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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Climate Change is Using Up Your Lifelines If You Do Not Get Smart Quick

Happy 50th Hayflick Limit weekend

On to the next hayflick limit.. 50 more years

Here's to the next immortalized germ line cells with a new cabinet of somatic cells

Here's to you DR. HAYFLICK

Climate Change is Using Up Your Lifelines If You Do Not Get Smart Quick

Happy Hayflick Limit Day

My birthday!

July 2022 released the Beast

July 2023 I gave birth to myself using the ice cream sandwiches and milk and cream and meat and milk..

Climate change is the fiftieth lifelines will be dying suddenly..

generation x is turning" fifty" ..

You are in the ultimate reality show of gaming and you are on your last lifeline , if you don't understand..

Game over when you utilized your last lifeline..

Sometimes it's a treatment or an herbal remedy or a diet regime or an exercise protocol..

Mothers who die at childbirth utilized their last lifeline..

People who die after all the different treatments have utilized their last lifeline.

The constant extreme fluctuations of the barometric pressure causes reproduction , thus encouraging people to reproduce themselves out of existence..

Hospice: when you have used up all of your lifelines with treat/ments.. That includes all remedies, herbal and what not, detoxes. And whatever else people are offering to each other even food mitigation diets..

The system will keep giving you pleasure and paradise and encouraging families. So you utilize your last lifeline and you don't survive.. Because if you keep reproducing yourself out of existence you will have disease along with having so many children.

Having children it takes away so many lifelines from that parent..

Having so much sex and or with different partners is utilizing all of your lifelines..

Watching porn and all of that utilizes lifeline..

Your friends are lifelines , and when you use up EVERY last one of them and you have nothing left people don't survive.. Because they never could be on their own..

They always used their friends and family to survive until they sucked the the life out of their friends and family.. And then ultimately themselves..

If you want to survive..

You better be a self starter.. Relatively self sufficient.. And you don't depend another people to get by.. You understand the need for government on certain things.. But you're not dependent upon people around you to keep you alive..

Because what if they weren't around you. I guess you would be dead huh

That's the fate of most people who survive through their friends and family.. Because if they weren't there they wouldn't survive..

The system counts on you not surviving . Because you're so desperate to be around friends and family..

That's why I was lucky I was not trained like most of you. I may have been hot in my thirties and early forties. But my back up was my brain..

Not my back

My brain is what ultimately is saving my ass..

Cause I don't need people around me so much to give me life..

I can live on very minimal social interaction ..

revolution, not evolution, means, it was done before..

repeat, on a loop..

if you are a revolutionary.. your are tired.. you are a clone.

You are in the ultimate reality show of gaming and you are on your last lifeline , if you don't understand..

Game over when you utilized your last lifeline..

 Sometimes it's a treatment or an herbal remedy or a diet regime or an exercise protocol..

Mothers who die at childbirth utilized their last lifeline..

People who die after all the different treatments have utilized their last lifeline.

The constant extreme fluctuations of the barometric pressure causes reproduction , thus encouraging people to reproduce themselves out of existence..

Hospice: when you have used up all of your lifelines with treat/ments.. That includes all remedies, herbal and what not, detoxes. And whatever else people are offering to each other even food mitigation diets..

The system will keep giving you pleasure and paradise and encouraging families. So you utilize your last lifeline and you don't survive.. Because if you keep reproducing yourself out of existence you will have disease along with having so many children.

Having children it takes away so many lifelines from that parent..

Having so much sex and or with different partners is utilizing all of your lifelines..

Watching porn and all of that utilizes lifeline..

Your friends are lifelines , and when you use up EVERY last one of them and you have nothing left people don't survive.. Because they never could be on their own..

They always used their friends and family to survive until they sucked the the life out of their friends and family.. And then ultimately themselves..

If you want to survive..

You better be a self starter.. Relatively self sufficient.. And you don't depend another people to get by.. You understand the need for government on certain things.. But you're not dependent upon people around you to keep you alive..

Because what if they weren't around you. I guess you would be dead huh

That's the fate of most people who survive through their friends and family.. Because if they weren't there they wouldn't survive..

The system counts on you not surviving . Because you're so desperate to be around friends and family..

That's why I was lucky I was not trained like most of you. I may have been hot in my thirties and early forties. But my back up was my brain..

Not my back

My brain is what ultimately is saving my ass..

Cause I don't need people around me so much to give me life..

I can live on very minimal social interaction ..

Dying suddenly mean you were the last line of defense..

All the remedies and drugs and everything causes your body to constantly reproduce itself out of existence.. Just also why people aee so attractive to puppies and kittens.. And children..

It's all mind control and hormone control.. They want you to keep reproducing yourself out of existence surrounded by puppies and kittens and oxytocin pleasure and paradise..

It was all mind control.. Even all the legalistic religions.. Who are still breeding SO MANY children to this day.. enslaving the women and children..

Once they understood Dr. HAYFLICK'S discovery..

