Incubus and Succubus are the Antibodies Triggering Sexual Reproduction and Sexual Orientation and all the remedies and antibiotics develop a cornucopia of sexual identification and inanimate sexual orientation.
Alchemists and Shamans developed the monsters because they don't know how to control their power.
That's why the system of governments must come in and regulate. Rockefeller was not necessarily bad. He just saw the writing on the wall
And even though you might not be taking remedies now, you still hold whatever your genetic line did from way back when and even before you stopped taking remedies because you haven't released those demons yet.. many people still foster the demons of the past and they trouble releasing them because they are too involved in the distractions of trying to keep up with everyone around them.. and essentially people are trapped. That's the slavery system and you can't change knowing fully well what you need to do to change but you can't because no one will give you the time or the money.. you seriously have to strategize your finances to be able to release the demons and survive everyone around you.
By the way the vaccines are purified from all of that demonic DNA from the plant-based and herbal detox remedies and only the human DNA are left.
That's why vaccines are safer than the herbal remedies
But safe is only relative to what you hold inside and if you hold so much demonic activity from The herbal and prescription drugs then the vaccines only wake up what you already hold within.
And knowing this that people are full of demons then yeah they're going to know you'll trigger some kind of disease of release that you'll probably resist and potentially die from because people can't handle pain and suffering or food
It took me 50 years to figure this one out too.
And yeah those are all about love love love you're crawling with antibodies that want to procreate with someone or something and of course when you're hot and sexual that's exactly what your intention is.
The love and sex and family demons were developed in the 1960s because they saw what happened in the population prior and they knew what the herbal remedies and detoxes did as far as sexual orientation and identification even with inanimate objects. And they also know the suffering with that too.
But you had to see it and you had to see the ugliness of it and the brutality of it
When you finally rid yourself of the demonic antibodies causing aggressive sexual reproduction to the point of family and friends and addictions, you will only entertain "safe" demons or no demons at all.
Every antibiotic, detox, herbal remedy, medicine and even vaccine, and the vaccines are safer than your herbal remedies, etc., causes aggressive sexual reproduction and children and also sexual orientation.
I see what the system did. Since different sexual orientations and identification were not so known before the internet, you had to see the relationship with the occult holistic world and philia's or type of sexual preferences, even with inanimate objects.
You had to see the outcome of not understanding the danger of fertility as well as all the medications and plant based medicines..
You get degradation, confusion, social constructs and hybridization and who is anyone to say it is not natural. Everything is natural, but do you want your kid going through life in love with fences???
I purified myself, released the demons after facing them and ate all food and I did not treat any of my diseases and I could handle all the pain and suffering. I exorcised myself.
Sexual orientation and sexual reproduction has to do with the intelligent antibodies living in colonies all over your whole immune system and everyone is infected..
The irony is all of your remedies and detoxes and supplements forces your immune system to stay closed up trapping those beasts inside causing aggressive hormonal energy violence and even objectophilia or any other type of sexual orientation.
We did it to ourselves getting our kids treated all the time and not conditioning our own immune system to release. But since you can't let your kids suffer basically your hands are tied parents
you're the only ones that could potentially save yourself
Why do you think everyone is in love with each other all about love love and blessed be and love love. Infected with so many antibodies triggering sexual reproduction.. and some drugs make you love everyone even more so causing that demon to become so out of control.
Now you know why I chased the empaths out of my group because they were dripping and oozing with love.. and the people who are infected follow other love love people just dripping and oozing smearing each other with their oozing love and then it becomes just really yucky.. like an open wound just bleeding.
I think the word love has a place but a very small place. Because once you're taking over by love then you become death and reproduction and destructive. Though the system found ways to control you through your love and Children and Family.
And infanticide has happened before the internet but you're seeing an uptick of it because we're in the cycle. We have abused love so much for developing children that we have absolutely no business or could take care of and people innately know this and that's why they're being left in hot cars..
