So I've reduced my thoughts down to this lowest common denominator of what I've been meaning the last eight years. It takes a lot to glean out the actual themes that I was referring to.
Even writing is math physics and chemistry
So you have adult parents advising their adult children how to treat disease and then the system is treating the underage children the same way the adult parents are advising their adult children and that's complete genetic annihilation.
It will take one adult in that family to break away from the traditions and I will tell you most adults out there don't have the capacity to break away from their family unless they're forced to because of death or other factors that are out of their control.
And so now you know why I come from a standpoint that family can be very deadly to anyone who wants to break free and break the mold.
Escaping the jail of family and traditions can be deadly almost like domestic violence. But you're manipulated with love not hate or violence
but sometimes hate and violence are used against adult children and the adult child comes crawling back wanting validation and then they start circling the drain just like their parents.
Anytime you're addicted to validation from your friends and family you will circle the drain and that's what I've been trying to say for years..
And that's why I walked away from everything of the past and I'm forging a future. Even if it isn't popular.