Go north my friend you will find the Promised Land
But before you capitalize on going north you better make sure you Nation build which means you release the demons down there and you rebuild and develop bone density and then you earn the right to go North to the promised land. But you can't do it backwards. You can't go north and develop intellectual capability without nation building your body
Just like Africa is south of Gaza. Many went North to the promised land but they had to Nation build which is basically born out of Africa and then evolve.
Before you evolve your brain you better build your body or else it won't matter how f****** smart you are or your kids are. Because you don't have the platform or the infrastructure to support your brain and the evolution
Just like in America. We had to suffer through nation building from the south and those who survived going north became the next generation of Americans who brought us to where we are today. But we had to suffer through the slavery system of the South nation building
The Civil War in America is no different than people fighting the Civil War in their body of the Northern Hemisphere and the southern hemisphere of their cervix. They are fighting their gut and their brain. Some women and men are fighting their sexuality and the brain trying to survive
And America was built on aggressive sexuality and then they guided how they wanted the brain to be used until people were given the freedom to make a choice if they had the infrastructure to support the evolution of their brain or they will destroy their body through sex drugs and rock and roll.
There's no such thing as organic. Even you were programmed to be who you are. Now you get the choice. If you have the capacity and you are over 18 you could definitely re-engineer yourself for longevity.. it will be a crap shoot for the kids if they even can survive their childhood and I'm sorry.
Why am I sorry? Because many people put so much hope in their children and grandchildren and in reality they have to have hope for themselves. If there's no hope for themselves obviously it's not going to translate into The Offspring
CONSTANT sexual reproduction on bodies in deficit is like using up the ink in your printer and the last copy is so faded and indistinct it is not usable at all and you cannot even make a copy from that copy.. it is done.
DNA is recycled. Crazy.
The System shows you Through The Eyes of Hollywood the world you live in..
So it's interesting watching this series on Netflix. It reminds me of the immune system. Jennifer Carpenter plays "The Host" and she is cultivating the antigen which is basically like a serial killer. She's the irony..
She doesn't even know if she's hosting this demon because he is the ice truck killer in the series and she doesn't know it and she sleeps with him and she tells him everything
and he/Moser figures out how to maneuver between her and her brother/Hall and the police station.
Moser is the antigen and he is the one who attacks prostitutes and women and cuts them up and then leaves them out as evidence antagonizing Dexter, who was taught to be a good serial killer not a bad one.
Moser represents people fighting off the demons when they are in the presence of antigen which could be pollen or somebody else's microbes or a freshwater Pond In the Heat of the day and the diverse life gets in the body
Dexter is like a natural killer T cell or an antibody in the body and he tries to get rid of the bad guys within the body but he represents legitimizing killing somebody who's a bad guy in the series. The series wants you to Champion this serial killer because he kills for good not for evil. He gets rid of the trash. Just like your immune system is supposed to do. However he's not aware that Moser who is the actual killer that the police station he works for is looking for.
DEXTER IS okay with him dating his sister because he doesn't know his true nature. It's almost as if the antigen is hiding from the antibody. Just like in people's bodies when they cultivate cancer disease and chronic illness. The antigen find ways to hide from the person's immune system and the person helps the antigen hide. By disabling the bodies way of protecting itself.
Just like Jennifer Carpenters part she disables the ability for her brother to do his job and find the killer which is basically her boyfriend
When people use steroid creams and antibiotic lotions and they don't release the demons within their upper immune system and their lower immune system the body then develops so much growth from that war.
The people don't know how to release the waste because they've disabled so many parts of their body. And so they push the demon back in the body and make it stronger. People can't handle pain and suffering and so they succumb to the growth in the body which is both the antigen and the antibody which becomes extremely numerous and destructive and the person falls apart.
You're seeing this right now because yes we have been experiencing the pandemic and people are taking on so much growth and diversity through so many different avenues and then the climate is so aggressive causes aggressive replication and that's why so many people are dealing with infection and even died suddenly.
This type of outbreak is the proper response of the immune system but people don't want to feel this and they've mischaracterized symptoms and so they make it worse every single time they treat disease.
And we have been told to treat all disease by the medical holistix system and so breaking people from these habits is difficult especially if they're in so much pain
and you feel bad for people because they are not supposed to suffer. But you also can't assume the treatments are going to last forever or the next cure is going to work
what else do you do?
