Hemorrhagic fevers come from aggressive climate change and frequency change coupled with weak blood vessels or blood vessels so resistant to expansion and contraction they break and then blood or sepsis comes out..
It's all physics and laws of motion and the laws of thermodynamics and the inverse Square law and the laws of biology
And so when people spontaneously die suddenly or they s*** their pants by mistake or they feel heart palpitations or a higher blood pressure that's because they're reacting to the frequencies in their environment coupled with weak blood vessels and weak colon and vast amounts of growth sitting in their colon and immune system
I blow my nose and I cough and I sneeze and I hawk up a lot of loogies so that way I don't suffer spontaneous nosebleeds or blood vessel breakage because of so much resistance. Bloody noses and bleeding eyeballs come from broken blood vessels because of so much pressure the body is under trying to move the growth out of the body.
Aggressive frequency changes plus so much resistance in the body causes spontaneous combustion and that includes broken blood vessels and bleeding out of all different orifices
I experienced two aggressive low tones yesterday and they're ringing in the ears.. And my immune system reacted with sneezing coughing and blowing my nose..
Conditioning to survive growth and resistance takes time and it is painful.. Right now we are experiencing an aggressive immunological workout that would rival the heavyweight championship of the world.
Mike Tyson might be strong on the outside with his muscles and extreme power behind his punch. But climate change is developing internal power and conditioning and you must have the strength to give birth to yourself daily or else the Demons within your own immune system will destroy you.
 That's why the standard American intake will be the thing that will save people who can handle immune system activation
 and then the ability to release those demons effectively without destroying oneself will be the other half of the equation
Any type of hemorrhagic fever has to do with aggressive growth and very little resistance or so much resistance there's breakage..
A person's eye may bleed due to a number of reasons, including:
Broken blood vessel
A small blood vessel in the eye may rupture due to a sudden increase in pressure in the head or neck, such as from violent coughing or sneezing. Other causes include straining, vomiting, or rubbing your eyes too hard.
Health conditions
Some health conditions can increase the risk of a broken blood vessel in the eye, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and diseases that impair blood clotting. Other conditions that can increase the risk include leukemia, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and sickle cell disease.
Taking certain medications, including blood thinners and interferon, can increase the risk of a broken blood vessel in the eye.
Eye injuries
Eye injuries, including those from eye surgery or trauma from a foreign object, can cause a broken blood vessel in the eye.
Extreme sports
Certain extreme sports, such as bungee jumping, ziplining, and roller coasters, can cause sudden air pressure changes and extreme muscle tension that can break an eye blood vessel.
BING AI Generated Description/Google AI Generated
The Mike Tyson Drama was the equivalent to Disease X
He is extremely strong on the outside and the inside with a strong fan base and a strong family but even he can be defeated even though it potentially could have been staged but don't let somebody's perceived strength fool you into thinking they can handle everything.
Mike Tyson represents the perceivably strong men and women out there but Jake represented the Disease X virtually coming out of nowhere..
 he snuck out of nowhere and won despite the projections he would get smashed by Tyson.
And then you have the Hollywood ending..
That was a ritual of what's to come next year.
The system will lower the curtain and so you see the underbelly and then everything will get cleaned up and then the curtain will go back up again and that will be the new world.
That's why some of these cabinet appointees are a little ridiculous to some people because they're supposed to be.
 Those are the people who will take one for the team and we thank them for their service because they will be under fire the next 4 years but just like any government informant they will be used for their ability to cross lines and boundaries and do the hard things that you can't do.
They're saving you from being the bad guy..
the "villains" in any society were always used to do the hard job so that way the good people can stay good and we pay the villains to do the hard jobs
 We thank you for your service.. Because you are doing a service for Humanity
and whatever happens the next 4 years I understand you had to do what you had to do and I hope you survive and I hope you get pardoned because you had to do what you had to do and hope I survive and I hope my husband survives and I hope everyone on my Facebook survives..
And so if you are a Democrat pissed off at what's going on as far as the cabinet appointees and potential Senate confirmation hearings it's just part of The Shakespearean drama. All the world is a stage and you have to survive the storyline..
