The squeeze of info out of you... what energetic info are you radiating?
When the "demons" of genes wakes up, especially in this environment, what could you be facing? Paralysis, stroke, heart attack, blindness, loss of hearing? Given that I was adopted with NO knowledge of whatever kind of disease I held in my genes or picked up the last 50 years, I had no fear what I could have encountered since the beginning of the Jworld and even during this climate change.
Ignorance was bliss and freedom relative to my world.
But if you have knowledge of what your parents/grandparents are afflicted with, you should be scared of being uncured and realizing the demons within, but then, why would you have a kid????? Why have a kid knowing that you inherited disease or dealt with disease?
I was lucky I was not indoctrinated into any specific religion even though I was raised Jewish and doesn't mean that I am legalistic about anything. I have the freedom to choose. I had the freedom to choose.
Since I did not know my family medical history I was able to have the freedom to deal with whatever came up without the fear of anything coming up. I was lucky not to be indoctrinated into being close to my siblings so that way we had the freedom to develop our own path in life without being influenced or pressured into being a certain way. We were able to function on our own and make our own path and develop our own path..
Indoctrination has a point and a reason based upon the systems infrastructural needs.. If you have not been heavily indoctrinated into a political religion science or activism you have freedom that most people around you do not have, cherish it and hopefully you can survive whatever you were raised with and live around.
Generation X was given a gift so you saw what your peers dealt with and what you could potentially sidestep if you didn't indoctrinate yourself into being a savior and someone to turn to. Once you develop people who depend upon you in everything you're locked into a jail. It'll be very difficult to escape that situation and develop your own freedom..
My mother gave me a gift of a platform and then the rest was up to me. Everything was up to me once I left the house.
Every choice I made I had to be accountable for 1,000%. Knowing I could survive all of my bad choices gave me the strength and resilience to survive even the choices I didn't know would be a good or bad.
The gift of accountability is a gift that keeps on giving. Any parent who gives a gift of accountability to their children gave them a gift that will never ever leave them. Knowing you could survive a f***** up situation and strategize your way out without destroying yourself is a gift and it takes practice and years of experience