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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Peter Pandemic and the Lost Boys

Main takeaway

And anyone with children is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Do everything you can not to be implicated in any situation especially with died suddenly or injuries sustained from a fall that you can't prove you didn't do

Lawyers are dying for an open and shut case and a windfall of money, fame, power and the state is looking for legal examples and stories to put them and their town on the map with unsuspecting "well intentioned" people who are oblivious, to be basically, the human sacrifices. And then sell the story to Netflix.

And the families are desperate for money.. everything is for sale even your life and your reputation

It has taken me 8 years to replenish what was taken from me through my lifestyle and belief system through repair and regenerate and release. And I had to eat meat and drink milk and cream and fruits and vegetables and feel the pain and suffering to get back what was lost.

I came into this world deficient.

The Vietnam War developed so many starving orphans and then that was a gold mine for America because when someone's hungry they will do anything to survive..

they become the American dream. They weren't fat/phat happy and satisfied.

They were skinny starving and desperate to survive

but that wasn't the only factor as to where I am today.

My parents and their child rearing practices developed the innovation giving me a platform and the rest I had to do on my own.

How you raise your kid is everything regarding their survival or lack thereof. And I was very hungry as a child even living in Silicon Valley

But I channeled my hunger through academics and strategy.

Not through crime or family or getting lost in addictions and Pleasure and Paradise..

The system knows most parents if not all parents out there don't have what it takes to actually be the parents their children needs. And so that's why there's always these great resets. Because the system has to clean up Society.

And then Cinderella and her evil stepsisters jealous of her beauty. Well. There's always going to be that one girl in the family who everyone adores and worships but she might have a happy ending in the fairy tale but eventually Cinderella gets divorced after having five kids and die suddenly or she gets used up because she's so beautiful that her boyfriend or husband just destroys her throughout the whole marriage

And after picking apart Peter Pan and the Lost Boys remembering even the '80s version of The Lost Boys as adult vampires or teenage vampires then you look at Pinocchio and the parents trying to put their kid together and become a real boy..

Geppetto so desperate to have a child develops a puppet that he dresses up and the fairy Tinkerbell gives him life which is basically the medical system. And then Pinocchio makes bad choices and gets involved with adults who tempt him with pleasure and Paradise and then you see what happens..

And poor Jiminy Cricket trying to advise this child and Pinocchio went through hell to the point that even his own father was swallowed by a whale looking for his son desperate to save his child his only begotten child

There might be a happy ending in the movie but right now it's not going to be a happy ending in reality and that's what parents have to face but they don't have to face it it's up to them. Eventually life is going to come at them really fast and they're going to have to face it but again all of us are Paul Revere.

Americans are the Paul Revere's of the world

Peter pandemic and the Lost Boys

This deserves its own separate status

Disney is not God. Disney is just a mirror.

Some of you guys live at Disneyland and can't even see they're laughing at you or mocking you and showing you how immature you are as a parent.

And that's why it's so expensive. They're going to capitalize on the immaturity of the adults with large families.

Spending $10,000 to regress back to your f****** childhood and never mature.

Peter Pandemic and the Lost Boys

Am I mean for saying this. No I used to be a clone. I've stepped out of that clone status and I'm questioning what I bought into for the last 50 years..

What if the people who never had kids have a better insight?

It wouldn't serve you well as an adult to dismiss another thought process and a perspective that isn't so influenced by biases and hormones

But if this is so offensive please change your channels. I'm not the only channel in your world. This is just pure information and a perspective

By the way every single time you reproduce a child they lose bone density. Especially if you already came from deficit.

Every single time you reproduce from the relative original the 12 different systems become weaker and weaker and way more in deficiency.

And so when these children die suddenly it's not because the system did anything to you it was already set to happen and disease was already going to happen in the future it was just a matter of time. You have to strengthen yourself. If you don't and you want to have children these poor children are already suffering from lack of tolerance to air food and water and going under constant operations in the hospital system.

And then the parents become weaker and they also will not survive. You already seen in the died suddenly groups. Parents aren't even surviving Parenthood. And it doesn't matter what you blame it on. It was already set to happen. It was just a matter of time. The environment sped up what was said to happen anyways until you figure out how to redirect

Yeah and I make fun of everybody. Because it's my way of relieving stress and also showing how ridiculous I was promoting distilled water and then dumping mineral salts in it like pink salt.

