Puberty Hayflick limit fertility contributes to adult died suddenly
Puberty infection food allergies contributes to child died suddenly and puberty is basically fertility but in a different context since it has to do with a child or minor
What contributes to died suddenly in children
Infection puberty and allergies to food is a recipe for disaster and then a crazy aggressive lifestyle such as so many activities back to back activities and that kid can't f****** rest because the parents won't let them is a recipe for died suddenly
And it doesn't help when a parent is already food deficient trying to look hot and sexual for everyone around them
So much conflict and starvation before puberty makes puberty so intense that kids may not even survive it.
Any child who survives the next 20 years you will be f****** badass.
Because the system will put you through the wringer
That child must want to live during the next 5 to 10 to 20 years. It must be set up to survive every temptation. What are The Temptations Jillian? Parties, keeping up with peers, academic excellence because the stress of keeping up with your academics will cause puberty to hit sooner. Traveling extensively and an aggressively full social and academic and extracurricular calendar. That's what's going to expedite puberty and then potentially died suddenly.
Parents need to relax and so do their children but you know how that goes everyone's going now a thousand miles an hour not realizing the environment has sped up everything around them and they have to learn how to pull back and use the energy to rebuild their body because the old world and their body is not going to work the way they think it's going to unless they actually pull back and redirect.
And when puberty hits sooner, then the breakdown of the body will hit faster and then diseases will come up and then sometimes aggressive sexuality and if they're of age they might get married and then have a child and that will be the end.
And so you have these children who have food allergies and Starvation going a thousand miles an hour because the parents are too f****** greedy for Social Capital trying to keep up with everyone around them Expediting puberty
 now you see a recipe for disaster.
My childhood was a major prototype. Because not only did I come from a stressful background of war and then I lived a stressful childhood and it was Junior High right after I had my period which was in 7th grade and then 8th grade the s*** hit the fan literally.
That's what's going on in your kid's bodies. When that s*** hits the fan they may not survive the energy conversion.
And adults are experiencing the same thing. They're in a stressful environment living a stressful lifestyle and they're not pulling back and they have to keep up with each other resisting the government and everything else they're f****** themselves.
Surviving climate change is you need to fight the battles within your immune system and condition yourself to handle the pain and suffering and also manage your finances and your stability so you can be sick and regain lifeline. I can never say your children have the capability to do that. I can never say that and you're not supposed to make your child suffer yet again.
If they choose to handle what they need to and they understand because you taught them how to cough sneeze and blow their nose maybe they might have a chance but there's no guarantee especially when their whole life is pretty much controlled by some authority figure.
 I wish children knew how to take care of themselves but they can't. It's the adults who have the capacity to understand complex thought processes and even then some adults have no capacity to understand abstract complex thought processes because they've been so geared for resistance nothing penetrates except resistance and that's an adolescent mentality.
Some adults are stuck in adolescence. Always in resistance.
And so when your child hits puberty and they start getting nocturnal emissions or their period you hope they have enough substance and access to food to regain whatever they lost through their sperm and period every month and it will be a battle.
Whenever there are cytokine storms and conflict and the body's breaking down simultaneously that's like so many things working against that child especially if they're allergic to air food and water.
Infection puberty and allergies to food is a recipe for disaster and then a crazy aggressive lifestyle such as so many activities back to back activities and that kid can't f****** rest because the parents won't let them is a recipe for died suddenly
How do you explain a child that's not vaccinated dying suddenly if you're going to blame the vaccines?
If that child is eating only organic eating all of their vitamins. How do you explain a perfectly healthy child who was not vaccinated dying suddenly?. Those who are unvaccinated need to answer that question. One day that ship will sail and people must find a way and figure out how to explain it.
If they're drinking purified water and eating organic then you can't blame the food. If they've done all their detoxes and eating there probiotics you'll never blame that. If they're not around vaccinated people then you can't blame that
I want to know what these parents will blame when these children die suddenly and not vaccinated.
Are people going to blame pregnancy?? Are they going to question whether or not they should have had a child??
And died suddenly just muddies the waters
That's why I stay away from families with children they are major legal liabilities and if the parents are irresponsible oh believe me they will blame you for everything and even make up s***. And my world people will use my world against me around children so I stay away from everybody. You guys will deal with your own b*******
And if they didn't like you anyways they will even nail you to the cross with every arrow and every nail they can..
All minors are jailbait and legal liabilities and I would stay away from them
 especially now in this died suddenly world.
