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If You Have Children, You Must Be COMPLIANT_LAST POST/VIDEO

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

If You Have Children, You Must Be COMPLIANT_LAST POST/VIDEO

my advice to the world with kids.. find a doctor..and quickly and start complying.

And I would also stay away from other people's children. You don't know what will trigger and when.

And after today that's pretty much it because my work is done. I gave the system how I survived and got over climate change and keep surviving the changes cuz even yesterday I had hives but I got over them this morning. They were gone overnight. But I can never at all assume any of you can do what I'm doing or your children. And so I've done my job. And I've given you guys the last fair warning around the legal system and I'm not even a lawyer but I see what they're doing. The most influential influencers will be going down and they have children and they've told everyone what they're doing and when their kids die suddenly they will be used as an example.. and that's why the state is not involved in this situation of these influencers because they're waiting for that cause of action event that will inevitably happen during climate change if not they are home free and they can change but if your kid dies and you are an influencer in the anti-vaccine world and the anti-gmo world this is where s***'s going to hit the fan. And if your children are starving and the toxicology reports come up with so many different things and the coroner comes up with so many different things because of what goes on in that household this is where people are going to get screwed. And this is how the state will do their investigations through the autopsies. You've always been science and you've always been the experiment you just refused to believe it.. even the non-compliance people are the science experiments because their children and them will inevitably succumb to their belief system

And that was the intention. And people in resistance don't understand. They refused to understand. And I tried to warn you guys on different levels but even I had trouble realizing to what extent the system had everything figured out backwards and forwards..

Which probably led to my having a major virtual fear of heart attack the other day. It wasn't really a heart attack it was like oh my god when I finally realized what was going on. Oh my God I flipped out watch my last four videos the last couple days give or take. Oh my God I was flipping out

And this is why you will have the rule of law not the law of the Jungle that will govern the conduct of Nations

In the beginning of human life, when there was yet no law and government, the custom was "everybody according to his rule (yi, 義)." Accordingly each man had his own rule, two men had two different rules and ten men had eleven different rules -- the more people the more different notions. And everybody approved his own moral views and disapproved the views of others, and so arose mutual disapproval among men. As a result, father and son and elder and younger brothers became enemies and were estranged from each other, since they were unable to reach any agreement. Everybody worked for the disadvantage of the others with water, fire, and poison. Surplus energy was not spent for mutual aid; surplus goods were allowed to rot without sharing; excellent teachings (dao, 道) were kept secret and not revealed. The disorder in the (human) world could be compared to that among birds and beasts. — Chapter 3 - 1[2]

WHEN kids cannot even go out in public and eat all the food, that truly is a testament as to why the system must guide reproduction carefully.. these kids suffer and these adults suffer.

The system isn't poisoning your children you're just developing extremely deficient intolerant children in Body Mind and Spirit and they can't even survive their environment.

And starvation can only last so long and when the climate change is accelerating what you already intended the system will see exactly what people are doing and you will see exactly the people you have supported in their starvation and gluten-free sugar-free salt free everything

and if you're not compliant with checkups and vaccines and listening to the doctors the system will have grounds to do what they have to do.

I have no children or animals and so I do what I do for myself and if I had kids or animals I would have to be a compliant with the system anytime you take care of an animal or a child you have to be 1,000% compliant or else any kind of death will trigger an aggressive legal event more so for a child than any animal unless the state can prove you done things intentionally to harm the animal.

And medical negligence has already been written into the system and vaccines or lack of vaccines are under medical negligence. And I didn't even know that. However the system isn't pushing issue until your children die suddenly

that will trigger a Cascade of legal events..

But if you've been compliant with the doctors and the government with your children and they die suddenly then it's thoughts and prayers and then hopefully you learned your lesson and you save yourself.

But if you're not compliant that's when the s*** will hit the fan..

And that's why there's really nothing left for me to say anymore

I had to pick that apart.. vaccines are legal protection for the parents when it comes to the state and their children and that's it.

Nobody can guarantee anyone's survival

You don't know if your kids are going to live long or die suddenly and there's no way for you to know what you're doing is prolonging their life or helping them or hurting them..

You're free to have children but you're not free from the consequences of having children.

And this rung very profound for me in my world.. that I even had trouble with this because I had my own biases and I recognize that believe me

You don't know if your kids are going to live long or die suddenly and there's no way for you to know what you're doing is prolonging their life or helping them or hurting them..