That's why you stay out of people's health issues and you show them what the proper way the body is supposed to respond
This picture is the proper way the body responds to the war inside the body that is dying to get out.
However YOU ARE not allowed to make somebody suffer or give somebody a remedy. Even doctors don't even make the right choices all the time. That's why they have malpractice insurance. And that's why they practice medicine. There are no absolutes even in the medicine world and the remedies world
You never ever tell someone what they should do for their disease I don't care how many f****** licenses you hold. The only outcome you can guarantee is death or developing so much life it causes their death. You cannot take away people's pain and suffering and you cannot advocate they treat all their diseases with your remedies or anything else
The person has to make that choice for themselves.
I can never tell someone they should suffer and not treat this and I can never tell someone they should treat this. It's not for me to make that choice for anyone but you have to understand the science behind symptoms and growth and skin conditions which is the body pushing up all the waste trying to release it.
That's why you must have a clear Alimentary Canal so the rest of the body can clear the rest of the pipes so your body has a clear channel to release the demons without completely upsetting and destroying every other system in your body.
There are proper ways to drain your pipes and there are proper ways to channel the rainwater and clear the gutters and clear the areas of pooling water even in your garden. So you don't get quicksand one day because the water has nowhere to go.
Yes I've had hives the last 3 years but they became less and less as my body was purging out the demon through my digestive system and immune system and lymphatic system. And I had to make sure I ate and rest and dealt with pain and suffering and I'm telling you it was f****** difficult. When I finally released that major demon a few years ago then the smaller demons came to surface on my skin called hives and bloating and arm pain and back pain and neck pain and it was f****** hell I will tell you that much. But I survived it because I had to change everything to survive what I already held inside my immune system
And everything triggered the hatchlings to birth themselves and so even though I held it inside whenever I went out and hung out with people or went to Walmart or ate something the hatchlings were triggered and birthed and I had to face them. There is no way around the triggers in your environment because the air and the wind could blow a different direction and wake up the demon that was already in your body. The frequencies in climate change wake up demons inside people's bodies
Everything on this person's skin is basically Incubus and succubus and the demons people hold inside. People are afraid to release their demons and so they make them stronger by pushing them back in the body. Everything on this person's body is what causes their sexual reproduction and every other disease known to mankind.
Now you know why you have so much diversity in the population because people hold so much diverse types of microbes developing phenotypical characteristics such as different shape eyes nose mouth booty boobs shoulders. Different color hair colors. So many phenotypical characteristics are housed within these microbes.
And then yes the food pain is why people are completely intolerant and malnourished because they can't handle the pain of food activating their immune system to try to save the body. And some people are stuck with extremely slight phenotypical characteristics and lack of bone density and papery thin skin to a very thick bone and muscle and fat and skin structure. And so yeah people hold that software within their colon and it's progressive changing of the guard so to speak if you can handle it
When change is so painful people don't survive evolution. And that's what's so sad. It's painful to change and evolve. Which is why evil lution is another way to speak about evolution.
When I had massive headaches a few years ago I ate a huge steak and sometimes I needed a cooling type of thing for the forehead to distract me from the pain. And yeah sometimes you need milk so you can develop mucus to release the demons through your nose and Hocking up loogies and yes you need to poop a lot. It's good to have a salty steak with a lot of mashed potatoes and some cabbage and really feed your body. And give yourself time to rest.
Obviously I don't know your food tolerances so I'm not saying you should do what I do but this is what I do this is what I did to survive all the symptoms the last 3 years and they were freaking aggressive. But I had to release the demons down there and up in my nose and throat and I had to feel the pain and sometimes people are forced to treat their disease because it's just too much and I get it but the next time it's going to be worse and you have to be conditioned to not be so aggressive in treatments because everything will be worse and worse until you release that demon and it's a conditioning process progressive process. Again I can't tell you if you can handle it but that's the avenue that I took and that was a guaranteed relief for me over time
Going through such aggressive pain the last 7 years and the last 3 years I was able to handle the arm pain the neck pain the shoulder pain and the back pain and the hives and just go to sleep to escape.
Remember I had no major surgeries at all
I had a sprained ankle that I reinjured about 12 years ago. I had a wrist guard when I was typing repetitively and so I'm dealing with hand pain. And I never had to wear braces or get any teeth pulled or have anything taken out of my body. And so I don't have to revisit any old operations or extractions.
