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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

People Pollute Their Own Immune System

And so when it's all said and done it won't matter if the government cleans your air and water if you have already polluted your own immune system with your belief system. The change in the environment will just take you out faster unless you do something differently

the irony that California rides on the clean air/water and food environment while puff puff passing in humboldt Or polluting their body with natural remedies

but they wouldn't call it pollution

Because to them pollution comes from the parts per million Industrial Waste byproducts causing the person to develop antibodies that they could release but they take remedies to keep thos antibodies inside the body.

So when you're taking an active pollutants such as drugs and alcohol and supplement you are developing antibodies or offspring polluting your body that stays trapped in your immune system

At least the system gave everyone a great platform of clean air and treated water and now you'll have polluted air and untreated water with food you can't really eat anyways and you're on your drugs and your alcohol and your sex and all of your supplements and detoxes and tinctures and so now those who are extremely in deficit will be taken out by their own belief system as well as the environment that was relatively clean but they decided to play the scapegoat blame game.

 But again the system is so f****** clever and they play word subterfuge that people don't understand that you have two different words that are basically the same thing.

Do you know why people died in gas Chambers.

 Because when you're taking in aggressive parts per million of antibiotics and you are a probiotic you develop offspring that when there's too much offspring it shuts down the body.

The person cannot release enough for their retention process and exposure. That's why people die from air pollution because their immune system is sluggish and so the antibodies will kill them no different than taking on an incompatible blood type..

And during climate change the heat causes such aggressive growth and people's immune systems are so sluggish that the environment destroys them even though the environment hasn't changed that much as far as parts per million but the Heat coupled with aggressive pollution is going to kill a lot of people because they don't understand the immunology and they were conditioned to live on remedies and drugs and disabled their release process. And that's also why you get died suddenly because the heart attacks and strokes come from clots because the growth is astronomical in a trapped immune system with no real aggressive way to release.

Which is why you also saw people s*** their pants on these airplanes and why their colon basically released involuntarily because the immune system was triggered and the body released the demons out their a******.. we use the salt to develop a release process until we cured ourselves and that's not the optimal outcome but some people it is if they are in such pain.

Right now climate change is causing people's immune systems to activate involuntarily which is why people are dying suddenly or developing turbo cancers or they s*** their pants in public

It's all Newtonian physics or laws of motion and then also the laws of integers. Negative times a positive equals a negative. Negative times a negative equals a positive. A positive times a positive equals a positive. Positive negatives are relative to what growth is developing.

And when you have a bunch of antibodies growing in your body that's a negative times a negative it was a positive. When you have so much infection and disease from viruses and you test positive on a titers test a positive times a positive equals a positive.

 And when you develop a baby and negative times a positive equals a negative cuz that baby is going to destroy you and take away resources no different than taking on antibodies from aggressive antibiotic exposure such as aggressive pollution diverse company and sexuality.

And so the Heritage Foundation will force everyone to deal with the life in their body and some people will self-implode from fertility pregnancy cancer disease chronic illness and aggressive rubbery clots that the embalmers will be pulling out of their blood vessels during embalming or even autopsies

And so we will be pulled out of the World Health Organization and a system will remove agencies from the FDA and the CDC and EPA will be basically non-existent to the general population and they're going to watch all of you guys destroy yourself with your beliefs giving you exactly what you wanted

But, Hey you got fluoride removed from your water so you're a f****** winner winner winner chicken dinner

And Robert F Kennedy Jr said he's not taking away your vaccines but he will definitely agree with you those who are anti-vaccine and say you're absolutely right and be the devil who gives you everything you could possibly want until you destroy yourself and then when these kids die suddenly and CPS comes walking in oh all hell will be broken loose if people are not getting their kids under a doctor's care on these aggressive diets. Oh yeah this is going to be interesting to watch people completely destroy themselves with their beliefs. But hey you have friends with their licenses giving you all their tinctures and remedies. They set you up through Friendly Fire

And that's why I'm not anti-vaccine because the vaccine's hold life but people have an issue with life and so they blame the elements on the periodic tables and they are under the influence of remedies and diets and tinctures and cures as well as cannabis drugs and alcohol and aggressive aggressive sex developing antibodies of offspring causing disease

The vaccines have been purified and they have just enough elements to activate the life but not enough to poison you as people claim but again you can't tell people this.

