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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Fertility, Puberty and the Hayflick Limit are the Triggers for Died Suddenly

Correction. Rh negative mothers will attack their rh positive babies. But either way it doesn't matter. Anytime you bring in incompatible blood types through reproduction everyone's attacking each other. And defending themselves. You could have an RH positive mother and an Rh negative son or daughter and they will attack or the mother will attack her own children because she's already negative and they are RH positive and also probably attack her husband who was already negative immunologically and sometimes physiologically or physically if all the conditions are right and there's drugs and alcohol involved.

So chemistry can be extremely deceptive especially when you have extreme opposites causing Tinder boxes of explosions and domestic violence

And all of that makes you extremely predatory and all about f****** love literally

Puberty fertility and the hayflick limit are the major trigger points of cancer disease chronic illness and autoimmune disorders and died suddenly..

WHY do you think organized higher echelon families have certain diets they feed their children? starvation is stress along with lifestyle triggering puberty and hot mess chick or hot chick with skills based upon her programming..

Which is You get these kids before puberty or a little bit after puberty realizing their potential And sometimes their potential is a mess because that's how they were programmed and sometimes their potential is academics because that was also their programming and of course there is a diet and you have to starve your children literally to give them that drive and that also triggers puberty.

I was already starving as orphan from Vietnam so that was not that difficult to give me enough food to keep me alive but not too much which is why I couldn't have junk food or anything.

But that's what gives you the drive innovation motivation assuming you survive your childhood and adulthood.

Which is why these kids are succumbing around puberty or after their first child is born if they even make it.

Starvation was what gave people the driving innovation and alcohol and drugs and other things but there's a price to pay for that. It's f****** painful to come back from that.

But we have kids today starving during climate change and they can't survive that lifestyle of starvation and being picky about food and being allergic to food it's just a matter of time before puberty hits and some of these kids will not survive.

They don't have enough infrastructure or immune system

And you could be starving and be larger in size because you have too much immune system and not enough infrastructure and your release process is not on point which is why you have a lot of obesity in adults and children which also clouds their ability to move.

The system has done all the experiments..

And so even though I rebelled so f****** hard as a kid I had the background of academics assuming I survived my sexuality. And that's was going to always be the battle out there is sexuality and these children and adults are having the Battle of their lives around their sexuality and family.

And knowing how our society is based upon sex drugs and rock and roll some of these women are not going to survive their husbands their wives boyfriends and that's why the system had to do what it did. The sooner you realize how s*** works maybe you might survive your peers who are f****** brutal.

And so now you know why died suddenly is happening with these children before they reach puberty or right when they hit puberty because the body is already falling apart and hitting puberty is only going to make it even worse.

And seeing a lot of My Generation X peers succumbing to disease and some of these late millennials yeah they're reaching their hayflick limit

Because the more the body wants to break down because of sexual reproduction the more the body wants to eat and fulfill its potential and some people are psychologically programmed against food because they can't handle the suffering of becoming whole so the parents put them on strict diets they have no great release process and they have all their disease remedied away and then they become a pressure cooker and one day they don't survive climate change.

Fertility was always f****** deadly.

Puberty fertility and the hayflick limit are the major trigger points of cancer disease chronic illness and autoimmune disorders and died suddenly..

Cancer came from fertility. Fertility comes from antibodies organized enough to potentially develop sexual reproduction if the body senses it could carry everything to term. But since we're in a major climate change everything has been accelerated even the breakdown process and so yeah women are experiencing miscarriages are these babies are not surviving and the mothers are breaking down exponentially.

And the reason why the integer is a positive times a negative equals a negative is because you the positive and your kids are negative and they're going to take away from you and from themselves. You as a mother will attack them in utero

 The husband who is an Rh negative and the wife are positive will always be in constant battle with each other immunologically even if psychologically they get along.

Why do you think China will program very highly intelligent children because they will be extremely smart starving relative to America and then eventually succumb to disease because I don't see milk anywhere in China or Asia. When I was in China even when I was in Beijing there was no milk offered and when I was in South China there was no milk anywhere on the table in the restaurant or even in the household I was staying in.

Milk is the essence of life and if you are allergic to milk you're f****** screwed. If you're vegan and vegetarian you're f****** screwed. If you're allergic to gluten and sugar and salt and vegetables and fruit and the only thing you can eat is soy based whatever you're literally screwed and you're starving and it's not going to make you smarter it's going to make you dumber during climate change.