When you force people to have babies because of your aggressive love and sexuality even the parents know they're not prepared to take care of these children and that's why these kids are abused and also destroyed before they are a year old.
Infanticide is the intentional killing of a child, usually within the first year of life, by a parent or other person. It has been a widespread practice throughout history, and has been used for a variety of reasons, including:
Birth control: A primitive method of birth control
Preventing resource waste: To avoid spending resources on children who are weak or disabled
Population control: In areas with high population density, such as Polynesia, infanticide was sometimes practiced
Gender preference: In some cultures, such as Eskimo, female infanticide was practiced because males were preferred as providers in a hunting economy.
if you are not 100% clean and sober and whole, you have no room to blame anyone.
Infertility and not aging or dying from preventable diseases is 100% clean and sober.
You were sold that fertility was healthy no it's actually extremely unhealthy and destructive
You have no room to be critical of me when you're not 100% clean and sober and purified
That also means clean of antibodies causing aggressive sexual reproduction and identification and orientation as well as cancer disease and chronic illness and autoimmune disorders.
It's the antibodies that are torturing you giving you your belief system medical diagnosis and your family friends and whole society and also your aggressive sexuality causing you to sell Beauty and sexuality and violence and sometimes sexual violence and even aggressive love. As well as your politics religion and Science and need to be around people and animals and children
Even the Puritans weren't as pure as they claim to be. They were all about sexual reproduction as well.
Colonial families often had eight or more children. Puritans believed that parents must instill self-control in their children, so they would accept the discipline of the Lord. Reading, important for understanding the Bible, was generally taught at home. There was no official school in the Colony until the 1670s..
What my peers did to me was far worse than what my parents could ever do to me or ever did to me.
Sometimes you need to practice psychologically to deal with actions and consequences so that way when you're faced with the actions and the consequences on the street you could survive them.
And then never put yourself in the position to deal with the consequences of your actions. You have the memories and you survived them.
When you have no one to back you up and you come from nothing you can live through anything.
It's your parents job to prepare you for how brutal your peers will be when given the opportunity.
If your parents don't prepare you for the brutal world and that's their own fault that you were not prepared to deal with your brutal peers.
When you die at the hands of disease and peers yes your parents have a lot of responsibility as well as when you survive your peers and disease. Your parents also get credit. Sometimes your choices are based upon what your parents would have done in the same situation.
Do you truly have free will??
Or are you making decisions in spite of what your parents would have done or are you developing the same decisions and choices they did in a different scenario??
And so if you don't want to be faced with the outcome of your children then don't be a parent because you may not be strong enough to deal with the consequences of your choices..
All success is temporary..
And even what you perceive is success could be something quite the opposite. You just hope your child can survive being rich and being poor and struggling to change and survive.
Remember when the dinosaurs died during climate change. History repeats. The dinosaurs of DNA are dying during climate change.
Sometimes these dinosaurs are a baby all the way to 115 years old
Disney told you. They showed you what you did with your children and what they programmed you to do with your children and daughters and also at some point some people were going to die suddenly if they could not assimilate to climate change
This is the change that's happening and you don't have to be vaccinated to trigger this type of change. We're in climate change and it's waking up Pandora's Box
The demons are waking up within.
The more she tries to resist the demons the harder they're going to push. This is what people are facing. Change is happening and you can't stop it and it's going to get worse.
I couldn't even advise these people anything because the kid would have to be on board to deal with pain and suffering and you know people can't deal with pain suffering and you don't know what kind of Heart and Lung and brain issues that could be lurking
and so you can't do anything or else you will accelerate what was already set to happen anyways..
Don't ever get in the middle of someone's change because you could accelerate or trigger something else and he's not even in hospice.
But you can't recommend him eating because you don't know if he can release. You don't know what kind of food allergies he has. And I don't recommend people fasting because you don't know if fasting could cause even more weakening and muscle wasting because they're not getting the nutrition. Starvation was never the answer but even eating do they have enough release process to make eating worth it. Yeah people are f***** literally. You can't help them.