I was ridiculous releasing the demons and then using remedies on them. I was just as ridiculous as the people I make fun of in essence I was making fun of myself and I guess all of you laugh out loud.

I was also extremely ridiculous thinking I can save the world when I actually have no control over a person's bowels or their capacity for pain and suffering or their tolerance for air food and water. I was f****** ridiculous.

I was ridiculous to think I knew better than somebody else about their own Body Mind and Spirit enough to stalk them and troll them and convert their thought process. I was so ridiculous but I thought I had all the power over the world that even I had something to sell them like a remedy, that I can never guarantee would work in the way people expected. I was f****** ridiculous.

I was f****** ridiculous taking a side against another person not knowing the other arguments fully to the point where I didn't have to take a side anymore. But I loved using somebody as a scapegoat. I love to blaming somebody else. It was such a f****** rush to gang up on people and play King of the f****** mountain and even spiritually hurt them through trolling and bullying behaviors. Yeah it's a f****** rush.

It was a f****** rush to blame the immigrants for coming in illegally when I didn't know their status so how could I even be mad at anyone in this country who are foreigners and assume they are illegals. Back when I was supporting Trump, I didn't know people's statuses.

So how could I assume everyone in this country who's different and doesn't speak English is illegal. I let the law decide that.

I was just following the crowd looking for someone to blame. And then gaslighting other people to join in and then there are victims that come from that.

Sometimes there's deadly consequences when people purposely gaslight people to taking up a cause they really know nothing about because it's trendy at the moment.

And of course they feel justified because they have people in their corner they can use to gang up on anyone that says anything different

And it's deadly. I was that ridiculous..

I have no more stress so there's no reason to go and suck the life out of anyone else..

All of that b******* clones do are based upon adolescent mindset rebellious behavior and lack of awareness and lack of maturity. And then to think you can have a baby on top of that stuff when you're already biased immature and starving

The Peter Pandemic Lost Boys syndrome and the women and the women are just as complicit as men they support..

All of you are who Disney was talking about. It wasn't Disney programming you. Disney was just the f****** mirror you couldn't look at..

Your ancestors cast spells on you with Alchemy and starvation 6,000 years ago.. your ancestor developed so many children the system had to go and do great reset to go and clean up Earth.

Disney is not God. Disney is just a mirror

Some of you guys live at Disneyland and can't even see they're laughing at you and showing you how immature you are as a parent

i think of myself as a dark comedienne who just drops "offensive" truth..

Why does your truth have to be offensive? Because the world lives behind deception illusions and trying to fit in until you don't even recognize yourself. And then you go into automatic pilot like walking to your death when you know you don't want to die but you feel you have no other choice but to die or deal with something atrocious and aggressive. Just like those girls in Weinstein Epstein and P Diddy.

Stockholm Syndrome..

there are women and men who are just going through the motions because they feel they have no other choice because no one gave them a way out and I think this is the only way to survive.

So you can imagine what a mother and a father ill prepared for child rearing feels like

And that is a suffering like no other.. and then you wonder why they're under the influence of politics religion science and drugs and alcohol. And that is a sad State of Affairs

Large groups and organizations and gangs..

People clone each other and when someone breaks the mold and breaks away from the clone it's offensive to those who now have to deal with someone questioning their status.

They have to hear or know a person exists questioning their lifestyle and their belief system and everything they thought they believed it until someone gives him something else to believe in.

And when one person can step outside of themself and criticize himself then what happens when a clone criticizes himself? In essence the Clone is criticizing the whole flock and people get f****** pissed

I mean where do you think Dave Chappelle and any of these other comedians who do stand up comedy get their material from?

Their whole world..

Where do you think the material in movies and the TV and the Netflix and all of your books come from? You and all of your peers

If you can handle Dave Chappelle and laugh at him and even get pissed off at him and still like him and sort of respect him I guess all of your friends on Facebook deserve the same kind of quality of respect.

If you don't like his humor change the channel

And when I do this I don't even get paid but what's my payment? The government allows me to live. And I don't have to ask the government to take away my pain and suffering. And that is something you cannot put a price on..

There is no ticket to ride with this..

I made my own ticket and it wasn't counterfeit and I get to relieve my own stress through words and creativity and you can't buy that in stores.