And this is why the state is going to throw the book at many many people especially the aggressive influencers who have a lot to lose and a lot of followers.

And I can't give advice on children nor can I give advice on it adults but adults do what the hell they want to do because they're adults.

But when it comes to children and this is where I finally realized where the system is going and what it's doing.

When it comes to children the state is going to come down very hard on any parent who is not compliant.

And a died suddenly regardless of therapy status will trigger a cause of action investigation and this is where parents are going to get screwed royally but the system has warned them for many years. The rule of law. Not the law of the jungle..

You're free to have a child but you're not free from the consequences of having that child and if they die suddenly and all their paperwork is in order then you're free to go but if not they will investigate every situation around the death of that child and who had access to them. And if they want they can treat any death as a homicide or natural causes and you don't know you just see the sanitized version. Lulling you into a false sense of security

You are free to have children and your free to make your choices about children but you are not free from the consequences of having that child and every decision you make around your children

because you can't guarantee the survival of that child

Yes the state owns your child and they could own you after you trigger a legal event

Died suddenly and death is the cause of action legal event that will trigger every agency to do their investigations and you must know this and prepare for this.

And that's why I said don't force your daughters to get pregnant because you will put them in a world of hurt because you can't and they can't guarantee their survival not in this climate change

If you have children and you have posted DO NOT COMPLY and your child dies suddenly

you have no legal protection..

If you are caught with children who you are not legally in charge of and something happens under your watch you have no legal protection. And if you are alone with children that makes it even worse.

There is no such thing as true protection when it comes to the health and wellness world. But compliance with Health and Wellness when you are pursuing treatments for yourself as well as for your children completely protects you and could give you just cause to sue for damages as well as be protected from someone suing you for damages to a child or anyone else..

But there's no guarantee that you have a case it just means you can always open a case you just may not win it or might get dismissed. The medical community is fully protected by the legal system unless you can prove there is malpractice and that means you need to talk to a lawyer. As far as the vaccine they're pretty much protected. It'll be very difficult to prove correlation equals causation

And that's crazy. But that's what the vaccination stands for. They stand for legal protection. I never would have guessed that 5 years ago

Me protecting my husband from POTENTIAL future b******* was what had me figure this out. My husband is to thank for this

I told you you have to protect yourself. Even at home. The police can't stop something from happening to you because they don't know until after the fact. You have to call the police after the fact and you hope you survive that situation

The system can't charge parents with negligence or child abuse until after the child has died or there has been a phone call to the police calling CPS.

There must be an event or a cause of action for any state officials to intervene.

And that is true for all law enforcement and state officials intervening. You have the freedom to choose but you're not free from the consequences of your choices

Minors have many legal protections, including:

When the medical system talks about protection it doesn't mean health-wise.

It's legal protection

The medical system cannot guarantee anything. So they have to legally protect themselves and give you the legal protection and if you choose not to be legally protected by what they recommend you are exposed.

You are legally exposed.

What you do with yourself that's your own issue

when you have dependents.

That's a whole other ball game.

And when you're around minors and they trigger a cause of action event anyone with access to that child will be under investigation.

And so the real reason why you need to vaccinate your kids is so you don't suffer legal blowback if they die suddenly. Because most likely those who don't vaccinate also don't have a general practitioner or an actual medical doctor.

And they also are in the natural remedies market which are highly unregulated especially when mothers are making concoctions.

That's why you vaccinate your kid and you know that's going to be an issue for a lot of people.

And I'm not saying the vaccinated are healthier or will not die suddenly because obviously they are dying suddenly. Just look at the rest in peace died suddenly groups.

And so I think what the system means by protecting you and your kids with vaccines is to legally protect you from being charged with medical neglect, especially if there's a cause of action triggering an event warranting an investigation..

Died suddenly is that cause of action that will warrant an investigation and you don't want to know what that's going to do to some people.

I don't know if any lawyer can help you when the lawyers work for the state as well..

You don't know if your kids are going to live long or die suddenly and there's no way for you to know what you're doing is prolonging their life or helping them or hurting them..

And so you get them vaccinated to legally protect you from litigation and you don't have to get vaccinated yourself but your children are not yours when it comes to the medical system.

They belong to the state.

They've always belonged to the state.

You don't own your children.

You're not supposed to own any human

and at some point in the future

probably not any animals either

But Jillian, I Googled "do children belong to the state and they said no they belong to families"..

Yeah when they're alive.

