Genetics arms dealers are based out of the West Coast and that's why if you have presence of mind get the hell out of the West Coast. But if you had it so easy you will languish in the trappings of wealth until somebody saves you and that's not going to happen. You have to save yourself by listening to indicators.
I knew something was not right and now at 50 years old I know it was necessary. But I found a safe place here in Canton Ohio. And so again look at the Doomsday Maps and figure out a strategy to save yourself. The old world is basically done
Genetic arms dealers are based out of California and the West Coast
War does evolve humanity.
We can't "rape" and "pillage" villages like in the olden days to mix dna developing stronger humans, so we "hire" future genetic arms dealers in the entertainment and music industry
 Or develop war and save the children. or PROMOTE FAMILY
Or turn to the lab in biotech and develop vaccines
It works.
This next round of the pox of the monkey is going to be like injecting the Giants of the Bible into people's arms and you hope they can handle that DNA upload of data and when that person coughs and sneeze and blows their nose or even walks they will activate everything around them.
 Kind of like a radioactive person who isn't literally radioactive; they have aggressive microbes that will activate biodiversity around them and that's why people feel stuff around those who've been around those who are extremely strong with an activated immune system.
I just realized my husband and his immune system was so strong that he literally activated my immune system every time he came home. I wouldn't even say he was shedding. Now I just get hives intermittently but they're not bad and it's only when the environment has accelerated exponentially relative to the day before. But before when I was holding so much diversity within that was yet to be released, that was pretty formidable every time he came home
His energy in confluence with the environment waa what activated my immune system and anyone else's immune system within the vicinity. Luckily he works around extremely strong men who are his equal and match when it comes to immune systems.
And I think that's what the system is setting everybody up for because they've already put the warnings out around the pox of the monkey Public Health Therapy and so when the environment becomes even more energetic I don't doubt that any kind of aggressive Public Health Therapy would activate people's immune systems but even the strongest immune system in the environment will activate everyone else around them.
And so everyone will have to assimilate to the strongest person in that environment regardless of therapy status. Because it's the environment that activates people along with the diversity within their immune system.
And so you would have to stay home and stay safe if you knew you had a compromised immune system. But even then the environment would activate you.
 But at least you would deal with what you already had inside if you're ready to deal with that. But when you go out in public that's when the public will activate what you have inside plus then you'll be taking on whatever they give you through their microbes. It's a no-win situation.
You're going to have to deal with immune system activation at some point. There's no escaping what's here
Suffering and Hardship Makes the Genius and the Survivor
Remember I said the spoiled children will be the destroyers, but the children who had some suffering or a lot of suffering become "geniuses" and survivors, well that is true.
People who never had to strategize their own survival will die when the world changes. They were given everything and had it so "easy" and they always had someone to fall back on or "bail them out" of bad situations.
You will see those who never had it "easy" will have a better chance at survival than those who always had someone all the time...
The proof is out there.. California was the ultimate experiment in mixing together the rich kids who had it easy and the "poor kids" who were in dysfunctional families, who had it so hard and then even the "rich kids in abusive families" find ways to get theirs using deadly force vs just leaving..
And then there's me who came from a well to do family with a "dysfunctional family" and had a very difficult but I had no inclination to kill anyone or my parents or try to gain money. That's why the experiments had to happen out there
just watch your society..
And so when a person had it so easy in their family and they develop children those children probably won't have what it takes to survive climate change because they never had the defense mentality to build up their desire to live and survive. Somebody always fed them an easy way out of a hard situation or if they were a strong person they would bully their way into getting what they want and even commit crimes and harm people to get what they wanted..
And so if a person understood strategy and hardship and they get wind of this information they would have no problem pulling up stakes and leaving everything behind to save themselves. Those who had it so easy will just just sit and languish in their current situation and hope somebody saves them at the last minute but you know that's not going to happen. Not anymore.
Suffering to live is the access to genius and strength of that genetic line. But if somebody's always giving you your life and survival then you'll have no impetus to save yourself and so it's easier to just succumb to a perceived Utopia AND DIE from a preventable death than struggle to live
This is what happens to humans at the immunological level if they don't release demons and eat food and suffer a little bit to survive.. but you can't afford to have food allergies unless you're willing to poop a lot and eat a lot and deal with the suffering.
The system is trying to tell you the good life makes people extremely weak. You have to have some kind of suffering to make you think differently.
here's so many videos with different perspectives on what's going on during this great reveal around the entertainment industry and I'm sure you'll hear other stuff in the future around other Industries. And so the last 12 years and the conspiracy world was just the tip of the iceberg as the entertainment industry Falls so will a lot of different companies and people's reputations. And so the murmurs of rumors around the Illuminati was the system developing and Avenue of a type of Revelation. And all the stuff is coming out I read about 10 years ago and the system knew what was going on but again we're dealing with an aggressive change in the human race and sometimes Evolution and innovation comes from war and pains and suffering.
The next 5 years will be the geological fall of the West Coast because the system is telling you earthquakes fires and floods and hurricanes are how they are cleaning up the areas that need to be cleaned up. And so if we've been talking about the Illuminati and the entertainment industry and what they do behind closed doors for the last 12 13 14 years then the last 48 hours to 3 years of earthquakes and fires and hurricanes should be major indicators of something looming on the horizon and maybe you should heed some warnings if you are in those sensitive areas.
This is not the time to be super distracted when it comes to where you live. There's some s*** going on that if you don't react in an effective way man oh my gosh. But again I know people don't have what it takes to actually move and so they just have to read this information and just hope nothing happens to them and okay.
Tech companies pulling out of California in the Bay Area and laying people off and sea levels rising and the fall of San Francisco LA and major cities in California and then the entertainment industry falling in Hollywood basically done yeah I don't think California is a place to be or anywhere on the West Coast..
