Which is why the Heritage Foundation will be the foundation we will need to move Humanity forward to the next level of amazing evolution..
I may not believe in any sort of God but I do have a moral compass and I do right by my society and I've cleaned up a lot of my b**** *** and faced a lot of b*******. And I understand why people believe in God because you need to have a moral compass whether it's your government or some higher power.. and maybe deep down I do believe in some sort of God but I don't actively have a religion so. If my government who keeps me accountable is my God then so be it
I speculate there is a shadow govt regulating everyone and everything.. of course I can't prove anything and that's the foundation of any conviction is clear solid proof.. so I hope you can handle the storyline and survive it
and the police know who everyone is and so do the fbi. And that's why we live in a surveillance society and that's why when things happen you'll beg for surveillance in areas like party areas like rainy Avenue in Austin Texas
This is the time this is the place and this is the world to keep your nose clean.
Where did that term keep your nose clean probably come from..
Well every time I get hit with some variant that inevitably will cause mucus and boogers and whatever sometimes I have to not only blow my nose but also remove that mucus plug from my nose and then allows things to activate. Remember when everyone had those Q-tips shoved up their nose for covid PCR testing. Some people had bloody noses afterwards.
The system or govt activated your immune system through those nose swabs. And that was another immune system activation point at the top part of their immune system and you have another one at the bottom part of your immune system to activate and release demons..
So the jjuice activated your lower immune system which at some point opened up your upper immune system and that's how you were to release demons and take in information and feed and release and feel the pain and suffering.
Of course climate change doesn't help when people have an open immune system because of that PCR test and whatever else you're doing but that right there was system regulation through a storyline and a context.
Covid is real,
covid are frequencies and you held those demons within and they were activated... that's why the system came down on me because I activated your lower immune system which inevitably would cause so much immune system activation and they weren't ready for that yet. I preempted what was already set to happen in the future.. and no matter what happens you have to have some kind of support system whether the medical system or through food and suffering and they weren't ready yet
I but I definitely did get the ball rolling. Now you have a choice but you have to face your own demons or sit in denial
You know what rackets are right. A racket is when the front of the house must look respectable but there's so much crap going on at the back of the house. That's the world you live in when it comes to the system governing you and some people who are nefarious. They have a nice front of the house and they look respectable but there's a lot of evil and b******* lurking underneath.
Well when you have people like that in your Society the government has to have something like that somewhere called the Men In Black dealing with fake ass people who put out a false front but there's a lot of b******* in the background. Of course you have to really be dangerous to society to trigger the Men in Black. Sometimes one might be president
So yes you have a nice Constitution and a legal system to prosecute those in your neighborhood from doing illegal stuff and if the system can't get you then the Men in Black will get you if you propose to be enough of a problem. You know who the problem children are in our society. That doesn't take rocket science to figure that out
Of course you can blame anyone's situation on cancer disease chronic illness or kidnapped or GMO or vaccines or it was all the big Pharma who took out the holistic doctors and that's why they died so you can have any story you want.
And you'll never f****** know why someone died because you've already accepted death and you already doing s*** illegal in your body Mind and Spirit and in your community.
And so if you're already breaking the law in your body Mind and Spirit and in your community the system will allow levels of Mother Nature and man control and regulate you.
And if one system can't get you another one will and that's why you keep your f****** nose clean and do lawful things and you don't be fake out there. Someone's going to see through your b*******.
That's why SAVIORS, you can't save anyone because they're already breaking the law in their body Mind and Spirit so you're just an accomplice so just leave people alone let them break their own laws and Destroy themselves..
You save yourself and or get whatever Absolution that is legal and law abiding.
But if July 13th wasn't any kind of freaking clue the world you live in then you are seriously living under a rock and I hope you survive even your own illusions..
And I have no proof but I see and read between the lines and I know enough allegory and seen enough videos and documentaries and even in plain sight or everybody is looking at the same thing like what happened to Trump.
So if I can't prove it it doesn't even matter but if you can't even understand the storyline then yeah I stick to your Cinderella Story in your religion and good luck to you.
But the reason why we're in climate change because the frequencies or zero activated your immune system and yeah raising the heat levels and temperatures in your body causing a collective heat levels to rise in your community and then people act like f****** animals and demons out there..
Just because Alex Jones and many conspiracy theorists were correct it doesn't matter if you can't f****** survive even your own immune system and lifestyle and belief system. Just being aware and knowing the truth whatever that is won't make a damn bit of difference if you don't understand what it takes to live.
And if you haven't watched that video about the Austin serial killer with bodies floating at the top of the water you're doing yourself a disservice. You must know type of people in our society and if you're some little innocent lamb who thinks everything is f****** circus and animals then your kid and you will walk into danger and somebody won't survive because it will inevitably be a predator in the bushes lurking ready to snatch your ass.
Which is why you see some of these police establishments not go after what they think is a serial killer.
All of you need a f****** lesson it seems like and your world is not safe and you are not safe and you don't even know it so the world will be regulated by the people who make the choices they make and if you end up in the bushes somewhere it's because you denied the reality of the situation we're in and you didn't understand the severity because you're under the influence in f****** denial and so you will be used as an example.
The thing about the rule of law not the law of the Jungle that will govern the conduct of Nations is that everyone is held to different standards based upon their lifestyle belief system and your status in the community and even their money and you won't know who will be held to what standard.
So instead of gambling that you'll be held to a different standard than your peers you better be f****** on the up and up.. and always do the right thing all the time and you know what that is because you know what's right and wrong and you be an upstanding member of society and you be an example to your children not to be a f****** a****** to everyone around you..
And if you're preaching how bad the government is why don't you go look in your own backyard and see what kind of laws you violated and what things you've done to yourself and other people and you clean up your s*** literally clean up your own s***
Because the Austin serial killer covered up by the police department is a f****** lesson..
The police are there to regulate idiots. They're not there to protect you from your own b*******. They're not there to protect your kids because you as a parent couldn't f****** keep your kids in line or watch them.
The police are not there to protect your little lamb children who have no experience how to keep themselves safe and not get so drunk and dance on the f****** tables making themself a Target to some predator..
The police are not there to protect all the babies you decided to have and then release them out there with no supervision..
The reason why the police make a presence in the classrooms let you know someone's going to keep their ass in line because your parents wont..
And man do I see a lot of little innocent lambs out there who actually have no idea what kind of world they live in.
They'll go into their Sports and go into their college completely oblivious to how potentially deadly it is when you think about it because they don't understand the danger around them. And that's pretty sad but that's pretty much the fate of a lot of these people who are in denial. And you can't do s*** about it. Because that's all they know.
The police were never there to protect you. Get that through your head. The police are there to regulate your ass. They're there to Patrol. But they're not there to protect you even though they say to protect and serve.
To protect the system from you. Not protect you from some idiot because you can't prosecute someone who hasn't committed a crime yet assuming you survive the crime committed against you.
So the medical and holistic system regulates people who are declining and helps them leave this earth as humanely as possible and the police will regulate you relative to how dangerous you are to society and sometimes people work behind the scenes and you never f****** know and you can't prove it.
So I suggest this summer before we get into the next regime you clean up your act.. some of you have left yourself wide open for so much
clean up your f****** act
If you can't do something right when no one's looking then you'll probably do something wrong when everyone's looking because you've already been given allowance and that's how they get you