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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Germ Theory and Terrain Theory and Jilly Juice Theory

Germ Theory and Terrain Theory and Jilly Juice Theory

Terrain theory is a theory that the body's health and resistance are important, and that the body's response to injury or infection is normal.

It's the opposite of germ theory, which states that germs and microorganisms must be destroyed to avoid unpleasant symptoms. Terrain theory suggests that:

Finding the cause of symptoms is key ..

🙄 not necessarily.. collectively it might be important for specific general population standards but not so much individually.. whenever there's industry or more energy than usual then it must be tested by the EPA and the energy Department

Symptoms are a good thing ..

🙄 I wouldn't say they're good or bad they're just an indicator of something anomalous going on.

 Whenever you say good then you imply something else is bad

Suppressing symptoms is not as important as treating the cause

🙄 it's the same thing

Antoine BĂŠchamp, a chemist who lived during the same time as Pasteur, proposed a competing idea to germ theory called the pleomorphic theory of disease. BĂŠchamp's theory suggests that germs are attracted to the environment of diseased tissue rather than being the cause of it. He believed that microbes were not the malicious invaders that germ theorists claimed, and that they would not cause disease always and everywhere.

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Germ theory states that specific microscopic organisms are the cause of specific diseases. The theory was developed, proved, and popularized in Europe and North America between about 1850 and 1920.

😁Yes that is true, germs do cause different diseases but it doesn't mean you attack them.

You eat to release your eat to retain..

The issue is how much disease do you hold in your body that when all the conditions are right they develop aggressive disease?

 How well do you know your 12 different systems and how to use them effectively on your own without an intermediary.


The Jilly Juice theory is you were born with colonies of disease and you were born with food allergies and it's time to release the demons but you must gain insight and reflection of their existence and my juice gives you insight but you can't abuse it. Because it will activate your immune system but once you become cured you'll turn into a pillar of salt like those in Sodom and Gomorrah.

And you will always be exposed to people but once you understand the energy in your body and respond to it correctly you won't need to turn to any therapies or remedies or have to go and manipulate your hormones to develop a feeling using it as a therapy..

I can develop feelings listening to certain music, watching certain videos on Netflix and Facebook reels. And I stay away from really violent information and fast forward through violent scenes on Netflix. And I don't really have any anger within me. Sometimes the trolls get through and try to antagonize me and I have to laugh because even they laugh when they're insulting me because they know it's kind of stupid to insult a stranger. But people like to get rises out of you, in so many different ways.

It's not even about resisting somebody's advances or intentions. It's processing the information and knowing exactly where it's coming from and then moving on. I don't have to repeat mantras or brainwash myself into not feeling something. People Are People and some people are dangerous.

Other people don't know what the f*** is going on so it doesn't even matter. Other people are just whatever. They're just trying to live their life and you hope they have a happy life because it doesn't even matter what you know or what they know. You can't help people divert from trauma.

And you can't save anyone from learning very hard lessons. Some lessons are deadly. Some lessons you survive and that's the gift the universe gave you if you understand how to read the information.

 Everyone has their path.

Infanticide. Even grandmothers are getting tired of taking care of their children's children. Everybody's tired.


This is when infection becomes deadly



The fear of the Walking Dead is very interesting because they are representation of dormant viruses that need to be corralled inside the gate until somebody opens the gate and releases them to attack the living..

That's when there's change in the situation or climate change and dormant viruses wake up and people don't release them and so the antibodies attack the person unless they know how to release the demons out of their body.

And yeah this monkey pox situation is going to be very interesting because I already feel a few hives right now but I don't feel sick.

But when people are sick they are communicable. And they would have to be quarantined no different than the virus within the body was quarantined until something woke it up and it could have been any catalyst during this aggressive climate change

And even getting the vaccine even though I can develop The Offspring and release the demons.

 why would I put myself through a situation like that. Even though it could be making me stronger. I will get it from people around me. But that's what happens.

And catching anyone's offspring from whatever therapies they received they would have buffered the initial reaction with their own DNA that probably made it stronger relative to what kind of Technology they hold within intertwining with that DNA plus then me inhaling the technology..

every mutation becomes stronger and stronger but it doesn't mean the person who receives the mutation becomes stronger it just depends on how they react to disease.

What kind of device which is their body are they working with. How big is their family?