I did not see any Japanese writing on the Georgia Guidestones and look what they're eating sushi and soy but that's not enough. Enough to be smart but not enough for longevity

The Georgia Guidestones, a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, were inscribed in eight languages:







Traditional Chinese


Why do you think I was so f****** angry yesterday and angry at all of you for being so damn blind to it all because you're so f****** greedy for social capital and money and you don't give a s*** about the future.

And I'll tell you when children have to grow up in this Society trying to compete with their peers they will sell their soul and so will their parents and you can't make these kids suffer so some of these kids will be starving because there's nothing else for them and they can't suffer to live and so they must be cured and then one day they won't wake up and that's the f****** reality of it.

Charles Manson was given some kind of highlights to this and that's why he was so angry. Somehow the system gave him the future plans in a progressive timeline and then when he put it all together he was disgusted with all of you. He wanted to be Jesus which is kind of weird on his end but he understood the Lucifer's and the liliths of our society would be the destruction

 the beginning of the end

Roman Polanski was a sex offender is a sex offender and then Sharon Tate was sacrificed based upon Charles Manson's understanding of the future

Puberty is triggered by hunger stress oxytocin body temperature because we're in climate change which is why kids are maturing faster hitting puberty sooner and sometimes dying suddenly

And those antibodies trigger the hunger, the body temperature and the stress along with their outside environment. Their parents their peers everybody.

The pituitary gland is driven by the hypothalamus which is driven by the signal sent from the body in distress sensing senescence or a deterioration and then yes sexual reproduction

And when kids are full of antibodies the bodies will be under stress especially if kids are extremely fertile getting infection and starving.. and that's why they're realizing their potential sooner and faster during climate change and which is why they're also dying suddenly because their immune system is so strong and their body is so weak. So all of you are right around the therapies but what can you do. The kid didn't have it within them to deal with climate change or fertility or infection. So the therapies are weeding out the weak and developing a strong if they can survive everything in their environment even the public health Therapies.

Which is why the heat is so deadly especially in South Florida when you have no air conditioning or any way to cool off. Too much fertility or growth and development and not enough release and processing. That's why the heat is so f****** deadly. And the bacteria are stronger even at the Lakes and streams and rivers and oceans.

So is it smart for parents to sit out in the hot sun sweltering torturing their children and animals for hours and hours?? Just because you can handle it mom and dad doesn't mean your children can or the elderly or even the animals

 People are dying suddenly around you and you don't even change the way you do s***

Puberty is triggered by hormones from the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, a small gland that secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH causes the pituitary gland to release two hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which signal the sex organs to release sex hormones. In females, the ovaries release estrogen, which triggers egg growth and release. In males, the testes release testosterone. Other hormones from the adrenal glands cause body odor, acne, and the growth of pubic and underarm hair.

The hypothalamus triggers the pituitary gland in response to many signals from the internal and external environment, including:

Body temperature

If your body temperature rises above 98.6°F, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary to cool you down by expanding blood vessels.

Blood osmolarity

Specialized cells in the hypothalamus called osmoreceptors monitor the concentration of sodium ions and other solutes in your blood. If blood osmolarity increases, such as after eating a salty meal or becoming dehydrated, the osmoreceptors signal the pituitary to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH).


When you're stressed, your autonomic nervous system triggers the hypothalamus to release corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), which then signals the pituitary to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH then triggers the adrenal glands to release cortisol.


The hypothalamus produces oxytocin, which the pituitary stores and releases. Suckling and uterine stimulation during childbirth are the main stimuli for oxytocin release. In people assigned female at birth, oxytocin helps with labor, breast milk production, and bonding with the baby. In people assigned male at birth, oxytocin plays a role in sperm movement.

The hypothalamus responds to a variety of signals from the internal and external environment including body temperature, hunger, feelings of being full up after eating, blood pressure and levels of hormones in the circulation.

AI Generated

Fertility puberty coupled with strong immunity and a weak body is a recipe for disaster. That pretty much sums up the last 600,000 years

I hope you're the strongest prototype out there. There is really literally nothing left for me to say on Facebook live. I've proven everything through the antibody portal.

Now it's taking note of who's dying suddenly with a short term diagnosis and you observing whatever patterns you think there are

it is deadly to have a strong immune system and a weak body because the immune system will destroy the person (all the antibodies)

A strong immune system is over protection. It is deadly.

it is also deadly to have a weak immune system and a strong body because the muscles cannot make up for the fat that is needed as the first line of defense..

