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Institutionalized Indoctrination Has Invaded the Conspiracy World or Was it Always There to Begin With?

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

I find extremely interesting to observe how indoctrinated the left and the right wing are when it comes to the efficacy of vaccines and the use of CURES and sustaining the family.

Indoctrination does not always look like someone who has 7 degrees in 50 different breadths and subject matters robotically spitting out facts and figures. Indoctrination does not always look like someone attending a public school system run by the government. Indoctrination implies there is a higher authority on the matter and if you do not repeat the tenets of the higher authority you are an infidel, a rebel, someone to dismiss.

Indoctrination makes up everything in the politics, religion and science world and there are too many levels of indoctrination to count. The dangers of indoctrination is the fact it is the path to institutionalized thinking causing aggressive limiting rigidity thus making the persons ability to think freely virtually impossible.

The arguments for and against vaccines and gmo and family come from institutionalized dogmas coupled with mass indoctrination relative to who you follow and then the charismatics come out and play their part very well. They keep people locked into institutionalized thinking until another "event" comes up and seals the deal into mass indoctrination.

The evidence of institutionalized indoctrination are people's facebooks who keep going back to the same demons over and over and over again, "food is poison", "additives cause blankety blank", "the system is brainwashing you", and here look at my beautiful family and lavish lifestyle and gorgeous boyfriends/girlfriends.

Then the selling of indoctrination and institutionalized thinking turns into the selling people self esteem. You can buy self esteem so as long as you are part of an exclusive group who can teach you all the ways of resisting the govt and living off grid eating only organic and living like peasants.

Indoctrination has men, women, and children living like peasants in starvation mode and loving it.

With almost everyone on your facebook in resistance promoting institutionalized self esteem, the takedown of the family and all the members in both left and right is like sh ooting fish in a barrel.

The only difference between the first world and third world is the third world is aware of their lack of access to resources and they don't have material wealth to pretend they are healthy and happy.. The first world are just as starving and bereft but they think their fancy cars, and hot bodies and mlm supplements can distract people into forgetting they are voluntarily starving themselves despite their access to air food and water.. the first world cast spells of intolerance and with intolerance comes indoctrination and institutionalized people who cannot "free think" to save their own lives so they are stuck buying self esteem from gurus who they glom onto until the gurus suck the life out their body, mind spirit and bank account...


The irony was and is, Bill Gates was never indoctrinated yet he developed Microsoft and understood the physics of vaccines and he is the very essence of a free thinking..

the system of indoctrination and institutionalized thinking had all of you starve yourself via Fear of Food sucking down deadly cures, and organic food covered in microbial feces.. lol.. he never did a damn thing to you that you and your family have not already done to yourself..

the fact he visited Epstein island is irrelevant..

 he is just like all of you with skeletons in your closet.. how many men out there have done horrible things to women and men in their youth, etc. And even as adults cuz I'm sure there are a lot of skeletons all of you have in your closet so I don't think people in Glass Houses should be casting Stones against Bill Gates or anyone else. Some of you done some pretty atrocious things that no one has called you out on because the system doesn't need to leverage you until it needs to leverage you

the system of indoctrination made you think food was poison..

And so while Bill Gates was able to destroy viruses or potential people who could become viruses to themselves and the world by not having them exist to begin with was only one half of the equation.

The other half of the equation was all of you and your rigid belief systems and your intolerance developing children who can't handle the air food and water sucking down herbal pesticides and begging for cures and then selling self-esteem to your friends and family as if you're some Stuart Smalley using your sex as a way to attract people..

13 million people who could have existed did not because of the vaccination program. And so if you're born with issues then you had to feed and release the demons and repair whatever issues you came to this world with that your parents passed down on to you.

But the fact that you were born was a miracle that you survived everything that was working against you even your own parents because right now parents are working against their children on such a level and then they have the gall to blame Bill Gates or somebody else when they're the ones that are sucking down herbal pesticides and feeding their kids Elderberry syrup and taking food away from them

And so the system found ways not to have more people come into this world suffering deficient and bereft and thanks to the Bill Gates vaccination program.

The people who survive all this will have no fear of food and they won't want to have kids and bring in suffering and they won't buy animals to traffic and develop more suffering and they understand every f****** argument out there and allegory. And they don't want people to love them because inevitably if people don't love you they will f****** hate you or dismiss you because you don't have a degree because you're not indoctrinated like they are.

 How about that for some irony..

And so if you are against Bill Gates and you're all about resisting indoctrination you're f****** indoctrinated and you've been institutionalized

Now go buy some self-esteem. Because obviously that's what you're looking for. And believe me someone will sell you self esteem..

