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Family and Sexuality has been Weaponized Against the Family and Society

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

Family and Sexuality has been weaponized against the family and Society until somebody in that family who's strong enough to step away can develop a way to survive the past the present and the future.

Which is why people are resisting themselves because they've been programmed to be that way until they find a way to release their demons and walk away from everything without destroying their ability to survive. And cultivate a sustainable platform in their world to transition becoming relatively self-sufficient without sucking the life out of somebody else and that includes animals and children

Everything is a fight to the death especially when you don't know your boundaries.

And so you must understand at the micro level how behaviors and beliefs translate at the macro level through alphanumeric codes

Sigmund Freud was correct. People do work from their lower chakras until they can finally release their own demons.

Carl Jung took the archetypes in the dreams to figure out how the incubus and succubus aka SEXUALITY developed people's behaviors and characteristics especially innovation when they weren't dreaming at night

And the system took your sexuality and channeled it into politics religion science with big families until the system was done with all their experiments and observations

I just hope you survive releasing those demons because they are formidable and they're hard to shake and people justify their bad behaviors through their aggressive sexuality and self-righteousness and people weaponize their families against everybody who doesn't believe what they believe..

which WAS why Charles Manson was a representation of a deadly family and they weren't even related but he Brainwashed the f*** out of them

And why the mothers, who were attacking me, were so proud to write to me, saying they were teaching their boys to attack people like me.. she gave her young boys my Facebook and told them to attack people like me. She taught them that. The mother taught her own children to destroy somebody else.

And I've seen both mothers and fathers teach their children to attack people and to insult them and to troll them and to even commit violence against somebody that is different even spiritually

and angry facing somebody's information, which is basically a spiritual attack and that is a mother teaching her children to be a weapon against Society.

I don't get men angry facing my information anymore but I do get women who are still in Predator mode angry-facing my information. And I can almost bet you they are mothers

I don't call them out they call themselves out. They want to be angry they hold a lot of trauma within their body and they are advertising that to the world

That's how sexuality leads to family and then deadly weapons against the future of humanity.

Now watch all the mothers and fathers out there attack somebody with their assumptions and they will spiritually skewer you if given the opportunity

And I don't know how the system would categorize me through what archetype doing what I'm doing.

You all can have fun with that but don't diagnose me. Whenever you diagnose somebody you're pathologizing evolution

and that's f***** up

that's what the system has done to religious people. They pathologized Evolution so they only believed in creation and then people destroy themselves through their own belief system

I wrote I did not stop explaining myself when I realized that people only understood from the level of their perception.

Because I want to understand their level of perception. My way isn't the only way. So I won't stop until I understand you.

When people don't understand you they attack you and they ignore you and they talk smack about you and the pretend to like you but they hate you or they just tell you they love you and kill you with kindness.

And some people do not intend to understand, so how much dumbing down of your own information do you have to do to speak to their level that's exactly the situation smart people have is how dumb do they have to "be" in order to speak to people who truly don't want to understand.

The people that don't attack you and the people that don't acknowledge you don't even have to take offense because I'm not talking about you it's those who attack me and then ignore me and talk smack about me is who I'm talking to. And they'll never admit who they are unless they outright attack me by defending what they're doing which is basically admitting exactly what I know is going on.

And so when people intend to attack you and you've been on Facebook for years SPEAKING to their listening or levels of perception in a billion different ways and they still attack you and they can't even see your point of view, you can only go as low as you can ethically go.. then you walk the f*** away from because they will force you to sink as low as they would go if they were in the presence of you

you can't sink as low as people who attack you but you can point out who they are without embarrassing them.

Granted there are people who are not attacking you that may exemplify certain characteristics and beliefs of certain smallminded people and it doesn't mean that their beliefs are bad, it just means people use their beliefs for so many different justifications and you're just pointing out how they're using their politics religion and science to justify bad behavior against something they surely intend not to understand.

And the system is tired of small-minded people..

So every 100 200 years the system cleans itself up.

it's a type of genetic cleansing.

And this time around you're the one that's choosing to take yourself out through your lack of evolution and inability to process information new to you because there's nothing new under the sun.

it's just the ability and the desire to want to learn something different besides your resistance. But that would require a lifestyle change and even potentially a belief system change.

My protocol on my body was cleaning my own genes.

I did my own genetic cleansing on myself..

