Take note.. when I mention relationships with women and hanging out with them. It's not focusing on anything recent. Or even a long time ago, it's globally. When you hang out with women, you are dealing with queen bees and subjugation..
You will deal with women treating you like a plaything to be antagonized and questioned.. Mostly with the younger generation, because they have a specific paradigm they were taught and you are conflicting with the paradigm in their world.
The older generations, the more mature women might have more tolerance for difference. But it's the younger generations that have less tolerance for difference. And they will make you know exactly how they feel through passive-aggressive behaviors.
And I've dealt with younger women who are very passive, aggressive. And I won't deal with them Because they're not mature enough to deal with somebody different.. They never were held accountable for being a bully..
Because they stayed homogenized..
So women when you want to mature.. You might have to let go of your women friends.. Because they will hold you back..
If you don't know the history.. You will be a casualty of history..
The transactional analysis of i'm o k, you're o k and maslows ladder of self actualization all work in conjunction..
The state of maturity or lack thereof you are in is also based to what degree you are in deficit and acting out your programming, and when you could potentially have been stunted because of the medical holistic energy healing world
Your emotions, your anger, your compensation for whatever was missing in your childhood comes out on facebook with how you communicate with the world.
Your extreme focus on baby mommas baby. Daddy's and the trauma you went through with all relationships all shows how stunted you have been through your upbringing. And when you have been stunted in growth.. What are your children going to pick up on.. That it is children raising children.
And when people have been stunted, they stay either in the child's state of existence of anger and emotional outbursts, as well as then take on the parental, judging. Oh, I'm gonna hold your hand throughout everything's state..
Some might be able to mature to be in the adult state. But then, as the body breaks down, they might evolve and then break down into the child's state, revisiting the parental state of judgment and intolerance.
Some people might actually make it to be self actualized and then find themselves degrading 5 or 10 years later. And they are reduced down to a child with dementia..
The whole j world is to sustain the adult state after going through the child and parental state fluidly without getting stuck..Staying self actualized as per maslow's ladder of needs..
The whole jay world is to mitigate self degradation..
But when you do so much damage to yourself. You have a lot to come back from. And do you have the support system around you to support you coming back to life.
And this is why I say politics, religion, and science dogmas are all about worshipping or demonizing and are examples child state of relating to the world.
Children are emotional and they worship everything because they can't take personal responsibility.. Your government kept you as children... Religion kept you as children..
Now look at your religious friends all about love love and hate hate hate.. And they're so angry so angry . Like you don't even know where the fuck that anger comes from ..
Look at your spiritual friends all about love and hate and intolerance.. Look at your political friends all about love and hate and intolerance.. Or those stuck in pursuing pleasure all day long.. It doesn't matter what type..
They're all about the sex.. Prescription drugs and cannabis.
Now you see a world full of children.. Raising children..
So you all have seven years to get your shit together and survive this great reset..
Thx John Oakes "An interesting theory about this number i heard years ago"
Very much aligned with my seven year theme..
The key thing is not to stuff that genie back in the bottle using the holistic energy healing allopathic world surgical system..
Eating all food and releasing the way I have in my book might be the only way to do it in seven years if possible.. And you'd have to stay away from your friends and family unless they're helping you through a very hard time if you are incapacitated during those times. But they could not give you any more antibiotics.. No more trauma to the body..
That's a huge ask..
https://www.livescience.com/33179-does-human-body-replace-cells-seven-years.html?fbclid=IwAR3_pSOgCm2LibjJbsXTvvkUbFIzk2Bgfv29ZTCB-aMc1lZEz1OLv3JOzKU Right now my numerology theme is seven..
What does the number 7 mean spiritually? the word or number "seven" has two key symbolic meanings: seven represents a full and complete world, and getting to seven is a linear journey from one to seven.
It took me seven years to kick all those diseases and demons out of my body..
I will have the next seven years to develop the thesis of my life.. And my vision for the future.
The next seven years after that to contribute formally to my society..
How many years will it take for you?
Are you actively in that process..?
Are you taking the time..?
Are you under the pressure of your friends and family and you to perform when they want you to perform?
Because once you finally release that one demon that you know is lurking.. And you will be down for who knows how long.. Then you will be on the upswing..
Then you will have minor skirmishes after that..
And you can't stuff that genie back in the bottle..
Because it will metastasize..
Note: I started the j world in
2016 +7 = 2023
UN AGENDA 2030 will realize itself and I will know if I have survived the great reset.. Because we have seven years of tribulation..
