From the brutish Vikings of 1050 all the way to Richie Cunningham sprinkled with the Ambler family in between in Jamestown Virginia
the Vikings
Who colonized America first? The first early Europeans to colonize America were the Vikings around the year 1050, followed by the Spanish in the late 1400s.
Bing Ai Generated
In the early 1600s, in rapid succession, the English began a colony (Jamestown) in Chesapeake Bay in 1607, the French built Quebec in 1608, and the Dutch began their interest in the region that became present-day New York.
Bing Ai Generated
The evolution of the family has definitely changed ever since the Vikings when they first discovered America with the Spanish explorers and then the English developing a purpose for Americans..
America became the Melting Pot for a reason and then extremely organized Society with engineered prototypical families in the sitcoms after 1927 the birth of television
Happy Days Richie Cunningham's family was what the system wanted as far as kind and loving and obedient families that even the Fonze quintessential rebel without a cause living above the garage of Richie Cunningham house, was someone so endearing. Kind of like Luke Perry in 90210 versus Brandon Walsh.. but 90210 was the sanitized version of the family on the other side of the railroad tracks living in poverty squalor and countless pregnancies
And then the 1980s took a dark turn. The Breakfast Club was showing you the dystopian fall of the family
but was it the chicken or the egg?
Was Happy Days and 90210 just the illusion the system wanted you to see so they can study people's behaviors when they're in a family unit coupled with culture and belief and politics and economical fluctuations?
Were the kids of The Breakfast Club and married with Children the true reality before scientists came in and reconstructed the unit to make people much more amenable to change and group think?
Because you can only imagine what it was like before an organized Society and how mean men were to women as well as their children.
When the Sexes were so extreme on either end with estrogen and testosterone and then countless pregnancies. Yeah that was back in the days of the Tudors in England and the Medieval Times and then the torture chambers
You can put lipstick on a pig and you can dress up pigs in outfits but the culture and the spirit still resides in the pig
and no matter how you dress up a pig you have to breed out some of the aggressive behaviors and also show people how deadly they are to themselves and each other when locked into a lifestyle and a belief system..
TV was that medium and so is the radio as well as YouTube and Netflix and Facebook reels.
And so the Boomers who were children of the silent generation and the greatest generation were the prototypical children to be experimented upon and they ran so many different parts of society. They were the experiments and their children are the experiments. That's why there was so many of them because the vaccines and then modern medicine and then all the different remedies and culture and religion sprung from the boomer generation.
Which is why the 1960s and seventies where were they were because they have so much material to work with as well as alcoholism and abuse and everything you can think of that happened behind closed doors behind the sets of all the difference movies and television shows.
And so the Boomers instilled an extremely rigid culture within Generation X and the millennials and now the Zoomers and Generation X Millennials and the Zoomers will try to copy their parents and grandparents but they're going to be met with such resistance of the environment and of course genetics.
You can only breed so many kids on family genetic bodies in extreme deficit before the children turn deadly against their own family and parents or they self annihilate through intolerance. Or the parents destroy their children as you're seeing all over the news because it is natural when you breed children who won't be able to make it or the parent knows innately the child is not set up for the society for the world.
But you're not supposed to destroy your children outside the womb in a civilized society. You give your children to the state if you can't take care of them.
Those were the experiments..
When a system adopts children from overseas away from family influence then they have full court press to do what they have to do to develop the best prototype they can and some children fall through the cracks. But all of you have been studied by the system and they know exactly where you came from and what your belief systems are and where you're headed to.
You might have a chance to redirect but given you've been given such pleasure and paradise and access to distractions it will be very difficult for people to disengage from what they have been taught by the Boomers and Silent generation people
When you are a king bee and a queen bee running your group of friends and family for such a long time that's a power that's very difficult to give up.
People love that kind of influence over their followers as well as friends and family which is why most people will not be able to disengage because politics religion and science has given you access to be so influential over other people.
and we know when people get absolute power it corrupts absolutely and then people die for their beliefs and their lifestyle and have a bunch of children and then eventually die and their children won't be able to handle the environment and then there you go.
