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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Cultivating Resistance Develops Died Suddenly

you cannot serve two masters

if you are not helping yourself, you will help or develop a resistance to destroy yourself and others..

that is activism.. that is politics, religion and science..

Politics, Religion, Science and Resistance (doppelgangers and families)

Do you ever get the feeling someone or something or groups of people are resisting you? Do you ever feel that reaction of defense when someone pushes an emoji that you think is inappropriate for the situation? Do you ever just want to ignore feelings of resistance because you want to think everyone has your best interests but in reality how could you even know for sure?

Politics, religion and science uses clothing, subversive literature, symbols, family, group situations, speech, emotions, labels and beliefs purposely fosters a resistance. Even extremely gorgeous women/men or someone who is so hard to look at fosters a type of resistance

The old world is about forcing and fostering resistance to develop an extremely strong prototype and then watching the weak ones fall to the wayside.

Immunological, biological, internal, spiritual, and intellectual resistance training is brutal, painful and deadly if you cannot walk away, or block resistance from family, friends, the public, and even your Facebook community.

In the old world, the environment did not foster so much resistance unless you opened yourself up to receive resistance by walking into aggressive diverse situations like a ball game or a concert or even door knocking, like religious proselytizers. Resistance remedies did not have to be so strong because the microbes and diseases were not as influential. Even the political resistance was down to a dull roar unless it was election season but people pretty much accepted the outcome when they tallied the votes and CNN or Fox gave us the final numbers.

However, the last 20 years, since 9/11, resistance is at an all time high and becoming more deadly to the point of died suddenly, aggressive division and murder suicides/infanticide.

It will only get worse.

Which is why everything around politics, religion and science resistance triggers aggressive reactions from so many people because so many people are at their limit of tolerating even a little bit of resistance..

Sickness is the body resisting releasing vital organs but trying to push out "demons" of cultures metastasizing while the climate changes exponentially.

Sometimes, that is all a person can handle is their own body resisting death and also allowing life..

And so not having a political angle or a religious belief and even a scientific Dogma could alleviate so much implied resistance against somebody because you took one side or the other.

And so that's why the system is pushing for a new world because they know all of your division which is great because the system wants to know who the remainders are will eventually annihilate even the most well-intentioned person because they have to be forced into a resistance. Children don't get the option to leave resistance because not only are they resistance but their parents will force them into resistant situations and that's why they don't survive

 they don't have the infrastructure.

All the political religious and scientific resistance training can be very deadly if you don't know how to manage the type of resistance you're cultivating. Sometimes you won't know until you have to feel that pain of the body trying to resist you releasing and you know you have to release those demons and then you win.

And just so you know family is one of the most deadly resistance training ever because there's always going to be someone who is stronger in that family and they will immunologically annihilate everyone. And muscles and weight and size is not necessarily a sign of a strong person. So you won't know who's the strongest person in that house until the last person is standing and even then they may not even survive themselves.

 They might cancel themselves out.

And if you do cancel yourself out there's always going to be a twin somewhere in the world that survived you even though you could be 10,000 miles away

btw, yesterday, I was feeling the pain of resistance and release and I purposely, innately drank a pint of milk to develop mucus to cough out whatever was above my waste/waist needing to get out but also released many demons down there and wow.. and I don't always turn to milk. But sometimes my body tells me it's time to drink some milk and develop an arsenal

you know how you can tell dogs are feeling sick? They eat the grass to settle their stomach... milk does the same thing helping me release those demons then my stomach is settled

But first, I have to get sick.. and guess what people don't want to get sick and so they suffer and die

I never ever want to have a pet because they have NO voice and they suffer from lack of releasing sickness that even the owners cannot even see.. treating them or not, animals suffer from lack of freedom to take care of themselves.. animals and children are not allowed to get sick to feel the release of pain and resistance and so they suffer from being forced to resist something within their body..

what I felt yesterday I know animals are suffering from what I felt yesterday because they're closed up from all the remedies and everything else the owner thinks they're doing to keep their animals healthy when in reality they're forcing so much resistance they suffer as they leave this earth.

