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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Climate Change is Nuclear War done differently through the family and via the family of disease and viruses

Updated: Aug 20

you always have a choice to eat all food and stop remedying disease if you are over 18. Kids do not have a choice, but parents/grownups do

you do not have to die from climate change.

Correction: ionic is breaking apart not coming together

Climate Change is Nuclear War done differently through the family and via the family of disease and viruses

You were warned.

Climate change is nuclear war

Pandemic is when your body breaks down forcing pixelation with frequency exciting charged DNA PARTICLES TO REPLICATE AND SPREAD aka COMMUNICABILITY

Any plague or PANDEMIC must contain an aggressive catalyst hidden in plain sight.

Newtonian Laws of Motion

Trust the warnings.. history is key.









Your microwave oven is safe but...the weather is IONIZING

Eating, for me, keeps me together aka NEGENTROPY

Fission is entropy aka law of thermodynamics

Order of magnitude

Fusion bonding releasing much energy

Covalent bonding stability

Fusion=conception encourages fission




92 electrons

A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons.

The octet rule refers to the tendency of atoms to prefer to have eight electrons in the valence shell. When atoms have fewer than eight electrons, they tend to react

and form more stable compounds assuming you survive the shockwaves of fission

Less is more..

stability comes from less reactors causing drama.


Two's a company

Three's a crowd

Octet rule 8 or less valence electrons will develop stable compounds

9/11 was the beginning of climate change.. nuclear climatological war..

Life and fertility was the WMD

Starvation and sexuality were the conduits

Activism was the strategy

Ignorance became the choice

Frequency wakes up what doesnt get released or expressed.

You might hang out with or get injected or take in antibiotics or pro biotics with plants, animals, humans, protists, fungus and monera, but you have the choice to release and express or cure and hold in..

Starving cancer ensures your own starvation.. attacking anything IN YOU ensures MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION

Frequency up.. they are warning you, your microbes, and everyone will become INFLUENTIALLY COMMUNICABLE, HIGHLY TRIGGERED and more DIED SUDDENLIES BEHIND THE WHEEL, ON THE FIELD, small kids, large kids, turbo cancers, ETC.

Get whatever therapies you want, but IM STAYING HOME AND SAFE. My hubby must rest in between work and play.

Every single virus has a patent. The reason why because it is human DNA mixed in with segments of your environment that could come from across the world and animals and plants and fungus and bacteria.

And what came first? The chicken or the egg?

Which means every human has a patent and algorithm and a number based upon how the government tracks you and observes everything you do

All viruses are extremely influential life and they are diverse life developing an intelligent infrastructure

Of course they have algorithms and frequencies and they respond to energy. And so when the system tells you there's going to be a type of pandemic or variant well you should believe them.

I can't say that they're the ones that developed the frequencies to wake up and influence viruses to come up in people who already hold the algorithms as well as influence them causing communicability.

What I can say is energy wakes up the Beast Within. Some energy like songs can be extremely influential to those who are influenced by certain frequency and algorithms in a song.

I used to like only 80s and contemporary and soft music And then I assimilated to my husband's DNA and found a liking for his music.

Genre or (gene re) of music and reading and art speaks to the type of frequency and culture your gut influencing your eyes and your brain holds within.

The genre of music literature art and preferences comes from specific genetics you hold within that are interchangeable when the system starts changing the programming and you either assimilate to the change or you resist it and you know what happens when you resist something? Even if you don't it's not going to matter at this point.

If a system is telling you there will be a new pandemic on the horizon, you better believe them. I can't tell you to follow any recommendations from anyone and so talk to your doctor. If you don't have a doctor then I hope you know what you're doing.

To the trolls:

If anyone has an issue with this information and needs to dispute it please allow me to block you. Because I will. I won't ask you for permission.

All viruses have been isolated.. whatever history you are referring to as far as saying that historically no covid-19 virus has ever been isolated is the resistance movement developing their own narrative.

How do you think you test positive for drugs and alcohol? The algorithms on a blood test and urine sample show extremely high titers meaning there was a recent exposure.

And every single pathogen and even the vaccine has a biomarker

When you have high viral titers your titers have surpassed the algorithms of the threshold of someone who would test negative and so you would test positive.

The tests are not so sensitive detecting that one joint you smoked in 6th grade. But they are sensitive enough for recent exposure

A pathogen is an extremely high antibody titer so influential causing the body to go in an immunological response causing disease

High titers..

an antibody titer test measures the amount of antibodies in a blood sample. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system to fight pathogens like viruses and bacteria.

The test can detect the presence or amount of antibodies, which can indicate if someone has been vaccinated against or infected by a pathogen, or how well their immune system is working.

An antibody titer is a type of blood test that determines the presence and level (titer) of antibodies in the blood. This test is carried out to investigate if there is an immune reaction triggered by foreign invaders (antigens) in the body.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and Intellectual Property: Patents

Disease will always happen and it's inevitable, especially if you live in a diverse population. And you do and you can't get away from people places and things and animals

It is how you respond to disease is what will make a difference between life and death and the quality of life

Why do you think small towns in foreign countries get taken over by larger forces? Because they didn't have the numbers and the infrastructure and the strategy and they couldn't handle the diversity of another culture taking over mixing in with theirs. Don't make your children an island like Taiwan and Palestine. If they're not strong enough for the world around them it's not going to matter what they do

Whenever you get exposed to something influential through the air food water and even a partner it's like your diverse microbes are going to develop offspring from that exposure and you can have families and families and families of microbes based upon the diversity in your body. No different than a community of like 50 to 1,000 different families. The more diversity you have in your body because you're not releasing demons the more offshoots of a single exposure to something aggressive develops and then it could be catastrophic for a person. That's the danger of fertility when there's so much diversity within your body Mind and Spirit and in the population. How does your body reconcile dealing with so many offspring unless you know how to release demons and deal with the symptoms.