You don't own their dead body and if they die under suspicious circumstances like a died suddenly the state will step in and investigate like they always do.

That's how they got you.

And then they will develop laws for the future so you will always have a medical doctor over seeing your children if you have children.

And all of you will be proof why the system must oversee your children medically even educationally.

And you had the last 10 years to show them exactly why they're going to take over and guide reproduction carefully. You are the storyline.

The legal term for an event that triggers an action or reaction is a triggering event. A triggering event can be a tangible or intangible occurrence, such as death, job loss, or retirement, that causes another event to happen. In litigation, a triggering event is the point at which it's reasonable to expect litigation to follow. This triggers the duty to preserve relevant evidence.

“Trigger” can also be used to describe a law that only takes effect when a specific condition triggers it.

Children dying suddenly will trigger a domino effect of legal events

it doesn't matter therapy status. It will give the system an opportunity to study what happens when parents starve their children and give them supplements and other types of holistic cures as well withholding food

It will give the system an opportunity to study what happens when you don't vaccinate your child and they have air food and water issues

And those who are vaccinated and they die suddenly

Well it was just their time.. not every person can survive climate change

And the kids who are mainstreamed are already in the medical system the system already has their DNA and have been studied already.

It's the kids who are seeing the naturopathics and that homeopathics and even a dietitians the system wants to study.

And a died suddenly event is the perfect trigger for a cause of action for a coroner to study the situation..

And they will develop the reports with the research and develop laws against

Oh you'll find out..

And eventually the holistic world will be under fire and in question..

And I knew that was going to happen in the future I just didn't know how they were going to do that

I never even thought about died suddenly as the cause for action..


once the unvaccinated children die suddenly and the unvaccinated parents thought they were home free and now their children are dying suddenly

this is where shits going to hit the fan..

If these kids are vaccinated and their medical records are all up to date showing the parents did their due diligence in treating disease and getting all the different Therapies then there's no issue with the state especially if the child dies suddenly.

If there's no vaccines and there's no medical reason why and the parents are giving their kids supplements and detoxes and they don't have a doctor and they haven't been to a Well Baby check up or well child check up in how many years well you're seeing now the system is going to throw the book at these parents and their assets are going to be on the line.

This never even occurred to me..

And the only reason why I know this was because again I was worried about my husband around his friend's children.

And the died suddenly is the major catalyst.. that will be an event that will trigger the state to step in. Especially if there's no obvious cause, yet.

But the died suddenly will be the cause for the feds and the state to come in regardless of your child's therapy status. And then your supplements and detoxes and multilevel markings schemes will also be in question because the coroner will do toxicology test and look for titers especially if you told them you're giving your kids supplements and detoxes and Elderberry syrup

I knew the system weaponized the mommy and me groups and the holistic world.. I just didn't know how it was all going to go down.

Now I see it. And it's too late for me to help people with a strategy..

you've already put everything on the internet even your children

Toxicological screening is routinely used in the forensic setting and the investigation of sudden unexpected pediatric death is no exception.

Our search yielded 9 cases adjudicated in 5 states from 1940 to 2013 (Table 1). Of these, 5 cases were decided in states that, at the time, did not permit nonmedical exemptions. All 5 found that failure to vaccinate constituted neglect, but 1 case (West Virginia) was based solely on a parent’s concession that vaccine refusal constituted neglect.

I'm not saying anything is guaranteed to save anyone's life as far as medical therapies and procedures. But it's doing your due diligence as a parent is what the system is impressing upon the people. And that's what people don't understand and even myself until I saw what could happen to my husband helping out kids and helping them learn how to fish and all this stuff.

Because even vaccinated kids could die suddenly and anyone around those children will be implicated for something especially if they pass away under suspicious circumstances and there's no obvious biomarker or catalyst but they sustained injuries that could be looked at as physical abuse or sexual abuse.

but if you are a parent and you have medical records showing that you have done everything you can to treat your children's disease, then you probably can keep your assets yeah you might lose your kid to a die suddenly but you won't be hung out to dry by the system.

And if you are anti-vaccine and you don't have a doctor and you have children that's going to hurt you especially if your child dies suddenly

That's why you stay away from other people's children.

You don't know how s*** will go down literally and figuratively.

I don't have a doctor but I'm also an adult and I don't have any children or pets.

