The entities who are the architects of your life and community developed binary driven arguments and then tested 3rd parties to come in and upset the apple card. They tested third party arguments to observe what happens when a "new" entity enters into the argument/petri dish/population. For example, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, Lenora Fulani, and so on..
So, you get the main binary arguments driven into the traditions of the culture and then slowly introduce third party ideas, situations and experiences to see what happens.
That is why the system calls some subject matters in school Political Science. There is a science behind politics, religions, and science beliefs and arguments. Politics are like a laboratory reinforced for combustible outcomes with entities used to counter the shockwaves or control the shockwaves to mitigate too many casualties.
Religion is the science behind politics interweaving spiritual beliefs, alchemy and evolution of the human species.
Ever since 2010, I felt the increased need to change my circumstance and I remember the surge of energy as I was driving my Ford Focus on an on ramp in Elk Grove, CA before I set off to Ohio to meet my future husband. It was as if a frequency got ahold of my foot on the gas and I was SPEEDING, going around a corner like it was on rails and felt the hormone release of pleasure testing the boundaries of my car and the curves..
The system was heating things up in California around my town and I remember the feeling that took over in that brief moment in time. I did not care if I crashed my car or not, but I was testing the limits to my car and my foot on the pedal. It was a rush.
All of us are petri dishes under a microscope and once you realized you have been influenced to react in your programmed ways, then you might consider your beliefs and reactions are not "organic".. they were fed to you for centuries and decades..
But again you must choose to entertain that awareness or else you think everything is organic in your Body Mind and Spirit when it's not.
It was programmed. It was pre-programmed..
And so I would say most of my society is under the influence that they think their reactions are organic. Which is why I had to walk away. You can't tell people this. Because they would resist and tell you you're stupid and they will go back to what they've been doing for years and centuries. They'll keep looping on the same broken record they've been living on for the last 5,000 years.
Many people don't know who Lenora Fulani is so you might as well know who she is
By the way
And it's safer to spew your b******* on social media because someone won't reach out and hit you for your views. But you try to spout your views in public in front of people violence is always the first go to with completely unhinged humans.
That's why domestic violence is so prevalent because children never learned how to use their words only their fists and they don't know how to walk away from a fight. But if you are cornered you have to learn how to defend yourself..
 That's why you learn how to use social media to understand yourself in the world you live in without triggering someone to harm you.
And then maybe you go back and read your post and be ashamed of what you put out there and what you said about a person place or thing. And maybe you self reflect. That's why you use social media to spout what you need to spout so you can go back and correct yourself and do something different. But you spout your views out there in the public someone will reach out and touch you and they will try to harm you and even kill you and so you don't do that in public you never ever spout your views in public.
As soon as I came out with my ideas I completely withdrew from the public and only deal people one on one because I know how unhinged men and women are.
I don't care how well you know them.
And sometimes it's the people that know you best have the most access to you and if they don't like you or dont have any investment in you some people get triggered. And that's kind of the state of the world we live in. You have to assume not everybody is safe. You can't assume anything in this world.
That is self-preservation..
And in my gut I know the things that I say trigger people. I know and I can feel it. I see it. I don't blame you for being triggered by my information.
 But I'm not out to hurt you. I'm not how to hurt anyone. But I see what's coming down the pipeline and I'm so scared for a lot of people and the best thing that I can do for humans is to give them warnings just like all of you.
That's the best I can do for you. But I also see some pretty bad stuff in the population and that's something I've had to face dealing with so many different people and I've had to walk away from almost everything.
Many people are suffering and they don't know where to put their suffering until they find a target and you don't want to be that target to anyone suffering.
And that's hard to impress upon a population looking for an enemy and hunting for a savior.
And clearly by the political rhetoric around these elections, you can see people looking for an enemy and hunting for savior and some people found their savior and they already think they know who the enemy is.
And if you ask 10 people, you'll get 10 different answers of who the savior's and the enemies are.
 And that was for a reason. That's the chaos theory and the butterfly effect. There is order behind the intentions and you must be aware of the order behind the chaotic intentions and pull yourself out of the war if it's possible..
Because as soon as you think you found a Savior or a Satan you just declared war and you pulled yourself in a war that you won't survive.