Since I don't mix in with a lot of people except for my husband but he mixes in with different people whatever my husband is exposed to and whatever I get exposed to through a restaurant or at the grocery store once in awhile I can finally handle exposure unless it's so much and then certain symptoms would come up because of body is reconciling with the deluge.

And so the more diversity you hold within your body because of remedies and lack of release the more you will develop a reaction of Offspring called disease and yeah waking up the demons within developing an aggressive fornication replication reproduction that doesn't always turn into a baby.

As far as children exposed to such diversity. Do they have the infrastructure to handle exposure to someone in their peer group??

Is that child's immunity so weak that it couldn't handle exposure to diversity.

How many kids are allergic to air food and water?

If a child can't reconcile with a vaccine or the environment with peers and friends and family it's not going to matter what you do. I think that's what the system is trying to tell you. It's not going to matter what you do if your kid is not strong enough to deal with peers and their immune system and the general population as well as a public health therapy.

Yes Public Health therapies are fertility and they develop offspring that could potentially strengthen the person if they keep eating and releasing. But Public Health therapies are only 50% of the equation.

The parents and that child have to make up the other 50%.

That 50% could mean the difference between a short life and a long life.

Disease will always happen and it's inevitable, especially if you live in a diverse population. And you do and you can't get away from people places and things and animals

It is how you respond to disease is what will make a difference between life and death and the quality of life

And when you abuse the cures market wanting to be cured without paying the price, death is the ultimate price..

Your kid may not feel disease today tomorrow or the next day but they could be one of the future died suddenlies.

Disease was always an indicator your body had to release and retain and food was always the answer. All food is the answer and was the answer.

Silencing or starving your child's immune system and body develops future died suddenly

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day

Teach a man to fish, he won't need you as a boss and you can't manipulate him into SLAVERY.

Give a man a pill, you control him for a day, you teach a man the value of life, he controls himself for life

I read the People's History of the USA in 1995 by Howard Zinn.

While exploitation existed and exists, humans also exploit themselves for financial gain.

The severity of any reaction, regardless of catalyst, is based upon CLIMATE and the state of the recipient's existence

Payton said when he got to the school, he saw paramedics trying to save his son. He described it as very hot in the gym, saying it felt similar to the heat outside.

My take: people forget or are in denial we are in climate change vaxxed or not


The heat hits differently with ULTRA Low frequency exciting DNA to move increasingly faster than the body can process..

Covalent clots pushed by ionizing heatwaves equals seizures and strokes and DS in some people right away or develops an environment ripe for a sudden event.

Regardless you will be exposed.

Could you handle a small amount of antibodies from the public health therapies relative to your public exposure during climate change?

Every time there's a new variant in the population your body develops antibodies also known as offspring.

Could you develop an offspring in your body from the vaccines that could give you less reaction then you would have had in the public space?

That's the gamble everyone's taking. There's no guarantee which is why the inserts say what they say.

All the way from the most benign reaction to died suddenly.

Climate change just makes everything more influential.

so you'll never know that even when you take a therapy that whatever reaction, theoretically, could have been less than what you would have experienced, had you not taken the V,

and that's something you're going to have to reconcile with yourself along with your children.

Talk to your doctor. I don't have a doctor so there's no reason to talk to my doctor. There is no recommendation for me because no one's recommending me to get a vaccine.

And if I walk into a crowded hot space during climate change in the winter time and someone has an active monkey pox variant floating in the atmosphere, I will deal with it.

My immune system and my whole body is prepared for my own climate change from new variants in the population.

Viruses are a conglomeration of biodiversity which can be extremely influential based upon how it affects The Host.

If animals are becoming more aggressive as well as more intelligent then you know the microbes will be extremely influential and more intelligent and deadlier.. zoonotic viruses will be extremely deadly

What happens at the micro level translates to the macro level and vice versa.

If men are extremely aggressive out there in the public and even to each other their microbes are just as aggressive.

Same goes for women. If she's extremely aggressive physically and intellectually then her microbes will be just as aggressive physically and intellectually.

And that's the war everyone is fighting.

With that said how can you possibly afford to starve yourself living on simple ingredients when you're fighting the world for your survival?

How can your body afford to make room for more plant-based and herbal based offspring from your remedy supplements and detoxes and also be exposed to friends family and animals and then aggressive viruses filtered through your aggressive friends and family and animals?

People cannot. There's a Tipping Point and that's why died suddenly

At this point I don't mix in with a lot of people. How can you be sure in a diverse crowd if they're safe to be around. Small groups of people no big deal but you're not allowed to change.

Strangers-how could you possibly know who it is you're dealing with. And I don't feel safe hanging out with a bunch of strangers.

Many high-risk people out there with lack of tolerance to diversity and some people are dangerous.

And so the system will deploy whatever scores and ratings based upon your speech and your patterns and your beliefs and then you will have to deal with the consequences.

Believe me, you all held me to such aggressive accountability and you put my feet to the fire.

You forced me to study. Thankfully I had the background to sit and study.

You forced me to defend myself. And I still survived it and I'm better for it.

And so if your parents never held you accountable for your speech your beliefs and your religions and politics and science then I guess the nanny state will have to hold you accountable. I mean somebody has to or you become predatory.

And if parents can't even handle the school system giving their child four pages of homework to do at 4:00 p.m. then you know those parents never had anyone to hold them accountable.. and you know those kids will be little terrors today and when they grow up

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