why? because people die for and in their identities reflected back by family and friends.
It Does Not Pay to Have Friends and Family If You Truly Want to Surpass the Hayflick Limit
Your friends and family becomes the extreme saviors/satans that you do not survive them, at all. That is the black/white checkerboard of extremes.. dying by the light and the darkness
Identity fostered by the friends and family is the slavery and that is perpetuating a major suffering developing aggressive disease and then eventual died suddenly
Your identity was colonized in you by your family and your friends and the government at the time. The system is setting you free but will you survive the freedom or will you die for your freedom essentially being set free into the universe
When you're whining about why people walked away from you or didn't uphold your expectations of being a friend or a family is because your need became so great because you're in so much decline they couldn't afford to be your friend or people died around you is because you sucked the life out of them. Some people have to leave so they don't get destroyed by their friends and family and children
Freedom is when you're not depending upon your friends and family to be everything you're not.
And so I even saw that in my own expectations of people. Their need became so great I was saving myself and my need became so great expecting the return of my investment and that was never going to happen.
And so when people are in Decline they become extremely needy and expect their friends and family to pick up all the slack everywhere until everyone destroys each other. That's why I've lessened my consumption with everything so I'm not enslaving people around me to keep consuming
It is an extremely deadly vicious circle and that's due in part to a lot of the addictions and the suffering of people and of course all the diseases in combination with all that
And there's no graceful way to extricate yourself from that addiction of friends and family and drugs and alcohol
Once you walk away from society you become the enemy because you're not confirming the emperor has no clothes. Somebody had to wake up and see the emperor was naked
And releasing colonizers
I released the demons daily and my personal life and then on my Facebook I release demons occasionally.
Colonizers never quit.. they just shapeshift
If you fancy yourself a colonizer then you better have a license to colonize and take over and attempt to convert but then you'll also be a party to their destruction.. that's why you are in partnership with the government with your licenses and the health and wellness world. You have a license to colonize and convert and sometimes the outcome is deadly. Most times actually all the time the outcome eventually becomes deadly.
And so if you want another analogy around the energy healing holistic medical health and wellness and vaccine world. License to colonize
Colonizers are trolls.. They attempt to convert from within instead of being a representation and speaking their piece they must colonize other people
that's a valuable piece of information about colonizers and trolls. They also try to enslave somebody else with their personal ideas and they purposely inject themselves and so they're like vaccines. When you purposely inject yourself into someone's world then you become a vaccine and a colonizer and even a spiritual rapist. That's pretty interesting
That's why the system is cleaning itself up. There's enough of that in the past we don't need any more of that in the future
And if you're not strong enough to kick the colonizers out of your body mind spirit or Facebook then you'll be taken over or destroyed by a colonizer
When people don't understand the difference between addiction and eating food they mistake one for the other. For example smoking pot is an addiction and they think eating food is an addiction. So they smoke their pot and they demonize food. And say the food is poison but they're smoking their pot every single day. That's the lack of distinction between food and addiction. And that's why people are sick
And if you don't realize that distinctions then you'll think your addictions are food and you won't eat your food because you think it's an addiction
and other people justify addiction because it's their "food".. but not literally their food they live on the addictions and they demonize food
And so right now my Facebook is my food, but saving people is an addiction. And so releasing My Demons is like food and people hunting and chasing demons are their addictions.
And so why is my Facebook like a food when I'm releasing demons, because what do you do after eating food? You have to release the demons and sometimes people hold on to those demons for years because of the medical holistic system
And so they project that my food is an addiction when their addictions are mistaken for their food.. And they expect everyone around them to hold on to their s*** and not release demons and that's why people want to shut other people up.. because if you're not turning your s*** into children then you should shut up and die according to them
Uhhh nope
And one day when you're 50 and Beyond you will have to face the demons and either you'll treat your sickness or you face it.
If you have a lifetime of sickness you're going to have to deal with it or people will remedy it away and carve it away or have babies. You can't get away from sickness ..