An underperforming immune system relies on muscles and Beauty to get by until died suddenly

you see these athletes and yoga hot chicks bragging how little fat they have.. ummm... fat is your immune system.. hello..

obesity is a strong immune system and a weak body (more fat than the body can handle)

emaciation is a "strong" body and weak immune system or very little fat for energy conversion.

skinny men and women need to build up the fat or strengthen their immune system or else they will age aggressively or die suddenly when all the conditions are right..

obese women need to strengthen their infrastructure and release the demons of antibodies stored as fat systematically..

We have been bamboozled by the medical holistic system and by the fashion beauty industry into hiding the destruction behind a facade of makeup and aggressive sexuality drugs and alcohol to escape the misery of life and chasing validation..

If you've been watching my videos and or know me personally you've seen the fluctuations I had to deal with when I was gaining immune system and releasing demons but also developing a stronger body from releasing those demons without exercising or getting plastic surgery or having anything carved out of me

Fertility is Immunity. That's the war people not surviving

Why are kids dying suddenly because they can't afford the transition into puberty. The antibodies triggering their sexual reproduction are destroying them

You can't afford to have a strong immune system and allergic to milk because you'll turn into the Crypt Keeper.

Autoimmune disorders means your immune system is so strong it's destroying you

You can't afford to have a strong immune system and a weak body because then you'll end up being gelatinous

Clarification there was a skip because I have to get near my Wi-Fi. Kids today who died suddenly may have been perfectly healthy 20 years ago in the same condition today but climate has changed and so perfectly healthy kids today are unhealthy based upon the climate. That's why they're dying suddenly. They can't handle exposure to any aggressive bacteria in the population through their lifestyle and belief system. Their immune system was too strong and their body isn't able to handle aggressive energy conversion. You can't have a strong immune system and a weak body and these kids lack substance and infrastructure because of deficiencies which is why they're in and out of the hospitals getting everything sucked out of them or operated on..

Which is why puberty will be deadly to those who have a weak body but strong immune system. Because puberty is developing ovulation which is basically eggs and can they afford to release substance through puberty or they might go crazy nuts trying to get pregnant which is why you seen runaways and rebellious people.

Very strong immunity also could mean aggressive fertility which could lead to cancer disease and chronic illness as well as died suddenly.

Can boys afford to have those nocturnal emissions releasing demons out of their control when they're reaching puberty. Obviously they can't afford to have children.

Which is why you need a strong body and a strong immune system and you have to feel pain and suffering and you can't make kids do that because they can't handle air food and water. You can't make a kid suffer to survive something they don't already have right out of the gate.

So if parents survived their childhood and puberty they have a chance but you know how it goes parents will treat themselves to death and in turn treat their children to death and call it healing.

And that basically is full on genetic Annihilation based of on traditions and celebrating ignorance

Strong immunity is strong resistance and it's war and it's died suddenly when all the conditions are right

When people get immunity in a reality show when they should have been cast off the island they stay and fight the war some more until full-on annihilation




the state or quality of being resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogen.

"immunity to typhoid seems to have increased spontaneously"


protection or exemption from something, especially an obligation or penalty.

"the rebels were given immunity from prosecution"


in validation

two sides of the same coin.. to be validated is to be invalidated

it is ok to ask the question if the addictions you have now is better or worse than the addictions you had before and if they are, could you even consider NOT trading one addiction, lifestyle, belief, politic, religion, science remedies for another one just like it..

could you be addiction free and free from seeking validation and company and material wealth??????

it is ok to develop your own socratic method.. question even your current addictions and beliefs.. even in the conspiracy resistance world.

Strong body weak immune system

 I told you

Let me just give you a warning.

Puberty is going to be the trigger point in kids. 50-year-olds will reach a certain hayflick limit. Some die before some die after. People who have reached 80 or so give or take a decade also known as Boomers will drop pretty quickly. And you'll see a lot of short-term diagnosis and then gone.

Ovulation and nocturnal emissions is when the body starts breaking down to get ready for sexual reproduction. Some kids can't afford to have their body break down that quickly in this environment.

Young mothers and their fetuses are not even surviving gestation or postpartum

The only ones who could potentially survive this if they do something different is if they scale down their lifestyle and they start recouping the resources lost to their lifestyle. And that is a suffering like no other.