Let the doctors deal with them
Major liabilities
 I mean major
Some of you are legally left wide open completely exposed to lawsuits hanging out with children who are not your own or being nice and watching someone else's kid.
Wait till they get you in court and paint a horrible picture about you to get all of your money and your savings and assets.
Because if the kid never had a vaccine and they died suddenly under your care you can't even blame the vaccine. That's what these caregivers are exposed to. Anti-vax people with kids dying suddenly and they can't even explain why their own f****** kids die suddenly.
So imagine all these mommy and me homeschool groups and they're watching each other's kids and none of them had a vaccine so if they die suddenly, who are they going to blame??
If the kids eating organic with no vaccine and they just happened to die suddenly and they hurt themselves on the way down because of a heart attack or a stroke who do you think these anti-vaccine mothers are going to blame??
They ain't going to blame themselves. Only the last person watching their kid and it wasn't them.
Oh just wait when these kids start dropping like flies, the lawsuits will be flying everywhere and the state will get more money and some people's reputations will never be recovered..
One accusation will color you for the rest of your life and when it has to do with the kid
you're done
And it's worse for men because a lot of the pedophiles out there are male.
And so then you have the war of those who are anti-vax blaming the vaccines and those who are vaccinated blaming the non vaxxed but that's not even part of the equation
because how do you blame a vaccinated kid that's not even around that no vaxxed kid when the non vaxxed kid died
 only some caregiver will get blamed for that death of that child, like some boyfriend or friend on Facebook or some mommy and me group who has nobody vaccinated in there circle of people
what else is left to blame?
Certainly not her diet and detoxes and anti-vac stances. The caregiver will be the blame..
And so if your kid ia vaccinated you can blame that but what happens when your kid ia not vaccinated who the hell do you blame for a died suddenly situation
 it will be the caregiver.
The family or the mother will never ever take personal responsibility. They will always find someone to blame and you could be it if you put yourself in between a child and it's family because you're trying to be nice and watch that kid.
Stay away from all families with children. They are legal perils and major legal liabilities especially if you happen to be left alone with them for whatever reason and that child who was perfectly healthy before you watched them ends up dead after you watch them.
Correlation doesn't always mean causation but you know how the public is
Lawyers are hungry and anytime anyone dies or gets hurt ambulance chasers will find a way to make a major money off of you especially if you have a lot to lose.
So many of you have a lot to lose and you don't even know it because you're not thinking clearly.
That's why I stay away from families with children they are major legal liabilities
 I mean major
Died Suddenly Legal Perils and Watching Other People's Children
Children dying suddenly is the most traumatic thing in any family's life and you don't want to be the recipient of their blame and legal action.. I can assure you you don't because you know how pedophiles get treated.
And then somebody getting justice for their child dying under your care.. vigilantism is deadly out there especially when people have a belief that you caused their child's death
I wouldn't be watching anyone's child. Even as a grandmother you're putting yourself in legal peril and even potentially get blamed for whatever but that's something the family will discuss
with kids dying suddenly or children suffering from mental issues, is it prudent to get close to other people's kids and even be left with them alone??
I say, NOPE.. you leave yourself open for accusations, claims made against you and potentially investigations for whatever you did in the care of that child and the child might end up dying suddenly or fallen and bruised their face, scrapes, etc.. how will you account for that??
this is why I leave other people's kids alone.. i purposely do not get close to anyone's children anymore..
I used to love baby sitting, etc.. I was once a nanny.. but now.. it is physically and legally treacherous to get involved with other people's children.. even babysitting.
if a mother is using you as a chauffeur and babysitter, how will you explain why they died suddenly in your care?????
puberty is the trigger points for potential died suddenlies.. and even other issues the parents know nothing about.. any lay person in charge or professional caregiver will be scrutinized for why that child ended up bruised or dead ..
and you know YOU WILL BE BLAMED.
YOU KNOW THAT mother and that family will be so traumatized they will blame you..
you saw what happened to me with that hospice patient.. and he is a hospice patient basically at death's door doing a Hail Mary and I wasn't even in his room or anywhere near him. And you saw how the public reacted to me around that
imagine a child.. a child you were in charge of.. dying suddenly under your watch.
And the parents had hopes and dreams for their children and you just happened to get in the way of what was going to happen anyways because you were f****** lonely!! How do you explain aggressive microbial replication causing heart attacks and strokes
most people can't even f****** figure out themselves a way out of a paper f****** bag much less explain molecular biology to some mother who is grief-stricken with trauma
children are liabilities to anyone not officially a relative.. and even then.