Everyone who has a life will be sick and then every time they treat their sickness that compounds and compounds. Fertility and evolution, especially when you're growing up, you are fostering sickness.
But every treatment is what makes it worse
you face it now you might save yourself relative to severity
if you don't ever face it then one day you'll pass away that's kind of how it works..
And that's the Nephilim.. when the clouds gather people get extremely sick..
You've been given a life with a certain amount of time where you don't get as sick and the treatments work relatively well in the old world but this new world you're not going to get as lucky and that's what I'm realizing so I'm glad I have this avenue to release the demons. Others will use Facebook for show off their children or their lifestyle and belief systems and that's great. More power to you. Let me tell you my information is not for everybody. But I'm glad I have my information. I'm glad I'm putting putting it out on Front Street.
And I don't make the mistake of confusing food with addiction because that's how you starve yourself..
My life is my baby and I take care of it just like you take care of your children or your animals or your friends and family or your job.
My life is my pride and joy. And I like to show it off like everybody else does on Facebook. My life is my accomplishment just like all of your degrees and your children and everything else that people use their Facebook for. Could you say what I'm doing with my Facebook is like a sin according to the seven deadly sins
well I guess some people could say that.. and the payments system for the sin is to hear other people's opinions on my fb until I say that's enough opinions and thank you for your service time for you to go
The art of self-expression is something you cultivate daily. It's not something you hide. That's why people have cancer and disease and chronic illness because they have stuffed their self-expression until it kills him.
And then what is it that you are self-expressing. I mean everyone's self-expression could be offensive to somebody else. And if it is offensive you say your opinion on your Facebook. But when you know a person is right is when you must try to convert them on their Facebook because the information you hold is way too powerful for them to even allow to be heard without you trying to convert another person in some way.
That's what colonizers do.
They infiltrate and they try to convert from within. That's called disease. When you actively go on other people's Facebook or get in their face to convert them you become the disease.
That's what people don't understand. And so I speak my journey daily and I know I'm not going to save anyone or anything or convert anyone because if they already have the inkling to understand my information they are already doing it. There's no need to convince anyone something they already do. But it's nice to get the confirmation sometimes that somebody else is out there understanding on an intellectual level and we'll see physically down the road when all the conditions are right.
How do I evolve myself. I must show the cells of my body who just were born from whatever what they must do to survive. And you can't force your cella to do that.. don't inject yourself with anything. You show the cells in your body what they must do to survive climate change. Or else you become the disease even to yourself by forcing it to do something it's not conditioned to do..
(of a country or its citizens) send a group of settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.
"the Greeks colonized Sicily and southern Italy"
settle (in)
In my opinion if you have to reproduce memes about somebody f****** you over or somebody not your friend or somebody not acting like they should then maybe you should not have any friends because eventually they won't live up to your expectations
When you have to keep repeating how somebody pretended to be your friend or whatever the f*** it is people get all b**** about when someone doesn't live up to the expectations then maybe you should not have any friends.
Maybe you should be by yourself.
Maybe you're the one that f*** them over and you're projecting.. and I'll tell you I f****** people over means different things to different people. People could perceive standing up for yourself is f****** people over
And so if you want people to be 100% perfect friend to you don't have any friends so you won't have any excessive expectations from them.
Set everyone around you free so they're not put in fear that you're going to unfriend them because they didn't do something for you. The people who left you set themselves free from your excessive expectations
The best of friends are people you don't enslave into a very narrow paradigm that if they don't fit within it then you have to play the bad guy or the good guy.
If you can't be a friend to yourself no one will live up to your expectations. Once you are a friend to yourself everyone will live up to whatever expectations you hold because humans do what they do. They're not always going to please you and be around for you and be there for you to give you company and gifts and money.. and if you have to reproduce children to keep you company then you were never a friend to yourself. And that's the issue with our society is people reproducing the pain and suffering and trauma and then projecting it and looking for the people with the same trauma and then inflict aggressive expectations.. and they call it family.