Adult and children are collapsing. And I would say any kind of Athletics would put more duress on already compromised immune system. You're being given a choice and the evidence is obvious
I don't care what you blame it on .
Err on the side of caution.. it is too bad these children become the lessons for the adults to make different choices for themselves and potentially for their kids who may or may not survive the traditions..
That's why I will not sell my soul for any money. Stay humble or else you become a sacrifice or you have to sacrifice someone or something to get ahead and people do even in the lay population.. how many people won't change because they are stuck in the trappings of wealth and they either become a sacrifice or their children or husbands and wives get sacrificed because they get worked to death or they get exposed to things that are so deadly that they can't get over
I tell my husband everyday you don't have to work so hard if it wasn't for all of your toys.
 People sacrifice their body minds and spirits for material wealth and for empty fame and fortune.
Fame and Fortune is nothing but empty promises surround by vapid people who aim to suck the life out of you.
Allegedly switching everything to 5G and then incrementally switching 5G to 6G might incur excessive growth and pressure and if you're traveling you're in the upper atmosphere and it could potentially cause hemorrhagic fever
So no I wouldn't be traveling in planes this coming next year at all or even during the Christmas season because they warned you if you travel you could be exposed to something and if your eyes start bleeding it's because you've been exposed to extreme frequencies in the upper atmosphere on a plane and wherever else that has high concentration of frequencies and Transformers along with aggressive bacteria people hold inside their colon
That's why I stay home and stay safe because when I was really afflicted with so much aggressive colony forming units, even Walmart triggered some f***** up s*** in me that I had to deal with and finally I could probably walk into a Walmart and a Giant Eagle without going crazy but the energy is still excessive and I feel it.. I mean I have walked into a Walmart and a Giant Eagle since my aggressive affliction that I experienced early last year but I would not be flying any planes right now. I would not be traveling any mass transit at this point. I wouldn't surround myself with so many people or go to football games or any place where there's a high concentration of electricity and crowd action. It's too f****** dangerous on so many levels
In terms of radio wave propagation, higher frequencies tend to be "stronger" in the upper atmosphere, specifically within the ionosphere, as they can reflect off the charged particles there and travel further distances via "skywave" propagation, unlike lower frequencies which are more readily absorbed by the lower atmosphere; therefore, in this sense, higher frequencies can be considered "stronger" in the upper atmosphere.
Key points to remember:
Ionosphere interaction:
The ionosphere, a layer in the upper atmosphere, is key to the propagation of higher frequencies.
Skywave propagation:
Higher frequencies can bounce off the ionosphere and travel long distances, a phenomenon called "skywave" propagation.
Lower frequency absorption:
Lower frequencies are more easily absorbed by the lower atmosphere, limiting their transmission range.
And so the higher you go and the weaker you are the more that pressure is going to cause spontaneous combustion. Planes travel at the troposphere but they still have high pressure and during climate change some people s*** their pants other people go crazy other people die suddenly and when the climate shifts again some people will bleed out their eyeballs..
Why do you think those who go down below the surface of the ocean have to equalize because of pressure could cause aneurysm strokes and heart attacks and earaches. Why do you think space Travelers have to have a separate environment when they go into outer space? The pressure is a f****** killer..
So it's logical and it stands to reason why flying in airplanes will cause more immune system activation and potential died suddenly as well as bleeding out your eyeballs.
And climate change will make things way more aggressive and accelerated. But you'd have to actually understand science to get where I'm coming from
or you can be all spiritual and family like and dismiss every single consideration and that's why people are dying suddenly.
They don't believe in science and they dismiss every warning
And with all of these low hanging clouds and climate change the upper atmosphere is perceivably closer to you with a lot more charged particles and they will cause aggressive immune system activation
Sleep is 1,000% Paramount and important
High energy insomniacs hold a lot of viruses within and they have to eat and release because I remember how much of an insomniac I was in November and October with whatever virus running through me
A couple years ago when I didn't get enough sleep I was such a freaking b**** because I knew I needed sleep. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need sleep. Especially when you're trying to evolve. Sleep and eating and pooping is the most important for evolution as well as growth and development