But I also fed myself all food in the food supply and never said food was poison and over time my desire to look hot and sexual diminished because I'm not looking for anyone to target me and destroy me or think they can develop a baby out of me.

But many people in the medical holistic system who patron the professionals, genetically cleanse themselves out of existence through all the different modalities.

And then some people blame the government when they're the one that actively said yes to everything that was offered to them even the starvation through the diets and the juicing.

And so when I speak about molecular incestual anatomical immunological behaviors I'm speaking to those who are highly sexualized coming from the point of aggressive sex and maybe you might get it from this point of view.

I'm not saying you're doing anything at the macro level that's against the laws of God and nature

But people don't realize the molecular level develops outcomes at the macro level that is undesirable for you and your family..

Cancer disease chronic illness autoimmune disorders and molecular cannibalization.

And the more genetically related people hang out together is more molecular incestual anatomical atomic immunological cannibalization and destruction. It can't sustain itself.

And the more people cultivate so much diversity the more you'll be at a war and resistance and then having to starve yourself because you're developing so many antibodies or offspring that people destroy themselves going into large group gatherings and having so many friends and family sit right next to them developing that type of microbial fornication developing an offspring called an antibody.

Everything works from the micro to the macro. And vice versa. If you don't understand the behaviors at the micro level then you'll make up stories about the macro level through politics religion and scientific dogmas and yeah be under the influence and the illusion and then you'll hate people who don't fit in with your type of desires cuz maybe you're not attracting the right kind of people in your world. If you want certain people in your world you have to become the people you want people to be attracted to. And be careful what you attract because you might be destroyed.

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it and it might be your destruction

There's merits for both sides of democrat Republican so you have to take the good and hope people individually make good choices for themselves. I don't know who's going to be an office but it's going to be hell and amazing with whomever is in office. Embrace the amazingness of whomever it gets in office and ride out the hell. So this is a cool thing and then we'll also get the 180 day transition and we'll see what happens. If Kamala gets an office we'll see what happens

Extreme cold and hot yes atmospherically explosive potential




Gravity is the wimpy cousin of such forces as electromagnetic and the nuclear forces. The rest of those forces keep things separate. Of course, enough mass over large regions and you get the Earth orbiting the Sun, etc..


Weakly interacting massive particle: A popular candidate for dark matter in astronomy.

The forces that bring us together could be modified and develop forces that could break us apart and you have to understand what those overriding forces are so you don't break apart but you'd also don't want to attract so much to cause you to break apart

In the old world the forces were not strong so you came together and it wasn't so influential and the system could manage the forces that brought you together to a point of where it was forcing you apart and that was cancer and disease..

Now the outside forces are so strong that it's breaking people apart and people are in resistance coming together and it's causing another resistance breaking you apart

Which is why I don't go to large gatherings anymore

because the forces at work internally coming together is to prepare for the resistance of breaking apart in large company

despite the outside resistance trying to break things apart and that's the ionizing waves of the environment

developed another aggressive force causing my body to develop antibodies coming together in my body of which I had to go and develop a force to break things apart and it was hell.

So in other words the system's trying to break you apart.

People resist it and hang out together.

The body is then trying to come together to hold on to the energy while their friends and family are trying to break them apart.

But then all of that energy gathering in your body as a defense mechanism becomes too much and then you have to break things apart when you finally get out of that situation.

Antibodies are produced when you're in large company and that's the defense mechanisms coming together but that will also break you apart if you don't break it apart systematically so it doesn't destroy you. And that's called fertility and immunity. Or otherwise known as herd immunity. Not everybody survives herd immunity

And that's why there are turbo cancers out there because people are not feeding for their lifestyle. There's too much energy exposing their chakras and then the future is trying to take over and they haven't even developed a platform for the future to sustain itself and so the future destroys them because the past didn't know how to transition correctly

It is all about action reaction action reaction action reaction.

For any action to happen it came from a reaction somewhere else and there's always energy supplying the action and the reaction

but where is the energy coming from

and how much of it's left.

Could the action afford the same person's reaction? And you could be talking about the same entity. Are your actions something you can afford to react to?

Because anything that you do as an action could be returned by a separate energy and maybe you couldn't afford the reaction from the receiver throwing back more energy at you.

You better have enough in reserves to handle receiving somebody else's reaction to you..