How much are they diluting their own resources with their lifestyle and desire for large families

When people get any therapy those therapies intertwine with their DNA develop an offspring and if they can't release those demons effectively and having it channel through the toilet or a napkin or their skin then they become communicable and mutate that offspring with their DNA to such an extent it becomes very aggressive..

and high fevers died suddenly car crashes and quarantines and yeah contact tracing most likely we'll be in the future

and I will tell you covid-19 was probably the beta testing.

911 means it's an emergency. There's something going on and help is on the way

9/11/2001 was a prerequisite to getting the system ready for so many changes called climate change.

Covid-19 that was just the beginning

Quarantine's lockdowns and contact tracing around the monkeypox and any other virus that has no cure to it.

How do they know these viruses don't have a cure and please don't say Bill Gates.

I'll tell you my perspective.

During aggressive climate change like aggressive high level barometric pressure developing such aggressive Heat and I mean unrelenting Heat that will cause fast moving infection and make everything you're doing antibiotic resistant

As it is many people are allergic to antibiotics because the growth is so astronomical it turns into infection not equilibrium. It has its own algorithms of infection and you can't treat something like that. There's not enough antibiotics in the world to keep treating your antibiotic resistance or infection

Because there's always going to be a level of antibiotic resistance that the current cures will not be strong enough unless it destroys you. Which means the growth and the infection will be so fast moving nothing can get ahead of it

what is it

The cures market and the aggressive growth developing ion for ION is why you have the cures market be what it is. Because they're able to match the energy of the growth with the energy of the antibiotics. They have to be relatively equal or stable to stabilize a person and give them temporary healing. And they could offer less aggressive antibodies to then calm down the aggressive growth of the initial person_infection.

No different than when someone says that high strung person needs to get laid.

That's what the cures market does they become the person who releases the energy from the initial aggressor

However when you don't have relative equilibrium you will have aggressive aggressive infection from the frequencies.

When the cures can't match the energy and the energy is stronger than the cures the growth is astronomical especially if you don't have an adequate release process

Which is why the contact tracing is going to be f****** insane when that energy does get turned up

 They don't know to what level the exposure is going to affect your immune system which is why I'm already at home anyways. And that's probably what's going to happen..

The last three four years was the pre-show. It was getting the system ready for so much. The died suddenly was getting the system ready for so much.

The system gave you the last 3 years to condition yourself to stay home and stay safe and scale down your lifestyle and belief system or resist so hard you'll destroy yourself when the climate becomes even more f****** insane

This frequency is what everyone feared would happen when they start rolling out the contact tracing and everything else and yeah quarantines. 2025 is going to be a pretty intense. Remember Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz and the flying monkeys.

We've had the last three years to get ourselves prepared for what's to come

Ooh contact tracing is rearing its ugly head oh boy here we go

Oh yikes.

Yeah I can't even imagine being a teacher nowadays. Yes your kids are angels but not when they hang out in groups with so many different needs. Oh my gosh

There is hope with ignorance that keeps people moving on regardless of their destination.

And there's also hope with knowledge that keeps people moving on regardless of their destination

Knowledge and ignorance can make you lose hope or develop hope

And you choose how you will respond to knowledge and how much ignorance you keep yourself in

However whoever is keeping you ignorant or offering you knowledge what is their intention? Who's capitalizing on giving you knowledge or keeping you ignorant?

What does the messenger hope to gain from keeping you ignorant or offering you knowledge?

And you can give yourself knowledge and share it with people without hiding behind a paywall because some things are priceless..

Life is priceless.

You can't ETHICALLY buy or sell life or else you're a human animal trafficker.. but the system will let you violate the ethics of humans and animals if it's an agreed upon practice. Until it's not

There's always a pay wall behind death because it's linked to extreme wealth pleasure and paradise

I think it's annoying that your friends on FB angry face your information but don't offer why the angry face it. That shows lack of awareness how much anger you hold within that you can't even channel it and clarify your position of your anger.

That shows predatory behaviors..

 and when your friends are angry predators against you then that's cultivating people who aim to undermine you and they destroy you spiritually systematically. And I did allow that for a while giving people the benefit of the doubt but now I'm done doing that. They're too angry at themselves and the world and they will use me as a scapegoat.

 I won't be the one anymore

When you're that angry that it's spilling over to the point where you target your friends on your Facebook with actual angry faces that shows you have the inability to control your emotions and your anger and that makes you dangerous..

