When people are in transition from one world to another they will be a diagnosed with so many different disorders. Yes absolutely when you go from one world to another it is chaotic and it is disorderly and then you have to set the order yourself or you get medicated.
That's why you have all these diagnosable conditions in the Psychiatry world called schizophrenia and borderline disorders and bipolar because people are trying to manage the hormones and either they do it themselves or the system does it.
And so when I'm going from one world to another and you saw how I was oh yeah you saw people trying to diagnose me.
And you'll see people who are in transition from one world to another fit every single one of these descriptions of disorders because yeah you're changing. They made Evolution a diagnosable condition so you think something is wrong with changing and then you destroy yourself with drugs and cures and then you feel ashamed of trying to change because your friends are diagnosing you.
That's how evil the system can be when they want to keep people stuck and cured and then eventually dead and your friends and family fall for that s*** all the time because they're dying and in their cures diagnosing people trying to change.
It's no picnic evolving in a society is f***** up as this. When you surround yourself with people who are f***** up you will be as well. Remember birds are feather flock together. If you want to evolve and live get the f*** out of these tight-knit groups that will try to cure you or diagnose you or pull you in and destroy you..
And if you have to be around people and you're out of control you have to be medicated or you leave Society. And if you want to change and do something different you have to leave Society because people will diagnose you because you're not like them. And so yeah we're in a great reset and you will Choose Your Own Adventure. And it's no picnic and it's not easy.
So those who choose to leave society and realize they don't need a lot of people around them if at all people around them will be so pissed off they will diagnosed the people who rejected them.
I see it all the time. People leave situations and the rejected ones diagnose them.
And then play victim.. and say you weren't a real friend.
The people play those games you know they were the ones that manipulated the s*** out of someone causing them to leave..
people leave f***** up situations.
Those who stay in f***** up situations get a benefit from it so it's not as f***** up as people seem to think until somebody dies and then the system must go and do investigations
That was how the medical system kept people in line and shame them into destroying themselves by using the friends and family who are so desperate for company to use psychological operations to trap people in relationships.
Many people are in jail because their friends and family have trapped them with psychological operations. And they can't get out.
The tentacles are that strong.. and so the medical and holistic system trapped people in these jails of addiction and desperation..
And once you find a way out let me tell you everyone will diagnose you and say you're the f***** up crazy one and they will use every single psychological tactic they can to pull you right back in.
Once you find a way out get the f*** out and stay out don't go back in because the people out there will bleed you and suck you dry..
Once you become 1,000% clean and sober don't ever go back to drugs and alcohol ever again because you'll get sucked in and destroyed.
Remember every single time I felt symptoms and I was suffering to live, and recounting my experiences without asking for help so many people on my Facebook offered me drugs and remedies.
People don't want people to get out of the cult of remedies and drugs and alcohol and religion and politics and science dogmatic religions.
That's how dangerous it is out there to be clean and sober..
And when most of societie is under the influence of politics religion science drugs alcohol and Herbal Remedies and painkillers and detoxes with so many children friends and family you'll be the crazy one to them because
you're sober.. and you can function mostly alone