Our search yielded 9 cases adjudicated in 5 states from 1940 to 2013 (Table 1). Of these, 5 cases were decided in states that, at the time, did not permit nonmedical exemptions. All 5 found that failure to vaccinate constituted neglect, but 1 case (West Virginia) was based solely on a parent’s concession that vaccine refusal constituted neglect.

When there is a slew of died suddenly the system is going to investigate every single died suddenly you know this s*** is coming to surface. The anti-vaccine groups and the holistic groups and all the food is poison groups are going to be up for grabs for the system to put on display. You know this is coming down the line. The snowball has been rolling down the hill for a long ass time and it's collecting momentum.

If your child dies and they are vaccinated and all their medical records are in order then there's nothing to worry about. But if your child dies and they're on these gluten-free diets and they're not vaccinated and they're taking a bunch of supplements and they're starving and they're skinny and you put all of your methodologies on Facebook about your kids I know the system is going to throw the book at these parents. And they've built a case against these people for years. They gave you so much rope oh my God.

And if you're hanging out with children and they die suddenly and it looks suspicious the are going to throw the book at anyone who is in the vicinity of a died suddenly with no Witnesses.

I was wondering how they were going to do this. I knew the system had something up their sleeve I just didn't know what it was. And now I know and it's pretty much too late. Everyone's practices are in the internet and they can't take back what they said and they can't give their kids food that they can't handle and yeah it's done.

Child neglect charges can result in a range of penalties, from fines and community service to jail time and a criminal record. The severity of the consequences depends on the circumstances of the case, including whether the child suffered serious harm.

Criminal penalties

Misdemeanor: Up to one year in jail, fines, probation, and community service

Felony: Several years in prison or more, depending on the severity of the neglect

Long-term impacts

Criminal record: A permanent criminal record can impact future educational, professional, and social opportunities

Family law: Loss of custody, limited custody rights, or supervised visitation

Community stigma: Can affect mental and emotional well-being


In some states, a parent or guardian can avoid charges if they can demonstrate they provided reasonable support or the inadequate care was beyond their control. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can review the case and discuss possible defenses.


Child neglect can be reported to local law enforcement or child services authorities.

I'm not saying anything is guaranteed to save anyone's life as far as medical therapies and procedures. But it's doing your due diligence as a parent is what the system is impressing upon the people. And that's what people don't understand and even myself until I saw what could happen to my husband helping out kids and helping them learn how to fish and all this stuff.

Hampshire Police said it was now probing the youngster's 'unexpected' death.

They better have their medical records in order.

The child was said to have suffered a 'medical episode' but despite medics' best efforts he couldn't be saved. Police are now probing his 'unexpected' death.

Emergency services, including an air ambulance, were rushed to the festival grounds around 11pm on Saturday.

They toddler was raced to hospital, where he sadly died.

UK children's charities

Hampshire Police said it was now probing the youngster's 'unexpected' death.

The force said: 'Shortly after 11pm on Saturday, August 24, officers were made aware of a medical episode involving a three-year-old boy at CarFest, Overton.

So just to be clear if you want your kids to be weaned back onto the food supply you need to see a doctor.

And if your kids have disease you can't let them suffer you need to see a doctor. And if they recommend a vaccine you do whatever the system tells you because if your kid dies suddenly they will make you a news story and some of you are already a future news story just because of your political affiliations and your influence.

And if your kid die suddenly guess what is going to be the leading headline, the mother stuffing supplements down her kid's throat recommending them to everybody selling you guys medicine on the internet

And your children will be the leading headline and a picture of them looking very skinny and sickly will feed on the emotions of people who have an issue with anyone harming children

even if it wasn't intentionally

Starvation is the number one reason for died suddenly.

And many mothers and parents will be hung out to dry

it was because you had a belief system

And some of them have a lot to lose and a huge following with political affiliations

And the holistic system did what it was supposed to do: expose the weaknesses in our society and develop examples of what not to do.

And so now you have to be the example and probably change your tune and get your kids to a doctor to get weaned back on gluten and milk and meat and cheese get their vaccines and make sure they have checkups. And you can't save something that was going to die anyways sooner or later especially if you already believe that.

Make sure you are abiding by everything the system recommends as far as children.

Because if they were to die and it probably was going to happen anyways they will use you if you don't make a public declaration.

And even those who already doing that and their kid die suddenly you hope they're not going to get implicated because of a sustained injury and lack of biomarkers because of syncope.

And the system knows some of these kids in the influencing community are not going to survive.

They're just waiting for these kids to die suddenly and they're going to use these parents as an example..

