If it wasn't for my 60,000 person group back in 2018 I probably wouldn't know half of the medical situations people deal with.
I've had people tell me their vagina was closing up. I've had people tell me that.
I've had people tell me every single issue they had or have and some of it was in confidence and I don't remember who they are but I know they were suffering. I know their body was under some kind of duress and they had some kind of virus they could not get rid of and that virus was causing body modifications such as vaginas closing up and other issues and yeah they were suffering
Many people hold on to DNA modification viruses in their body reconfiguring their whole biological infrastructure and they don't know how to release the demons because it's too painful.
So whatever is floating in the environment when all the conditions are right people will undergo body modification simply by their exposure to others because everyone's a carrier of something unless you're releasing the demons into the sewer system.
If you can't release the demons and eat food you will be subject to environmental body modifications by your exposure to everyone around you and their therapies.
And just because they don't exhibit certain body modifications and you don't even know what they carry or what they hold, you could undergo some kind of environmental immunological body modification or pass it on to your children if you decide to have children if you can get pregnant..
The cures market works in conjunction with the DNA altering drugs out there because the cures market like the holistic market will make sure the DNA people get exposed to stays trapped in the person's gut and colon so it can modify the messenger RNA of the immune system using the uracil which is the door to Evolution and change.
And so when I was releasing my demons the last 8 years it was like an exorcism.. I can only imagine what kind of viruses that would have modified other people's body parts because they would have caught my microbes and then if they wanted a child their child would end up with something that they didn't know existed in the population until they manifested the symptoms and then the body modification.
All of us are carriers of some kind of DNA altering virus and if we don't know how to learn how to release the demons we could catch a certain type of virus that would either close up our vaginas or make penises fall off or who the hell knows what.
 Turn us into Egyptian eunuchs..
and so when you have a baby in this environment with all this exposure to such aggressive diversity and with all the Hurricanes and floods with deadly pathogenic DNA altering microbes floating around your baby will catch something crazy and then we'll have a new generation or race of people who might not have vaginas or penises or who knows what else.
Right now in this climate change with all these pandemics and hurricanes and floods and storms Moms and dads are full of toxic toxic viruses and that's why they choose to have children and so generations of children will not have the same types of opportunities that their parents had.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the future with these new children coming online from parents who've been exposed to all this crazy stuff during the pandemic and the hurricanes and floods.
It's not just a vaccines people.. it's the people you hang out with and you don't know what they're carrying and if you do catch a dna altering microbe to your immune system it will either incubate and turn into a diagnosable condition or you become sexually active and you have a baby with that condition or it destroys you.
That's the thing with the cures remedies market. It works in conjunction with biotech. Holistic world work in conjunction with the allopathic one. They are two sides of the same coin as I've always said.
I am still mostly around people with penises and vaginas but if my Society turns all Egyptian eunuch with no sexual body parts I will catch the virus and it will alter my immune system and potentially I will change with my environment..
when you don't cure yourself you will have to assimilate to the predominant race of people in your society.
And if they are all Egyptian eunuchs then you'll become Egyptian eunuch too if you're not cured
Herd immunity is a real thing..
the diversity is causing the immunological wars as well as asymptoms until everyone assimilates to the strongest person..
If the strongest race of people in my Society are all black and they stayed black then I would evolve to the strongest black person of my society but if it's not hot and I'm mostly indoors would I turn black? Nature and nurture. Your lifestyle your immunological belief system and then the environment and the climate will determine everything.
But let's say I'm in Africa and not Ohio.
And everyone is black in Africa and I'm out in the sun with the people eating the same foods getting their microbes and getting sick eventually I would evolve into the predominant race and culture of that society over a long period of time and a lot of sickness and eating a lot of food and releasing a lot of demons..
I couldn't tell you how long it take for me to actually turn to the culture of people I live with if I was uncured
Genes/jeans and Two Mores or Tumors
The jeans/genes of everything you are and diagnosed with are in your colon.
The autism Gene the ADHD Gene every single diagnosable condition Gene is in your colon if you've been diagnosed or if your family has been diagnosed or a carrier
The only way you as a smart discerning adult can escape any of these diagnosable conditions is if you gain more pressure to convert out the old you and develop the new you and it takes developing pressure and weight and release systematically as you change out the old world for the new world.