If they can't help themselves and a doctor can't help them or they are refusing to go to a doctor there's nothing you can do.. you can't guarantee any outcome and if you do, not only is that deceptive but that's illegal.
You don't know if any kind of tincture or antibiotic is going to set other things in motion. At this point stay out of people's health issues because you can't save them.
You're only setting yourself up to be caught in between what was set to happen anyways.
This child is already taking so many supplements. Obviously it's not helping him..
This is what's going to drive people crazy. Watching people they can't help or fooled into thinking they can help people and the person ends up dead and they're not even in hospice.
When they're not in hospice and they end up dying even 2 weeks after you helped them with something you may or may not wonder if what you did accelerated the situation.
Helping hospice patients do a Hail Mary is just as bad as helping somebody on Facebook and there's already so many died suddenly everywhere..
But at least a hospice patient was released by the system to do a Hail Mary. But your friends and family you want to have the professionals do the Hail Marys because you don't want to be responsible for somebody's death
The psychology of fear. Basically my whole childhood.
My protocol helped me conquer every single fear and it was facing every single one of them.
Fear of symptoms
fear of speaking
fear of change
Fear of sobriety
Fear of acceptance and rejection
fear of death and
even fear of life
Even the fear of food.
I conquered my fear around food.
I conquered my fear around choosing the right or wrong politician.
There is no right or wrong answer. It's all psychological warfare. It's all a test. And it's real. Even though the illusions are illusions the outcomes are real
Fear could make you a liar and could also make you think everyone around you is lying or paranoid
They wouldn't lie to you personally if they either were not in fear of you or they didn't want to change your mind.
I lied to my mother a lot when I was a kid because I was in such fear of her but I also was brave enough to face whatever punishment for lying even if it was 3 days later. I got three days of peace and fun before I knew the storm would come in when she found out I lied about homework.
If you're strong enough to actually bald face lie to people you better be strong enough to face the consequences
That's what fear does it makes you a liar and it doesn't mean you actually lied sometimes it does and sometimes people perceive you as a liar because they're in fear of you.
People only lie when they're in fear of you or when they want to change their mind. But are they really lying or you perceive them lying. Sometimes people will lie to you because they want their cake and eat it too. When you find out people want their cake and eat it too you have to make a choice.
So if you're not in fear of people and there's nothing to change as far as anyone's mind there's no reason to lie. There is no incentive for someone lying to if you don't know them personally.
People should never make claims about anything they have regarding health and wellness because you can't guarantee someone's going to get relief or chaos.
And so when people guarantee you an outcome with the health and wellness world they're trying to change something within your DNA. They're literally trying to change your mind through your biochemistry.
People only lie to you if they're in fear of you or if they're trying to change your mind body and spirit
And so 6 years ago people would have perceived me lying because I made certain claims that I would have to have a lot of caveats and factors attached to the claims. I was trying to change your mind about death and dying and even the symptoms. But you can never change people's minds who are dead set in whatever direction they're in. So to them you will always be lying because they're resisting you trying to change them.
Your perception is not always somebody else's intention. Remember that. All of the people in your world and even outside of your world have the best intentions for themselves and they do care about people but it comes out in a f***** up way sometimes.
And we can't be judge jury and executioner because we perceive somebody to be something. That's why we have a civilized society with Law and Order. So that way we're not left being judge jury or executioner with a skewed way of casting judgment on people places and things. You don't want that responsibility on anyone.
And during a state sanctioned execution even the executioners don't know if their bullet or what drug actually destroyed the person and when.
No executioner wants to have that many deaths under their belt. You never ever want to have that responsibility of playing God because it's a Corruption of Destruction.