That's the nature of War. They will give you your Satan and your Savior and then you're hooked and people die in battle in a war they never started but they were given a great storyline with heroines and villains and catastrophe and blood just to make it even juicier.
Remember I am a product of all types of Wars And I see it as plain as day and I just happened to survive the war on my immune system, so I have a lot of clarity of thought.. but I also must tread carefully and understand every side of the issue. I sympathize with people's situations but there's nothing I can do except give everybody information and some will be able to use it and others won't have the possibility and I'm so sorry.
 I know which side my bread is buttered on and it's not in the resistance because it is futile and I've tried to beat the system.
 But I didn't build the system
so you can't beat a system you never built from scratch.
You must understand the system
And you must survive the system or else all of your resistance was for nothing
what did you die for?
How many activists will die for their beliefs and how many of them after them will die for their beliefs and the system still did what it intended to do?
The last 30 of my Facebook lives I was resisting even myself getting on Facebook live because I knew The Facebook lives would have to end at some point, because all I was doing was trying to save you guys resisting the notion I couldn't save you..
Once I realized you couldn't even save the children from aggressive household with notions they are saving their own children through starvation and surgeries I had to walk away.
Because I was still deep down inside trying to save the children that couldn't be saved.
You can't save children from parents who don't think what they're doing is "wrong" around starvation and having so many children. I saw the science around aggressive procreation and that's why I had to walk away.
And so we will have to watch what happens to these kids when they are procreated on bodies in such deficit and they can't even handle the air food and water much less the lifestyle of their prior generations
I had to walk away. I had to let the system go through that process and not be caught anywhere near children who you don't know their background and what they're dealing with.
But I'll tell you I was in resistance for a long time. And then I realized it's truly out of my hand. It's pretty much done..
You can't stop what's coming and you can't stop what is already here.
You just have to survive it and yeah it's a suffering.
I don't know what this means but it means something. You could say it's Nibiru you could say it's a satellite. You can say it's an object holding Asteroids for when doomsday comes. You could say it's whatever. But it means something and I couldn't tell you what it means
Grand Theft Auto and all this explicit video games and movies on children who are looking to copy someone or something and have an ax to grind turn children into some kind of antibody against their peers if they've been bullied or they have a bad home life. I understand having personal protection as far as a gun but guns and children don't mix.
In some places children are taught how to use a gun because of the background of the parents and the stability of their parents
 but some households are extremely unstable fostering this type of situation.
Universally, we can't say every household is responsible when it comes to guns because not every household is responsible with their words much less with a gun.
And when parents have irresponsible words and children are extremely impressionable, then we have children with access to weapons under the spell of the irresponsible words from their own parents.
This is how parents weaponize their own children.
And I'll tell you suffering children turn into suffering adults and then they turn into a weapon against their own Society..
And the system will not take your guns away because THEY want you to see what happens when you have irresponsible parents raising weaponized children..
If the system wanted to take away your guns it would have been done it already.
The 2nd Amendment resistance was just developing the conversation which we get to see what happens when we don't take advice from someone who has a bird's eye view of what's coming down the pipeline.
And your government has a bird's eye view of what's coming down the pipeline
You will have something like this plus stabbings and domestic violence and shootings and anything else.
Suffering starving children with acid tongue parents develops weapons and monsters in our study.
And so America is the example of what not to do when it comes to families and raising children and we're going to be some pretty grim examples for the world.
Oh joy.
And that's why I stay home and stay safe.
 Unpredictable children and people everywhere. And you don't know who's suffering from what.
 So you don't trigger people and you be very kind in public and very polite and then spew your b******* on social media and try not to trigger Community Standards.
And it's safer to spew your b******* on social media because someone won't reach out and hit you for your views. But you try to spout your views in public in front of people violence is always the first go to with completely unhinged humans. That's why you learn how to use social media to understand yourself in the world you live in without triggering someone to harm you
Rhetoric and information
They're letting you know what's coming down the pipeline regardless of their rhetoric of resistance
Knowledge and knowing the future not only makes a person an island unto themselves but also come off negative. And so you have choices. You could be happy ignorant and blissful until died suddenly or you balance out brief moments of happiness with preparing for the future because negativity is a power that is very misunderstood..
