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Developing Family Decreases Your Chances to Increase Your Hayflick Limit

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

Number 1 reason for death from Natural Causes is STARVATION.

In essence having a child will decrease the mother's ability to survive as well as her child.

Any lifelines that mother had is given to that child who may or may not survive and that child will have a hard time gaining lifelines given it inherited deficiencies going into an extremely deadly environment called climate change

What a paradox we live in

Which one is better?

You're going to find the system will show you what happens when people develop something innately they know they cannot take care of.

As well as just how evil their peers can be when they are 100% in charge of another human

When humans put so much investment in procreating children, infanticide is also part of the equation.

Infanticide is not new. Animals do it. Animals eat their young when they know they're not strong enough. And old civilizations practiced infanticide when they saw what kind of children were developed from each generation.

… parents have limited resources to dedicate to their offspring and if the baby is sick or weak, carnivores have been known to consume babies or abandon them

The system is going to force you to watch your peers reconcile with their choices. And it's already brutal.

Putting your kids on diets and saying everything is poison is not that far away from just forgetting your child's in a car.

So you have the option of

1. a quick death with abortion.

2. A suffering death through the Foster system if they are matched with somebody who is completely abusive and destructive.

3. A hot death in a hot car.

4. Or a long-suffering death of surgeries with diets and detoxes and food withheld

5. OR the pain and suffering of trying to wean the person back on the food supply plus rebuilding and growing to sustain life. And you must get doctors approval to allow a type of suffering the system frowns upon

We give the guys on death row a better existence than these poor children who did not commit ANY CRIMES.

Their only crime was their parents brought them into this world from traditions and loneliness.. and so these children pay the price. And it's a deadly long-suffering price

I couldn't even tell you which one is better.

 I can't even begin to tell you which one is better.

 I can't imagine any child is enjoying their lack of tolerance to air food water and the extensive heat locked in a car or stuck in the foster system with people who are in it for the money..

If parents can't become whole and it's too painful they'll develop children who are in such deficit suffering trying to assimilate to their peers and Society.

I came from almost nothing. A war-torn nation and brought to America and I suffered for 50 years. Today I have finally stopped suffering astronomically and I know what it takes to assimilate to aggressive diversity. 50 years of suffering. Do you think the system can handle 300 million people suffering for 50 years making deadly aggressive mistakes?

If you are an adult you have a better chance to survive suffering than these poor children do. And even then I can never guarantee that you would survive suffering.

The number one cause of death in all humans and animals through natural causes


I came from this world. I mean in a slow frequency world you could sort of get away with this for maybe less than 100 years relative to Lifestyle and belief system and what you came into this world with. In this environment this is obviously very deadly.

All these women desire to look so skinny and emaciated. That's why the rise in gluten free everything. Sugar free everything. It is State sanctioned anorexia perpetrated by the dietitians out there. It's pretty Grim what's going on..

And so women who lose so much weight start getting Botox and plastic surgery and fillers. If you would just eat food you wouldn't need Botox and fillers.

The other side of it is extreme obesity because of lack of release.. anytime you jump from one size to another it's a painful transition. Going up or down is painful

One person may have 7 chances to rebirth oneself throughout their life through 7 different growth and development spurts.

1. in utero 2.33 chances

2. Baby 2.33 chances

3. Toddler 2.33 chances

4. Tween 2.33 chances

5. Teen 2.33 chances

6. Youn Adult 2.33 chances

7 Adult 2.33 chances

8. elderly (pretty much over)

If your mother and father had you at the end or her and his 7 different growth and development spurts in deficit while treating disease, when the climate changes, the environment will have sped up your Hayflick Limit forcing you to take away lifelines by treating disease or via starvation or a hard charging sports lifestyle.

By the time gen x turns 50, and everyone before, you are seeing died suddenlies happen and of course the boomers/silent gens.

I am seeing many Gen X realizing their Hayflick limit and failing to surpass it.

Once you hit menopause you're at a crossroads Gen X women. You can die like the system has brainwashed you into thinking or you can regain another lifeline but that would require an aggressive change in lifestyle and belief system.

Millennials might have a chance but if they're stuck taking care of their children and they're looking for love and community forget it it's over with.

 It's the Gen X women that might have a chance because if their children are older and relatively self-sufficient and they're not married to someone domineering they could redirect the system's intentions

Right now, adults and teens might have a chance to regain lifelines if they pull back, wean themselves back onto the food supply and wean off of the remedies and drugs and hard charging lifestyle..