And even though releasing demons are painful sometimes it's even more painful when you have to harbor them because someone doesn't know any better and they don't care what you have to deal with

 all they care is you shutting up

Unrequited farts are like spontaneous combustion




So I have a personal relationship with the universe and there is no label you can slap on it. There are no clothes to wear and they're no prayers to say and there is no card to hand out to people. There is no merchandise and there is no revenue you can make from having a personal relationship with the universe. There are no books to read about having a personal relationship with the universe because for you to have a personal relationship with the university you must be well read with all types of books not just one type of genre. All genres are part of your personal relationship with the universe.



 So then there are no limitations. And there are no biases and there is no discrimination and there are no people to worship or castigate.

Walk away from those who sell you anything especially a rigid lifestyle and belief system.. what do they have to gain to convert you to their beliefs? And that's what you ask yourself whenever you want to explore spirituality.

In my opinion spirituality is not for sale and it's not a label and it's not a clothing and it's not even a symbol. It's not a group you belong to and it doesn't even have a 501c3.

You would never know a person is spiritual when you have a relationship with the universe because it's not of anyone's business what your beliefs are when it comes to spirituality and the universe. And that's how you walk away from the wars.

I think a person could be spiritual and full of wisdom without looking aged or wearing a label telling people you are spiritual.

In my opinion I think spirituality is never advertising spirituality.

The fact that people know your sexual orientation the religion you practice and the spirituality you believe in tells me it's not really about Humanity it's commercializing beliefs.

I would never advertise in public any religion or even a potential belief in reincarnation. The fact I'm studying and understanding it now doesn't say that I subscribe to that solely. I take from all different beliefs and develop my thought process without commercializing anything and I give myself the opportunity to evolve with the information.

 Nothing is ever static..

To have one religion one political believe and one scientific dogmatic principle you believe in with no opportunity to change your beliefs is extremely rigid but if you are evolutionary he will learn from rigidity and let rigidity do what it needs to do..

Rigid people teach you about a belief that you could turn to when you need to and then also evolve and find other beliefs to hybridize and develop strong amazing future. Sometimes rigidity needs to be the backdrop so you understand what flexibility means. To get flexibility rigidity must exist. And you can always switch between rigidity and flexibility because ultimately if you want to stay alive you must be rigid about life but also understand releasing life that does not serve you without harming it.

That's not a spirituality or religion you can sell to anyone because that's extremely personal and it's not even a god. I don't have any personal relationship with any specific God because what does that even mean.

I have a personal relationship with the universe and you can call it God but to use the word god implies idolatry and deification.

So in essence I have a personal relationship with the universe. And I can't sell that. Nobody can sell that.

Whatever frequency or weather changed happened definitely made my back and arms a little sore and then a had heart palpitations and I ate food and blew my nose and then sneezed a few times and that was it and then I needed to take a nap and my heart palpitations are gone.

But I definitely do feel both sides of my arms and back and it's not horrible but wow there's definitely a change in the atmosphere.

The laws of thermodynamics says you will always be in deficit which means you always must feed and release enough to keep yourself going and feet enough to keep yourself going

Sometimes it takes a billionaire to teach the world about money management. Money doesn't grow on trees. And it doesn't solve your problems and you will attract people with malintention after your money

It doesn't help you to resist the reality of the future if you can't find a way to redirect

Facing some really hard subject matters is how you're going to get through them when they do happen. You know inevitably something will happen and you want to be prepared for it all.

Those who believe they should die someday need to develop some kind of estate planning. Survivors make sure you know what you're up against should somebody die and they have a big family

to alleviate future stress of your next of kin, get your affairs in order, if you believe you should die someday..

people fight over money and baubles when people die.. and declining humans are vicious around money and material wealth..

When people die everybody comes out of the woodwork and makes a claim against whatever is in the estate and it is a deadly Battle of the wills of people taking what they think is theirs.

Vultures scavenge whatever is remaining. You'll see the truth about humans when somebody dies. People you haven't talked to in years all the sudden come around..

 Death brings out the parasites from the woodwork and it's deadly.

Death of loved ones brings out the worst in humanity. Make sure everything you have is Ironclad and indisputable in a court of law because you will fight family for the remains and the estate of dead family members.