And So It Begins... these glamorous mummies when their children die suddenly the system is going to put them on display and even those in the anti-vaccine world with gluten-free everything. This will be interesting to watch holy s***..

The system won't care the circumstances around it. They died suddenly. And they're super skinny and you're an influencer and you're probably all holistic and she's raising money for her disabled daughter holy s***. She's implicated herself for being a bad mother a bad parent. Holy crap

And if she is convicted her kids will be taken away and her assets will be distributed.. if she has any.

The system gave everybody enough rope to do themself in and these mommy and me groups have done themselves in.

Every child is a liability and a potentially a future died suddenly especially in this climate of died suddenly regardless of the circumstances

I think I'm done with Facebook lives now. Now it's really watching everything. I'll do one more tomorrow to wrap it up and I'm done..

Anything to do with children is a huge lawsuit waiting happen and I can't be anywhere involved or even think I can save anyone from anything

I just hope you have a plan of action and make sure your kids are seeing a doctor.

Make sure they get their checkups.

Because even if they don't survive you're showing your due diligence.

And again if a kid die suddenly and they hurt themselves and there's no biomarker and there are no witnesses you could be implicated

that's the reality

I'm done

due dil·i·gence


reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, especially in buying or selling something.

So I have changed my position around children and the doctor system. If they don't get their vaccines and anything else well it's up to you. I'm literally out of the equation around all of you in the J world. I saved myself. I've seen the error of my ways and I'm done saving the world

i operate in public for a reason and i do no pm, or phone calls or go to people's houses with animals or children and hang out with them..

they system is out for blood..

I may say what I say on Facebook about the JJ world and I might have made some recommendations or advice but it's really for the parents and even though I'm not a doctor and you know this.

I shouldn't really be giving advice anyway so okay.. Even around food and the Jay World but I had to pick apart everything

But treating or not treating your child is up to you but the system will find a way to paint you as a bad mother or as a bad grandmother regardless whether or not you treat or do not treat your children, if you give them that opportunity, when all the conditions are right because they will make an example out of the mother community and all of their remedies and religions. And the mommy and me groups have given the system so much ammunition against them especially the supplement system.

Shanaan Watts case with Thrive supplements was just the beginning

No matter what you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. It's not going ti matter what I say or anyone else or even what a doctor says until there is some kind of suspicious crime involved and there's a died suddenly and then everything is out on display.

Your religion your politics your science your medical habits and everything else in your background will come out .

I mean everything I'm not trying to scare you. But you have to know what you're in for when you have children especially now. I don't know how you will protect yourself and maybe you will have to see a doctor and go down that road to have some kind of documentation to show you did everything you can to make sure and there's nothing else the system can do. Yeah you're kind of f***** and you're forced into treating your children basically to death and that's a realization I just figured out.

And so from this point forward I recommend every parent to take their children to the doctor for anything and it's up to you parents what you do with yourself. But I am done even mentioning children around the J world or anything else. I'm done with that.

You chose to have kids. You don't really know what it takes to keep them alive and I can never tell you. And so yeah the only way to legally protect yourself in any situation is to make sure they're under a doctor's care. Because now you're showing intention to follow the system and not be painted as a bad mother and if the children are not your own stay the f*** away from them..

I'm out

good luck to you..

The clarity was unmistakable the last few days. Wow

I'm not trying to scare the current parents but you have to know what you're in for. I don't know how you'll strategize when something does happen when the unthinkable happens. So please think about what would happen in worst case scenario. think before everything you do when it comes to your kids. Keep them inside if it's hot outside. Make sure they don't hurt themselves outside. Make sure you know what happened in school. You need to know everything that goes on with your kid because knowledge is power

And again syncope is the enemy in your world because that is not detectable that's why I read that in my video today. Syncope is going to be the thing that will be in favor of the prosecution because there's no biomarkers to prove a catalyst causing correlation equals causation

And if you are around other people's children that are not legally your own oh the system will paint you as a monster and there's plenty of evidence of pictures on the internet with you and children sitting in your lap and whatever else especially when the parents need to pin the blame on something and somebody especially when a child dies under your watch

You see the truth doesn't really matter it's how it looks and what kind of story they can develop from pictures

as soon as you take a newborn into your home, you just assumed legal responsibility and the system will hold you accountable if they find injuries after a died suddenly situation.. and if the doctors and court 'prove' they are not "natural injuries", ohhhh.. wow.. and if they cannot find any biomarkers to prove the catalyst of why a baby jumped out of his bouncer, etc etc etc.. done.