That's why I don't hang out with too many people out there in the public

too many people who are overridden with emotion and can't control their emotions.

They'll even turn on their friends.

Even on Facebook..

People say Facebook isn't real. Facebook is truly real. People treat you exactly how they think of you or they don't think of you at all and that's okay

🌬What concerns me is very strong right wing Republicans who should be eating all food and not worried about genetically modified will buy into all the organic b******* because somebody like Robert F Kennedy is going to join the right wing Trump Administration. I have no problem with Trump cleaning up Society but when you get a package deal there's going to be instances requiring discernment.

Back in 2008 when they were selling those subprime loans to different banks and their was F ratings and A rated loans mixed together but all the banks saw was the A ratings but not the F rating

 that's why many of these Banks went under and had to be bailed out.

They didn't have discernment and they didn't look through the pile to make sure they weren't getting something that was going to bankrupt them

Yes Trump may be great for certain things but there's going to be other things that are going to really challenge the right-wing people and even their health inevitably causing starvation

 especially when you're having large families eating only organic in a highly highly dynamic environment and sucking down cannabis and pills and powers and supplements and detoxes and holistic stuff which I know is all over the Republican world and even the Democrats too

What's even more concerning are a lot of Republicans are right winged Christians which means they believe in big families and their daughters are going to get screwed to death because they'll be forced to have children and can't afford to feed them physically and so I don't even think they'll even survive childbirth or pregnancy if they even survive their marriages.

Murder suicide domestic violence and infanticide have increased exponentially during this climate change and it's only going to get worse

and that's the danger of believing somebody 100% across the line

 they will slip in things that will bankrupt you and you won't even know it because you saw all the marketing but you didn't see what was behind the scenes


I wrote this for my husband because I worry about him.

I worry about the world he lives in.

Large families are not too big to fail so the system will not bail out large families as they will destroy themselves

During the 2007–2008 financial crisis, the US government bailed out banks considered “too big to fail” to prevent their collapse and further economic damage. The $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) supported at least 700 banks, including Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo. The government also bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Bailout details

The bailout involved the government purchasing preferred stock in troubled banks. The chairmen of nine major banks were forced to take the funds, which gave the government an ownership share in the banks. However, the banks weren't required to change their policies.

Bailout outcome

The bailout helped stabilize the economy, although it was unpopular. The government made a profit on many of its investments.


The 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act legalized bank bail-ins, which allow banks to convert debt into equity to meet capital requirements. This eliminated future bank bailouts.


Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest US investment bank at the time, declared bankruptcy on September 15, 2008 due to the subprime mortgage market.

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The body is consuming itself

You can be obese and the body is consuming itself until the vital organs give out and you can be also extremely very skinny and the body is consuming itself. Obviously aggressive aging process the body is aggressively consuming itself.

That's why I developed this protocol that evolved and changed since the Doctor Phil show. My protocol had to change with the times and the conditions and the environment and the climate.

I could not afford to be cured or stay in the mindset of where I was back in 2018. I would have been dead by now. I had to change and so did the whole protocol

What's crazy is most people that were next to me don't even exist anymore in my world

they couldn't change or evolve

And the ones that were resistant of me and they should have been and I'm glad they were they are my biggest "fans" and they're f****** awesome..

And they're not so next to me that we're suffocating each other but they make their presence known and I'm f****** thankful for them

Told you. Beginning of the starvation of America

But the system is cleaning up society and so if you choose to starve yourself that's your choice. So I guess they are making America great again by taking down the population one food item at a time and those who buy into that they'll voluntarily starve themselves and those who don't buy into it well you'll have choices

I've already released so many demons and I will breathe in my peers and maybe I'll get a vaccine I don't know. But if I do I need so much food so maybe I'll just get the herd immunity

🌬organic = hunger games

If you are allergic to air food and water then you can't afford to feed yourself and certainly you cannot afford to have children. You can't afford to feed them.

When you don't eat it's because you can't afford to. You see how that s*** works

And so if you're on some kind of diet or you are physically and politically against food then you can't afford to eat. And you certainly cannot afford to have children because you can't afford to feed them. Because once you're on one diet and politically against food it's just a matter of time before died suddenly. You literally cannot afford to feed yourself and your children. Basically you are the snake eating its tail as a mother. Literally your children are your food. Because you can't afford to eat and neither can they

The irony is there's so much food and people will still starve themselves. That's the kicker. That's the secret weapon of the new population control.