The system not only encouraged you to have children, but also discouraged you and recommended all the therapies. And remedies to cause more reproduction.. Thus weakening your children. So that way , they won't have a chance to reproduce because they don't have any more lives left.. They don't get the chance to even reproduce themselves to stay alive.. Not just reproduce other children

And weakening you in the meantime..

Which is why people are falling apart.. And justifying it..

And think i'm the devil and crazy.. Don't worry.. The system will prove just how f****** crazy I really am when you find out at the f****** 11th hour how right I am.

I would rather be alive wrong than dead right..

But that's just me.

Dr. Leonard Hayflick may have discovered the limited amount of time the somatic cells can redouble itself (50x), however, what the establishment does not tell you is, you can invoke new immortal germline cells to develop yet another cabinet of somatic cells and give you another 50 years, etc to increase longevity and prolong your life..

The reason why the establishment does not tell you this is because many of you were bred to be and do ONLY ONE thing.. academics, construction, prostitute, mother, wife or authority.. and it would be painful to leap to another life span..

but now.. you get the freedom to try your hand at not only closing out the old world, but also welcoming in the new world, and still live to tell about it..

But you would have to see beyond your current paradigm..

How many of you are stuck in trying to prove yourself in this old world that is dying..?

So many of you are stuck in the old world trying to prove yourself, that you fail to realize the world has changed..

So yes, many of you will close out the old world.. thank you

 But many will not be able to experience the new world..

They failed to make the necessary changes... You still had a lot to prove to everyone.. Or you're waiting until the last minute.. Not realizing you may not have a last minute..

This weekend was subtle but very clear.. And it will get cold again and then warm again.

Why is the temperature change so significant.. It's not just the temperature change.. It's how aggressive and how fast it changes..

It was 50 degrees and almost hot yesterday... It was so warm outside.. It was uncharacteristically warm..

And then it will get so cold again.. No consistency in the barometer..

When the barometric pressure is unstable . So are people's immune systems..

That is why I heard so many sirens yesterday when it was WARM!

And then the barometric pressure dips so low, more sirens..

You were used to only getting sick maybe twice a year.. If that..

With the barometric pressure swinging so crazily every other month.

People are getting sick daily..

That's called climate change.

So Dr. HAYFLICK realized that somatic cells can only redouble itself 50 times over.. How many of you have reproduced so much offspring with issues that you are taking up those 50 lives you had a chance to go and redirect..

That's why kids are dying suddenly.. They are the fiftieth time redoubling itself.. And they don't have any more lives left.. When the barometric pressure changes yet again.

Unless mothers do something different with themselves..

Cats may have nine lives..

Humans have fifty times to figure it out. Sometimes an eight year old is the fiftieth time to figure something out.

How many eight year olds are allowed to figure it out by themselves..

 So if they are the last line of defense and they can't handle the environment..

That genetic line ends with them..

People who are dying suddenly were the last lines of defense and they didn't know it.. Nor did they give a shit.. Because they didn't feel anything.. And they were so legalistic and so tunnelled.. You couldn't tell them a damn thing. And many of them are children with parents who don't give a fucking shit. Cause you can't tell parents anything..

They think they know everything..

The system weaponized your god mentality against your offspring..

That's how they got you.

And they made you think breeding children and animals is such a good thing when you're using up all of their lifelines..

That's why life gets weakened through constant reproduction and breeding..

So if you fancy yourself a breeder in humans and animals. Don't complain to other people when you've bred the last line of your own genetic line..


The order of operations...

It always starts off with the parents..


Nothing is accidental

 nothing is coincidental..

You've always used algebra.. You just didn't know it because they hid that from you..

Everything is hidden in plane site..

P = Everything starts off with the (parents).. (all relative- If you have no children, you are the parents to the microbes in your body)

E = With their (exponential) offspring (microbes/viruses/children/disease/cancer)

M/D = (Multiplying dividing) everyone and everything

A/S = While (adding and subtracting) through consumption..

The hospital system is the same thing..

It all starts with a diagnosis..


(P)arents (E)xpected to (M)edicate a (D)iagnosis (A)s (S)oon as possible

The train left the station.

The rules of integers came from biology..

Antigen = NEGATIVE




Negative and positive is all relative to what it is your testing negative for and positive for.. And the context of a situation.. Obesity is so much immune system it will smother the vital organs..

Underweight so skinny not enough PROTECTION

Continuous damage to the body because of invasive protocols will cause imbalances and break downs.


Neg * Pos = NEG (ENTROPY)

Pos *Neg = NEG (ENTROPY)

You will always be in the negative at a deficit.. That's why you can't afford to be starving and deficient in nutrition..

This environment is deleting people faster..

 Because EITHER THEY ARE full of ANTIGEN and hardly any antibodies , and they're afraid of food , water and air. Usually that's blood type a and b.. Because there are deficient of anti bodies.. And they've also trapped those antigen in their immune system.. Trapping too many opposing forces will cause you to be deleted faster.. Falling apart.

Or they are full of antibodies and eventually it will convert to antigen.. Because they trapped opposing forces in their body mind and spirit.. Usually blood type O..

Mother nature always keeps the balance.. When you least expect it

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