Some people might have to revisit old wounds and things that they had cut off and whatever and then the body has to go and convert that to something else and I don't know if you can handle that conversion process.
If you have transplants and implants well that's going to be a difficult situation because the body is going to want to purge it out
but obviously there's no safe way to do that so it's going to develop scar tissue
And then you'll have to make a choice for yourself
And I would not advise anyone trying to attempt to do this if you have implants and transplants and had serious and series of operations or bullet wounds because yes all of that is going to come back and you'll have to heal the proper way which is with food water release and rest. I'm telling you you have to revisit every single thing that you were ever traumatized from physically spiritually intellectually.
To the early adopters that were part of my group maybe five or six years ago. Remember that girl Beth who had glass coming out of her face because the salt woke up her immune system and it was purging out the glass in her face because of a prior accident. Yeah that's immune system activation. Yeah the salt and the nutrition in the Cabbage activated her immune system and so it finally was able to release the glass out of her face
You will revisit history of your body Mind and Spirit going through my process if you even can handle it
The back of your neck is your immune system. That's like the bridge on the Starship Enterprise
And so you have a cervix on your neck and then women have the cervix below the waist and they are basically the bridge and the Holodeck. The holodeck develops the virtual reality which is basically your children down there near the cervix. Or the womb. The Holodeck is basically the WOMB
And then where John Luke Picard goes and controls the bridge right on the back of your neck. People get a lot of lymphoma and cancer and stiff neck because they don't know how to open up their immune system and release the demons that are gathering either the lower cervix or the upper cervix and that's your f****** immune system
So if you want to identify the immune system. It's both cervical areas on the body. The upper cervix and the lower cervix
And the system controls your upper cervix and your lower cervix which is why you get such weird shaped people because when you have your upper cervix blocked and redirecting Bloodlines and arteries and capillaries then you get weird things going on above your waist. And then below your waist cervical areas for both men and women are also causing weird shapes below the waist because the way the system has redirected your immune system through the medical system.
And so your upper respiratory system is what helps you release a demons from your upper cervix and then your bowels and your urinary tract and even to reproductive system is how the lower cervix releases the demons and then you host so much life if you stop the body from releasing
And you literally must make a point to open up both sides of your upper cervix and your lower cervix to release the demons or else you'll be cannibalized by them
The brain and the gut are the BRAINS OF THE northern and southern hemisphere that is controlled by the CERVIXES which is your UPPER AND LOWER immune system
Before you hate me because of my information remember I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Please Don't Make Me Be Misunderstood
Before you defend your politics religion science and even your culture think about who were the people who gave you your culture
Organized cultures and religions and politics come from and organized body of scientists and government officials. And they Mark territories and they give people the culture
And they watch those who cross lines and they see what happens. Sometimes it turns into something like a Dexter and a bloodbath. Other times you get children and babies. Other times you just get straight trauma
West Side Story is a famous musical about gang culture and turf wars
It was the Caucasians versus the Puerto Ricans
Watch some of these old movies. America the last greatest experiment pitting all different cultures and beliefs against each other
Nature versus nurture
I mean just look at my marriage. Definitely two different cultures coming together and finding a new Evolution and A New Hope for the future
We didn't birth the baby. We birthed a new tolerance for a type of diversity that wasn't about sexual orientation or new religion.
It's about understanding all the cultures and finding your common ground with them and developing a tolerance for someone who is different and potentially absorb new information if it's even possible for you.
If it's not possible then people die in their homogenized lifestyles and beliefs and we thank you for your service and we thank you for being that microbe in the petri dish.
But now you know where the whole white power and the red versus blue gang mentality with all the different cultures. It was government perpetrated and people adopt those personas because there's no other culture they know of besides what somebody gave them.
And the military is another culture that people stay with and I get it. I mean you have the Navy versus the army versus the Air Force versus the Marines and the Coast Guard. They have their own gangs
But I think there was a bigger picture than what you even are aware of and that's what I'm here for is to give you the bigger picture so you don't get lost in the wars that were forced on you
I saw a lot of different cultures in California before I was even 18. And if the system had it their way I would have been dead by now and you would never know this information..
My protocol saved my ass and it gave me back my memory.. and maybe some of you could regain the memory you lost over so many years habits and lifestyle. And if not we thank you for your service