all spices used as remedies acts as antibiotics aka heavy metals.. it is not the "brand" or how they process the herbs and spices, it is the intention of the USE OF HERBS AND SPICES USED AS A REMEDY OR FOOD.. vegans and vegetarians use massive amounts of heavy spices/curries/turmeric/honey/apple cider vinegar and they conjure up "demons" of antibiotic disease the body tries to push out, but to no avail..
That's also why many people use extremely spicy food like red pepper flakes and cayenne pepper as remedies because they are shutting down their immune system. Why do you think certain cultures not only have a lot of children out there but also why they age aggressively well it's because antibiotics develops aggressive fertility until it's all out extinction at some point but also why there's so much disease and aggressive aging
That's why towards the middle and the end of my promotion of a j world was to get away from the spicy antibiotics people use against their own immune system.
Milk animal protein meat milk cheese and eggs was always the answer but you had to be able to handle the life that milk developed like mucus and when people have an allergy to milk it was because they don't know how to release their own demons.
So they take spices and they starve themselves to death.
And then they are highly sexualized eating people or cannibalizing people's orifices..
I've seen billionaires require their sexual paramours to eat no meat and only fruit and very little grains. They want their food to taste sweet.. I wish I could find that Facebook reel but I thought that was appalling that that girl had to starve herself in order to be food for her boyfriend..
many people out there are breeding food for billionaires or somebody else. But they call them their daughters and sons
Hot women are food for billionaires. And they have to diet and starve themselves.
that's why you see vegans and vegetarians are not only highly sexualized but extremely predatory and some of the men are highly predatory when it comes to women and eating their orifices and why they want them to basically eat only fruit so everything tastes good to them
And you see how pretty the spices are so the colors are so welcoming but they're also extremely deadly.
Just like poisonous fish and insects oh they are gorgeous just like women and men when they're gorgeous they become deadly and so is the deadly Spice Market. And that's how they attract their victims. Oh it is all about survival.
That's why I live in Appalachia region next to my black and white and Asian and Mexican brothers and sisters.
I don't live on the two coasts applying people with pretty spices and remedies using my body and sexual prowess to attract people and I don't play the whole vegan of vegetarian yoga starvation BS.
I only sparingly spice my food for Taste but I don't use any of those spices like eating Indian food or hot hot salsa because it's deadly against your immune system..
I can't eat at Indian restaurants anymore because one bite of the food I feel like I'm drunk off the antibodies I developed from eating that food..
I love sobriety because I become extremely aware but it's painful to be 1000% sober not even under the influence of the spice trade.
And I see why the Black Civilization, Kemet also known as ancient Egypt the second cradle of civilization smoked a lot of pot 6,000 years ago.. not only did it develop slaves and human experimentation but also food for other people. Now you see where the reggae world came from. And the worshiping of the herbs and the plants and the spices and then Silk Road traded spices ever since way before the Middle Ages and then we had fights and wars and rising and falling civilizations and sex trafficking and human slavery
The standard American diet save my ass and I would never ever go back to the holistic world using spices to destroy anyone in the remedies market
Poison Poison Poison
All the psychedelics and the spices and the herbal remedies and the elements and the dirt and the drugs and the alcohol and the cannabis and aggressive sex oh yeah..
Natural and synthetic are basically one of the same things so when someone sells you something they promote as Natural against what they would perceive as synthetic that's how people can sell you drugs because they use different words with slightly different intentions and processing...
Mercury and fluoride and aluminum are natural occurring as well as diatomaceous earth and borax but you don't see me eating or swallowing Borax or diatomaceous earth anymore and you don't see me drinking Mercury and pure fluoride.
But remember the system of monotheism isolated certain elements and demonized them and put the fear of God in you now look at all of your Facebook people demonizing salt and sugar and carbs and gluten and fluoride and mercury and aluminum. That's deceptive monotheism under the guise of polytheism as people worship and demonize many Elemental and human gods
and of course the occult and worshiping death destruction and pleasure and paradise
The 1960s hippie generation and the baby boom was the beginning of the end and of course all the starvation and huge families.
Alice in Wonderland
What have you seen lately? Don't answer that I can only imagine
White Rabbit
Song by Jefferson Airplane
why do you think the wicked witch fed Hansel and Gretel all the cookies cakes and candies with NO salt in sight?
the sweeter and plumper they were, the better tasting they would become.. maybe the giants of the past did that to their slaves, as well..
And everything is about balance especially during climate change and so yeah you need to be plumper but not necessarily sweeter and you definitely need the salt. But again talk to your doctor. I'm just giving you allegory..
And when men require their women to eat basically nothing except fruit and a little bit of oatmeal they're feeding into the social morales of a hot sexual chick who taste extremely well in the bedroom.
No different than the Giants fattening their slaves up for the kill.
No different than the mothers grooming her daughter to be somebody's sex slave selling her into marriage or sexual slavery and why she post all of her pretty daughters all over Facebook essentially auctioning them off to the highest bidder
And now watch the men on your Facebook collect women and tell you how to hook a hot chick