And you know kids fall all the time and experience blunt force trauma and if there is no record of that and there's no Witnesses and they just sustain that and then they die suddenly later on. Do you know how that looks? Do you see how dangerous that can be taking care of something you know nothing about.?

and if you have a huge life and family and friends, your kingdom will fall..

and from all the died suddenly indicators, the died suddenly world with syncope in the background are accelerating..

children are the new gold rush.. not so much for the family or the parents, but for the state..

and the govt can paint you to be anything they want..

you will be the example the system is looking for.. esp in the religious community all about big families. ..

children are not only a huge liability but money for the system, as well..

you are the movies, now..

good luck.. i hope you make wise and safe choices..

Yeah when I figure this all out I about had a heart attack yesterday. Not because I am choosing to have a family because I know my husband knows people with kids under age and he can be put in a really f***** up position because of that.

I about had a f****** heart attack yesterday..

Anyone who assumes responsibility of any minor will be implicated in something if all the conditions are right. Stay the f*** away from other people's children.

And with the internet everyone posting their children doing all these different things showing them what kind of diets and detoxes they are on you're only implicating yourself should the worst happen..

When you're giving kids rides homes and you're not even a legal guardian and you're posting that s*** you're giving ammunition to a plaintiff should anyone make a claim against you. Stay the f*** away from people's children because the system will use anything you do with them against you and even implicate you and I'm not joking. That's why we're in a surveillance Society because the system will develop a story about you even if it's not completely true or they stretch the truth and there's a death in the background somewhere that you can't explain.

When your friends are posting pictures with you and children that are not your own they are putting you in legal hot water and that could be used against you in a court of law should any correlation equals causation.

I knew the system had this s*** up their sleeve and I knew the parents were going to be the s***** examples that they are for why the system says okay maybe it's time not to have kids. Because of what they're doing to their own grandchildren and children and they're dying suddenly.

What's the ultimate birth control for people? When the system will find every legal way to hold parents accountable for why their babies are dying suddenly. And the parents don't know why because they don't understand Immunology or the power of food and suffering and you can't make them understand that.

So these deficient children will die suddenly and the system will find a way to implicate the parents for something and throw them in jail and take their assets and if that child is under the care of somebody else then you know the parents are going to try to save their own ass and blame somebody else.

If that person has put themselves in a s***** position they will be put on trial and even convicted everything will be taken from them

They will make every one of you an example. And if there is no proof that you didn't do something and they can put you at the scene of the alleged crime that will be a lesson to everyone out there who thinks they should have a child.

And most won't even see that and they'll have a kid and be the example..

And I didn't even see that coming until the last few days. Holy s***

IMAGINE some oblivious teen or 25 year old having a kid and the kid dies suddenly and there are injuries to the body the person cannot explain, that parent is implicated.. and done.. and in jail if the court can prove the parent was abusing that child with died suddenly and cannot even find the biomarkers to prove correlation equals causation..

these future parents are walking into DANGER.

YOU KNOW these girls who have kids today were ill advised by their mothers and their mothers hung them out to dry.. very very scary and sad what is going on.

Some mothers tried to warn their daughters but the daughters were too sexualized to listen and caught up in the American dream and so they're done.. they took on something they had no business taking on and and they can't guarantee they can keep an infant alive and they will make their mistakes and those mistakes will be used against them and the book will be thrown at them. And if they don't look respectable the system will condemn them and so will the court of public opinion

And when they're posting booty shorts on the internet with their boobs hanging out raising a kid That's all the more ammunition for the system to paint them to be basically a bad mother And they wouldn't be incorrect..

Just watch these mothers out there with small children letting everything hang out on the internet giving the system ammunition when all the conditions are right

Look at all the mothers out there selling you a supplement and something else developing a pathway to a died suddenly and the kid has injuries they can't explain and then that's when the whole Kingdom will fall

and you cannot stop the what was already set to happen in their body immunologically..

and syncope will be the wmd against anyone caught near a child with injuries..

children are the new weapons.. the state will use them against anyone who fits the model the public is already out for blood against..

stay away from all kids.. unless they are your own.. even then, you hope your newborn toddler has not sustained accidents and injuries before a died suddenly because then the parents will be under suspicion.. and even implicated and everyone who had access to that child will be under suspicion that's the new contact tracing. People don't know what they're being set up for because they're too worried about other distractions

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