When people can't decide whether or not they like bugs or hate bugs but they're all about the dirt full of bugs and parasites

So are you going to sanitize the dirt laughing my butt off

Wait are you going to go walk barefoot in the forest and go grounding and go sungaze and then go home and take your antiparasitics

I love listening to ladies on Facebook get all spiritual and say they're going to go walk into the forest barefoot and fast and dance in the woods and then Sun gaze and then go home and take all of their anti-parasitics and antibiotics and herbal remedies and I'm like oh my God if nature is that dangerous what the hell are you doing?

How can you be a naturalist if you're taking anti parasitics and herbs against nature against yourself..

Oh wait hold on there's a mommy and me group selling you organic soil and they can guarantee you there is no parasites because they made sure they put a lot of different chemicals to kill the parasites so all you have is just dirt but no parasites and no bugs.

But wait there's more

these ANTI BUGS IN SOIL chemicals are essential oils so essentially the soil is full of tree bark antibiotic essential oil and so you are going to walk in your special place with your special organic soil that has no bugs or any kind of parasites and you have special oils to kill everything dead so basically you have dead soil

Now I would believe that. I would not put it past somebody finding a market to sell people organic soil that is bug free parasite free and microbe free. Laughing my butt off.. basically selling people dead soil killing everything in that soil. I would f****** believe that

If you want to capitalize on people's assumptions just sell them soil that is Life Free Soil.

No different than distilled water. Just sell people dead water and dead soil.

Oh my God

I walk barefoot around my house and I even had a dog and I walked barefoot outside sometimes. But I'm not afraid of parasites. I'm pretty even tempered.

I eat all food and I have a working immune system and a great filtration process and my body releases any unwanted invaders without having to attack anything in my body.

Nature is not dangerous. I don't need to take medicine against my environment but people do and they wonder why they're allergic. Well there you go. When you're in resistance nature will kick your ass

Nature is not something to resist. If you're going to be a naturalist walking out there in nature barefoot and pregnant and then taking antibiotics when you're putting yourself out there in nature.

Does that even make sense?

Yes, some parasites can enter the body through the skin on the soles of the feet when someone walks barefoot on contaminated soil. These parasites include:


Parasitic worms that live in the small intestines. Hookworm infections are common in many parts of the world and are usually caused by walking barefoot on soil that contains hookworm eggs. The eggs hatch and release larvae that can enter the body through the skin on the feet. Symptoms can include itchy feet that turn into painful swelling and blisters. Hookworm infections are treatable with medication.


A potentially deadly parasite that can enter the body through bare feet. However, it isn't deadly for most people, and many people don't have symptoms.

Other ways to get parasites include:

Consuming contaminated water, such as from public or private drinking water sources, pools, rivers, and lakes

Eating contaminated foods, such as produce washed in contaminated water or grown in contaminated soil, or raw or undercooked meats

Touching your fingers to your mouth, as some parasite eggs can survive on surfaces for a long time

Oh wait oh wait hold on someone's gonna go through that soil and pick out only the good bugs the ones that pay the toll

And then get rid of the bad deadly bugs the ones that are like little zombies that destroy..

And so instead of using chemicals you'll find some shmo to go through and pick out all the deadly bugs so that way your soil is deadly parasite free and you never had to use chemicals because you found somebody "dumb" enough willing to pick through the soil and find the bugs

the microscopic bugs.. also known as parasites

You can't make this up. Thanks Mark Zuckerberg. This is better than freaking television

We all do things to warn each other about stuff coming down the pipeline. You know like Paul Revere when he was warning the townspeople the British were coming the British were coming. Well all of us are doing something like that.

Please don't ever ever get mad at the messenger. I have my ways of venting out my frustration from what I've seen the last 50 years of my life and even more so the last 3 years and I would never wish what I had to deal with on even my worst enemies and I don't have any enemies.

I have people who misunderstand me but I don't have enemies. Just remember anything that I say I have nothing against anyone or children or men or women or mothers or fathers. I just know what I've dealt with and I know what's coming and what's here and what's to come and it's grim.

Whenever you have an insight regardless it's always your duty to warn people even if the insight it's just your opinion about a situation that could have other arguments that are just as valid

I will always live for the truth

but I will never die for a cause

So how do I do right by people? I

I aim to understand a person and their point of view. And I'm polite and I walk away from arguments.