And then you have a presidential candidate who many people don't take seriously and she's from California. The system knows you're not going to take her seriously.
The system knows those who still vote are going to go for Trump because he seems like he's the most sane out of the two. But that's what they want you to think.
They want you to put all your hopes in Donald J Trump and maybe he wins maybe he doesn't and either way climate change is going to heat up and there's nothing that he or she could do to stop it.
 But they're just the first layer of distractions but the agenda will still go on.
And as the environment heats up people will snap and they will do things they probably would not have done before if it wasn't for climate change. And predators hide behind the cover of darkness which is why I don't go out after dark unless I'm with my husband driving a car. The darkness is what conceals what's lurking in the hearts of mankind.
 It's like those vampire movies.
People hurry up and shop and do things during the light of day because when the darkness falls the vampires come out and they feed and they Lust For Blood. Yeah you have your day walkers who have no problem doing things in the light of day but you also have the night walkers and they're just as bad if not worse because they have the cover of darkness to hide behind.
Every single one of those movies and allegory were the warnings about your community and the people you live among. And I don't care what religion what political thought process or scientific Dogma you believe in or they believe in. If people have it within them and they are suffering from politics religion and science they will do things and justify it through their politics religion and Science and that's why it's very dangerous out there. We have intolerant people who are looking to teach people lessons and they become judge jury and executioner.
We have a lot of judges and juries on Facebook but we have a lot of executioners out there in the public.
 But the first indicator is someone who is judge jury and then at some point they turn into executioners and that's why it's so f****** dangerous out there and the more the environment heats up with more people dying in their world the more people get radicalized and they do things they wouldn't ordinarily do because they have to release that stress and aggression and you don't want to be in somebody's targets. That's why I stay home and stay safe and or I hang out in the light of day with my husband but I'm very aware of the people I'm around especially in diverse company in the public. You don't know what lurks in John Q Public's body mind or spirit and you don't want to know the hard way or learn the hard way.
And I know people say it's the government like the Democrats causing a type of false flag and maybe that's true and maybe it's not. And there's no way to know what is organic or synthetic. But what it is you need to pay attention to are the indicators we have unstable people in the population. And if you think it's your government well they're trying to warn you. And then if it's your peers
well, your peers work for the government and they're easily manipulated into being used as a tool for somebody. How many people have told people something causing them to react to information that was probably not true?
How many of you have radicalized your friends into hating a person place or thing?
 If people are that easily manipulated to work for somebody and be a weapon against a person place or a thing then you've developed that in the population.
You developed a boy and a girl who would be used as a tool for somebody's nefarious purposes.
And if the government is breeding people like baby X with no identification to be used as tools then they're definitely trying to warn you this is not the time to be out there. If they're using people from overseas in these colleges as tools then you're pretty much outsmarted. There's no way to win when it comes to the government who has control over your politics your religion and Science and even your genetics and that's the message they're trying to tell you
The Old World is Over
You are literally watching the fall of society and all of us were warned. All of us. Your peers in the conspiracy community have been warning you for years and years and they found every which way to warn you. They used politics, religion and science to warn you.
You cannot say they did not try, because they did. However, the system could not confirm or deny because that whatever claims were made were not the "reason" why an outcome came to be. It was a combination of factors that resulted in unfavorable outcomes. So, if you were a right wing republican denying climate change but said the vaccines were poison, that would NOT be correct because it was the vaccines and climate change put together along with so many other factors as to why unfavorable outcomes happened. By the time everyone figured out how to characterize their thoughts correctly and lawfully, it would be too late. The evidence was building up for years but we had a Tower of Babel that caused lack of "organization" and proper planning and execution and so the proof will be death and it will be too late, but it was too late anyways.
That is why I am warning all of you NOW in the West maybe it is time to pull up stakes and make your way over here on this side, if you can and try to do things differently if you find a good enough reason why you would do that. I mean, what makes people change?
1. Necessity due to forcing functions.
2. A desire to have a different outcome.
3. They see a future if they did change.
There are many reason why people change, but if my information of Geological Scientific indicators and big companies pulling out of key areas and climate change and huge earthquakes and the doomsday maps in the forbes article about billionaire bunkers are not enough "proof", then nothing will be enough.
I posted those articles for a reason so you saw what the future held for your area and I even developed a protocol you could sort of understand if you had the capacity to deal with pain and suffering and did not have too many food allergies, but again, everything is relative and some people need medical supervision and family to help them and a stable infrastructure to see them through the hardest times.
I realized what if feels like to get snarky comments and mean stares from people who were so capable to be immunologically stable and I was not because of my own predisposed issues, and so my ability to change and my snarky comments at people who cannot, is the same situation only reversed..
and that was eye opening and I had to work through that. The extremely capable relative to the current environment and culture will be so mad at those who are not.
But, at least I had a legit reason and not coming into work might have put a "strain" on my co-workers, but when it comes to survival, I had to come first, not my co-workers bitching and moaning I was home and they were not.
Now, I am bitching and moaning as to why people are not changing to save themselves from potential doom and again, why is that my problem? I don't even know these people. Well, it sucks to watch people walk into danger or not get out danger, but to them their life is not "danger" and their choices are not "danger" to them. So I had to give up the notion of being so obsessed with saving people but I just warn people without being so committed they listen to me. I do not know their circumstances and so I get it..
Bob Dylan said, the times are a changing and the winners will be losers and the losers will be winners the times they are a changing..
I have no problem with them having their own bunkers because they are the leaders of our society keeping the infrastructure going. They have the knowledge and all of us have to figure out how to survive each other. But we must have continuity of government.
People are going to be really stupid out there when the climate change again during the elections and any other aggressive natural disaster. And you have to be the one to survive your friends your family and your Society. You have to be strategic.