Microbial Darwinism Fight to the Death
Maybe the future of pets will be over because inevitably they will develop antibodies and have to succumb to eventual death because you are in a fight to the death when two diverse life forms get together and share space and share microbes
I don't think there's any way animals and humans can live together in the same household without somebody dying from that relationship.
It's not just the animal proteins that get in your body that you have to deal with and release if you are intelligent and intellectual enough to understand what needs to be done.. but your animals are also in survival mode because your microbes are attacking them and if they don't have the intelligence to understand how to release the demons
eventually your microbes will destroy them.
Even if my dog Sugar didn't get those surgeries and she was able to pull through, she would be fighting for her life with my microbes.
I was stronger than her. And she would have been suffering having to deal with my microbes attacking her, developing growths in her body. She would be forced to get treated periodically and then eventually suffer and die..
There might be therapies to help prolong animal lives but again any intelligent diverse life forms residing together in the same space is a fight to the death.
No different than when you get together with humans and live in the same household, the stronger human will destroy the weaker human. And strength can manifest in different ways and it doesn't always look like muscles.
That's why families can be extremely deadly to each other because they are fighting to the death to survive.
Living with my husband is a microbial fight to the death. And so I am Biophysically being strengthened by him as I am hoping intellectually maybe I'm strengthening him as well ..
This is when sword can sharpen sword, if both people embrace the evolution. Even if one person Embraces the evolution and the other one resists it, it doesn't have to end badly. You just have to know what you're in for.
Both parties must know what they're in for..
Whenever you marry anyone you are committing to sticking with them, even during their decline, if it's safe. You might be saying, your life with them outweighs the future suffering when one person doesn't survive the other person..
But everyone has choices.. people can choose to resist Evolution and die from the resistance or they can embrace Evolution and suffer and you can't make any animal or child suffer through evolution.
Only yourself
And so if people choose to stick to their vices while battling a disease, don't ask them to quit their vices or their addictions because that would produce a suffering. Why would anyone want to suffer and die, if it is inevitable?
but if they can find relief through their addictions more power to them
We helped our people get to the point of addictions and suffering to die .. we supported them through their addictions even when they weren't dying from disease.
and to take away their addictions at the 11th Hour would be inhumane.
Don't force people to quit smoking or doing drugs unless they are a danger to their society not to themselves..
Again we encouraged the lifestyle that caused the cancer disease and chronic illness.
Don't take that away from them when they are at the end of their line even if they are a functioning human being. Their drugs their alcohol or cannabis is what is giving them some relative peace.
Whenever you quit an addiction it is a conditioning process and a transition and then you must replace it with something or else the person will suffer and potentially even pass away sooner.
So even I can evolve and change the way I characterize things but it doesn't mean I'll join people in their Lifestyles it just means I understand their situation
Remember the system brought you to life through the vaccination industry and at this point they have to control the life through oncology at the macro and the micro level. The Middle Ages were the turning point of the population boom and now we're in population bust
This was the year when oncology was first administered on the population for therapeutic purposes for controlling the fertile population at the micro level and yeah right now at the macro level
And this also contributes to the fertility and the diversity in the population especially when you're mixing with people who've undergone so many of these treatments. The antibodies is what changes the DNA.
Even all of the surgeries contribute to the mutations of the DNA and they also get distributed into the population and attack people's immune systems.
But we bought this because we had no other choice. Now you get choices
Between 1946 and 1948, the first results of the clinical studies on the therapeutic efficacy of nitrogen mustards were published, formally defining the first chemotherapeutic drugs used in modern oncology (Goodman and Wintrobe, 1946; Rhoads, 1946; Faloon and Gorham, 1948).Nov 13, 2018
The tagline
save the children
will be the reasoning why the justice system will get involved and find their scapegoats.
The military and the medical holistic energy healing World Are Soldiers of Fortune or mercenaries for the system.
You have the choice to take part and be accountable for those choices when all the conditions are right
or leave it before it's too late
is just following orders enough of a defense for crimes against humanity.. if new information comes up, it is incumbent upon a person to consider the arguments and question the morality and efficacy of what they are a party to.
