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I Had to Rebuild Myself and Stop the Feeding Frenzy

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

I beat Death at least twice the last 3 years.

Once you beat death at least twice especially your own immune system trying to destroy you because of demons within which are basically antibodies working against you, then social status, beauty and material wealth are not important at all.

If anything it is just a distraction to what is inevitable for you and the system is making money off of your ignorance

First nine diets are what is killing people.

There are a lot of

1. vegan and vegetarians

2. and other people on the Atkins diet

3. Mediterranean diet

4. carb diet

5. juice diet

6. "jilly juice diet" also known as juice fasting

7. fruit diet

8. whatever organic diet

9. biblical diet

and guess what they're in the f****** grave or sucking down herbal pesticides on their fourth bypass surgery bitching on Facebook how about the American diet is killing them when they were destroying themselves

So shut it

By the way fasting is starvation

And that's the worst diet..

So what's killing them Jillian.?

Starvation and remedies... and dieting instead of eating everything

 Because remedies vasodilate or vasoconstrict blood vessels and canals that were not conditioned to open and close to save the person. And all drugs are hormone replacement therapy or commandeering the immune system to open and close things that were not conditioned to that

They inherited deficiencies in their immune system and they sustained what they inherited instead of evolved..

They were never taught to evolve. The parents and the medical system never taught them evolution only creation and death or dying/reproducing. Even if the person died but they don't necessarily have to reproduce a baby.

And when you keep dying and reproducing children on aggressive deficiencies it's not the food's fault. It's your genetics and lack of evolution and lack of tolerance is what's killing you

The standard American diet is what saved me and I came from worst circumstances than most people on my Facebook. I was starving and I was in an orphanage during the Vietnam war and I came to America in the seventies and I suffered the last 50 years. So if I can handle the standard American diet then it's not the food it's your own f****** lack of discipline and tolerance and easy lifestyle and entitled mentality.

Spoiled children have zero gratitude and their parents made them that way because their parents gave into all of their bitching and complaining.

The standard American diet saved my ass

Ever since 2019 and early 2020 steaks and pork and chicken and milk and cheese and eggs and pasta and ice cream

and I mean a lot of ice cream and fish and cabbage and kale and salad and sugar and salt and oatmeal and carbs and pizza rolls and pizza and hamburgers and McDonald's

and spaghetti and meatballs and ravioli and lasagna and potato soup and Mexican food and Taco Bell and Burger King and strombolis were the nutrients that converted to my reinforced skeletal system and vital organs and they also were the carrier force out all the deficiencies and disease.

And I sat with the energy and pain and released the demons. If it wasn't for the food I would have probably been dead probably 3 years ago..

My husband would have came home to a dead body on the bed. If it wasn't for standard American diet and my ability to release the demons above the waist and below the waist

I would have been dead back in July of 2022..

I know of at least two situations where I could have died in my sleep or when I was extremely sick and I mean extremely sick. Back in July 2022 and I could barely crawl up the stairs and when I woke up sputtering on my own mucus choking on my own mucus..

By the way I took a nap this afternoon and I dreamed of my dog again and was concerned I forgot to feed her. In my dreams it was the same situation that sugar was running around in my room and I'm like did my husband feed her I don't remember.

And so when you know you beat Death at least twice the last 3 years you get a whole different perspective about material wealth and pleasure and Paradise as well as social status. None of that s*** matters when you beat Death at least twice in your life.

And I remember right after almost dying on my bed when I could barely crawl up the stairs the next year I was eating ice cream every night. I was eating ice cream cones and ice cream sandwiches and so much cream and milk and whipping cream and I couldn't get enough.

 Like seriously

 then it was eating oranges every single night

Then it was eating cheese sticks every single night for a few weeks

Then it was eating probiotic yogurt every single night for a few weeks and months

My body was catching up to whatever deficiency I held and I was making up for lost time..

If it wasn't for the standard American diet I would be dead. So I cannot take seriously anyone who says food is killing them.

They're just in extreme amounts of pain and they can't handle it.. and while I may come off like I don't have compassion for them I'm reacting more to their intention to starve the people around them.

When your intention is to hurt somebody else because you have a deficiency and an intolerance I'm not as forthcoming with empathy.

 Though, I understand where the activism comes from they are intentionally trying to starve the people around and when you hurt people because you're hurting yourself that's not okay.

