And so the Rapture is the Immunological Rupture because when you become cured with electron for electron you could be at your limit and then anything spilling over could cause a rupture because the energy has to go somewhere..
That's why men who work out are dying suddenly because they have so much resistance in their arteries and capillaries and they don't have enough fat and that's when they have a rupture from an immunological rapture
and if you have weak arteries and capillaries then that rupture could kill you if you don't have enough substance to handle and absorb the Shockwave of energy.
You must have enough cells to sacrifice and then also rebuild new cells simultaneously to deal with some kind of immunological rapture or rupture.
Over time if you're not replacing what you ruptured then people turn into jelly and then become gelatinous and then you have pooling of blood and then you get sepsis and there's no release process
So, 10 years ago, when I had to take breaks from work once a month because I had so much diversity within, not only was I eating so many pounds of spaghetti but I was all so pooping a lot.
Women might be familiar with period poops. My Starbucks coffee would sometimes trigger poops like that.
When the body finally releases what it was holding on to because ovulation is taking on another entity through incubus and succubus developing an egg, she must release the waste of the old world to develop a new environment because of a new entity that could potentially grow within her womb of the world.
If that egg does not get fertilized then it becomes a period and a lot of things get released during that time.
And that's when the sickness can be so aggressive because she's releasing and she also releases weeks prior to her assimilating to that new world, which can also be extremely aggressive which is also why PMs and pmdd is not taken seriously because some women don't have aggressive PMS or pmdd so they're really unempathetic around other women who have aggressive ones which is why I hated California.
That's why I had to leave California. Everyone was making assumptions and saying oh get over it. Take a drug and take a pill don't eat this food.
the women were f****** brutal and they had no sympathy for anyone who wasn't like them and so I called them clicky b****** and I'll be very very honest about that..
And so now you see why I don't value "friendships" because if you don't act like your friends they'll f****** virtually castrate you in Body Mind and Spirit..
and if you don't fulfill their expectations they'll say they work harder than you to be friends and they'll f****** destroy you with their perceptions and assumptions. ..
and if you don't make the same kind of money then you can't afford to be their friend because they value material goods over actual evolution and ideas. And if you're young you don't have enough life experience to have any good ideas and so you either have to deal with your immune system or go on drugs to be friends with people and keep up with them.
Saying no to people is an abomination in this world.
Most people are not allowed to say no to anyone
Friends don't allow you to evolve. If anything they will destroy you trying to evolve because once you become friends with somebody they will expect you to be there for them for everything. And there is no boundaries when it comes to friendships.
Because if you're a good friend you would do this for me. If you're a good friend you would loan me money. If you were good friend you would drive me from the bar when I'm too drunk to drive. If you're a good friend you would basically let me live with you forever.
There Are No Boundaries when it comes to friendships. And people will use emotional blackmail to keep their friends in line and committed. There's no way out when it comes to friendships unless you walk away and save yourself.
Friends and family It's All or Nothing and that's what I've noticed and that's why I'm mostly alone.
Because I can't afford to give my all to people. I can't keep up with the strongest person in my environment because I would be working double time to keep up with most people..
People who can afford to play the game of I'll give you this if you give me that eventually go bankrupt.
And when you don't know your boundaries you allow people to basically bankrupt you and then you bankrupt yourself.
Extremely capable men can afford to play the game of trading and bartering their strength and services and the women in their life must find their own boundaries or else they will try to keep up with the men and destroy themselves.
And so the system purposely made people extremely dependent on their friends and family because for you to go out on your own and evolve you would have to be on your own and you couldn't keep to the same traditions.
Tradition is what kills evolution. And friends and family are rooted in traditions which gives almost no room for any kind of evolution or change.
However in defense of tradition it gives people something to work with and a model to go by and gives them the safety of knowing what's going to happen. But when the system wants to change those who are stuck in tradition will destroy themselves while those who are able to walk away from traditions could potentially save themselves..
And so if you're not trapped in the trappings of wealth friends and family you have a chance to escape the matrix. But if you are trapped in the trappings of wealth friends and family escaping that Matrix will be virtually impossible. Or not even possible at all