No one forces you to be in questionable industries such as the medical holistic surgical energy healing world, and so what is your true incentive taking part in the medical world???
it is NOT helping or saving anyone because look at the morgue..
so you are a mercenary for the system making money off of the pain and suffering of your fellow man
and if you are trying to take away pain, you are just as culpable of taking life away as well as giving life or disease to take away the pain...
you are essentially trapped..
it is time to leave the medical holistic energy healing world.. you cannot win.
The days of extreme fertility and big families are over and the days of the support system for big families and fertility are crumbling and that's called the medical holistic energy healing world
Once the lead Vampire Falls everyone underneath that license will also fall..
Some people are getting out early before it bites them in the ass.
When the amount of death from children and teenagers reaches a Tipping Point you will see families and parents start looking for blood
People don't care about adults dying suddenly because they think it's because of their lifestyle beliefs But it's when perfectly healthy children in the old world start dying suddenly is when The Catalyst of Justice and Retribution will be Administered and that will be the end of our world as we know it
And we're just embarking on that situation right now
The tagline
save the children
will be the reasoning why the justice system will get involved and find their scapegoats.
The old world and the old way of slavery which includes women and children and animals and even men are going to the Wayside. But that also will require a huge population scale down. I hope you're ready for it
This is just a warning at some point there will be a Tipping Point.
I might understand what the reasoning behind all of this is but there are people who are going to be extremely angry looking for those who follow orders and this is where it becomes dangerous. And when your family and friends don't understand the danger of what their doing they're going to have to choose and you couldn't save anyone regardless. Nobody can save anyone in the medical or holistic system. They're too far gone. If you're making money off the death of friends and family this is when you need to start questioning your morals and ethics and when you need to change to save yourself from even the Vigilantes out there
It's not going to matter those who turn to the Holistics because they're just as deadly but right now so many people want blood from the medical system because of what kind of death they're dealing with. And yeah they can attribute to the fertility Public Health therapies and they wouldn't be too far off the mark. And the more children who die the more the people are going to resist so much and look for the scapegoat. Those are the people who administer these types of situations. And everyone looks for a scapegoat. There's no one to go after in the medical system except for the doctors and the nurses because they're the most accessible. You have to understand what the system did. I would really advise to get out if you can because it won't matter what you do. But right now you're making money off the death of people.
And doctors and nurses know what they're doing is not saving anyone's life it's actually accelerating the death process. So now you have to ask yourself why are you in the industry to begin with when you know you can never save anyone in the medical or holistic industry. People are in it for the money.
And when you're in any industry for the money based upon the death and destruction of friends and family yeah those who woke up will have a problem with that.. and people are having a problem with losing their friends and family to what they think is the issue and they wouldn't be wrong but it wouldn't matter what they did or did not do because the environment has changed and those who can't sustain their life through the change in their environment will pass away.
And all therapies will accelerate that process but we know the vaccine industry has been under Fire for a long time. And the system is gearing towards those to find a scapegoat and they will. You have to understand what's going on..
Remember the system gave you life and they also have the power to take it away. If I were you I would not be a party to that part of the system. You made your money now it's time to get out
the more kids who die suddenly, the more angry the population will be.. remember that before you administer or recommend v acc ines to your friends and family..
again, it is not that I am saying that is the sole factor, but the perception the va cc ines are the sole factor is what makes it dangerous for everyone in the medical community..
i have said all the holistics are just as culpable, but the system wants one war at a time.. the medical community is and will be under extreme fire..
everyone remembers the tag line, "SAVE THE CHILDREN"...
The Catch 22 is these nurses and doctors think they are helping people on their way out the door and supporting them through their most urgent time of need and being there when they die so they're not alone which might be why why they're in the industry to begin with, they think they're helping people.
They're faced with having to be the only people to be there for those who are dying.