49÷3generations (boomer?/genx/millenial/zoomer)= 16.33 chances ÷7 growth spurts is 2.33 chances per growth spurt to STOP treating diseas, regain tolerance to air food water and add your own LIFE.


Gen x


Gen X






Every time you have a child you take away that child's ability to rebirth itself making it more susceptible to die suddenly









Rebirthing oneself is brutal..

Climbing out of that hole of basically died suddenly is a brutal process

No guarantee a person could survive their family's traditions but at least you understand how it breaks down mathematically algebraically intellectually immunologically biophysically.

That's why the system is trying to tell you pull back on having big families because you're f****** yourself ..

That's why the system gave you choice. A woman's right to choose. Because every single time she has a baby she's taking away lifelines and forcing her child to suffer trying to regain life lines as the mother is losing them. And these families don't care how their children end up because all they care about is following traditions but they don't understand mathematically what is going on because they are so religious it's blinded their eyes and made them deaf through their ears and of course have to look hot and sexual and socially acceptable..

And their kids look cute for a minute while the mother is playing dress up and doesn't understand why the father is stressed out trying to make money for all these children and these kids are suffering but trying to put on a face to please mother

Basically vaccines are an opportunity to rebirth oneself if it's supported through air food and water and not treating disease. If you can't handle the vaccines there's no way you'll be able to handle being around your peers who will give you a chance to rebirth yourself. And so the system is giving everyone a chance to evolve themselves and yes there's going to be infertility in the future but it doesn't mean you have to die. You just have to handle rebirthing yourself properly.

The system is going to find ways to take all of our ideas and develop the best child out there made for the system and then those of you who understand my information might have a chance to save yourself if you can handle the air food and water and you're not parsing out your body through the remedies and surgeries

people say, eating food is painful..

i say, life is painful, dying is brutal, and death is peaceful.. you choose.

If you think you can do it on your own buy a gallon of milk and do a little bit everyday. And you s*** your brains out if you need to and you eat food.

You cough sneeze and blow your nose. Make sure you have a diverse food supply. But you will feel everything under the sun. Are you prepared to feel what it's like to live?? And yes I have felt many times heart palpitations and I drink milk and eat food and go to sleep and release demons down there and sometimes they are stubborn and so I make sure they get out without taking anything in the medical holistic system. You really have to want to live to survive your body going through an aggressive transition.

Many many times spaghetti saved my ass and I was allowed to sleep and sleep when I needed to.

And make sure you have pasta and meat and pork and chicken and fruit and vegetables and everything available because you will need to feed yourself as you release those demons. That is securing another lifeline. You're investing in food and in yourself.

If you are vegan and vegetarian how can you convert plants into meat? You're not a cow. You're a human. You are an omnivore. You're not an herbivore. Even though cows and herbivores do eat some protein you need to give your body enough amino acids from animal fats and proteins to convert into strong heart and lungs and liver.

 These temporary inflated weightlifters who live on vegan and vegetarian deflate over time because those hormones causing the muscles to grow bigger run out and then you have so much resistance and not enough fat you have breakage and then died suddenly.

Lack of fat is lack of immune system and too much fat is overly immunized causing a smothering of your vital organs and canceling yourself out

Make sure you have oatmeal and milk and cream and oil and butter and eggs. Give your body the carrier force to carry out the demons out of your body.

And maybe it's time to pull back on your social activities and activism politics religion and science..

America your religion and your activism and politics can't exist if you destroy yourself.

You want to save the Christians and you are Christian you need to save yourself.

 If you want to save America and you are an American well you need to save yourself.

You want to save the blacks Hispanics the Jews the Muslims the Asians the Mexicans and every other culture each of them must save themselves to save their race and culture and Creed and religion and politics..

Trying to preserve your religion like Hebrew and Muslim by telling your friends to take remedies and get surgeries is doing quite the opposite. You're destroying your own culture race and Creed and gender and religion.

If you want to preserve your family genetic line you have to save yourself. If you can't save yourself it's not going to matter what you do because your children won't save themselves because they have no one to copy except for whatever it is you're doing destroying yourself.

Parents who aim to destroy themselves will have children who will copy them and follow right in their footsteps.

 Very rarely will you see a child do something different than his parents. There's a few parents in the j world that might be the only one surviving their family but at least they're giving their offspring a chance

 a Fighting Chance.