That's the slavery system. People unhappy with themselves surrounding themselves by people who are unhappy with themselves and then saying they're all happy together. If you're not happy alone you can't possibly be happy together with anyone.
So what do I do I just sit here and release the Demons of the toxicity of our society of the old world.. and i don't have any friends who'll be offended by what i say ..
Because if you don't have any friends then there's no fear in losing them. That's the freedom. When you don't have family there's no fear in losing them.
I have the freedom.
People who have friends and FAMILY are not free. They're not allowed to say anything against the group or anyone that represents what you might say in that group. Just like the mafia. You can't say anything against the family or you will be destroyed or cast out. And if you are dependent on your family and friends then you are forced into conscription. You are essentially a soldier. You're not allowed to do anything outside of the expectations of your friends and family.
So by all intents and purposes it's the fakery.
And I guess if that's what you want to live by is all fakery and the lack of growth and evolution and change then you will say, "I don't have to defend" myself by defending yourself and then you become a parody of your own lifestyle and belief system.
And that's a suffering in of itself..
What do they say, The Larger the Group The Faker the person. The Larger their family the Faker the person.
The larger fan base the faker you must be so you can please your fan base even if you've changed but your fan base hasn't. You're still stuck in having to please your fan base and their paradigms
When you're finally by yourself
the pain is real
And when you're by yourself you are allowed to change because no one is expecting you to stay stuck in a paradigm like a fan base does to the celebrities and and the influencers who follow their own fan base and they also become a self-fulfilling prophecy reinforcing their own destruction.
an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
"the movie is a parody of the horror genre"
WE NEED MORE people who embrace better than average intelligence on this earth.
If you have not wholly resolved your own trauma there is no f****** way your children will be able to resolve their trauma..
You just keep passing on the hurt until it destroys..
And so your children are forced into identity to destroy themselves and other people until somebody stops the bleeding and sometimes when you stop the bleeding your genetic line will not be on this Earth anymore and it will be at your own hand provided to you by your government.
Suffering is when you keep sustaining that suffering until somebody has to force it to stop. That's why the system is trying to guide reproduction carefully. Too many children and families hurting themselves and each other and they keep reproducing the pain and suffering.
If people can't release their identities the end result will be very predictable. Because death and destruction and suffering is built into every single identity you have embraced
Song by Johnny Cash
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
If you truly want to help Humanity. Don't become something they resist and don't try to convert them. Just be representation and they can choose to resist or understand.
When it comes to kids eventually the system will have to teach them lessons because parents will lose their power if not already. And there's no guarantee your children will survive the system
We've never had any power over other people unless you actively do something to them.
But family is allowed to inject themselves into their own family members because there are no boundaries with family and that's why family can be the most dangerous.. it's just different levels and degrees of dangers what we're dealing with right now.
There was no guarantee I would survive the last 50 years.. it was a combination of circumstances in my background that led me to the point of where I am today
and that's why kids don't have any choices because they're purposely being injected into something that they have no control over and they're being forced to conform. Even when you give them choices you're not giving them all the choices because mother and father don't even know all the choices out there.
They were also forced to conform.. and now they must like it because if they don't like their life then that will make them question everything they're doing and that cannot happen or else they lose face in their society.
Why is most parents find ways to escape their family because they were forced into situation.. and being under the influence is the most common escape from family
That's why people stay enslaved in their life still and beliefs and that's why they resist the government because they're forced to conform into a system they had no choice but to conform to and they don't have a way out except rest in peace or under the influence and if they can handle it 100% sobriety
Which is why contracts are always part of relationships that must negotiate how much someone can inject themselves into someone else's world
That movie Fifty Shades of Gray was all about signing a contract of someone injecting themselves into somebody even to the point of Destruction if that person allowed it
And so if you hated the way the system treated you and your parents then maybe you shouldn't have kids..
And if you love the government and the system then you have no problem with anything. There's no argument. But if you don't like the system. And you don't like your government. And you don't like what your parents went through. Why the hell would you repeat the same mistakes by having children.