People who have to vent about other people on Facebook have their own s*** to deal with. And they brought that s*** on themselves by engaging in situations they never should have engaged with to begin with. So I take full responsibility for all of my part in everything and that's why I walked away from society.

If I have to make my position known all the time and defend it all the time there's no f****** point in being out there.

So I just say what I say on my Facebook and I walk the f*** away from everyone and everything except for my husband

And that's the only way I can do right by society and they can do right by me. You choose to engage with me well that's your choice. I don't force myself on to anyone out there. I don't have to convert anyone to like me or hate me or believe what I believe.

Children are dying in this heat especially if they are playing sports in this heat. It doesn't matter what age.

What if Peter Pan was the representation of a child in an adult body..

What if he was representation that men never wanted to grow up. And women were oblivious to this notion hence why Wendy Darling was the enabler as she allowed her brothers go along for the ride

What if Disney was not really programming you but was already representing what you were already programmed with. Children having children even if the "children" were 25-30 and 40..

What if all of you were Peter Pan and Wendy having huge families never wanting to grow up living in Never Never Land

What if the Lost Boys are representation of children all over the world with parents who can't take care of them for whatever reason and so they're lost with no purpose until somebody gives them a purpose

And so somebody gave him a purpose he basically became a vampire. The Lost Boys..

Sucking the life out of everything

The Lost Boys are characters in J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan stories who, like vampires, never grow up. The title of the 1987 Warner Bros. film The Lost Boys is a reference to the characters, and the film was a critical and commercial success. The film's co-screenwriter, James Jeremias, originally envisioned the film as a horror version of Barrie's story, questioning whether Peter Pan was a vampire. The film stars Dante Basco as Rufio, Raushan Hammond as Thud Butt, Isaiah Robinson as Pockets, Jasen Fisher as Ace, James Madio as Don't Ask, Thomas Tulak as Too Small, and Alex Zuckerman as Latchboy.

The Lost Boys spawned a franchise that includes two sequels, Lost Boys: The Tribe and Lost Boys: The Thirst, as well as two comic book series.

What if Peter Pan was the representation of a child in an adult body..

What if he was representation that men never wanted to grow up. And women were oblivious to this notion hence why Wendy Darling was the enabler as she allowed her brothers go along for the ride

What if Disney was not really programming you but was already representing what you were already programmed with. Children having children even if the "children" were 25-30 and 40..

What if all of you were Peter Pan and Wendy having huge families never wanting to grow up living in Never Never Land

What if the Lost Boys are representation of children all over the world with parents who can't take care of them for whatever reason and so they're lost with no purpose until somebody gives them a purpose

And so somebody gave him a purpose he basically became a vampire. The Lost Boys..

Sucking the life out of everything

The Lost Boys are characters in J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan stories who, like vampires, never grow up. The title of the 1987 Warner Bros. film The Lost Boys is a reference to the characters, and the film was a critical and commercial success. The film's co-screenwriter, James Jeremias, originally envisioned the film as a horror version of Barrie's story, questioning whether Peter Pan was a vampire. The film stars Dante Basco as Rufio, Raushan Hammond as Thud Butt, Isaiah Robinson as Pockets, Jasen Fisher as Ace, James Madio as Don't Ask, Thomas Tulak as Too Small, and Alex Zuckerman as Latchboy.

The Lost Boys spawned a franchise that includes two sequels, Lost Boys: The Tribe and Lost Boys: The Thirst, as well as two comic book series.

I see now the representation that when someone dies in this movie somebody has to put a bullet in the head of their loved one before they turn. No different than when someone has to take their family to get treated for disease. How many bullets of antibiotics will it take to destroy somebody. That's what this Walking Dead is trying to show you. Once somebody gets afflicted and they don't know how to respond to affliction properly every single antibiotic and remedy and surgery is another nail or a bullet lining the coffin

And you can't make people suffer to live if they are starving and they have issues with air food and water and you can't be the one to take away their life or pain and suffering. It must be from a doctor and then even then at some point they'll enter into palliative care and in hospice and then the Hail Marys will be what people will blame when they die.

That's why you don't want to ever get involved in somebody's health issues because they could be on their last legs and you'd never know it. And you could get blamed for something you shouldn't. It's too late for many of your friends and family.

And my world, if you have the capacity to save yourself, whatever the hell that means, do it.