Just remember in this environment it is so aggressive that your body will use up so much more energy and if you're not replacing that energy with vast amounts of food and reserves your body will convert itself out of existence regardless of how you look and what you look like..

Everything is accelerating. And these new pandemics won't let you be as cured even with the Jilly juice..

At some point you're going to have to reconcile with the past.

And if you have kids that's a lot to reconcile and make up for

even if they're grown up..

All of us were born from disease.

And if our parents don't release the demons, they still hold that disease in which developed us, their offspring, inside their immune system, they will have to reconcile with that disease one day.

You just hope it's later and not sooner. But there's no guarantee during climate change..

That's why people are afraid to eat food because they know they're going to wake up the other beast so they try to stay as cured and as skinny as possible to hold on to what they think is their youth until the environment takes them out

The New Bubonic Plague

Monkey Pox+ HIGH ULF

However, a new study suggests that rats weren’t the main carriers of fleas and lice that spread the plague—it was humans.

In a study published in January 2017 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers simulated Black Death outbreaks in European cities to try and understand how the plague was spread. In their simulations, they looked at three possible models for infection: rats, airborne transmission, and fleas and ticks that humans carry around with them on their bodies and clothes.

One significant change is that students with head lice no longer need to be sent home early from school. Students are now allowed to finish the school day, receive a home lice treatment and return to class as soon as the following morning.

The Dark Ages and Cosmic Dawn are largely unexplored windows on the infant Universe (z ~ 200-10).

How can you think clearly with social and biological DISTRACTIONS ?

Why do you think i do fb lives almost daily..unless hubby is home.

Why do you think solitude is paradise in my world?

Some of the greatest minds, such as Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin, exhibited strange behaviors like solitude and burning the midnight oil.

And while the world may have found those habits as odd, numerous studies have linked them to having high IQs.

That is because our daily practices have a big impact on our intelligence - and can even change the way we think.

And psychologists have pinpointed at least seven strange behaviors that they believe are signs of a genius.

1. Talking to yourself

If you talk to yourself, you're not crazy. It may actually be a sign that you're smarter than the average person.

Even though this behavior is somewhat irrational, a growing body of evidence has suggested that it has big cognitive benefits - including better memory recall, confidence, focus and more.

In a 2012 study, a team of American researchers showed participants 20 pictures of various objects and asked them to find a a specific one.

2. Staying up late

The early bird may get the worm, but evidence has suggested that night owls actually have higher IQs.

A study, published in January, analyzed data from 26,000 adults, finding those who stay up late scored significantly higher on cognitive tests than early risers.

Night owls scored about 13.5 percent higher than morning types in one group and 7.5 percent higher than morning types in another group.

Many brilliant minds have been known to have nocturnal habits, including Darwin and Marcel Proust.

If your mind is most active while the rest of the world sleeps, you may have a high IQ.

3. Daydreaming

Getting lost in daydreams is often perceived as absent-mindedness. But scientists have said that this is actually a sign that you're smart and creative.

'People with efficient brains may have too much brain capacity to stop their minds from wandering,' said Eric Schumacher, a Georgia Tech associate psychology professor, said in a statement.

His research found that people who report more frequent daydreaming score higher on intellectual and creative ability tests.

MRI scans also showed that these people had more efficient brain systems.

This evidence suggests that daydreaming is actually a great workout for your brain. So if you find your mind wandering, that's a good sign.

4. Thriving in clutter

Some people can't stand a messy room or desk. But the highly intelligent don't seem to mind it - or perhaps even prefer it.

A team of researchers set out to determine why that is. They put study participants in either a messy or tidy office space and asked them to come up with new uses for ping pong balls.

Though both groups came up with a similar number of ideas, the researchers found that the participants in the messy room came up with more creative and interesting ideas.

'Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights,' said Kathleen Vohs, lead scientist behind the experiment, in a press release.

'Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe.'

So, leaving your space untidy may help you think outside the box.

5. Asking lots of questions

If you're constantly asking how things work, where they come from, and dozens of other questions that pop into your head, you're probably highly intelligent.

Curiosity is one of the most common signs of brightness. It's a sign that your mind is always seeking to understand the world around you.

It also means that you're always learning and storing new information. The more questions you ask, the more your understanding expands.

To some, it may seem annoying. But for people with high IQs, this insatiable curiosity is natural.