And so those who have children should not even be in resistance to anything. Because as soon as you have a child you are accepting they must go through what you went through and what your parents went through and what your grandparents went through provided by your government who regulates life and Humanity. And your kids have no choices. You don't own your children. The system does. Because if you think you own your kids then you're no different than an overseer. You become a slave master and then slavery happens all over again when people have children.
A person who has resolved all their issues would not want to have children. Or even encourage grandchildren. People who have not resolved their issues will always have children and encourage grandchildren and pass on that trauma until the end of the genetic line
Remember the government is both Democrat and Republican and they both work together. They play off each other. No matter what happens. The government will always win because you are run by a body of people who understand how to play with opposing forces. That's why I stepped out of the war of politics religion and science. And I just represent without colonizing anyone. I will not inject myself into situations that are not amenable to be changed.. And I won't let anyone inject themselves into me unless I'm amenable to their changes
All politics all religion and all scientific dogmas are all about colonizing people with or without their permission or without knowing the outcome of the intentions. Sometimes the outcome is delayed outcome but the intentions were always the same.
So it doesn't matter who you vote for. Because the outcome WAS ALWAYS the intention. And if you think you won any kind of election or any kind of voting system remember the system gave you all the arguments to vote for or against knowing exactly how it was going to end up.
The government is like an MRI contrast dye.. they want to see who and what they're up against and your resistance is valuable information
Just like children.
The system knows what you resist will persist obviously but at least you can develop awareness but no matter what all the arguments out there become the and a truth and a war.
The system also knows if people resist their parents then they become the opposite and that's predictable or they follow in their parents foot steps and become a predictable outcome as well.
And when you try to act like the opposite of your parents and then people go to the extreme because they don't understand the balance of both what their parents were doing and the times they're in right now
And if you don't understand balance and all the factors in your blind spots then you'll go to the extremes and still f****** your kid on some level.
That's why I'm saying parents can't win in this society because they don't know all the factors out there..
And one can't make people see who actively want to become blind or stay blind.. which is why activism is an addiction because you're not changing people unless you representing the changes you want to see in the world and even then there's no guarantee someone will understand your representation and so you just be a self expressed person.
And when people are in resistance mode your presence will be something they'll resist against and then the outcome is the intention. So even your information becomes something somebody else resists. So you just represent regardless if someone agrees with you or resist you
And then who's to say your self-expression is what somebody else can do and so you just do what you do because what else is there besides repression and addiction.
Because repression is cancer disease and chronic illness and death
What else is there aside from repression and addiction?
100% sobriety.
And that's free from the medical holistic system. And the reason why humans are in slavery because for them to work in a job they must be under the influence that's acceptable for the requirements of their job.
Sometimes it's alcohol on the weekends and other times they can get away with being high on a job because they're not working machinery. They're making sandwiches or sweeping floors
That's why the system is also scaling down because not many people will be able to sustain their hard charging lifestyle and occupation.
Again, it i's not sustainable
Every single category and resistance was given to you by your creators which is basically your government.
Without them you wouldn't have the belief systems you have
Sometimes I think the green movement is the Cannabis industry. It's not the green machine like conservation. I mean yeah it is, too. Because the system will conserve the resources by releasing the demons. And I guess the Cannabis herbal alcohol industry are major ways to release the proverbial demons
And green is also infection. When you get green mucus that means you're infected and when you have green herbs and cannabis yes you'll develop infection
Titans and the Giants are the Nephilim and they are gone because the humans learned their lessons and they got rid of the colonizers..
Eventually Humanity must not only learn on their own but also smooth out the edges and evolve to be a better human race
And so now when the clouds gather you're not going to see giant people come out of sky unless it's some virtual reality or Project Blue beam but you will see an unstable atmosphere like tornadoes and hurricanes and then people will feel everything they feel. And if they've been colonized by the medical holistic energy healing world then the Nephilim are back. And they are representing themselves in you..
And people who can't tolerate evolution become colonizers and the disease to themselves and the world..