There's the Absolution for the family..
Some of you might have a chance others of you will experience what you think is a Rapture and then the religious people around you will reinforce that belief system and that's how the system developed self-destruct through the religions politics and science and of course remedies Market and the inability to evolve..
And the system probably knew this way back when America was first born in 1776
And so kingdoms are falling all over the world and of course in America and if you don't understand what's going on to hold on so tightly to the kingdom that is crumbling that you'll crumble with it.
No matter who gets in office THE climate is still changing and you can be in denial about it and pretend nothing has changed even if Trump gets into office and those who stay so traditional which is basically those who want the nuclear family to stay intact will fall with the environment as they push their kids to be a cheerleader and a football player and they don't realize their family genetics are deteriorating and so you're just going to watch more people be born just to die very soon..
You got to realize you have to save yourself. Nobody not even your parents can save you. You have to be the one to figure out what the f*** is going on.
And that's why I say the adults have a better chance because the children are locked into the system of treatments and inherited genetics they have no control over and so you hope they survive the 18 years in the system
but even then the 19th year they could develop a fast moving cancer and be gone so the adults right now who aren't locked into something have a better chance but again that's all relative.
Rebellious intellectuals will rule the world in the future. The beautiful people will have to do what they have to do and hopefully some of them choose to survive.
Intellectually rebellious means that potentially you have the ability to articulate your point of view and even evolve your themes and points and develop a pathway into the new world without dying from resistance.
Intellectually rebellious people have a way to make their points come across and they've had plenty of time to practice. But now they must develop their own strategy for themselves because no matter how much awareness you try to ram down the throats of people not aware the more you are wasting your intellectual ability on people who don't give a s***.
You obviously give a s***
figure out how to save yourself through intellectual rebelliousness
Judd Nelson Ali Sheedy and Anthony Michael Hall all need to be hybridized into one person and that's what I identify as.. but I'm a grown-up Ally Sheedy I don't have to use adolescent ways to get attention and I'm a calmed down Judd Nelson and sometimes I channel Anthony Michael Hall when I need to learn something.
Words and books but also reading just to read to get familiarized with subject matters is so important in this new world.
Intellectual capability and technological capabilities are so important..
Learning how to type or maintain a laptop is so important and understanding the applications and how to manage email and spam and two factor authentication and security and discernment between what phone calls you should answer and what phone calls need to be ignored because they are scammers. You literally have to have your head on a swivel and be so f****** smart and be one step ahead of the deceptive salesman all over the phone lines internet and email.
Technological savviness is the most important for the future if not now
I love history
when I look at my husband I see so much history in him..
Ohio has so much history and that was the thing that keeps me here is when I first arrived in Ohio it was like stepping back into the sands of time and it was great and it is still great and the people here are amazing and they are history.
Every single person my husband hangs out with has a huge history behind them that probably they don't even know..
I see the Dust bowl and the Great Depression Revolutionary War the Civil War even the French Revolution in my husband.
I see American history in my husband
I see his ancestors and I see Europe and the United Kingdom in him. And I always tell him you look like a musketeer or some Yankee or Confederate relative to the situation.
He is history.
You are history
Of course I am history as well..
History tells you so much regardless from what perspective whether they are the winners or the losers. It's something to understand. And there doesn't have to be a winner or a loser. Instead of resisting how the system is reconfiguring the infrastructure study your own history and the background of your people and what contribution they have made to the world and what contribution you could make to the world. Everyone is history and everyone is relevant..
You can be the history the present and the future.
Ohio served as the northern “trunk line” of the Underground Railroad, a system of secret routes used by free people in the North & South to help slaves escape to freedom. Escape routes developed throughout Ohio with safe houses where slaves could be concealed during the day.
It was as if I knew Ohio was the place to be set free from whatever slavery in California.