If not, I guess you'll think you'll save the world from something that's already here

In this world of children died suddenly the courtrooms are going to be full of people throwing accusations at each other and the child care givers and even the parents.

Stay far away from minors and Families especially if you don't have any children. It's too dangerous..

And if you're not a doctor or a scientist and you are a lay person watching somebody's child and that child dies or gets injured under your care,

how are you going to prove they had some kind of a sudden event that wasn't even detectable on a test causing the child to act erratic with a physical injury from an unpredictable situation.

Most of the mainstream doesn't even understand the root of died suddenly and even people in the died suddenly world blaming whatever they blame don't even understand the root of died suddenly

And we have adult people saying they have had medical events that the doctors couldn't even find any evidence they had an event.

The patients had dizziness and vertigo and even fell down and hit their heads but the doctor couldn't find anything to cause dizziness. The only thing the doctor saw was the injury that they sustained from that dizziness and vertigo.

For all the doctor knows you could have slipped or someone could have hit you. There is no proof you had dizziness and vertigo causing you to fall down and hit your head. They would have to trust your story and they would have to trust the witnesses if there were witnesses

The only evidence was the fact they had blunt force trauma to their head. And the doctor had to trust the story of the patient.

Imagine what goes on with a child and there are no witnesses to what happened to that child. It's your word against the state's accusation as well as the family

And so even these patients adult patients are perplexed as to why they had an event that wasn't even detectable on any kind of medical testing and that's where these caregivers are going to get screwed royally when these children die suddenly and happened to hit something on the way down. It's bad it's really f****** bad

Families with children are just one big lawsuit waiting to happen if you're not related and even if you are related. How are you going to explain a died suddenly? And how are you going to explain the injuries that happened from that situation?

Everything's fun and games and love and light until somebody loses an eye or dies suddenly

This is why you don't want to be helpful to suffering people especially if they're in hospice or if they are a newborn and the parents want you to babysit their kids.

Virzi has been condemned already.

And people will make up stories about her.

She's done..

Allegedly somebody made an accusation she had a felony for somebody Under 12 which I find hard to believe because then it's doubly stupid of the parents to employ someone with a felony against a child under 12 watching their precious cargo.

Many of these parents will never take full responsibility and so they will condemn the last person watching the kid and the mothers will all band together like they do in their mommy and me groups.

Because the mothers are the most dangerous of all.

And her children are their weapons.. especially if she made a bad choice and if she can, she will find a way to put the blame on somebody else and capitalize on it

And you already see the GoFundMe accounts making their way across the internet capitalizing on the death of these children.

That's how these children are being commodified.

That's why you stay away from Mothers with very young children

Everything is for sale.

Even the people's children who died in the hands of a close friend or a stranger. Or they died suddenly and whoever is watching them will be implicated. Like I said you can't control what happens when two babies in a bouncy chair bounce off each other or when they fall, what body parts are going to get impacted first before they hit the ground or hit anything as well as what condition were there's children in before she took them on?

And if her lawyers a crap lawyer she'll be condemned. I don't know what kind of money she's working with but if she has a public defender she's done and even some second-rate lawyer. I doubt it'll be pro bono

That's the world you live in. It's a cruel cruel world. It's a brutal world for children..

it's triple brutal for those who mean to help others

or thinking with their heart and not with their head

run by love hormones and sex hormones

Ask yourself what condition were those kids in before she took on the responsibility???

You need to ask yourself before you babysit someone else's children what condition were they in internally and externally before you took them on.. And if you don't know you shouldn't be watching anybody's kids or hanging out with them..

I would never ever dare say this to any mommy and me group.. because the mothers would be so defensive that anyone would implicate them as a potential abuser.

Medusa would come out.. and her head of snakes represents the family. You don't want to trigger the family to come after you.

And you can have as many character witnesses as you want to say you would never do that.. but you know we have serial killers and even sexual predators who hide in plain sight and no one thought they did anything until they were found out.

This guy hid in plain sight and even had people over at his house and the people at his house didn't even know he was harboring kidnapped girls and abusing them.

Ariel Castro

Between 2002 and 2004, Ariel Castro abducted Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus from the roads of Cleveland, Ohio and later held them captive in his home at 2207 Seymour Avenue in the city's Tremont neighborhood.