By that time I should have a manuscript.. Ready..
the beginning of birth pangs. That very expression indicates that there will be more birth pangs coming after: the beginning of birth pangs and then there will be later birth pangs. He’s drawing a metaphor with the birth cycle of birth pangs of a woman as she’s about to deliver a new life into the world. She has birth pangs at the beginning. They’re severe, they cause pain. But, there will be more severe birth pangs, what we often call hard labor birth pangs, after her beginning birth pangs. https://jashow.org/articles/what-events-will-happen-during-the-seven-year-tribulation-period/?fbclid=IwAR0Hm9cYM1vhSP-Q8-2lNe3E172abeRs7nb1U3pj2aPjh6Fvd3pV-PL0x3I
for-sustainable-development/?fbclid=IwAR3_pSOgCm2LibjJbsXTvvkUbFIzk2Bgfv29ZTCB-aMc1lZEz1OLv3JOzKU#:~:text=for%20Sustainable%20Development-,The%20Global%20Goals%20and%20the%202030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development,planet%20and%20its%20natural%20resources It is so synchronistic that kent state university is only twenty five miles from my house. (5+2=7)
The place where the national guard sh0t students during the turbulent sixties and seventies of the vietnam war..
Kind of crazy..
I came here to America from Vietnam in May of 1975.
On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics. In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era.
What is amazing is i'm fifty years old next year..
And the world is my playground. I have fifty years of so much experience. And i'm not breaking down.. If anything i'm on the upward swing..
Literally a second chance at life..
But I had to fight for it..
I was not conventional i was never conventional..
It's an amazing feeling when you know you have kicked whatever diseases that were lurking within you. That could have turn into cancer or disease that I would have potentially died from. Not anymore..
Not ever.. If I ever died it would not be from natural causes..
Will I be in my 50s and 60s going to school with 20 year olds. And you couldn't tell the difference between me and them. Will I get pulled over by a police officer who looks at my driver's license and saw i was born in 1974 and I didn't look a day above 40... Or thirty..
Hopefully I keep my hair in this environment.. Even if I don't.. Who knows what the next seven years will bring.. I'm ready for it all.. In the meantime I will keep taking in knowledge.. Read reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading everything. If you want a say in the future.. You have to help build the future not resist it..
Remember our parents back in the 1960s, they turned into the teacher's doctor's lawyers and chemists in the eighties nineties two thousands..
One day, all of you activists. If you survive your activism, will go legit and build the future.
So you don't have that fear of a dystopian future you have put out there all over Facebook.
Maybe take the time during this great reset if you're in a safe place and help develop the future. I mean I get the whole women's rights shit okay.. I mean, I get giving women the choice not to just become a wife and a mother and a baby maker.. But oppression of women is not just through the family.. It's also putting so much emphasis on her sexuality.. Causing her to starve herself.. Butcher herself through plastic surgery and botox.. Use other women to destroy her by forcing her and oppressing her into looking like a clone in order to fit in..
The irony is men don't really oppress women really.. It's the women it's their mothers who oppress their daughters.. Who oppressed each other..
The world of contradictions in the activism world.
Women oppressing themselves in order to fit in..
Women subjugating other women into a role that she can't get out of..
And maybe she had to in order for her daughter to survive.. In a world run by men and sexuality..
What if sexuality and family did not have to be on the table..
Maybe that's the future.. The war to end all wars.. Ending the emphasis on sexuality.. All sexuality..
Leaving it up to the system to develop humans through centers with state sanctioned child cuddlers and licensed parents..
Gender wars.. Are the most insidious wars..
Family wars.. Shakespeare knew.. Oh boy here we go.. When new vees come out.. Frequency change coming up.. In alignment with the vees.
Nothing is poison.. But if you already were set to react to your environment regardless if you get it direct inject or through natural means like environmental, social capital.. It doesn't matter what you do..
I don't need a v. I have an immune system.. If I get a reaction from anyone I'll feed the information and release the demons..
I'll rest and sleep..
And that's how I adapt and evolve. I don't need any help from the medical or holistic industry.. I don't need to use any other prescription drugs.. Or holistic remedies..
I literally have an organic method.. Everything that my creator gave me myself and I.. And I can handle the pain of release.. I don't actually stop my immune system from working using the latest and greatest shit on the market..
Food is the answer.. In my world.. And I don't use food as medicine.. I don't use concentration of herbs or homeopathic remedies.. I stay away from the natural remedies market.. I don't need any remedy..
https://weather.com/health/video/new-variants-up-covid-shots-may-be-ready-by-next-week?pl=pl-health-Topic&fbclid=IwAR3_pSOgCm2LibjJbsXTvvkUbFIzk2Bgfv29ZTCB-aMc1lZEz1OLv3JOzKU What is amazing is i'm fifty years old next year..
And the world is my playground. I have fifty years of so much experience. And i'm not breaking down.. If anything i'm on the upward swing..
Literally a second chance at life..
But I had to fight for it..
I was not conventional i was never conventional..
It's an amazing feeling when you know you have kicked whatever diseases that were lurking within you. That could have turn into cancer or disease that I would have potentially died from. Not anymore..
