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Radioactive Radioactive

Writer's picture: Jillian EpperlyJillian Epperly

The only way you can detox from all the pathogens heavy metals and aggressive parasitic entities is to suffer through the symptoms and many people don't have the capacity to do that.

It was always the heavy metals and the detoxes and the pills the powders the supplements and the shakes and all the prescription drugs and the Elderberry syrup herbs and extracts and cannabis and antibiotics antiparasitics antifungals antivirus antibacterials.

They were conductive to electrical energy and they were the little shitstorm that is developing your f****** turbo cancers

And everyone around you is radioactive and the weak and the small are going to get cannibalized by the radioactive energy of the larger people in the household and in their groups of people. That's why I don't walk into rooms with people because everyone right now is radioactive.

Many of you have seen those Facebook posts of a kid who drank radioactive water back in the 1800s and his whole jawline was eaten away by the radioactivity. Yeah that's what happens when you trap heavy metals and using heavy metals to detox heavy metals trapped in your colon because you can't handle the release and the pain and suffering of symptoms. Your body basically is falling apart because it is radioactive melting your insides..

That's why I was so confused as to why you guys were using zeolite which is basically aluminum silicate to detox heavy metals

are you f****** kidding me

You're so worried about the Chemtrails are so poisonous and full of heavy metals and yet you're sucking down liquid chemtrails in your Elderberry syrup and fire cider and turmeric and honey and apple cider vinegar and pills and powders on supplements and Shakes.. and then you're following these gurus who are basically selling you a f****** wet dream.


Some of you are literal nuclear reactors of radioactivity and all of your therapies are basically plutonium to the body during climate change. And I mean every remedy every single prescription drug and every single supplement and every single detox is basically plutonium in this environment and you are radioactive and that's why people's hearts are exploding in their chest during major frequency shifts.

 Literal self-implosion.

And that's why I love my meat and milk and cheese and bread and carbs to absorb the shockwaves and I use that energy to rebuild my immune system and vital organs and I definitely release the demons so I don't become so radioactive that I self implode

These killer clouds are basically representation of the radioactive holistic allopathic world of supplements detoxes and vitamins and minerals in pill powder and juice form.

Everything above was relatively acceptable and okay in a slower frequency environment but since we're in climate change everything you're doing in the holistic allopathic world is now becoming Radioactive.

 You are literally becoming Radioactive.. And now it makes sense why my husband kept activating my immune system every time he's around me, it's funny every single time he's around me I have to fart or pee Laugh out loud and I used to get hives when he would come home from the road but not anymore.

My husband has a lot of power and he is radioactive just like many men and women his size and height and that's why smaller people around LARGER radioactive people could get cannibalized if they don't learn how to manage their exposure and eat the food to support the systems..

Large women and large men have a lot more radioactive power and they have to learn how to control the energy or else the energy could actually destroy them

I mean obviously you still need the salt and the sugar but here's the thing, if you can't release those highly mineralized demons within your body the salt and the environment will not only activate your immune system, but those who are undernourished, the body will eat itself alive.

And you can't avoid sodium chloride or else you'll turn gelatinous and then a frequency change will just kick your ass..

but obviously talk to your doctor about what foods you should eat for your situation.

These are some pretty Ghostly killer clouds wow and they are spreading.

This is the stuff that people are ingesting in their herbicides and pesticides and Elderberry syrup and vitamin C supplements.

And you wonder why people are sick as those heavy metals are reflecting back and activating everything in their immune system.

And since I released a lot of demons and I've reinforced my immune system I can breathe this stuff in after it's gone through my house filter unless I go outside for a minute, plus other pathogens

and my immune system will filter it out through my mucus and excretion processes and lymph nodes and I will feed for any immune system activation to keep all systems going.

 I cannot afford not to eat in this apartment or else my body will eat itself alive

Your body and you and your immune system is supposed to be the first line of protection.

Once you actually take a therapy, like a supplement or a detox you're actually ingesting everything in your environment that you think is pathogenic

and the reason why is because you are laden down by so many heavy metals and minerals that when the environment does shift again those minerals will activate everything and act like salt BUT the minerals are so conductive people get the turbo cancer and growth becomes exponential.

All those minerals inside your gut that you can't detox out because there's no way for you to do that unless you do things systematically through the pain process of symptoms basically you are holding so many nuclear reactors in your colon and intestines which is why people's heart explodes during climate change.

They have nuclear reactors in their blood vessels. Little nuclear reactors

Over mineralized people taking all their supplements are actually developing the pathway to turbo cancers because then the climate activates the minerals in the over mineralized people sucking down the herbicides and pesticides..

those supplements and herbs and extracts are like plutonium to the body

Sodium chloride could kind of help people but you know how stuff goes when the minerals get activated by the climate change people will blame the salt and say salt and sugar are poison and then the doctors will take them off all the salt and give them basically gelatinous food and set them up to fail..

 and I can see the argument that the salt paired with all the over mineralized people will activate people's immune systems even more but then you have to eat meat and milk and cheese and eggs to put that activation to use or else the minerals and the salt will cause a person to be Radioactive and the body will eat itself alive.

No matter what you have to release the excessive natural holistic minerals or else you are a huge conductor for turbo cancer Or the turbo aging.


There's a reason why you were turned on to the holistic naturopathic natural remedies Market because they are so laden with excessive heavy metals and conductive materials especially when they're boiled and broken down into Therapies.