Everything is transactional and it is energetic accounting. What are you doing with the energy you are receiving from people reacting to your presence.

Are you feeding it or are you turning into a person who just experienced an/atomic (anatomy) bomb and the wave of that energy just took off the five layers of your epidermis.

Watching people leave this earth a shell of their former self or they have taken on the world and the world destroyed them is like watching World War II victims from Germany or Japan. The war basically took their energy and stole their chakras

Quantum mechanics and gravity and electromagnetism is so interesting. And that's essentially pretty much the theory of everything when it comes to intelligent design and the forces that attract and break apart and the intention and the intelligence behind the intentions and why.

Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is any model in particle physics that merges the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces (the three gauge interactions of the Standard Model) into a single force at high energies.

If you take a vaccine prepare for it to activate your immune system and choose how you want to respond to immune system activation. You have a billion choices out there

it's time to scale everything down and it's time to seriously eat and release your demons because the climate will only get that much worse. Maybe it's time to homeschool and keep your children home and feed and release and bring in a doctor when necessary and even employ an allergist to help wean you and your children back on to the food supply with the intention to get off all the drugs and herbs and extracts and let your doctor know what you're trying to do and why.

Because it's going to take a team of professionals and you to figure out how to save you and potentially your children if it's even possible.

And you will need a doctor to help you wean back onto the milk and meat carb sugar salt, etc food supply and ask the doctor to help you learn how to cough and sneeze and blow your nose.

If there's any doctors out there maybe it's time to change the direction of your profession.

So again if you choose to take a vaccine, then if you get a symptom, the remedies and the herbs will only cause died suddenly. It's just a matter of time how often you shut your immune system down to the point of died suddenly. That's why people die suddenly.

They kept treating their disease. Just like treating your water with so many minerals destroying the life in your water.

But too much life in the water people get disease not enough life in the water you get death or dead water or distilled water

Because the vaccine activates your immune system causing offspring and then you have to learn how to respond to the symptoms correctly.

You keep pacifying your immune system you will pacify yourself until died suddenly. You starve yourself you don't give yourself the arsenal to release those demons your body desperately is trying to release as well as repair damage.

Remember the system will never tell you this because they're in the interest of giving you the information but not telling you how to respond to it, except to take away your ability to respond to it effectively to keep yourself alive.

You're the one that searches them out to take away your pain and suffering

they're not telling you to do that. They're selling you everything under the sun.

But you're looking for it.

You have to be the one to choose to suffer to live and eat food or you choose to suffer and die because eventually even your Herbal Remedies won't work which is why you see everybody in the died suddenlies pass around so many different remedies because people are getting antibiotic resistance to all the herbs and extracts and detox.

We're heading into aggressive climate change and a new variant which is a new frequency waking up colonies in people will cause a type of zombie apocalypse. Vertigo car crashes and people highly triggered affected by everything.

And I'm not telling anyone to get a vaccine or not get one because that's for your doctor and you to decide what you're willing to deal with and how you want to treat disease or not treat disease and then how will you respond to the food supply and what is your intention with the food supply and you and that's not anything anyone on Facebook should ever tell you. They don't know you well enough to know what a good choice is for you.

I never did get the vaccine but if I did and had the same reactions I was still do the same thing I've been doing the last 3 years. I would not treat disease and I would eat food release demons and scale down my social life and lifestyle

The Paradox of wanting to save strangers knowing time is already running out and they will inevitably turn is then you have to put them out of their misery so they don't destroy you. In our world it means walk away or treat them. Aka pacify

In the fear of The Walking Dead it means put a pickaxe to their eyeball.

The black guy captaining the ship in this series knew he couldn't save anyone who is already suffering and sick and it was just a matter of time. The idealist in the group was trying to save people but didn't realize she couldn't save them. And she was having a difficult time realizing even one night was not going to make a difference in the scheme of things.

Being sick doesn't mean you're going to die in our world but in the fear of The Walking Dead that's what it means however in our world you have to understand what it means to be sick and you can't make people understand that.

How do you know history is a lie if you weren't even there ?

How do you know if history is the truth if you weren't even there?

So you have history. His story or her story.

Lies about history is all relative to what you choose to believe.

The further you go back the more you must have faith or extinguish the faith. That's why you have internet. The system can help you remember or forget what is necessary to keep you alive.