Be so pro-life you let your enemies go free and you walk away from it all
Don't hold people prisoner because they will destroy you.
that's what happens when you have a closed immune system
you hold the symptoms from the antibodies prisoner and it's destroying you
Set your enemies free
7 days of creation
7 minutes of deterioration
Deficient people will blame food for keeping them alive. Many people wish to be rest in peace.
And the scapegoat will always change based upon new information to them. Everyone loves a new scapegoat. The other one just didn't have the oomph like it did anymore.
Changing scapegoats is like changing out lovers. When people are that deficient and desperate for company or a scape goat, at some point they have no discernment
They hate and love everything
And you get people out there who love everybody but hate everything about life, even the food..
genocide, today, are people who genocide themselves.
And no one's going to stop them because then resistance will destroy everybody. So I just walk away from everything. Watch people destroy themselves
Rh negative is the antibody. That's why the rhogam shot is for the future baby not for the mother. The rhogam shot keeps her antibodies at Bay.. like an immune suppression.
Her antibodies are attacking the antibody child or rh pos
Even if mothers does not take the rhogam shot the baby could come out maimed.
Rh negative are antibodies.
RH positive have the protein but they don't have antibodies attacking the protein. They must release anything excessive. That's why they're in defense from the Rh negative.
But I think what caused my husband to cause me to trigger hives is his testosterone and energy. I've had the same thing happen around other men and I thought just being around people I would catch the covid no it was their testosterone and energy triggered what I already held inside.
It could be rh negative it could be testosterone.
Antibodies can work for you or against you and it's all relative to who is defending or offending.
Everybody and everything is an antibody to you and also a trigger until you learn how to assimilate.
Even your own children are antibiotic because you cut off pieces of yourself and now they're working against you competing for resources
Rhogam Shot
Yes, the RhoGAM shot can help protect future pregnancies from complications caused by Rh incompatibility. Rh incompatibility can occur when an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive baby, and the mother's immune system produces antibodies against the baby's blood. This can lead to hemolytic disease of the newborn, a serious condition that can cause jaundice, anemia, brain damage, or even heart failure in future pregnancies.
If you can't handle complex formulas, complex words, complex Concepts, complex allegory, complex sentence structure, complex abstract thought process maybe you're not half as advanced as you think you are
If you were to base the complexity of the people on the food supply Americans would kick everybody's asses.
Advanced humans need an advanced food supply and the need to release their demons. That's why a lot of them are bigger than life. The system caused them to stop up their immune system from releasing or only release very little so they can get the most bang for their Buck or the microbes for the future.
America's aren't unhealthy. They just have a lot of diverse life within them that they must learn how to release those demons or they will be destroyed.
We have Americans shooting themselves in the foot by weighing next to nothing and eating only two ingredients to feed their only two remaining brain cells.
When you get only one person they eat one set of types of foods. When you get 30 people you have a diverse preference of food.
Americans hold so much diversity within their immune system which is why the food supply is so diverse and complex and we have so many people from all over the world coming here adding more complexity and advancement to our intellect and immunological future and progression.
If you want to be a simpleton eat a simple food supply. If you want to be an advanced evolutionary f****** badass smart steady person you need a major diverse amount of food supply and that includes processed foods
Covid is the frequency triggering your CFU (COLONY FORMING UNITS). You hold what everybody else has that you must develop an antibody for according to the CDC..
TO carry on the human race, even if you dont carry on.. your microbes will seed the future humans
Protection= future advanced human offspring (antibody) All relative
You + 100^infinity
Science and Biology of Integer Sexual Orientation and cancer triggers
People are giving their kIds CAYENNE PEPPER/SPICES as an antibiotic remedy
Yes, cayenne pepper can contain heavy metals like lead, chromium, arsenic, and cadmium. In fact, red pepper products like cayenne pepper and chili powder can have some of the highest concentrations of heavy metals of all spices, with the exception of cinnamon and turmeric for lead. However, some studies have found that the levels of heavy metals in spices are within safe ranges and don't pose a significant health risk to adults or children. This is because spices are a small part of the diet, and the ASTA estimates that spices account for less than 0.1% of dietary lead exposure in children ages 1–6.
