason why people get mad at those who celebrate something so dark and so f***** up.
But if you're going to get mad at all the perceiveably "fake Jews and fake Christians" then maybe it's time for you to look at your own Darkness and look at what you've embraced because you're probably not that different than those who you have cast dispersions to
Every cultural religion and Society has an extreme Dark Side to it. And done atrocious things to somebody else. And so again take a look at your own Darkness because you're never ever going to get somebody to face their own Darkness if they are not ready to do it. But we all have a Darkness.
But without religion how would we get Evolution and advancement of the human race. With all evolution there is a rebirth of humans. Now every human gets a choice. Almost every human. It is survival of the fittest.
Every holiday is a celebration of death life and societal constructs and Absolution and Reconciliation
And in the future no one will ever get more popular than Jesus Christ or else suffer what he suffered.
That's why you don't want to get famous and that's why you share your information and don't pretend like you're magical or better than other people.
You don't want to become a god or a guru or pretend that you have the answer for everybody because the system will knock you down to size. Believe me. I understand now. Jesus Christ was the example. Anyone that gets more famous than him will never happen.
And that's why I'm glad we have different levels of immortality and you can't sell pain and suffering to people who can't deal with it and the system will always have the last say. And all the holidays are based upon your perception of the holidays so you can't get mad at people for celebrating them when they could be celebrating the life of something while you're perceiving they are celebrating the death of something.
Stay humble stay honest
The "fallacy" of martyrdom.. patriotism falls under the lines of martyrdom because when you go off to war there are no guarantees you're coming back
I understand now why the system doesn't want people taking on the role of a famous martyr...
First of all why would you voluntarily die for your belief systems and second of all they don't want you taking so many people down with you unless it's through a controlled situation.
Every religion has their one God or practices polytheism. We know in the 1960s gods were born every day in the Cult Revolution and of course you have a Christian Revival. They wanted to see how influential people can be and what kind of following people could develop in a short amount of time based upon background and lifestyle and belief system. They saw how quickly people became enamored and enveloped into a cult. They saw how quickly people drank the Kool-Aid if it sounded good at the time
And then they saw how quickly people chose to become Martyrs voluntarily based upon somebody's issues with themselves the government or the other people in the world.
You saw what happened to Jesus Christ in the Bible and all the stories. You saw what happened to John Lennon and Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr and RFK and JFK..
You don't want to become so famous promising magic and paradise and ease of life based upon your hatred for somebody else ... because dying for somebody else is an agonizing pain worse than childbirth and being tortured to death slowly
Making somebody famous is because it's in the absence of fulfillment. Why would you worship someone if you weren't fulfilled.?
And so if we're going to worship someone based upon unfulfillment then it might as well be Muhammad or Jesus Christ or Yahweh or Money or Yah or some other God in other polytheistic religions. Because it is full of lessons and allegory that some Yahoo on Facebook would never put out there because they don't take both sides.
Every religion has two sides to it even if you don't see it. And I mean every religion has two sides to it. There might even be more than two sides to it but it's controlled and it's been vetted by the government so you're not taking down thousands and thousands of people all at once
But these Yahoo's and gurus on Facebook take only one side so they cannot possibly be a God or a goddess unless they are the angel of death and if they are the angel of death and they are promoting something deadly based upon how people perceive something then the system will step in.
All types of food and elements can be used as a weapon of war and a tool for perceptions and you can't sell pain and suffering to people and you can't sell taking away pain and suffering from people .. that's why they're cracking down on the raw milk because you can't sell life to people who can handle life.
You can't sell pathogens to people. Pathogen is anything that a person is not conditioned to process and release.
And I will say starvation is the safest way to take people down versus giving them something to eat or drink.. because you're choosing to withhold food from yourself and your children.
Voluntary starvation is the tool of all these gurus all over Facebook as they tell you food is Poison the air is poison in the water is poison and it's your choice to believe it or not.
That's why these gurus are so influential because that's the safest way to destroy human systematically. Until there's a Tipping Point and then the system will step in at some point.
But starvation starts off with the pain and then telling you where they think the pain comes from..
and when you are in deficit and you eat a food that gives you pain, right there the system got you...
It's just a matter of time before you starve yourself to death and people are starving to death and so are their children because they can't handle the pain of life release and conditioning for evolution.
And when you have so many children on bodies in deficit you will inevitably develop children who cannot handle the air food or water supply and of course be resistant to pain and suffering and then end up at zero Kelvin or absolute zero because they have been so cured the environment took them out
But if the system allows you to become so famous and so influential at some point when they see a Tipping Point, the rug gets pulled out from under everybody.
Here's the thing there's a reason why people are famous and influential it's not because they're so special.
It was either good timing and the system is able to use them as a tool until they cross the line or they were planted there for a reason. And you won't know which one it will be. You will never even know if people who are in these positions knew how influential they would become but there were signs.
There are so many different levels of influence and the thing about developing something extraordinary is that you don't capitalize on what you have at the expense of somebody else.
You don't demonize somebody else in order to get ahead. That's the thing about religion sometimes the system has to use an enemy in order for people to unite and if that's going to happen it must be in a controlled circumstance like using Jesus Christ and that whole platform which has been developed for centuries and centuries not just within the last 20 years..
or pitting one race against the other.. or you develop a family that the system will deem expendable based upon the family's choices..
But in reality you don't want to follow people who have sacrificed themselves because that's how you're going to end up but again if that's how you want to end up then who am I to argue with your choices.
But so many people want to live and so if you want to live then who you worship matters and who you don't worship matters and that's all I'm trying to get across and that's been my whole point the last 10 years..
But if your religion is based upon martyrdom on so many different levels like war and family then please don't ever follow me because I'm not about being a martyr. That includes the health and wellness world and large families. I'm not about sacrificing Grandma so the grandchild can get ahead.
There's no guarantee that the grandchildren have what it takes and I'm not trying to sacrifice both. It's f***** either way you go about looking at it
I'm not about dying for somebody else. and I don't care who they are. If I see something I'll say something and I'll call the police. There are some things even out of my control.
And so that's why allegory is so important because there are signs and symbols and representation of something that if you can read between the lines you'll get the message.
Allegory is so important, which is why I don't take everything so literal even in the Bible.
That's what I learned from Dante Alighieri from his famous allegory Dante's Inferno. The Nine Circles of hell is self-induced based upon RESISTANCE to Evolution and change.
The stories are so important just avoid trying to take everything so literal..
I heard somebody say Jesus was just a man and he was not special. That's not the point of the religion of Christianity. The point of Christianity is the fact that people honor somebody dying for somebody else regardless of why. Whether it's war or family that's what Christianity is all about is dying for evolution.
And that's why Christianity has a large families because the mother will always be sacrificed and so will the father and then the children are the new Evolution until the system puts a stop to all of that and redirects.
Jesus was a symbol of somebody dying for the sins of the people who followed him. When a mother dies she's dying for the sins of her children and family until people stop sinning.
And so now I understand why the system must put religion in school and give you the choice of going to a satanic school also known as body autonomy School.
ALL children were born into sin, that includes me and I had to release the demons and there is no guarantee they will redirect any intentions and so if you're going to sin it must be done through a controlled circumstance like religion or through the government based upon satanic principles that are listed out in the curriculum.
That's the thing about children and schools there's no guarantee they will ever redirect from their original thought process and so they must have a channel and a moral framework to become a productive member of society with some kind of morals and values with the opportunity for absolution reconciliation or redirection when they are 18