The irony of those who resist indoctrination have been indoctrinated because Bill Gates is not a State sanctioned doctor or scientists or engineer to those who worship college degrees so therefore everything he says will be dismissed because his critics are the conspiracy world who resist indoctrination but who happened to be completely and holy indoctrinated in Body Mind and Spirit. And that right there is f****** comical.

No, Bill Gates does not have an undergraduate degree. He dropped out of Harvard University after three semesters to start Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen

Oh Jillian you're not a doctor or a scientist or a chemist so therefore what you say is completely dismissable and you are stupid and ignorant.

Yeah I'm not indoctrinated or institutionalized like you are.. and the system taught me the laws of advertising and every other law out there that was pertinent to my situation.

And I know I can't sell pain suffering or life to anyone and I don't human or animal traffick anyone and I won't sell you pesticides through the supplements and medical holistic energy healing world and you have to develop your own self esteem because I can't give it to you. And there's no way I'm going to sell you self esteem because that would be deceptive

And so while I am a free thinker I also understand the laws of the system and that's where I'm indoctrinated and so I have discernment what I need to be indoctrinated in and what I could freely think about and develop.

And that takes someone who understands the difference between free thinking and indoctrination and use it to their benefit or else you just become completely indoctrinated and one sided and f****** intolerant and starving.

And that's why I don't need to buy self-esteem from anyone even through the resistance movement because resisting other people implies you're gaining self-esteem from the resistance movement.

Am I in resistance to anyone?

When my husband comes home my immune system is in light resistance to his antibodies looking to take over and that's what makes me stronger but I can never speak for my husband.

When I go out in public my immune system is in heavy resistance against the microbes and the antibodies people are spitting at me left and right And so that's why I immunologically blow up and feel angry when I come home until I calm down the microbes with treated water and rest and food.

But I'm not in resistance against information because that's not dangerous unless you become an ignorant vigilante and f*** yourself.

Now with all that said I'm not saying you should get a vaccine or not get a vaccine because that's not for me to decide. If you are on the fence about the vaccines then you need to get a doctor to assess your situation. If you don't even know if you should get a vaccine or not or you're so against it that you're turning to holistic remedies then you probably need a doctor because you will screw yourself with the herbal pesticides and insecticides floating around on the internet..

And if you have such aversion to meat milk cheese and eggs and fruits and vegetables and gluten and salt and sugar and carbs then you need to see an allergist to develop a food plan and then if your intention is to be able to handle everything in the middle of the supermarket as well as on the perimeter then ask your doctor what it will take for you to go through an aggressive process of weaning yourself back onto the food supply.

And I don't know if they're ready to do that with people because that would imply that you would have to suffer and you know how that goes. The system is not going to let people suffer to live and the only time you're allowed to suffer and die is when you are in hospice and palliative care.

So you have to figure that out yourself..

and children are not allowed to suffer at all whatsoever. And so if they have aggressive food allergies and aversions to necessary foods you can't make them eat food they have no tolerance for just like those in third world countries like India and Africa..

And that's why again you can't force feed starving children in India and Africa and why vaccines to children who would have been victims of rape and then developing babies that would either kill them and also cause vast amounts of suffering was a stepping stone but access to milk and meat and cheese and eggs was the other half of the equation..

And these children in third world countries are no different than your own children who have extreme limitations in their access to food because parents here developed children with aggressive food intolerances and food became painful.

And so if you want to blame someone blame the traditions of family because that's why your kids have issues with food.

You didn't understand sexual reproduction and fertility was extremely deadly. But the system had to do what it did since 1776 to recreate why there have been so many resets in the past..

And so while the system whitewashed history we have evidence in the population to show you the other half of the equation were just as brutal to their slaves and underlings just like we were back in the 1700s and 1800s.

Every single race and skin color has been brutalized by someone who have no tolerance for difference.

 Every single race white black Mexican Asian middle eastern European have all been victims of someone who was so f****** brutal that they had to turn the tables.

 And so eventually we're going to have to stop this b******* and that's why the system is doing what it's doing..

Politics religion and aspects of science have the potential to indoctrinate people based upon the intentions. When something is extremely popular and you have people who love you and some people who hate you but more people who love you then you become not only a guru of indoctrination but you're also indoctrinated..

And so if you think I'm purposely pushing people away with my information because I'm challenging their specific lifestyle belief system you're absolutely right because I have no intentions to indoctrinate you and have no intentions to be wholly inoctrinated by the resistance movement. There's no f****** way I'm going back to that world again of Cult mentality and group think..

If the only way you can make money is off the backs of those in resistance in the Health and Wellness activism world then yeah you've been indoctrinated and you have a license to destroy.

 There are other ways to make money but you'd have to be extremely creative and strategic not to exploit the weaknesses of others to get ahead..

There are billion storylines

 find the ones that offer integrity in Body Mind and Spirit and find a way to live off of that.

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