The system won't destroy all of humanity because that would be counterproductive and counterintuitive to their intentions of investing this much time into YOU understanding what's going on.

You're getting the chance to save yourself.

Any KIND of system investing that much energy of trying to to kill you and you ARE resisting and staying alive means they want to make you stronger.

But you have to choose to make yourself stronger..

However I can't predict the future but I know the system makes people stronger through fear. So you hear rumors of War and well maybe that's making you stronger or weaker and if you die in war sitting in your home then it doesn't even matter anyways

Yeah Married with Children

American Dad

Family Guy

The Simpsons

Beavis and Butthead

they were making fun of everybody in the West especially Americans

People don't have to be a parody of these cartoons and TV shows but so many people identify with some of these characters..

And people don't have to if they are aware of it, but many choose to because that is their identity..

Why do you think the Simpsons got it right all the time because you are The Simpsons. And you are predictable

And so many people in the world want the American dream even the people who have the American dream want the dream and they will do whatever it takes to get it

even sacrifice their first born

And that is literally the truth in all politics religion and science

The dream is over

reality is kicking down the door

Don’t Dream It’s Over

Song by Crowded House

… There is freedom within

There is freedom without

Family Guy told you exactly what they developed in American society. And I don't care what culture or religion or politics and science you buy into. Every single one of us has played one of these parts at some point

America was the last greatest experiment. And the world is watching you. Even the United Kingdom and Australia and Canada.

stewey.. the mature evil baby trying to destroy his mother

his mother, so oblivious like most mommies and grandmas out there and it doesn't matter what religion she practices because most mothers and grandmothers out there are f****** oblivious to everything they're doing

peter griffin well.. lol, you can figure that one out

meg griffin, lol the semi intellectual daughter trying to fit in

Chris Griffin the slow soft not so intelligent brother trying to keep up with everyone around him

and the dog.. basically the most intelligent family member.. lol

And then all the neighbors are everybody in that family's society.

Mr giggity the town's pervert.. Mr Weinstein and Epstein and all the men who get together and talk about women's body parts and they're all over your Facebook and they have no problem hiding it if anything they're proud of their sexual perversions putting it on blast all over everywhere

And yeah they try to be funny. It's hilarious when you talk about women's body parts as roast beef. Yeah it's f****** hilarious. But it shows you the mentality of these men out there

And then you have Herbert the Pervert the town's pedophile

They told you exactly what they developed in your family. And you guys are the evidence we're watching you. I've been watching you for the last 8 years.

All of us are watching each other and it's f****** funny as hell when you finally put it all together..

saying you have your own immunity is like trying to make a "family" with your own genetic family...

That's called incest and you will keep screwing yourself out of existence.. and when family does not separate and they are so closely related to each other hanging out and living together that's called molecular incestuous immunity and that's not survivable.

That's like a mother and her children regardless of gender never separating. Molecular incestuous relationships happen because the child is not able to go out and develop on its own. They become a mama's boy or a daddy's girl and vice versa

And then bring in all the pets and the Animals now you have molecular bestiality as human and animal DNA intertwine in the same household and that's where you get all these crazy zoonotic viruses And then sexual orientation where children identify as animals and cats or dress up as furries

It's f****** insane what's going on

And even if you bring in some diversity in your house like a partner or a stranger how much resistance can you handle with that much diversity

When you're married or in a relationship with someone how truly able are you to release the demon of possession of being around such diversity taking you over

herd immunity protects the population from extinction..

can you survive the herd? people are barely surviving their own family, much less the herd.

And if you can't survive your family or the herd then your immunity is shot.

Immunity always had to do with bringing in evolution and diversity to strengthen you and the population. But you have to support that immunity with all food and you can't afford to be taking remedies and doing surgeries and starving yourself and your children and be under the influence of addictions of alcohol and drugs and remedies and supplements

Which is why we have a new world order because now everyone's literally coming together and only the strongest will survive.. that's why they let in all the immigrants in all the Western countries people are resisting.

Yeah you don't know how to integrate with diversity. You reject Evolution and diversity.. and it's plainly evident. And you ignore an attack people like me who try to give you something interesting and different to think about

Again immunity is fertility at the micro level and the macro level.

Some people are overly immunized and some people are bearing and showing their chakras to everybody..

Only fans and Instagram are women and men showing their chakras to the world making money off of their chakras..