So if you fancy yourself some grandmother or grandfather because you have no children and you've adopted a family. What happens when they die under your care??
Not only how terrible you would feel being the one to be watching them and they didn't survive the environment but imagine the accusations you will be undergoing from the family because they will look for blame. How can they explain died suddenly if they don't even understand what that means??
Some of you are so homogenized and so disconnected from reality that when somebody dies suddenly and they have no explanation for it
you will be to blame..
As it is there's so many disconnected oblivious parents out there who don't even understand died suddenly. They don't even know what that means.
 They never were exposed to it or they thought it was their time because Jesus took him back to the Lord or whatever.
And so if you are watching a child and they die under your care and maybe they fell off the monkey bars and bruised their head or their leg and they also had a heart attack on the way down.
 they're going to accuse you of battering that child.
If that kid was perfectly healthy allegedly and they fell off the monkey bars and hurt themselves and they have bruises that you can't explain except for the monkey bars or something else and they had a heart attack
oh my God you've put yourself in legal treacherous liability waters
and how can you live down and accusation of killing a child.
That's what loneliness gets you
It puts you in legal peril..
And let me tell you these parents who want someone to blame they could push the issue and even sue you for negligence and your whole house and take everything you have.
Watching anyone's child and they die under your watch and you have something to lose they will f****** take it all because they can.
Died suddenly opens up a whole can of legal worms that most people don't even realize because they're under the influence.
And some of these parents have no shame they will sue you if they can
if they have legal grounds and they will find a lawyer and sue your f****** ass and some of you have a whole lot to lose
Because if those kids get hurt dying suddenly
now you're under suspicion..
And if they can't explain it and you can't explain what happened that will be the shadow you will live under for the rest of your life
and that family will hate you and potentially legal action will be made against you and when the news articles print this type of story
they will make you out to be a Satan or a Lilith and you will be strung up before you even have a day in court
And you know how people are they quick to jump to conviction and conclusions and even quicker to annihilate your reputation.
You saw what happened to me let me be the lesson for you.
 You know the parents don't want to be held responsible so they'll find somebody to hold responsible and you see that in the died suddenly groups..
the died suddenly groups were telling you somebody will always get the blame for their child's death or their relative death
When parents can't find any babysitter to watch their kid or they can't afford to have that kid then you have the hot cars and people leaving their kids in the hot cars. I wouldn't get in the middle of anyone's situation as far as their children.
You can't afford it and if you think you can just wait till that kid dies under your care and you don't know when that will be and how could you know?
Died suddenly was the indicator there was no way to know and you have no protection.
Died suddenly is the indicator everything will be a legal Peril even driving out there with your peers it could even be a physical Peril that you may not survive.
The causes of SIDS and SUDC are not definitively known but there are good chances heart arrhythmias and seizures are the main causes.
They could be therapized or not and you would never know the trigger
Your presence could trigger them into A heart attack or stroke
Negligent supervision claims can be raised in any setting. Whoever was watching the child when an accident occurred to the child or when the child caused harm can be sued.
Adults with children need to find other adults with children to hang out with. If you have no kids but your friends have kids, you will be put in really f***** up positions.. and potentially made to be a scapegoat in a situation completely out of your control
My advice don't put yourself in legal peril because your hormones got the better of you
People under the influence do not make good decisions and if they have kids on top of that not only are they not making good decisions for themselves but their kids are watching them.
You don't want to be a party to somebody
behaving badly as a parent.
So if you are an adult with no kids find other adults with no kids. The person chose to have kids and they want to live a single with no child lifestyle and that's impossible and that's irresponsible.
And if you have to go out every weekend how do you find a babysitter every single weekend?
Don't put yourself in a position for someone to sue you for a wrongful death
A wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action that allows the family or estate of a deceased person to sue a party for compensation for their losses caused by the death. The term "wrongful death" refers to a death that could have been avoided if the responsible party had acted with due care. This could be due to negligent, willful, or wrongful acts, omissions, or defaults. Wrongful death lawsuits can arise from many different circumstances, including:
car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents, criminal behavior, toxic torts, and manufacturing defects.
You see it helps to have a long memory so you don't put yourself in any situation that will destroy you because you think people changed or it wasn't as bad as you thought
 that's a dangerous way of not remembering dangerous situations
Your memory is supposed to save your life not put you in danger time and time again.
Death is from loss of memory and the person put themselves in danger over and over again so the body could not handle any more abuse and it collapsed on the person.