So if you don't want to be a colonizer step out of the war. And represent. And let people make their choices without you trying to colonize them. Children will have to figure it out when they finally reach the age of 18..
Anytime you work for the government you are a licensed colonizer in one way or the other. The key thing is to work for the government without colonizing anyone.
Or else you become something you are against. Because the government will always be right. All the wars in the past was because government wanted to change and the people didn't and then it became a revolution.
But guess who won
the government
And releasing colonizers
I released the demons daily and my personal life and then on my Facebook I release demons occasionally.
Colonizers never quit.. they just shapeshift
If you fancy yourself a colonizer then you better have a license to colonize and take over and attempt to convert but then you'll also be a party to their destruction.. that's why you are in partnership with the government with your licenses and the health and wellness world. You have a license to colonize and convert and sometimes the outcome is deadly. Most times actually all the time the outcome eventually becomes deadly.
And so if you want another analogy around the energy healing holistic medical health and wellness and vaccine world. License to colonize
Colonizers are trolls.. They attempt to convert from within instead of being a representation and speaking their piece they must colonize other people
that's a valuable piece of information about colonizers and trolls. They also try to enslave somebody else with their personal ideas and they purposely inject themselves and so they're like vaccines. When you purposely inject yourself into someone's world then you become a vaccine and a colonizer and even a spiritual rapist. That's pretty interesting
That's why the system is cleaning itself up. There's enough of that in the past we don't need any more of that in the future
And if you're not strong enough to kick the colonizers out of your body mind spirit or Facebook then you'll be taken over or destroyed by a colonizer
When people don't understand the difference between addiction and eating food they mistake one for the other. For example smoking pot is an addiction and they think eating food is an addiction. So they smoke their pot and they demonize food. And say the food is poison but they're smoking their pot every single day. That's the lack of distinction between food and addiction. And that's why people are sick
And if you don't realize that distinctions then you'll think your addictions are food and you won't eat your food because you think it's an addiction
and other people justify addiction because it's their "food".. but not literally their food they live on the addictions and they demonize food
And so right now my Facebook is my food, but saving people is an addiction. And so releasing My Demons is like food and people hunting and chasing demons are their addictions.
And so why is my Facebook like a food when I'm releasing demons, because what do you do after eating food? You have to release the demons and sometimes people hold on to those demons for years because of the medical holistic system
And so they project that my food is an addiction when their addictions are mistaken for their food.. And they expect everyone around them to hold on to their s*** and not release demons and that's why people want to shut other people up.. because if you're not turning your s*** into children then you should shut up and die according to them
Uhhh nope
And one day when you're 50 and Beyond you will have to face the demons and either you'll treat your sickness or you face it.
If you have a lifetime of sickness you're going to have to deal with it or people will remedy it away and carve it away or have babies. You can't get away from sickness ..
Everyone who has a life will be sick and then every time they treat their sickness that compounds and compounds. Fertility and evolution, especially when you're growing up, you are fostering sickness.
But every treatment is what makes it worse
you face it now you might save yourself relative to severity
if you don't ever face it then one day you'll pass away that's kind of how it works..
And that's the Nephilim.. when the clouds gather people get extremely sick..
You've been given a life with a certain amount of time where you don't get as sick and the treatments work relatively well in the old world but this new world you're not going to get as lucky and that's what I'm realizing so I'm glad I have this avenue to release the demons. Others will use Facebook for show off their children or their lifestyle and belief systems and that's great. More power to you. Let me tell you my information is not for everybody. But I'm glad I have my information. I'm glad I'm putting putting it out on Front Street.
And I don't make the mistake of confusing food with addiction because that's how you starve yourself..
My life is my baby and I take care of it just like you take care of your children or your animals or your friends and family or your job.
My life is my pride and joy. And I like to show it off like everybody else does on Facebook. My life is my accomplishment just like all of your degrees and your children and everything else that people use their Facebook for. Could you say what I'm doing with my Facebook is like a sin according to the seven deadly sins
well I guess some people could say that.. and the payments system for the sin is to hear other people's opinions on my fb until I say that's enough opinions and thank you for your service time for you to go
The art of self-expression is something you cultivate daily. It's not something you hide. That's why people have cancer and disease and chronic illness because they have stuffed their self-expression until it kills him.