As Einstein once said, 'I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.'

6. Being introverted

Many geniuses have been known to hide themselves away to work or think in peace and quiet.

It makes sense - it can be difficult to focus while surrounded by the constant chatter and stimulation of a social environment.

Plus, studies have shown that introverts tend to engage in deeper cognitive processing than extroverts. They tend to think more thoroughly and critically, which can be associated with a higher IQ.

Introverts also tend to prefer activities that require concentration and sustained mental effort, such as reading and research, which can foster intellectual development.

7. Devouring books AND INTERNET

Avid readers are constantly learning new information, vocabulary words, complex ideas and different perspectives. It's like a workout for the mind.

Additionally, reading helps strengthen mental focus, imagination and our ability to empathize with others.

People who read a lot are constantly developing their intelligence, which means they're more likely to have a high IQ.

Take business mogul and investor Warren Buffet for example. He spends almost eight hours a day reading.

So if you constantly have your nose in a book or WWW reference materials you're actually getting smarter by the page.

How aware are you to show your children who are investing in trying to be a football hero or a cheerleader there might need to be a different way to achieve your goals and dreams.

Can we question why it is we push our children into these extreme traditional roles that's you're watching 25-year-olds men and women not survive and even adolescents?

Is the fate of our children out of our hands because they don't understand what it actually means to stay alive? I would say so

Developing children with shrinking brain mass equals killer.

Guide reproduction carefully

Just because we can create babies does not mean we should.

“His brain was so awful, I'd never seen a 15-year-old that had a brain so damaged and his life reflected it,” he added.

The doctor went on to describe how ‘shrivelled’ the killer’s brain appeared, despite him being so young. He also added that he couldn’t get a good history to help explain why this was a case due to the teen murdering his parents.

But he reckons Kinkel ‘either had anoxia at birth (lack of oxygen), a severe infection or something was poisoning his brain - it could've been lead, it could've been infection'.

“It's a major cause of psychiatric problems nobody knows about,” he added.

Intellectual and immunological penance

All children and adults pay the sins for their mother and father..

It is one thing born into treachery, it is another to sustain treachery..

Pain penance or paying penance is not JUST reading or verbalizing contrition through the BIBLE..

It is also immunological..

Both the upper and lower chakras MUST pain or pay penance for SIN.

You cannot half a$$ paying penance.

I have been verbalizing and feeling pain paying for all sins i have committed against my own body, mind and spirit.

I support penance via ALL FOOD and release to the point of the pain bringing me to my knees..

Immunological penance is brutal.

It is not enough to confess or apologize..

But, in the interest of paying/pain levels of penance, the church developed spiritual absolution and the holistic world developed offshoots of spiritual ascension so as to buffer the pain when pennance bankrupts the person aka died suddenly..

Levels of acceptable sin is politics religion and science.

Mormons might frown upon the reactions to coffee and soda based upon the sin they hold within, but are ok with med i sin

Jehovah Witnesses might frown upon the sin of pagan rituals such as birthdays and govt holidays but are ok with holistic or allopathic med i sin.

Holistic people might be against allopathic med i sin but greenlight herbal tincture supplement

med i sin

Sin is sin.

All sexual orientation defines sin as an act against their beliefs, and so each orientation develops rules to make their "sin" "perfectly" acceptable.

Are you the "one" or must you commit acts of "sin" to absolve your sin.. is developing a family a justification for atomic nuclear fission of painful sin.. parsing ones dna off to develop another.

Is my sin better than your sin?

Remember, the Bible was developed and updated by men born from sin, died in sin and passed down sin to offspring born into treachery..

Imo, the Bible is open ended, not as final as a hydra filled to the brim then big bang.. scatter..

The tardigrade recyles and evolves

Which is why all the offshoots of all religions.

Do the end justify the means?

Someone responded to a post about a child and homework and I erased all names so I didn't want to embarrass anyone and they probably wouldn't feel embarrassed because I understand people can't handle suffering.

Raising relatively self-sufficient children is a battle and it's not for the faint of heart. And when your kids can't think because they're not getting well-rounded education you'll be left taking care of them if they even survive. You will have 40 year olds in your basement because they didn't know how to think and protect themselves.

 And then they'll be told what to think which is exactly the opposite of what these people want

 but indoctrination will happens sooner or later but if it happens earlier you have time to lessen the aggressive indoctrination

It is when you get indoctrinated later with no foundation of learning how to think for yourself and even process indoctrinated behaviors there is no freedom to change.