 I don't know when the system made people believe the vaccines were the issue but I think the system took what people blamed and weaponized it and said yes you're absolutely right and then the environment changed and the life destroyed them because the people were on their remedies trapping life within their blood vessels causing clots and Cancers and growth and that's how the system used people's belief system of destruction through the remedies and holistic market in conjunction with developing life.

So that way they were never wrong and they always have loopholes and inevitably somebody would exemplify some kind of reaction on the inserts. It would be inevitable because you would have already had the infrastructure to develop a disease. It was just a matter of time..

 but anytime you participate in any therapy system you will always run the risk of triggering what you already hold inside and the system already knows what you hold inside so that's why they have the warnings on the inserts because you might be one of those percentages of people who will trigger certain diseases based upon your exposure to the right compilation of viruses developing co-infections.

If you're not sober and clean and you're taking in pollutants through your remedies because everything is natural. Everything is natural then I'm not sure what RFK Jr is really going to do for those who cannot even live drug free and alcohol free.

 Sobriety is the first step of cleaning your own immune system.

Sobriety is the first step to a clean internal environment.. if you're not clean and sober blaming the air food and water should be the least of your worries. You need to look at your own lack of sobriety and needing to check out.

And the supplements system and the remedy system also contributes to the pollution in the person's immune system. So you could be allegedly clean and sober but you're taking in remedies and tinctures and things to disable your ability to feel as well as starving yourself from meat milk cheese eggs and you can't handle the food supply. Which means you're keeping in a lot of pollutants because you're not eating a diverse food supply giving your body the ability to release the pollution from your own body called your s***. People are so full of s*** polluting their immune system and they blame others for why their body is being eaten alive by microbes.

When you're full of s*** you are developing a methane cloud in your immune system causing the breakdown of your cells and that's called DNA methylation. People are destroying themselves with their own methane.. and so instead of releasing the old world people keep the old world the new world and the old world and they don't release an exchange their poop for a much cleaner burning poop versus a shittier nastier burning poop which is called disease and cancer. That's why people get aggressive growths and Cancers because you're full of the old world s**** trying to take over or the new world s*** trying to take over an old body

 and so in order for a person to survive they have to keep exchanging everything out especially in this diverse world. You can't be shit free but you can't have too much s*** or not enough s***

That's also why people age out because they have old world s*** in their body causing a complete destruction and breakdown of the collagen or muscles and bones. They're being eaten alive from the inside out and they are heavily polluted inside their body Mind and Spirit.

Whenever I get around aggressive microbes or going through a major energy exchange I produce a lot of s*** that I release and I also eat just as much as I produce s*** so I keep exchanging the microbes for a much cleaner burning system or else you get sludge and people are full of sludge

People pollute their own immune system with antibiotics and drugs and alcohol and aggressive sex and around diverse company and then blame the food supply and the air and the water but they pollute their own immune system with their lifestyle.

That's why you just have to laugh at everything because now it's become such a a parody. It's becoming a Shakespearean comedy.. it's become a comedy of errors but the rhetoric is f****** phenomenal and now you see why people become religious because they get taken in by the rhetoric and the words are so convincing to those who don't have any other hope and that's kind of sad but that's the reality of a lot of the population who don't understand what it means to live.

Life is painful but it doesn't have to be so painful if you can get through the hard parts of it but you can't make anyone suffer so you develop some pretty amazing rhetoric and words for people to glom onto and believe in.

ˌComedy of ˈErrors, The

a humorous play by William Shakespeare about two sets of identical twins. There are many confusing and amusing situations because characters think that one twin is the other. The phrase ‘a comedy of errors’ is often used to describe a situation that is so full of mistakes

Chronic Disease Emergency

getting rid of chemicals in the food, water, air..

However there are people who who need a hero and need to feel like somebody in Washington cares about their belief of a villain or a perpetrator of disease.

People need to find a hero and a savior. And if RFK fits that bill and if he fits that persona of a hero telling them that he will remove the chemicals from the chemtrails and he will remove the fluoride from the water and he will remove toxic chemicals from the food supply that their life will be better then you know what how can you fault system for giving people what they want?

People need a hero and they also need a Satan especially if they don't have control over their immune system and that is the very basis of religion.