And you need meat milk cheese eggs fruits and vegetables and processed food and rest and release to survive the ignorance out there in the world as well as the knowledge of the ignorance out there in the world. Because that's a suffering when people choose to be ignorant so they can stay happy.
I have my moments of happiness but I'm surrounded by a world who doesn't even know that it doesn't even know where it's going..
Most people in my society think we're going to go back to 1985 or 2003.. they don't even know where the world's going. And despite all the indicators where the world's going they still are in denial. And that's enough to make anyone who is knowledgeable of the present the past and the future a little bit negative with brief moments of happiness
The Doomsday maps and the attachment of the deagle report tells you everything
If you look at the Doomsday Maps and you see a lot of Asia is going to be underwater and even parts of China like Hong Kong and even Taiwan and the Philippines; this is when I don't want to join the military.
Because troops are being deployed to the Philippines, to try to stop China from rising.
What do you mean by that?
China isn't rising if anything economically they are falling.
China was rising back when I visited in 2003 and they had their day in the Sun the last 20 years
Defending people who probably are not going to leave their place of home it's like defending someone who's already dead. Which is probably why military enlistments are down and they will introduce the draft and use the Selective Service when all the conditions are right..
If you look at the Doomsday Maps as well as the Georgia Guidestones that's the end result. You need to position yourself to be somewhere that you think you can ride out everything.
Defending future dead people is an exercise in futility. Historically, people who came to America received a better life
But I guess our involvement in their world made them come over here
However, our involvement on foreign soils doesn't always end up better for the people we occupy and our soldiers are traumatized from what they've seen in war and they bring that trauma home.
Afghanistan is another example. Iraq and Kuwait are other examples.
What's going on in Israel and Palestine are other situation which can potentially develop strong resilient people if they can survive the conflicts.
 Only the people who escaped what NATO and the UN and the "axis of evil" have done, ended up better and I would say I am an example of that ..
And so this is the conundrum of war
The fall of Saigon from the Vietnam War was only 50 years ago..
Everything between now and the Georgia Guidestones and the Doomsday Maps are radicalizing people to give up their life for their politics religion science and even attempt to save people who can't be saved.
But the story lines are great.
 Don't get me wrong I love all story lines which have catastrophes villains and heroes and antagonist and protagonist and supporting actors and actresses.
But it's all the game.
Position yourself to survive this.
Don't volunteer for anything because you will be used as a tool
My life is priceless and it's not for sale.
Right now during this great reset we are experiencing societal menopause. We are conditioning for the change. The great reset is upon us
Geological ruptured/aneurysms and societal menopause are nothing to joke about
And ACTIVE volcanoes are basically ruptured aneurysms
Mother Earth is going through the change and she is not happy
The only reason why they divided us is so that way they can implement change and it would be done progressively through your peers and through the government and through all your institutions.
Change was inevitable regardless if you think it's Russia China or the Illuminati. But I see even the mainstreamers are resistant to change and so they think Putin is pulling the strings while other people think Israel is pulling the strings. While other people think the Illuminati like Klaus Schwab and the world economic Forum are pulling the strings. What if they're all pulling the strings collectively and each one of us is an evolution and conditioning our friends and family that change is here and your resistance is what's going to make it harder for you to adapt to it.
And so what if your activism and your resistance is what's conditioning your friends and family for change that was inevitable and everything that they're doing is exactly what they told you they are doing and were going to do.
And they even warned you more than 50 years ago that even the 1960s musicians of Woodstock were also conditioning Boomers and Silent generation and Generation X and so on for the change..
And every Hollywood actress politician and musician conditioned you for the change and even made you sit up and gasp at their audacity. No they're just showing you the mirror of the people you support and don't support have done amazing things and such horrible things. You ultimately have to be responsible for yourself
If people only knew, INITITIALLY, the system purposely blocked up your upper immune system and even bound your lower immune system so it didn't release in an effective way, and if it did release, you would treat it to stop the aggression.
 What they did in 2020 when they put the Q-tip up a person's nose, was set people "free" and restarted the immune systen but not everybody survives freedom during a great IMMUNOLOGICAL RESET.