The older people get the less people want or can redirect and that's what's causing people to be stuck today. The parents never put in the time. Because no one put in the time for them.

Stretching a child's capacity when they're younger will give them room to go back to where they came from if it was done correctly. They're going to experience the world and it will be brutal but at least they have a place to go to be grounded in reality.

The more I rebelled against homework and chores and extreme regulation the more resistance I got from my parents the better off I was.

When I finally became free and I understood why they did what they did, eventually I went back to what I was taught, extreme discipline, self isolation, and studying and learning everything.

I went back to everything that I resisted when I was a child.

And that's f****** strategic

I was grounded a lot as a kid and that foundation grounded me as an adult.

Thank you Mom

Considering I was an orphan it's a double edged sword and some orphans received the short end of the stick and some did not

and when families teach certain things to their children you get cookie cutter clones that don't change or evolve. So the system had to do a lot of different things that some would think is horrible but then do the ends justify the means??

And so we get a bird's-eye view of what happens when you teach your children certain things. And we can see which kids are intolerant air food and water and which kids can handle the air food and water

and we also can see the adults who are intolerant air food and water and you'll finally see adults develop a tolerance to all the air food and water and survive everything that's going on. The system is watching all of us.

And so we can see from beginning to end what people do with their children and then how these adults end up.

Remember, adults used to be children.



sending dna messages/scripts

fee mail

fee male


pay a fee to have a message injected into her.

different levels of "prostitution".

her children are her prophets/profits as they become the new "prophet" or profit of their gene ration or generation.

and when males/female/vaccines/supplements inject messaging scripts, she regurgitates the messages/bible/scripts after the male/mail paid a fee to inject the dna massaging/messaging into her chakras.

Now you know why it's very difficult for women to stand up to their family

And if women can't stand up to their family she then she becomes basically the mouthpiece and the face and the receptacle for everyone in her family's dumping grounds.

She gets dumped on and then she regurgitates

And then when her family uses her up she is disposed of willingly with her permission.

And that has been the role of women and the men work themselves to death and the children never learn any lessons to keep themselves alive

empaths, the real true empaths do not surround themselves with suffering or take away suffering..

to be empathic one must be "100% clean and sober" and mostly solitary not in groups or with animals/children.

empaths cannot handle being around anyone for too long or they are a "healer".. claiming to be your savior

healers take away your ability to feel pain and suffering.. so in essence, how can you truly be empathic??

empaths actually feel the pain of everything and they understand the need for died suddenly and purposely do not take on animals, children, or the elderly.. and they certainly are not in the medical holistic system surrounded by suffering.

True empathics are not in the medical holistic energy healing world making money off your suffering. And there's certainly not selling you a remedy supplement or a detox or a pill or a powder or a diet

There are State sanctioned empathics who label themselves empathics and are selling you a remedy and a surgery and a detox. But they are State sanctioned "empathics" also selling you a meditation.

And so if we have to label the medical system as empathic so someone could take away their pain and suffering then that's what needs to happen.

 But to truly be empathic you wouldn't have animals children or the elderly under your care because that is a suffering like no other..

And since I value life and I am truly an empath I don't hang out with too many people who I know are suffering astronomically.

And I won't have animals or children or take on any dependents and if my husband is truly suffering I will give him to the system

And I won't take away your pain and suffering because that's not for me to do.

That's for the government to do..

It's a fine line.

You literally have to experience pain and suffering to understand why died suddenly needs to happen and you don't want blood on your hands and so I have to walk away..

Animals don't have a voice and neither do children and the elderly and they're the ones that suffer the most in our society..

You don't want blood on your hands. Let the system take care of those who are suffering astronomically.

And you'll have to become a true empath to give your friends and family away to the system and walk away.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, experiences, and thoughts of another person, animal, or fictional character. It involves seeing things from another's perspective and feeling their emotions. Empathy can lead to compassion and actions to improve someone's situation, which can reduce distress for both parties.

And that doesn't mean recommending them a pill or powder or supplement or detox and think yourself as a savior. You let the government doctors figure out what it means to reduce stress in someone's environment. You can't guarantee reducing anyone's stress in anyone's environment.

So even though I'm not a fan of doctors you know it it's their time to reduce your stress even if it means medically assisted induced doctor suic/ide

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