It's not enough to have people believe you would never do anything. Where's the proof you didn't do it

They say it takes a village. But the people in your village are going a little nuts. It doesn't take a village anymore. It's time for the family and the parents to figure it out.

And just like when you sell a car. You don't want to take on responsibility of a money pit or a lemon so you get the car checked out. And the seller relieves himself of any responsibility if anything that happens after you have taken ownership of the car so the seller so you sign a document that say they sold the car

as is.

Anytime you take on responsibility of a dependent you better get that car or that dog checked out before and make sure that your temporary custody could not be implicated in some situation that you couldn't prove happened before you took on the responsibility.

How many potential babysitters would ask the parents to put their kids through a medical examination to make sure there wasn't any kind of abuse or situations prior to the babysitting situation?

That's pretty much unheard of.

Because you've heard people say it takes a village to raise a child. Who the hell is in your village? And who are you?

And the irony is it get these alpha males having issues with my information peg me as some left wing lesbian liberal with an ax to grind against the men in our society.

The irony is im married to an alpha male. He's calmed down but he still extremely an alpha male. So you can't call me some left-wing lesbian liberal see you next Tuesday. I've been around for a while I've seen so many patterns and they keep repeating themselves

By the way I'm not giving legal or medical advice because I'm not licensed lawyer or medical doctor

I just know how to side step potential situations that would require a doctor and a lawyer to throw the book at me laugh out loud

I speak in general terms. But I am not in any way giving anybody legal or medical advice. Go talk to a lawyer go see your doctor

love can make men and women blind..

You can still have fun just be smart about it

I say that because this situation could happen do boyfriends and girlfriends dating somebody with small children

The system found the lesson please don't be another lesson

And this is probably not the situation you want to learn the hard way about how cruel the system can be.

Trust me I've experienced how cruel my peers can be to me

This is why I say do not babysit other people's children especially if they can't speak. This is insane. Oh my gosh.

So It is alleged that she s×lly abused them and also committed a type of torture that a fracture on the skull was the outcome.

Her side of the story was she went out of the room to get something and heard a scream and found the baby fell out of its Bouncer and hit its head and there were injuries and you can read the article.

She called the parents and then also took the kids to the hospital at which point the hospital saw the injuries of which who knows where they originated from but she was the last one with the baby.

And how do you prove she didn't abuse them and how do you prove the child fell out of its bouncer. Oh my gosh.

Police allege she is responsible for inflicting a fracture to baby Leon's skull and several bleeds on the brain picked up by a CT scan. She's also accused of injuring Leon's twin brother Ari, who survived.

Court documents filed last week show the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office is seeking the death penalty against Virzi.

The filing, which laid out the reasons for seeking the death penalty, reads: 'The defendant committed the killing while in the perpetration of a felony. The offense was committed by means of torture.'

Virzi was a 'trusted friend' of the babies' parents Ethan Katz and Savannah Roberts who was watching the twins while on her college break.

Police allege she told cops she'd gone into the kitchen to get one of the twins a bottle when she suddenly heard screaming. When she returned she said the baby had fallen out of his bouncer chair. She then called 911.

She spotted an injury to Ari's groin area, notified his parents and continued to babysit Leon as they took Ari to UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to get the injury assessed.

According to court filings, a doctor told investigators 'the injuries sustained by both (twins are) consistent with having been sustained as a result of child abuse, as these are inflicted injuries that are not natural and not accidental.'

Virzi maintains her innocence.

Yeah taking on someone else's children before they're able to speak is a very slippery slope even with children who can speak.

Never ever be alone with any child.

Never ever ever ever unless you're the parent and even then. How do you explain if you're not watching them what happens to them when something happens to them especially now.

And some of their health reactions to the air food and water these children have aren't always detectable on tests.

So a child can have reaction to something causing them to do something erratic and hit their head or fall out of something and if you're not watching them 100%, that's going to be such a horrible situation trying to prove your innocence.

And I said before a couple weeks ago these parents will not take personal responsibility, and if they can use you as a scapegoat or blame you for whatever, these parents will.

I don't care how well you know them or how friendly you are with them. When it comes down to their children and who's going to be the bad guy it will never be them

Let me tell you these parents will blame somebody for their kids situation.

And how do you know anything about your sitters and how does the sitter know anything about what the parents did to their kid prior to sitting for their children!!