Family is not your friend when it comes to the death of a loved one especially when there's a huge estate to fight over.

Family is only your friend when you have something to offer them and when you have nothing to offer them people are estranged as well as they should be.

And if you are estranged today then you should be estranged tomorrow regardless of the death.

In my opinion funerals are never the time to get reacquainted with people you've cut out of your life.

There's a reason why you're not acquainted with them today there should be no reason why you should reacquaint yourself with people at a funeral

I don't want a funeral if something happens to me and neither does my husband. Because I'm not waiting for vultures to come out of the f****** woodwork fighting over stupid s***..

And I will make sure I have nothing except for what I can live on. Because you know how greedy people are..

Protect yourself. Protect your future..

That's my two cents around the death of a loved one.

I know my beliefs are avant-garde but when you watch what people turn into when they're fighting over remains, even an estate it's a bloody battle..

I expect nothing from anyone who has died in the past present or future. My husband and I built our life together and we will figure out what needs to happen should anything happen to us. But we've built our life together. No one has claims over what we built together.

No family member should ever make a claim against your life and against your estate they didn't earn inheriting something that you built. They need to build their own f****** life and their own estate.

I know many people think differently because they have children. Probably why children feel entitled because they inherited something they never earned and so they'll spend it on stupid s*** and then die. And then all of that potential was squandered away.

Why am I posting this. Because I see what's going on when people die and what people turn into when things are not settled before an event happens. It becomes really ugly. It becomes a war that should never happen when somebody dies. You are already are stressed that you've lost someone and to deal with somebody looking to make claims is probably the most transparent con ever.

Learn from other people and don't leave your family out to dry to fight their in-laws and anyone else who thinks they have a claim.

Wisdom is learning the lessons from other people and foolish people learn their own lessons..

And with all of these died suddenlies this is a concept many people need to consider to alleviate future aggressive suffering that is unneeded and unwarranted.

Why do you think billionaires don't leave their billions to their kids. Because they're smarter than the average population.

That money will destroy them.. and they care about their children's future and that's why they invest in education not a lump of gold.

Having a lot of money makes you a deadly target to someone who is f****** greedy. It's not lucrative to hoard wealth. You become the target of a con that could last for years and years and years..

Money only buys temporary happiness until money ruins you.

When someone dies without naming a beneficiary, the state will determine how to distribute their assets based on a federally mandated order of inheritance called the "Order of Precedence". The order varies by jurisdiction and local policy, but generally includes surviving family members like a spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, siblings, nephews, or nieces. If there are no legitimate heirs, the assets become property of the deceased's state of residence.

DFAS (.mil)

What happens when you die

Feb 17, 2023 — If You Don't Designate a Beneficiary When no beneficiary is named, the payment...

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If the deceased failed to name account or policy beneficiaries but had a valid will or oth...


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If the deceased had a valid will or other estate documents, these may also influence how their assets are distributed, but they may not exempt the assets from probate court. In some cases, the person named in the will or a close relative may handle probate matters.

Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional.


when they project a climate state of existence like Australia not having a winter by 2050 means it will be a progressive change..

simply stating today is cold in Australia is irrelevant to the premise as the concept is telling you BY 2050 Australia will have no winter..

when they say the west will be mostly infertile by 2050 means a progressive decline of fertility will happen .. saying you are fertile now is IRRELEVANT.

to resist the future by using today's standards when the system who controls your air food and water told you what the future will be is a future case of died suddenly.. because those who aim to be fertile despite the warning the future is infertile means your intention will develop the outcome of non existence due to infertility through wanting to be fertile, called DIED SUDDENLY.


here is a logical fallacy. It is cold today, therefore it will forever be cold tomorrow..

Nothing is static in this world. Everything Changes. To say your family is fertile today does not mean your family is going to be fertile tomorrow because they could die suddenly.. and all the evidence points to the dilution of the genome through aggressive procreation and remedies causing aggressive procreation exponentially

anagram is a recompilation of the same entity.. all of you are anagrams.

ana(l) gram

canton-rainier is an anagram for reincarnation

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