And that right there is what traps them and makes them a scapegoat. Because they think that being there for people during their death process will help them but at this point it's too late.. and they also have to be the ones to administer those fertility treatments called Public Health Therapies
And if all the nurses and doctors leave the institutions what happens to the patients, they're going to die anyways and that's what sucks.
Those in the medical holistic system are trapped in the death and destruction that they didn't know they were party to when the climate changed.
Remember Dr fauci is under Fire. When your friends and family realize what they are contributing to they will blame it on the system just like those who resist the system will blame the system for teaching them how to control the population in their friends and family.. maybe now you'll understand why people like me were and are extremely angry at you but I understand why you did what you did but the other side of me knows what you are a party to and that's what's f***** up and that's the cross that people have to deal with is when their friends and family are party to an institution of death and destruction and you know that they don't know any better because they were taught this and so the only thing you do is get out..
But I see what's coming and it's not going to be good. Not only will you have a lot more death but a lot more people who will be under Fire to be the scapegoat. And when many children die people will finally wake up it will be too late and they will need to put the blame on someone..
no different than when the pro vaccine people blamed the anti-vax for all the disease. And then the anti-vaxxing people blame the pro vaccine people for all the diseases in the population when they were contributing to all the diseases through fertility of having so many babies. And the same thing with the pro-vaxing people. They were having so many babies they contributed to the disease and the population
The system wants you to turn against your fellow man because that's how they're going to control you and also make you choose to see the error of your ways and change or be a soldier for the system.
That's why it's dangerous to be a medical professional.. because you might be next to be the newest scapegoat. And if doctor fauci is under Fire you can only imagine everyone under him will be under Fire as well that includes all medical professionals .
When the lead vampire Falls so will everyone under him fall from grace
The Originals The Vampire Diaries Twilight wasn't only representation of the family it's also representation of the medical and holistic system and what people believe to be true and what they pass on to their friends and family and offspring
And please don't forget that those ventilators also destroyed the patients who had the covid-19. So even Medical mistakes will be part of any kind of class action lawsuit if that does become something. The medical community will be under Fire I can assure you that's coming down the pipeline. That's part of the fall of our society. Is the whole medical and potentially even the holistic system
but again one war at a time
The system looks for soldiers and innovators
And yeah possession is real.. that's why you have to be careful waking up people's demons cuz you don't know what you could be Conjuring up
That's why the system is doing a great reset. The Earth is crawling with demons and you don't know who they are until it's too late for some. That's why I don't mix in with too much diverse company or go out in public too much.
And I don't entertain a lot of people in my world because you don't know anything about anybody. You have to be extremely careful in our society. It's very unpredictable out there.
But you can't live in fear but you also must be aware of the people you're around. And the people you engage with. If they have an intolerance for new information you should be f****** scared of them. And with all the information I'm coming up with I don't know how people in my world will react to me and so I have to be very careful because some people don't like this information because they think they are a representation of what I'm talking about and that's a projection on their end. So if you're going to expose the truth be careful who you hang out with because they may not like you and your truth.
And my information could be construed as negative and demonic to them so it's better we all just part ways so that way no one accuses each other of being demonic or a demon to somebody else. So if you don't like my information stay away from me. I don't want to be a party to your intolerance and I don't want you to suffer because of my existence in your physical personal world.
But if you actively pursue my information and hate me at the same time then you're a glutton for punishment and you bring on all of your problems on yourself and then your pattern is to blame somebody else for the knowledge that you actively pursued. And that's why it's a dangerous world out there
The Civil War back in the 1860s was representation of people's immune systems and the family fighting each other
And also freeing the slaves
sometimes Freedom was death
Juneteenth is the representation of the Freedom From Slavery and sometimes that is death and destruction
Save the children and save humanity and save the whales was also destroying something else. Be careful what you think you're saving because you could be the human sacrifice to save whatever you think deserves to be saving
And so if blaming all the medical professionals will make you think you're saving the children you'll be the human sacrifice and so will the medical professionals. Two for the price of one
double entendre
a word or phrase that is open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué or indecent.