Fertility has always been the weapon of mass destruction because that was the first sign the body was in distress and breaking down

Every single therapy and also expectation to have a family has contributed to the acceleration to the expiration date

Climate change just expedited the situation and accelerated what you already expected

Partying drinking smoking and doing drugs expedites resources becoming lost. You need to replace with addiction with every single food and that's going to be difficult for a lot of people. So if you have the chance to quit when you're ahead do it if not enjoy whatever it is you're doing and we so thank you for everything you've done for us

Some Generation X has a chance to redirect if they can handle transitioning to a different way of doing things

Yes, the average age of puberty onset has been dropping for the past century, with some children showing signs of puberty even younger than the average. For example, a 2020 analysis of global data found that the average age of puberty onset for girls in the U.S. has been dropping by about three months every decade over the last 40 years, ranging from ages 8 to 13. Some girls are now developing breasts as early as age 6 or 7, and the average age of menstruation has also dropped from 12.5 years of age between 1950 to 1969 to 11.9 years of age between 2000 to 2005. These shifts could have serious consequences for the physical and psychological health of the female population, and some say that puberty starting before age eight is not considered normal.

Nocturnal emissions happen after stressful dreams in REM sleep which activate the sympathetic nervous system hence leading to ejaculation. Nocturnal emissions can start as early as age nine and are most common during adolescence and early young adult years, but they may happen any time after puberty.


I'm very disappointed that even the conspiracy world couldn't see this

In Egyptian mythology, Isis is the goddess of fertility and motherhood. She is also known as the goddess of magic, medicine, and marriage. Isis is the daughter of the god Keb (Earth) and Nut (Sky), and the sister-wife of Osiris, the judge of the dead. She is also the mother of Horus, the god of day.

Medi sin makes the mother marry, mary

Many people even in the Hebrews denigrate Isis the fertility goddess and even some Born Again Christians but then advocate big families and forcing their daughters into marriage and their sons into playing the field and then eventually marriage.

Every single religion out there advocating big families and nation building worship Isis and fertility.

 So I find it laughable Christians and Hebrews saying how Easter is so Pagan and satanic but they have a billion f****** kids basically worshiping fertility

You don't have any room to say anything is satanic when you already advocate your own big family and you've already sold your daughters and sons off into slavery a family

 and with nation building and there must be a certain amount of death when you Nation build.

We're in that time right now. It's called died suddenly regardless of the triggers in the environment or the public health Therapies. You hold the fertility of demons within that must be released and some kids can't afford to develop sexual reproduction or trigger puberty

Not only does the system wants you highly sexualized not producing kids but then also releasing each other's demons and then eventually you.

That's why you're seeing everything has been sexualized and then all the remedies and tinctures to develop even more sexuality and pressure and then died suddenly

Which is why back in the '80s hot for teacher and the boys dating older girls with such an in thing because not only did circumcision accelerate a situation but then also the hot babysitters and teachers.

 Nowadays you see people who are older and younger finding relationships together and even advocating young people get together and even though they don't have children they will destroy each other through their aggressive Fifty Shades of Gray lifestyle.

And highly sexualized men will destroy their wives and girlfriends if they let them and kids that are hitting puberty are going nuts because their hormones are raging and the Predators are out in force and it's easy pickings when you have the internet and phones and these kids are running the streets. It's a mess

 that's why I'm staying home and staying safe and all the different celebrations and parties and holidays is basically Dionysus and the Festival of feast

I'm very disappointed you didn't see this

This was in a died suddenly group hovering around the hayflick limit. 45 years old and dies from a blood clot. But hey if you're a timeline is just full of your friends and family you've already dismissed they took the V or something else. How do you know you're not next because it doesn't matter if you take in the v or not if you're infrastructure is not prepared for climate change.

Something must change but I don't know what in your world because I can never tell you what you should do with your life. But the quote below is pretty much the same in these died sudd groups and news articles. 45-year-olds 46 year olds 50 year olds 55 year old 80 year olds and then children not waking up and athletes and weightlifters are also not waking up

Some people had no Public Health therapies and they are succumbing. Maybe that ought to be an indicator that was never truly the root cause. It may have been a factor but the root cause is look at your genetic line completely diluted and everyone is allergic to air food and water. When you dilute the genome everyone's going to be scrambling trying to gain resources they lost to each other.

Every time they had a baby they diluted their genome and they diluted their immune system And now they have to work harder to regain the lifelines that was giving away to their family brothers and sisters. You gave away your lifelines to your children mother and father and now both of you are deficient.

So many of you need a hamburger and you need a milkshake but it's too f****** painful. You gave away your immune system to your kids and grandchildren. And your daughter's and Sons will have a questionable future because they will keep treating their disease and act like you. Starving and blaming everyone but yourself

"My very good friend, 45, passed the other day. Clot in wrist, stopped heart, caused brain death. Family unplugged him he had all ynw"

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