And if you're skinny with a diagnosis you have to gain a lot more weight to change out the old with the new.
If you are overweight you're going to have to really release those demons and support your infrastructure extremely well.
People who have more weight on them have a better chance to convert themselves out of a diagnosable condition if they can handle the energy conversion and what energy they would have to deal with like heart attacks and strokes and aneurysms and stiff body syndrome and everything under the sun and you know how scared people are of sudden events and in this environment you should be very f****** scared.
 I never knew if I would survive any kind of sudden event that I would wake up coughing or die in my sleep and so I just had to have faith in myself and my ability to withstand pain and suffering and obviously I can never say you can do what I did.
Obviously underage children can't do that and even if they are a bit more overweight you can't make a child suffer changing out the old them because they haven't even developed themselves to the point of being able to to know what they have to do to develop a new them.
Jeans like blue jeans you have mom jeans and Levi's dungarees and you have all the different types of jeans and your genetics could be changed out but it would require pain suffering and a lot of food and release and a whole change of Lifestyle.
 Genetics jeans are not set in stone and they're not permanent but you have to understand the strategy. Not many will be able to..
when your kid is growing up they have to live with whatever predispose issues theirr parents gave to them and you hope they survive whatever the system does to them during those first 18 years.
Many of these kids won't survive their predisposed issues or the treatments and you can't make a kid suffer yet again and you can't force feed them food they need and you can't make them suffer again and you can't force feed them food they need
It's not promising in this environment that a kid born with predisposed issues because of genetic anomalies will survive all the treatments and how the parents treat their children with those situations.. because these kids have to survive their peers their family and traditions and all the remedies and the surgical requirements because of situations. These kids are up against more than what I would ever want in a child to endure.
Jeans are basically pants and you can change them out and you can outgrow them or grow into them and they are ever evolving and you can't detox them as I see people in these died suddenly groups ask if you can detox autism out of your body.
 No you can't detox that you don't exchange for something that is supported by infrastructure with the same mentality.
Jeans are like an American President and they have a cabinet of people they appoint to support their mentality and infrastructure.
During inauguration after election season, once you change out the main genetic headline you have to make sure the PRIOR cabinet is gone too and people don't understand that..
 and you have to systematically replace the cabinet so that way the body has something to work from or else YOU destroy the person or you destroy the presidency or the executive office.
The transition team must be f****** smooth sailing but of course nothing is ever smooth sailing when one competing force is resisting the other competing forces I.E January 6th
Just like Trump wouldn't hire Biden's cabinet because they would work against each other. So if you want to equate a president to a genetic predispose issue like ADHD or Autism you have to completely exchange out the whole executive branch for a new one and that takes time more than 4 years for some people..
And I'm not saying you should do what I'm doing I'm just giving you scientifically and theoretically because I've changed out a lot of things over the last 8 years and I'm not the same person i was but it took me 8 years of pain and suffering and I knew what the hell I was doing..
It took me revisiting everything about the food supply and I didn't politicize any of that s*** and The Last 5 Years I stayed away from most people so I didn't have competing viruses and genes trying to take over but you can't 100% protect yourself from infection so you learn how to release the demons and assimilate .
And so when you are a carrier of some gene that is anomalous to the rest of the population and you have children, guess what that kid potentially will express, some kind of anomalous genetic predisposed issue because Mommy didn't know what the hell she was carrying in her colon and daddy gave her something that she didn't know what was so you never know which parent gave their kid some crazy diagnosable condition.
I remember going to that genome database and looking for different genes that you can buy to develop designer children and I also saw the BRCA GENE which is the breast cancer Gene and then I saw they used DNA methylation to try to suffocate that genetic tissue.
Remember when I was posting all that genetic stuff probably five years ago? I was studying all of that genetic material and it was mostly from the perspective of cancer disease and chronic illness but that's what genes are they are an evolution and then the system trains you to try to destroy your own evolution which theoretically is destroying future people.
You have to f****** survive everything that tries to destroy you to be the strongest human out there..