Not ever.. If I ever died it would not be from natural causes..
Will I be in my 50s and 60s going to school with 20 year olds. And you couldn't tell the difference between me and them. Will I get pulled over by a police officer who looks at my driver's license and saw i was born in 1974 and I didn't look a day above 40... Or thirty..
Hopefully I keep my hair in this environment.. Even if I don't.. Who knows what the next seven years will bring.. I'm ready for it all.. In the meantime I will keep taking in knowledge.. Read reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading everything. Some people were programmed to stay in the child's state and never enter into the parent state or the adult state..
Because even parents could be children.. Some parents in the parent state also stay within the child's state of existence of maturity..
When you think about programming the first fifty years of your life.. the 50s are towards the end of some people's lives.. They followed the programming in the beginning of their world very close to the t because they had the dna and the genetic predisposions.. They followed the strategic formula.
So by the time they were in their 30s, they were well on their way in their career field. And then in their forties they added on to what they studied in their twenties. Took on different associations.. Took on extra curricular activities. Added more credentials and experience to the resume.. Did whatever job that was available at the time corresponding to their specialty.
And then it's their fifties. More disease management.. They still can do their job if it's not requiring too much hard labor.. They can still contribute. They might be consultants for different companies or tutor children or new students.. They might offer advanced knowledge if they have advanced degrees to different agencies in the government. And develop another framework for the future.
Then they're in their sixties.. In this environment do they still have all their faculties their brain power.. Are their genetic predisposed issues coming to surface more often than not.. Are they gearing towards retirement.. Are they slowing down.
Now the person is in their seventies.
Things are falling apart.. Bodies are falling apart.
Will they even see seventies..
But my world..
I flipped that paradigm upside down..
I developed skills and abilities.. I had a blank slate with a lot of glitchy programming.. Nothing was too organized.. I became the child of the sixties in the years of the two thousands.. Rebelling.. Counter culture.. Resistance.. War.. Fighting.. Innovating.. Screaming at the dinosaur systems.. Releasing the demons.
Then it's time to funnel everything worth developing into something amazing. For the present and the future.
Remember our parents were the crazy teenagers forced into war and resistance and activism..
Then they settled down.. Some had children.. Others had career.. Others had family..
What's in it for the generation x.. Generation y Millennials.. What's next for the alphabeta generation..
Will they survive their predisposed issues from their parents. And grandparents.. Who did a lot of drugs in the nineteen sixties and seventies.. And you know that carried over from generation to generation.
When will somebody in that generation release the demons to give somebody a chance in that family..
We shall see.. I will think about this in the future. I have a lot to accomplish within the next seven years..
Writing books and developing my own thesis of my life.. Past present and future.
What I want the world to look like..
When you release those demons, then you can start thinking about how you can formally contribute to the world and pick and choose what you want to specialize in. As opposed to what somebody has forced on you as a child.
If I want to change the world outside of academia I will do that.. But when it's time to color inside the minds/lines I can also do that..
I can follow in the footsteps of my parents.. I can be a rabble rouser outside the system.. And then work within the system..
But I have a lot of projects in mind for myself..
my own personal jillan university.. For now..
Right now everything i'm doing is self taught..
My current books are my thesis at the time of the day..
And then I will develop credentials around what I choose to do in the future..
I really have plenty of time.. I will not be under pressure.. Every day you learn something new.. Every day you intend to learn something new.
Every day you dream..
ACT TEST Next Reading material I have a while before I actually purposely tackle this. But this is just laying the groundwork for the future.
I still have a lot more to do before I start doing this. The vision of the future.. Building smart cities means you have to be smarter than what you were in the past.
We don't want to go back to what we've been doing as far as the medical and the holistic system, developing monsters as people keep reproducing.
I mean, we know that the georgia guidestones is a framework a guide to work from.. And everything takes time..
But even if we have birthing centers and licensed parents.. What will they be doing with these children and all the different crisper gene editing.. Will the programming glitch and develop monsters lurking in the night.. In the smart cities.. Do we have to revisit the past like that.
That's why the jay world is so important for the smart cities in the future.. Why repeat history..
People literally need to release their demons.. So we have a very peaceful productive and articulate intellectually capable people of the future.. Who also can go into sports and competition without destroying someone in their personal life..
Because we know when people start competing. That carries over into their personal life and then people get triggered..
1969 woodstock cloudseeding Like vietnam monsoons during the war
activists and the govt and me all work together to warn people and condition them for change, aggressive change..
it is the govts job to deny and or confirm what they deem is appropriate and it is our job activists/conspiracy theorists to warn and resist
and my job is now, to step out of the war..
i did my job..
good luck with all the info..
you were warned.
guerilla warfare can be organized and disorganized using ambush tactics
traditions, holidays, religion is a form of organized guerilla warfare tactics