And here's the thing they knew this girl. They knew her well enough to leave their children home alone with them. Is it the parents fault?

Well, the sitter chose to watch the children voluntarily and took on the responsibility for the life of that child and in this environment with died suddenly and crazy reactions to things going on inside, there's no way for you to know how that child is going to end up.

You take your eyes off of them for a second and even then you try to stop what happened there is no guarantee anything. I would not be watching anyone's kids. At all whatsoever. Point Blank.

I wouldn't be employing your 16 year old daughters to watch somebody's children. Something happens that kid that 16 year old daughters' life is ruined and she will be under suspicion.

Babysitting is not lucrative. Babysitting is not lucrative anymore and you better get personal liability insurance if you're going to be a professional babysitter.

You better get cameras watching you the whole time. You better tape yourself the whole time

And I would not be anyone's Nanny today.

I was a nanny and a babysitter in the '90s but I would never ever ever watch anyone's children today.

Or even be alone with them for even 5 minutes..

The world has changed drastically.

The system taught me a valuable lesson around giving people advice. My peers taught me a valuable lesson about giving them advice. My peers taught me the lessona about their own children.

Thank you government and thank you peers and thank you J World.

Don't ever ever get involved with someone else's child even being a nice boyfriend to impress your girlfriend. You can still respect her and love her without putting yourself in legal hot water.

Men who play Savior put themselves in situations they will have a hard time extricating themselves from. That's the downfall of men. They have to save everything and they haven't even saved themselve

now you know why I said, those who do not have kids, it is legally appropriate to find people or a person to hang out with who also does not have children..

why, because it is not only too unpredictable as far as died suddenly, but you have no idea if there is any kind of sexual abuse is going on in that family and once a "sudden event happens", now you might be implicated.. Because once an accusation is made by a child, that's hard to come back from..

And when parents are in legal custody disputes finding every way possible to put pain and suffering on their ex significant other anyone within the vicinity of that situation will be used as a tool. You have to know the worst case scenario.. have your fun but make sure you protect yourself legally and you don't put yourself In Harm's Way

It is physically and legally

dangerous dangerous out there on so many levels

To the men dating single moms and vice versa

if you choose to hang out with them, make sure you are not sleeping over their house, make the mother OR FATHER come over to your house and have your fun... and keep the kids out of it and don't play house. You don't know what you're up against

Single MOTHERS and FATHERS NEED SEX/LOVE too, but kids are govt property and the family will bite you in the ass if they smell a reason to bite you in the ass. And many families are well connected and you don't want to stir up The Hornet's Nest. Especially in a small town

defensive pessimism was trained into me over the last 50 years..

don't ever give anyone the ammunition to make any accusation stick..

lawyers are just as greedy as people who have a bone to pick with someone they don't like..




That's why I don't advise anyone personally and I don't play private message or email and I don't play Savior. People will turn everything around on you if given the opportunity

and on top of NOT being alone with someone else's child, make sure you are not sleeping over in a house with children not your own..

when people are sleeping, anyone can make accusations ..

dealing with other people's kid supervised and unsupervised is extremely dangerous..

be careful men/women and friends and family..

And the irony is those that say they don't watch TV because it's programming them and brainwashing them were programmed and brainwashed into saying that and then they act out the parts that were given to them before they even knew they were resisting becoming what they were programmed to be

And resistance is the persistence of what they think they are resisting

The attack of the political religious and scientific Clones

Respect the cock and tame the c*** laugh out loud

Now watch all these male influencers especially the alpha males and their wannna alpha males beta male followers lapping it up.

Look at the Tate brothers.

And those who want to be just like them

when tom cruise parodies the future lol now watch all the alpha male influencers play the part of tom cruise training men how to be extreme men..... ahahahah

"Worship" the cock.

That's exactly Tom Cruise role he played in this movie and look at all the men out there the alpha men and the beta males wanting you to worship their cock and here buy their politics religion and science

boy do they have something to sell you

Watch all the alpha males sell you their cock first and then the product and then they're going to try to save you laugh out loud.

Yes they're going to sell you diets and detoxes and organic and supplements and politics religion and science. And you're going to see all these beta males just lap it up and of course these wanna be alpha males

This movie was made in 1999

Basically predictive programming the last 20 years you're watching the males turn into something like this. And you're watching the females just eat it up in politics religion and science

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