Anytime they develop a new cancer cure that's destroying a future person. Because you will inevitably destroy yourself. Instead of releasing cancer people try to destroy it and they also destroy themselves in the process. And you're watching it.
 Because you know over time those Cancer Treatments will destroy the person. But so will the other cures in the cures market when you have your holistic people recommending Fen Ben and Ivermectin and other b*******..
And those dreams are the genes of disease that you are releasing if they are nightmares. Yeah the last two and a half months I've been releasing some f***** up Demons of genetics and they are brutal and they are deadly and that's why you're seeing so many people who are dying suddenly.
 The body tries to release the demons and the person does not have an infrastructure to support that aggressive release.
What are tumors is two or more entities competing for resources
Tumor=two more
And I wouldn't doubt there's an androgynous Gene that a person would grow to be a sexless.
The system can't trust the average immunological human tailors anymore because we don't know what they're altering and even the average immunological human tailor doesn't even know what they're reproducing..
And anytime you do damage to yourself or do drugs or alcohol or have aggressive sex with who knows what you are altering your jeans/genes and then your children inherit those alterations and then they suffer.
And that's how the system grew and developed genome strains because they took it directly from the population of people within their lifestyle belief system and politics religion and science
And so many of these children suffer because they're paying for the sins of their fathers and mothers and then they repeat the same mistakes and then you have astronomical suffering in Families
That's why there's so much died suddenly because not only what these children inherit from their parents and grandparents and family genetic line but also what they must endure as a child to assimilate to the aggressive world and their peers and the economics of the time.
Some of these kids have been OVERLY sexually reproduced almost out of existence. It's pretty grim what's going on and it's pretty grim discovering this from this perspective
 but I've done so much research the last 10 years that it's finally coming all together
I belong to a doppelgangers group and it is uncanny to see so many people with resemblances to others. They may not be completely genetically related but they hold some kind of gene that is extremely common and when you see how many people resembly each other you know we share genetics.
We may not be 100% identical but there's a lot of similarities and you see that in the population because it's in your colon..
And many people hold sadness and happiness and trauma and anxiety and fear and loathing and those feelings are in your genetics in your colon. And when you meet those demons in your dreams and in the waking world it's a fight to the death..
I enjoy looking at people and I enjoy trying to understand the world I live in.. and when I was younger with my parents I used to sit on the park bench and people watch..
And the thing about diversity is it does strengthen the population because resistance to a certain point develop strength but it also can be overboard and develop breakage.
If everyone was 100% the same then you would get more weakness in the population. That's why you can't have everyone be 100% genetically identically related or you would take out a whole population because they would have no tolerance level because they would be exactly the same..
And some of these families reproduce so much they don't develop a tolerance level because there's no diversity really. They kept reproducing taking away aspects of their intelligence and that's the laws of thermodynamics, is every single aggressive change like sexual reproduction makes the entity weaker and weaker and weaker also known as entropy and it's very difficult to gain back what was lost during sexual reproduction and aggressive change..
Charles Manson was the harbinger of doom with his Manson Cult family showing you how deadly the family can be if they don't understand diversity and tolerance and sometimes you need to break up to gain space and perspective.
And so when you are around the same type of people all the time and there is a lot of diversity yeah it's a fight to the death and the strongest person will be left standing.
So you can imagine a group of five people. Three people are extremely strong and robust and have a lot more substance and two people weigh next to nothing and they are vegan and vegetarian. You can imagine most likely who will survive that circle of people but again everything's about genetics. Some people will die suddenly and they can weigh 250 lb and other people could live longer based upon their genetic predisposed issues even if they are vegan and vegetarian but everything is relative. Let's say 5 years the last one is standing but they still die anyways.
What did that really prove?
The last person wasn't necessarily the strongest person they just outlasted the people around them..you may have won the fight but you lost the war
I don't go and fight unnecessary battles just to see if I'm the strongest person because that's mutually assured destruction..
Activism is when you won the fight but you lost the war and you still die anyways and that's all of your f****** Facebook.
So I just left. There's nothing to fight because many people are going to lose the f****** war and they're still fighting the good fight