Covid is the frequency triggering your CFU (COLONY FORMING UNITS). You hold what everybody else has that you must develop an antibody for according to the CDC.. TO carry on the human race
People also ask
What plant is ivermectin made from?
The avermectin family of compounds was discovered by Satoshi ÅŒmura of Kitasato University and William Campbell of Merck. In 1970, ÅŒmura isolated a strain of Streptomyces avermitilis from woodland soil near a golf course along the south east coast of Honshu, Japan.
SCIENCE of Sexuality
Objectophilia, also known as objectum-sexuality, is a paraphilia that involves sexual or romantic attraction to inanimate objects. People with objectophilia may develop strong feelings of love and commitment to their objects of fixation, and may form deep emotional, romantic, and sexual relationships with them. These objects can be concrete or abstract, and may include things like trains, bridges, cars, words, fences, statues, or electronic soundboards.
Loving Objects: Can Autism Explain Objectophilia? - PubMed
May 10, 2022 — Objectophilia (also known as objectum-sexuality) involves romantic and sexual ...
Objectum sexuality: A sexual orientation linked with autism and ...
Dec 27, 2019 — Categories or continua of sexual orientation are recognised in social, psychol...
Generative AI is experimental.
WHEN you trap antibody offspring from PLANTBASED MINERAL or ALUMINUM DETOXES, ANTIBIOTICS aka pills powders, plant wood bark essential oil , and detoxes, they influence the sexual orientation and preferences in the offspring.
Why do you think these kids and adults are a mess!!
But it is "all natural" jillian..
Everything is natural, but do you really want your kid attracted to tree or a fence when they hit puberty??
Release the demon antibodies.
Y'all made your money.. now it is time to face the science of your beliefs.
Sexuality is based upon how influential the chemistry of biodiversity is to your immune system DEVELOPING ANTIBODIES.
This is why we have cyborgs and nanotechnology. We have to give this child a good life at some point. She will need something to help her get around. When you choose to have children not knowing truly how they're going to end up this is the result. This will be the result in the future.
Could she regrow her arms and legs even if she was born without them. It would take a painful journey and a lot of food to make up for what she doesn't have. She would seriously have to suffer to become whole again. You know the system is not going to allow that. So whatever life is given to her you hope she has the best life possible.
In my opinion all humans have the potential to have two arms and two legs. Something happened to the chromosomes in utero causing her to end up this way. Since she was born without her arms and legs she won't have memory of having them so she would essentially have to watch herself grow them and then learn how to use them if she chose to go down a painful journey of materializing her actual DNA blueprint that was stifled through antibodies and who knows what else.
And she would have to release the damage through all of her different orifices and skin and that would be a painful painful venture. And she would have to have around the clock care to watch her actually grow her arms and legs as if she was in the womb.
Her caregiver would have to do the work of what the mother's womb would have done in utero to finish the rest of the growing process and releasing the antibodies that were stunting the growth and development
Gen X made gen Z
Generation X was made for procreation
Gen z.. the future.. hybrid
Generation X had it so hard allegedly so they made it very easy for their offspring and that's why you have a lower tolerance Generation Z
But since people are procreating on Extreme deficits generation Alpha and beta really don't stand a chance in the future unless somebody gets their head out of their ass
You want to preserve your future, the last generation in the family or the parent MUST BECOME WHOLE!!
Gender Offspring
Male one extreme
Female another extreme
Middle Gender Middle Earth
Middle child
Even though old hollywood had gay wo/men in the closet, it was their look the system was desiring.
Then it was hybridizing the looks and coming out of the closet.
But like anything the aggressive procreation can backfire.
Let the system develop the future kIds and YOU MAKE YOU AND YOUR KIDS STRONG AND ADAPTABLE!!
The Levy Family made my fave HYBRID