Remember, everything that was practiced in the medical holistic system, was backwards and incorrect "In the Beginning" and that's all relative to where you began and what was accepted prior to covid-19, in your world and culture.
and so when they did correct the practices, which should have been introduced to you in the beginning, you would resist immune system activation and ask for your own "death and destruction" using the herbs extracts remedies oncology drugs and operations because infection is on steroids during climate change and aggressive particle acceleration Â
and cancer is a type of infection on steroids because it's the antibodies that finally organized itself and tried to conduct a mutiny on the host until medical intervention can somewhat stop it
And that's exactly what's going on right now.
So even though they made you block up your ability to release for many many years, unless they controlled the release process via accepted modalities, they finally set you free and set whatever was trying to get out, free
and now you MUST experience the symptoms that would have happened at some point just like heart attacks and strokes after immune system activation from any kind of food your body was sorely lacking, which includes sugar and salt and gluten and milk.
You just hope you survive them.
And so when you went to get a covid PCR test, they purposely activated your immune system, and they didn't tell you how to respond to it, except for the methods they gave you.
They couldn't tell you how to respond because they already conditioned you to only respond in ONLY their ways of remedies and surgeries and pharmaceuticals.
And that was the accepted practices and still are the accepted practices today because you can't condition people to do something different than what they've done for centuries. They would have to condition themselves, if they had the capacity to do so.
 If you wanted to find a different way to respond and save yourself that would be your own journey of self-discovery literally and your self discovery couldn't make claims you could cure disease because that is the job of the medical system and the holistic system is to stop you once again from the freedom of release.
 Again, this time AROUND, you musr to choose to stop your body from releasing EXCESSIVELY
or choose to gain so much pressure or lose so much pressure that the end result would be what you've already expected anyways,
And so with all this stress that's going on, people have to choose their own ways of leaving this Earth as humanly as possible.
And the system is forcing you to make a choice, during this climate change.
 suffer and live or ask in the most humane way to leave this earth and some people do neither and they are out there releasing pressure and some people are getting caught in the crossfire.
That's why it's dangerous out there.
I wouldn't be caught out there unless you absolutely have to and you're pretty much going to work and going home and are extremely aware of your surroundings. Don't walk in a dark alley or after midnight because even in a good neighborhood people are unhinged. Even people with money become unhinged.
IFLScience warned us before April 8th do not be caught out there in public because it's extremely dangerous and not just during the eclipse but from that point forward even more so
My World and people mock me and my world because it's not socially acceptable. SoI learned to leave society alone, if I wanted to survive and deal with people one on one as minimally as possible.
 And stay Anonymous in public
I discovered both activation points in the upper and lower hemisphere of my body and they are not socially acceptable to know or even practice in public of course. And that was for a reason.
I also had to wean myself back onto the food supply because any kind of food intolerance is deadly and you have to condition to get back on to meat milk cheese eggs fruits and vegetables and organic is not preferable because it's not complex enough for this environment.
the reason why the anti-vaxx world is against the PCR test are because they realized after the test they started getting symptoms and thought the Q-tip swabs were infected and contaminated. That was not the case. The PCR test activated their immune system and they were not prepared for that.
When my husband went to the hospital because he had a scare of some kind of acid reflux energy and they wanted to do a covid-19 PCR test, he walked away because he knew if they did that, they would have activated his immune system, and he would have been a mess after that and he would not know how to respond to it properly.. that would have been the end of his career in the trucking industry.
A simple test could activate something you're not prepared to deal with
And if you're going to activate your immune system you better set up your life to support that and that would include scaling everything down and being in a place where you could be sick and eat and release demons and be relatively safe from natural disasters and aggressive civil unrest and you better be near a grocery store so they can deliver food to you if you don't have anyone around you to help you.
And with any kind of immune system activation, heart attacks and strokes blindness and loss of hearing and loss of taste and even paralysis, are possible.
And that's what people are experiencing right now; aggressive immune system activation with the constituents in all remedies and therapies to be super aggressive in a highly dynamic environment
 and the thing is, so many humans already hold so many aggressive influential antibodies within their immune system, that any kind of stimulation to the immunological environment could cause diagnosable conditions and even sudden death or died suddenly
And remember, my juice can only cure things temporarily but that's never guaranteed, which is why I can never make claims.