That's why it helps to have somebody in your world 100% clean and sober because if you are family living under the same household you can give advice but you can't live someone's life for them but you can protect yourself from danger.
 Sometimes it's your friends and family who put you in danger because they don't have a long memory.
And when you deal with Alzheimer patients and Dementia patients they certainly don't have a long memory and they will put themselves in danger and you in danger and then you have to bring in the state..
People with short memories or very little memories are the most dangerous of all..
Which is why I'm 100% clean and sober because it's dangerous out there and people have short memories or losing their memory as we speak getting into dangerous situations that you hope they survive.
And it's very painful to be 100% clean and sober but it's a power like no other and the law will always be on your side because you will never preempt anything
 you always defend yourself.
As far as the legalization of recreational cannabis in Ohio, well that train left the station a long time ago. You'll just see more people losing brain cells crashing their cars under the influence and you can't do s*** about it except stay off the road
What people don't realize in the died suddenly groups is once you have those vaccines you are so immunized that your body can't handle the fertility. You have now developed an overactive immune system..
Boosting one's immune system on a body in deficit will weaponize the immune system against the person. Having too strong body and a weak immune system you have no protection and being immunized is deadly. People don't get it and you can't make them get it. Because no matter what when you replace the vaccines with something else that boosts your immune system you essentially done the same thing with something even deadlier such as a plant-based medicine causing antibodies and weird sexualities in your Offspring if you should have children or your next cancer.
You can't get these parents to understand because they're too much over the rainbow essentially lobotomized from over immunization and on a weak body. Too many antibodies actually lobotomizes humans and they can't think correctly and their skewed perceptions are like brick walls and you can't penetrate.. and then they call you the enemy
And so they will take insecticides every day to cause more lobotomization and then also speed up their immune system with speed Em Up supplements and drugs.. essentially expediting the puberty process and then potentially died suddenly in themselves as well as their children and you can't tell them a damn thing because they're making too much money and they think they're saving you.
The Walking Dead told you the saviors were going to be the most dangerous in your Society because the road to hell is paved by good intentions.
We have millions and millions of negan clones out there..
Saving everyone and their family to death..
So I don't claim to save anyone and I will never hurt you. Which means I have to stay on my own because even my very presence of O positive could cause you to be in resistance and you would potentially attack me.
 And I don't want to ever attack you..
So how do I save people. I don't hang out with them and if there are no safe lines of communication
 I don't force them..
Sometimes not being in physical presence of people will save them. Because you're not adding to the mix they have to assimilate to and you're not forcing food or drugs or remedies down their throat. You realize not everybody can handle life. You can't force life or sell life and you can't be the one to cause their death even at the micro level unless you are a doctor
their doctor
I will never revisit the past with anyone or anything. The only person is my sister I grew up with and that's it.
That's it.
If you've been gone from my life
 it's for a reason
 and I'm not bringing anyone back
But I will assure you if you try to break up my marriage then your true intention is to be a destroyer which already confirmed why I don't bring anyone back.. and why you're gone.
Another quote from a died sudd situation
"Listening to staff in the office this morning, a colleagues cousin 28 taken to hospital with multiple clots, liver lungs etc, apparently doesn't make sense as he's very fit, and doesn't smoke etc, another then says her friend from school died on the weekend 32 Â atak, another mentions his friends mum died in her sleep last Friday 48. This is on top of 17 in my office out of 26 have needed hospital treatment in the last 6 months, most are 20-30s "
Strong body
 weak immune system
barely any fat
only muscle
(Con) fidence
Immune systems that are working correctly would sound the alarm and stay sounding the alarm until the danger is gone. Silence is deadly. When people are loud, they sense danger. No different when the birds are squawking so loud they're warning everybody in the forest danger is coming upon their friends.
When everything is quiet like deadly quiet that's also a huge indicator something is not right.
The people who keep speaking even if you don't understand them are the ones you need to pay attention to. The ones that don't say anything well they're trying as hard as they can just stay within the illusion and it's not easy.
 I feel for those who are trying to resist facing the reality. They will be hit the hardest when reality finally comes to surface. Somebody must be prepared for the worst in any circle of people and household. Someone has to make sure everything still gets done. Be the person who's willing to face the reality because they're keeping the infrastructure going until they can't support the infrastructure anymore.
Preparing for the worst of anything could make it easier when the worst finally comes to surface. Be thankful for those who show you they can survive facing the worst even before it happens.
They're not negative people. They were given the gift of insight and they can feel the future
Horace Godspeed= horus
horus/hours (anagram)