Right now what you're watching in this government is the very foundation of religion when you can find a savior and blame a Satan. This was how religion was developed even 6,000 years ago if you want to go back that far. You're watching religion get developed as we speak. And the rhetoric is very convincing, as RFK will be known as a savior of humans

but I'm not sure how they're going to measure it to warrant him being called a savior but anyone that listens to people and repeats back their issues without being dismissed will be seen as a savior especially if they have clout in Washington.

That's great.

 My immune system works great and I will filter out any excessive toxins in the air and the water and I will find a way to survive

And so I'm not sure with what he's proposing is going to make a big difference with people who are already on aggressive death trajectory who refused to change anything about their life always trying to take away disease. So..

but if the epa caps are removed via project 2025, how will that coincide?

this will be interesting to witness.. as we know harp cern wifi are major energetic catalysts but if they want to change the ingredients in the food supply, that is fine, however, if people have sluggish immune systems what will be the point? If people cannot handle pain of release and retention and cannot handle diverse microbes from their family and friends, I am just trying to figure out what measures he will be using to test efficacy and what will be specific measurable results.

i understand removing drugs, and really "bad" processed foods but we have people who eat organic still dying suddenly..soo..

we shall see.

I understand developing perceptions or developing protocols to pave a channel for more change, but if people cannot release what they already store in their poop, simply removing ingredients and other measures will show great intent, but I am just not sure how "effective" it will be. We have many people who live on farms, eating organic and farming their own animals still dealing with chronic conditions. We have a cannabis epidemic, and starvation epidemic and no one wants to talk about that.

correlation does not always equal causation: what you do to one side of the equal side one must also do to the other side of the equal sign.

If one must feel they should blame processed foods and vaccines for their issues, one cannot also assume the removal of processed food and vaccines will also solve the issue.

it goes so much deeper than that..

First, the Broad Strokes. A Trump EPA Would:

Cut any program focused on climate (including climate czars);

Limit the agency’s ability to regulate under both the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act;

“Pause for review” (aka cut) anything that references “environmental justice” (because “reverse racism”) and eliminate the stand-alone Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights;

Push through the “Secret Science” proposal that didn’t quite make it last time around, which specifically targets the long-term epidemiological studies that linked air pollution to shorter lives and were used to justify air-quality regulations;

Repeal or curtail the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which incentivizes the energy transition and has led to a renewable energy boom in the US;

Incorporate “a diversity of scientific viewpoints” in decision-making (including those with no real scientific basis, à la climate denial)

Curtail consideration of the social cost of carbon;

Politicize the agency, giving all authority to political appointees over scientists;

Shrink and de-fund the agency;

Cut EPA funding of university research and support repeal of the Global Change Research Act, which supports research into the impact of climate change;

Move away from anything supporting energy transition;

Move away from regulating pesticides and agrichemcials; and

Revisit the designation of PFAS chemicals as “hazardous substances” under CERCLA.

Now, the details…

Simply removing one ingredient out of one part of your life and adding the "pollutive" ingredients in another part of your life just moves the problem around. But, at least before, you had a "choice" to believe avoiding the middle of the supermarket made a difference, when it really did not, but as you know, belief is like a placebo.. if you believe hard enough the organic food and supplements are "saving" your life, you will develop deep confirmation biases into thinking feeling nothing/dead and asymptomatic means "fit and healthy" lol, when it really means you won't know when you will keel over and die..

 it will just be a SID or SAD.

Now everyone will be forced to breathe in dirty air, swim in polluted streams and eat air sandwiches with no nutritional elements because the weak are afraid of "chemicals" and water is a chemical btw, called H2O sigh.

Air pollution is a major cause of premature death and died suddenly because the ppm or parts per million one had a choice to eat in the "processed" food will now be forced onto everyone within the air quality index and EPA caps removed and pollutant measuring devices and think tanks discarded. Your children playing sports and enjoying a nice day on the lake will be forced to breather in more parts per million of air pollution from the nearby factory but the fluoride will be removed from the water lol smh..

The campaign of fears of "chemicals" was at least a heavy 20 year propaganda machine perpetrated by the holistic world and fanaticized by the medical system to distract people from the root issues: aggressive fertility develops cancer disease chronic illness and died suddenly and all the remedies disabling the release process from the upper/lower immune system just traps all waste in the body made up of microbes aka viruses and minerals or "heavy" metals... and then on top of all that, the starvation diets all over the healing world.. heal/hell, done, dead.

smh, you don't know how deep this shit goes..and everyone is looking for a "hero"..

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