Selling their chakras to the highest bidder and that's also when girls are married off to men. The mother and the father and the family sold their daughter and Son's chakra into slavery.

And people breed animal chakras to be bought and sold on the open market.

The system wants you to stay alive but you guys are begging for your death

So they will give you what you want as humanely as possible and they will reward you and your friends for supporting that

The song is your body begging you to keep it alive and you guys are actively destroying your body your mind and your spirit and your body is crying and your children are crying but you keep taking away their immune system and their voice

No Ordinary Love

Song by Sade

so, for a person to potentially consider regaining lifelines, the system would have to economically force people to scale down or their immune system would have to force them to quit their job and scale down..

so do you think having a democrat in office with a universal income forcing people to resist but also scale down with access to mother saving abortion, be lucrative ?

nope.. trump might and most likely will get in office and the system will be so flushed with cash and remedies and pregnancies and then from boom to bust in 4 years.

Why from boom to bust in four years?

Because the climate has been changing aggressively and rumors of War and people won't change the way they do things if anything they will accelerate pregnancy and remedies and starvation and that's how you bust the family open and destroy them and then you have all the Christians getting their daughters pregnant and the Sons will be so stressed out and now you have a Tinder Box of domestic violence murder suicide and infanticide and died suddenly and conscription potentially.

When you're given everything you could possibly want people destroy themselves..

The last 3 years and today are the indicators of what's to come even more so next year. And if you don't understand indicators you'll think you won whoever it is that gets in office..

So we will see an aggressive boom to bust and then the system will clean up the mess after the next 4 years. And you'll see all the evidence of your lifestyle belief system in your politics religion and science. And you'll watch videos and watch people destroy themselves and their family and you'll see articles and articles of people leaving mentally disabled and babies in hot cars

soooo.. would I take the monkey pox or eee vaccine... no, but if someone does, I will inhale their dna and upgrade..

there is a voluntary lockdown in oxford mass due to eee.

Climate change and frequency wake up whatever the system deems appropriate and they warn you beforehand. You have to react appropriately for you. Every choice you make will help you or hurt you. And I can't tell you what choice to make.

Do you think your children are equipped to deal with aggressive climate change? That's what every parent needs to ask themselves.

What kind of food allergies and intolerances to food air and water do they hold. What are you doing to make sure they survive. But maybe you have no control over that. So what are you doing for yourself to ensure your own Survival?

Eastern equine encephalitis

Horse disease

Residents in a Massachusetts town are being urged not to leave their homes after dark due to the spread of a deadly mosquito-borne virus.

The Board of Health in Oxford, a city of 13,300 people about 50 miles southwest of Boston, has set an outdoor curfew in hopes it will reduce the chances of people being bitten by mosquitoes which carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).


we are in a bust.. worse than the gen x bust..

we are in the tsunami or tidal wave of starvation and bust..

now look at your facebook..

people are busting themselves.. starving themselves and kids eating and drinking antibiotic remedies offered by the holistic allopathic and scared away from food selling each other "special water" "RAW JUICING" AND FASTING lol, under the influence of alcohol and cannabis AND OTC AND PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.. OF COURSE ANTIVAX.. LOL

from baby boom to BUST

WE ARE IN AN EXTRAORDINARY BUST.. AND OF COURSE having sooooo many kids who have zero tolerance to air food and water on special diets breaking down from the climate change people are in denial about..

o.. wow.

this is a major bust.. major.. just watch your facebook.. the indicators are screaming. And many people are in denial. Like completely under the influence of their detoxes and supplements and MLM drugs and alcohol

And I am 75% sure Trump will get in office. He will promote more anti-vaccine ideology. You will see so many people promote all of their supplements and detoxes and special Waters and juices. You will watch women have no access to abortions so they will get pregnant to Children who will have issues with air food and water and so will the mother. We will have War. That's another bust. Along with aggressive fertility and people allergic to food. Oh yeah we're here..

And we'll see so many families and parents destroy their children by leaving them in the hot cars or murder suicides or death from domestic violence and starvation.

Oh we're heading into a major hell. This is going to be f****** insane

You think it's bad now get relative to whoever gets in office is going to be worse for everybody. It doesn't matter who gets into office cuz we're heading into some f***** up s***

And yes you will see an increase in infanticide. That's for sure.

i will be back on YOUTUBE doing lives after this post..

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