Why do you think I say all food is perfectly fine but you're going to have to see a doctor if you have to wean yourself back on the food supply. I don't assume everybody can eat all the food but nothing is poison and it's not killing them.

Their genetic intolerances are killing them and they need a doctor to help them wean them back onto the food supply so the growth doesn't kill them. It's not the food that kills them it's the lack of growth management is what is giving people a lot of problems and they assume the food is poison and then their intention is to starve everyone around them

What happens when you eat meat only diet. You'll be extremely constipated and could potentially die from an aneurysm heart attack and stroke. It will be very difficult to pass that much protein stuck in your colon and you could actually rip your intestines when body tries to move that baby rhinoceros

The Atkins diet and a keto diet are killers

A lot of weightlifters eat a very high high animal protein diet with very little milk starch and fats and Grains and fruits and vegetables and carbs and breads and the resistance kills them.

And when I contracted some kind of virus I had the fat on my arms convert the virus into usable proteins and then I was able to release the demons and my arms were extremely sore as if I was working out.

 So you can only imagine a weight lifter who has mostly muscle hardly any fat and they get exposed to a virus and the body tries to push it through the system and there's so much resistance that they die from a heart attack and stroke because they don't have enough fat to give them cushion and give.. and when there is that much bacterial growth from a viral exposure AND your blood vessels are extremely tight because your muscles are bulging against the skin with no fat, you could die right there at the gym. You could die from anything. And if you can't pass waste material out of your colon because it is so rock hard from lack of fiber and fat and milk that's another situation that could cause sepsis and intestinal damage.

You could have too much fat and smother your vital organs or not enough fat and you have so much resistance the body has no way to convert the viruses and the pathogens into usable material and release the waste..

The Health and Wellness Community are full of great marketing schemes and taglines and story lines. And it's a multi trillion dollar industry. The best things in life are for free but it's painful

Meat eaters are not just for hunting and acting like a predator. It is the ability to convert animal protein food into vital organs and to survive all types of adaptation.

 It is to survive the energy and frequencies from interacting with people so you're not eating actual people like cannibalizing them and you can survive electricity which is necessary for all of your Creature Comforts and life on this planet as a human.

We have many humans who think they are strictly herbivores and so guess why their body is so skinny, because it's devouring itself.

 And then you have people eating carbs and fats and vegan and vegetarian diet and working out so they look like they have body but they will eventually deflate and die from heart attacks and strokes because they don't have a diverse intake of food and their immune system is basically compromised because they don't have enough fat as well as enough protein structure for enough resistance to survive climate change and aggressive energy conversions

And so when you have a bunch of men and women who have bodies that are eating itself alive then they become intolerant and highly sexualized and predatory because they're f****** starving..

The 1960s was full of vegan and vegetarians and communes full of organic gardens and psychedelics and LSD and people who couldn't get enough of screwing everybody because they're starving..

 And when you're starving doing drugs and alcohol and having lots of sex then you become highly predatory and the only way to keep that highly sexualized lifestyle the drugs and the diets are extremely necessary which then begets a highly sexualized lifestyle which then potentially turn into babies with eating disorders.. and then death and destruction or as we know it today called died suddenly.

Which is basically from starvation and being eaten alive by everybody around them

When someone who is well balanced eating an omnivore intake of food they're not on the hunt or on the prowl like these vegan and vegetarians as well as extreme carnivores f****** to basically cannibalize someone through aggressive sexuality.

Humans are perfectly engineered for their habitat if they only understood they are a compilation of their environment of all biodiversity with a purpose and intention and to function and the ability to adapt if they're intelligent and intellectually capable enough

All sexual orientation = starvation

And the more aggressive and predatory you are the more hungry you are. And the more sexually aggressive and sexually predatory you are the more hungry you are and you're in major food starvation and nutritionally deficient and then people become demons..

That's the nature of family and sexual orientation it comes from starvation..

And so you should be hungry enough as a kid but not too hungry and not too satisfied or else there's no drive to survive and succeed..

Guess what? I'm 50 years old. I was hungry the last 9 years and now I'm finally immunologically stable and satisfied and I'm still hungry for knowledge but I'm not succumbing to the aggressive sins of the flesh.

And I promote life

I promote Smart Life management not consume consume consume and dispose.

 While I'm married and have contractual obligations I have found peace within my hormones and a balance and relative security in my ability to handle extreme hardship..

Hunger can keep you driven.. but if you don't check the hunger it could destroy you. Learn how to use hunger to your benefit and not to your detriment

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