That was a viable lesson the Federal Trade Commission taught me and I appreciate them for that.
and what happens when you have to keep relieving disease with my juice, you could be activating your body to resist release causing growth in other areas and then freezing your bowels and other places from not releasing
and then you would cause a self-cannibalization plus other issues when you force your body to stop releasing using any kind of curative elements such as salt and water.
 I just salt my food
but I don't cure disease.
I sleep if it's that aggressive outside and I eat.
And when it is necessary, my body releases demons as aggressive as it needs to relative to how dynamic the environment is from the barometric pressure rising and falling aggressively because of climate change.
And that's why I cough sneeze and blow my nose to relieve the upper immune system pressure and to clear out my ear nose and throat canal so it doesn't develop disease hijacking my brain.. and I also make sure my lower immune system is adequately activated as well.
Your gut brain is just important as your head brain and they both must be aligned
So there you go
And so when you think about it climate change is a type of baptismal because it is thoroughly flooding and washing away The "Sins" Of The World...
You have to act like you're not a sin to be washed away..
And rising sea levels especially on all different coasts and large waterways and tributaries act like a baptismal
When the pressure was rising and falling extremely fast a few years ago I had bloody noses. During the spring time in California I had a lot of bloody noses because of the pressure in the 80s in Silicon Valley
And so humans taking on more debt and more toys and more animals and more children and more friends and family and more experiences will add so much more pressure to what is already existing.
People are causing their own destruction as they keep adding MORE pressure to their own situation trying to keep up with everybody else and then they pop.
And that's why you're seeing the died suddenly.
 People cannot manage their own pressure and they ARE taking on more pressure they have no business taking on and then they go and blame somebody else when the unthinkable happens in their world like a crazy diagnosis or an accident or a died suddenly
My life is so much easier when I don't have so much drama of diversity and people coming in and out of my life.
When I released those desires to keep up with the people around me is when I released so much pressure and I also let disease run its course and released my own demons in my upper immune system and my lower immune system and I ate all food and I stayed away from most people because I needed to ..
And I only deal with people on a minimal basis..
But again I have the conditioning to do that.
But if you are so stressed out then maybe you should look at what you're doing and scale down your life so you don't keep adding more pressure to an already existing destructive situation that some people don't even know they're in, until the unthinkable happens..
And once the unthinkable happens people are frozen in time.. they invested everything in the one thing that couldn't sustain itself. And once your support system is gone you're pretty much done
I'll tell you, parents put so much pressure and stress on their children to be successful that these children don't survive their own families and aggressive expectations to look beautiful and to be successful
And I will also say your peers add more stress and more pressure to an already existing destructive situation
 and that's why friends and family can be the most dangerous because that's a pressure you don't even see until you die from it ..
but then you'll never ever make that connection because you're dead and your friends and family won't make that connection because they already have somebody to blame outside of their circle
 like some stranger on Facebook
And so when it's all said and done people are losing so much pressure and they're aging and dying suddenly or they're gaining so much pressure and then they pop. Also known as the rupture or rapture.
And you can say the five books of Moses are Satanic according to your religion but it's not stopping the order of operations of Genesis all the way to Deuteronomy and even you yourself are practicing alchemy when you try to treat your disease and ignore indicators.
Using herbal remedies that you sell to other people as well as what is sold to you is a type of sorcery so I don't want to hear it.
If you're going to say sorcery is dangerous then I would hope you aren't using the medical system to treat your disease because that is type of sorcery that you are against but yet also practice when it's convenient for you
Praying with your eyes open is no different than praying with your eyes closed in my opinion.
Satanists don't think that being a Satanist is pejorative but calling somebody a Satanist when they have not called themself a Satanist is an attack on your fellow man.
And insulting somebody with a religion they don't subscribe to personally lacks good character and you're not a representation of someone who respects humans
And if you do not monitor and manage pressure release and the pressure retention then that trajectory will accelerate and you will lose control and that's what's happening right now.
Everything has to do with managing the pressure relative to how much or how little you have in this ever-changing environment.
And PROPER pressure management relative to the intention is the basis of all biology and of course thermodynamics
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