When a kid can't even drink milk without going into anaphylaxis. And they've conditioned the parents not only starve themselves but also their offspring. That's some f****** s*** right there

that's why I'm saying the family is the most dangerous

 that's the Ouroboros


When the snake is eating its tail the person is starving and so the body is consuming itself and then developing offspring that isn't serving the infrastructure and the person cannot handle the food supply they are literally anaphylactic against eating. The body is consuming itself.

That's the aging process. And cancer is your future literally and figuratively and some people destroy their cancer and then the body consumes itself even more so.

And when they develop children who can't eat the food supply then they are consuming themselves developing offspring they can't feed because they are anaphylactic against gluten and everything else.

And so you see infinite sacred geometry. Infinite sacred ouroboros basically families cannibalizing themselves because they can't handle the air food or water

So when a person just eats Oreos and that's it because they're vegan and vegetarian there's no animal products in it the body is consuming itself. That's what vegan and vegetarians do they are self-consuming

Oreos are technically vegan because they don't contain animal products like milk or eggs, but some vegans may not consider them strictly vegan.

The system is giving you so many options and you're choosing your own destruction. That is the rosicrucian order. They're giving you a choice.

That's why the system want you to stop having children because you can't afford to feed them literally. If you can't eat the food supply mother neither can your children. Can you truly afford to have children if you can't even handle air food and water. And if you're on special diets you truly cannot afford to have a child.

Fertility comes from starvation.. slow starvation you have time to have kids and aggressive starvation through climate change the person will consume themselves and develop not only deficient to kids but babies probably won't make it to term


Organic and gluten-free is starvation and that is why your kids have food allergies

Genetically modified is for advanced humans

I said what I said.

And you don't have to prove me wrong because your deterioration and your kids deterioration is all the proof the world needs.

Your organic food is killing you.

Because it's starvation.😳

I told you the system will have you begging for death and destruction that you signed on the dotted line for

and you even give money to the campaigns destroying you and your children starving yourself.

And that's some advanced campaigns developed by people on genetically modified food outwitting the organic people.

I said what I said and I told you so..

Yeah genetically modified is advanced nutrition developed by advanced people getting rid of the cavemen in our society.

You cannot make this up..

And Trump will get into office and if he doesn't I would be surprised and potentially Robert F Kennedy Jr will even pound the gavel on simplifying your food to such an extent that you think you're winning and i will have to pay more to keep myself alive and I guess that's what it will take.

I'm already used to paying higher price for food anyways.

But now I'm conditioned for it because that's what's going to happen most likely..

So while all of you are on your diets and detoxes not changing your lifestyle and getting really no major nutritional benefit or substance from your cheap organic food

the environment's going to kick up and take you out.. and even your children because you know they're gluten-free sugar-free salty food free lifestyles are so trendy in the mommy and me groups.

20 years of you conditioned to think gmo processed food is poison

20 years of you developing anti-vaccine campaigns

20 years of you developing your crazy ass holistic concoctions and accepting your diagnosis as permanent even your identity.

20 years of capitalizing on your deficiency so you can sell a f****** product for Corporate America

20 years of you capitalizing on your cancer disease and chronic illness by using remedies configured and reconfigured by Alchemist destroying your future and selling people remedies to destroy their future

20 years of you developing an intolerance to life and begging for your death and destruction as humanely as possible. Just watch your friends and family watch yourself what you've adopted and believed in

20 years of undoing what they did back in the 1950s when we had the baby boom. We will have the human baby bust and even the adults busting themselves.

It's been going on for longer than 20 years but I figured that's a nice round number

And I've seen so many changes the last 20 years.

Just watching China rise back in the early 2000s and then watching their fall the last pandemic and now.

Yeah people don't need a vaccine when you think about it they need the f****** food supply to release the demons and get herd immunity from those who are the human sacrifice taking vaccines with no food because they're eating organic..

And those who eat food feel the demons and release them and taking the vaccines

that will be a journey you will never forget

And not just any food you need all food. How many of you are already anorexic psychologically against food.


HIGH blood pressure and heart palpitations are from the aggressive rises in the barometric.

If you can't respond to that information effectively to prolong your life then why is that the government's fault if you don't know how to respond to energy correctly relative to your lifestyle belief system and immune system which is basically your body Mind and Spirit

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