And then what is it that you are self-expressing. I mean everyone's self-expression could be offensive to somebody else. And if it is offensive you say your opinion on your Facebook. But when you know a person is right is when you must try to convert them on their Facebook because the information you hold is way too powerful for them to even allow to be heard without you trying to convert another person in some way.
That's what colonizers do.
They infiltrate and they try to convert from within. That's called disease. When you actively go on other people's Facebook or get in their face to convert them you become the disease.
That's what people don't understand. And so I speak my journey daily and I know I'm not going to save anyone or anything or convert anyone because if they already have the inkling to understand my information they are already doing it. There's no need to convince anyone something they already do. But it's nice to get the confirmation sometimes that somebody else is out there understanding on an intellectual level and we'll see physically down the road when all the conditions are right.
How do I evolve myself. I must show the cells of my body who just were born from whatever what they must do to survive. And you can't force your cella to do that.. don't inject yourself with anything. You show the cells in your body what they must do to survive climate change. Or else you become the disease even to yourself by forcing it to do something it's not conditioned to do..
(of a country or its citizens) send a group of settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.
"the Greeks colonized Sicily and southern Italy"
settle (in)
establish a colony in
Just to be clear. I'm not even a feminist. Because feminism implies so much baggage. It implies women are supposed to be extremely sexual and not to take cues from men but to be the aggressor even to the point of same sex or just picking up people out there and being okay with what men do out there before they get married if they get married.
Feminism is Playboy shapeshifting into the same situation but packaged differently..
My world is releasing the Demons of labels and culture and identity. And feminism and anti-feminism implies a whole lot of culture identity and labels and behaviors and very predictable outcomes.
Because even the resistance to feminism turns people to rigid religion and developing families and taking women back 100 years essentially giving her no choices..
I think women need a very different role model that is not tied in with sex drugs rock and roll and family.
You can have a partner and a companion without it turning deadly for you.
People don't have to die from being a partner or a husband or whatever to anyone regardless of gender identity
So I choose to be that role model
And you can take it or leave it
Did the feminist movement produce girls who love nothing more than to be objectified
Is this women power. Is this girl power they were referring to?
I'm all for making her famous for being the representation of the downfall of our society Absolutely. She's just a product of the 1960s.
This was probably the intention of the feminist movement. Okay. I guess if you have no brains you capitalize on your body.
That's a little narrow minded of you Jillian. Not really. Because in this Society you can't have it both ways. To truly live outside of the box, when you develop your brain, your body will not look like a playground for somebody else. But when you live within society not only will your brain but your body will be a playground for somebody else.. and then you have to sell out and then eventually you have to look like the thing to attract people that will go viral and is socially acceptable
And so when women's Brains are becoming used up because of disease and lack of satisfaction in their financial life then this is the best they can do
So women will be split between finally respecting her brain and developing her body to support her brain
or shutting her brain off and working on her body to be used as a playground for somebody else.. and then develop children to be used as the same thing. Because eventually they won't have the body to support the brain because they were developed on trauma.
I guess the system had to separate the brains from the body and eventually brains will be left and the bodies will be part of the slave trade.
I'm glad women have choices now if we're going to produce hot horny males out there to do whatever they do I guess they need to have temporary women to meet their aggressive needs and I hope they have a good life
Your brain and gut house the conflicting identities within your Body Mind and Spirit. How will you resolve and align those two worlds without destroying yourself or somebody else?
You'll figure it out or you won't
MY simplicity of taking on the identity of only being a wife and a woman may not be remarkable, but the simplicity of it is the immortality, or else people die from the complexity of their adopted karmic identities they must eventually face..
And you saw what I had to face the last 7 years and it was brutal..
Releasing the AGGRESSIVE culture and disease of identity is what will save Humanity at this point.