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Look At What You Are Breeding Out There

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

So you see why the SYSTEM decided to guide reproduction carefully because this s*** happens all the time and you don't know it until it comes out in the news. I'm sure this happened before but the system didn't tell you about it because people would be shocked.

But this happens probably a lot more than you think.. we breed people with absolutely no self-control with extreme predatory instincts and we don't know it until they grow up to be f***** up human beings.

And when you have this s*** in the population and you're raising people like this and then you wonder why the system does what it does well here's the reason why the system does what it does.

We have males and females who are extremely f***** up out there and these poor children are stuck with this situation until somebody comes and saves them and you bred this into the population because she had to have a billion f****** kids who you have no idea what they're going to turn out to be and what kind of sexually aggressive tendencies they will have.

And just like cockroaches when there's someone like this in the population there's probably tens of thousands of people are like this and you'll never know it until it comes out..

And that's why I don't f*** with most people I just leave everybody alone because I'm not going to be a party to anyone's situation with their children with their families nothing.

You don't know what people are breeding out there and it's f***** up out there and it is really extremely bad because this environment is bringing up people's situations faster because of particles are accelerating much faster causing people to realize what they were bred to be like because the family bred that into that situation.

That's why the system is accelerating time so you see what you've done to your children and what they could turn out to be and you see it happen at earlier time and so the parents are then reaping the punishment.

You see what I'm saying?

 when you breed kids and you don't know what they're going to turn out to be and AS the system accelerates the environment these kids will act on their proclivities before they're 18 and maybe the kids don't turn on other people but they turn on their own family because the family bred that in the population vecause they developed that in the family.

 That's why I stay away from other people's families and children because you don't know what the f*** is going on in that situation..

You had to see it and you have to see it. That's why the system developed movies around Chucky and the bad seed and the Children of the Corn because when they accelerate time you're going to see the people you've developed as predators and Bullies. You're going to see what you developed you're going to have to deal with what you've developed in the population.

And so you're going to watch during this climate change adults having children who were bred to be a certain way who cannot control their emotions as well as their sexual appetite and then people snack on their family they destroy their own family and then these children are stuck in these f***** up situations because of their own parents.

That's why it's so sad out there and you don't know what goes on behind closed doors until something comes out and then you're like oh my gosh I never would have thought

 of course not how could you know but now you're going to see who you live among and you're going to see who you hang out with.

That's why I have been so adamant to be on my own but just my husband because it's f***** up out there. I saw how bad it was going to be 5 years ago as soon as the climate changed.

 I never ever want anyone to be in the position of being around a situation they could not control because somebody bred that into that situation. And so if you have no kids hang out with people with no kids but even then there's no way to protect yourself really.

So I just stay home and stay safe because immunologically it's f****** brutal but then there's so much s*** coming out now and it's bad.

And so instead of watching this stuff happen in movies and whatever, you will read about these situations in articles and maybe you might think twice about certain things and understand from a different point of view why the system is doing whatever it's doing.

And why they don't want everyone having children because this is what we have done to our community we develop f***** up f***** up people.

And so when they say save the children it means we don't develop them to be a victim exploited and destroyed by their own family and the people around them..

But as you know there's always somebody in the population who thinks they're special.

how could you f****** know what your kids will turn out to be?? Of course there are always indicators but people ignore those indicators and just sluff it off as oh that's just what boys do or that's just what girls do until they do the unthinkable

 Did the parents know that their OWN adult children are going to turn out to be rapists of their own OFFSPRING??

Why do you think they want to surveillance society because how many of you are breeding little predators out there and there's always indicators when someone is extremely predatory and you can Google signs and what kids could turn out to be as adults when you see their behaviors as children.

 And there's no guarantee they can release those f****** demons, not during this highly accelerated environment.

Again it is extremely extremely dangerous out there for everybody. Don't assume anything with your kids because the system is going to have to watch them. We don't know what people are doing and we don't know what kind of diseases are being passed down or the kind of behaviors are bred into these kids.

 You can kind of see in the activism world the kind of s*** people do but you hope these kids don't turn out to be extreme predators. But the parents give off a lot of indicators what they breed into their children by their behaviors.

 I just hope that the people see themselves and they find ways to release those demons without hurting somebody else through a relationship or a stranger because it's extremely bad out there

And so the parents who walked away were probably were the smartest because there's no way you can win raising any of these kids..

and so if these kids turn out to be f***** up the parent who walked away can't be blamed

BUT the parent who stepped up could be blamed!!!

 so just because you stepped up didn't mean you stepped up in the right direction because you could be raising little monsters out there.

And so when is Mother's Day and Father's Day I wouldn't NECESSARILY pat yourself on the back if your kid's a little f****** monster or your adult children are f****** monsters because what the hell did you do to them??? And what kind of values did you instill in them and what kind of s*** did you teach them?

And so if you have no children count your lucky stars you don't have to be faced with wondering what you developed in your offspring.

 If you don't have any children I suggest you don't be around children because you don't know what you're walking into. If you don't have any children thank your lucky stars you don't have to wonder what you're going to be facing now or 18 years from now.

 If you don't have any children just take care of yourself and your husband or wife because your own demons are going to be enough to deal with versus having to deal with whatever s*** your kids have in their immune system and in their spirit that you're going to have to deal with and the government can't always be there to save you.

And I will tell you it was really bad this weekend as far as climate change and I was feeling it yesterday and my husband's feeling it today. And you're going to see people switch when the climate gets that aggressive and you can't control it

you just hope you don't get caught in the crossfire and that's why IFL science says don't be caught out there because you can get caught in somebody else's crossfire..

Remember some of these kids have been playing violent video games watching violent movies with deficiencies in empathy. The parents are brutal to them and the playground is brutal to them and these kids are building up aggressive pressure just waiting to get triggered

What you think is going to happen when they get triggered and they have absolutely no empathy?

 they will act on their emotions and do what they think is necessary

Dead behind the eyes.. literally Dead behind the eyes..

And you can tell in the person's eyes what they're capable of doing. I've dealt with some pretty deadly people that kept their s*** under wraps but you don't know what is lurking in their children's bloodline.

That's the thing about people who have demons it comes out in their children. And when all the conditions are right you develop serial killers or someone who does this kind of atrocity to their own family.

And so if you know you've been under extreme medication plus aggressive abuse I would suggest and reconsider don't have kids.

And you could be inheriting your parents demons and that gets passed down to the children..

In this environment find a way to release your own demons and please try not to have children

It is not going to turn out the way you think

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