 You were set up to fail and I knew it but I'm telling you I was getting so much resistance and people are saying no Jillian you're wrong show me the proof.

 Antibiotics are like laser weapons.

They are so conductive and when they get activated it's like shooting proton torpedoes at its Target and it's called immune system Annihilation or cellular annihilation.

You see it's one thing to get hit by energy

Okay no big deal unless it's like a neutron bomb or atomic bomb.

But you guys have personalized Neutron and atomic bombs within your colon with your holistic and allopathic practices of pharmaceuticals and natural remedies

Because you have to have reflective particulates in your body for the energy to do some real damage and that's what's in the supplements and the detoxes and all the different natural remedies and synthetic remedies

 Especially during climate change.

And so after the eclipse I knew the sun was hitting differently and the particulates and the particles were extremely reflective and highly conducive and it caused whatever I was holding within to also activate that's why I kept out of the Sun.

Now you see what's going on with these turbo Cancers and people sucking down their herbicides and pesticides with reflective particulates causing turbo cancers and died suddenly and then of course all the tornadoes and Category 6 hurricane coming up in the future

 it is a personal situation that you guys develop in yourself unless you can release the demons..

And you cannot afford to starving this environment because it is radioactive and people are personally Radioactive with their holistic practices and that's why I blew up around so many people. I was activated up the yin yang by all the people who were radioactive with all of their remedies and detoxes and practices.

And so when I eat processed food it is mixed with fatty acid amino acid prohormones and minerals and so it is a perfect specimen of a food that activates the amino acids that is necessary for my vital organs and blood pressure regulation and blood vessels and digestive system. I don't suck down pesticides and become completely radioactively like people are right now.

Sodium fluoride activates fluoride

Sodium chloride activates chloride

Sodium activates whatever it is paired with.

I salt my meat milk cheese eggs fruits veggies carbs gluten sugar salt to ACTIVATE MY FOOD and immune system to regulate blood pressure and reinforce VITAL ORGANS.

I dont play with cell salts exotifying the elements as if they were to "magically" heal you

Talk to your doctor around salt

And yes when you are playing with spices and boiling them and selling them to people for remedies you're making everybody Radioactive. Of course you need salt because it does the both ionic and covalent keeping your blood flowing and your organs intact and not completely gelatinous however you could become cured and then adding heavy metals and the energy environment could cause a person to turn to stone or have such constipation they can't pass the kidney stones and other types of stones because they're so highly mineralized which are so painful to pass that people have to get operations because they're so highly mineralized by the remedies Market.

The milk and the oats and the gluten and the sugar and the processed food helps you pass such highly condensed minerals that people are sucking down in the Herb's Market and the extract market and the detox Market. That's why it's so painful to poop for some people because they don't have enough nutrients to pass those minerals out of their body.

The zeolite is also highly mineralized. And of course the turmeric and the Honey in the apple cider vinegar are also highly mineralized and reflective when the energy changes and they're just as f***** as all the other b******* in the holistic Market

You're feeling so f****** heavy it's because you're so full of metal and herbs and extracts

All those spices and herbs and extracts develop stones in people because the mineral content is so f****** high..

You see I wanted to cry many years ago and I was so angry at all of you but I couldn't express why..

I knew what the system was doing to you and I knew what these holistic people were doing to each other. That's why they wanted your friends and family to become licensed lay people to sell you everything that was poison.

It's easier to buy highly mineralized heavy metals in friendly forms like Elderberry syrup and fire cider from people you think you should trust which is your mom and your dad and your friends and your family and they wanted you to be anti-government so you would never really take their warning seriously and you do everything the opposite of the government because I saw that in some of these groups that people do everything opposite of government as they're sucking down these highly mineralized herbs and extracts causing their body to turn to stone and they can't pass the demons out because it's too f****** painful. And then they die.. in the process of fasting so they bought the story that the good cells eat the bad cells b*******

are you f****** kidding me

It was all the charismatic guys and the hot chicks selling you minerals and herbs and extracts claiming they're going to save you when they have no f****** guarantee they can do s*** they just caused more reflective particulates to stay stuck in your colon and to ignite your immune system when the energy changes.

Why do you think they have ugly witches stirring pots of Brew adding twigs and fruits and frog legs because they're trying to show you that's what your friends and family are doing when they're selling your b******* to take away your pain and suffering. That's what the wicked witches do they basically ignite a shitstorm in your immune system and destroy you. But you had to buy everything the system gave you because you didn't know any better and I tried to f****** tell you and I was hated for it.

All of your herbs and spices and extracts and remedies and elixirs and detoxes are basically different forms of heavy metals or extremely conductive when catalyzed by the right energy igniting a shitstorm within your immune system as well as the weather.

I told you and I've been telling you but at this point it's too late for so many. But some of you haven't been caught up in the spices and herbs and extracts and detoxes supplements market and hopefully i caught you before you're became completely infested because the energy in the environment is reflecting back everything that you hold within..

some of you have already released a lot of those heavy metal demons within attached to the supplements and herbs market and now it's the milk meat cheese eggs with light seasoning but you're not ingesting herbicides and pesticides.

And I knew the MLM supplements trade was purposely done and they have infiltrated everything in the Health and Wellness Community. Just go look at these holistic groups and look what they're recommending to people basically setting them up to be ignited and the environment is going to cause a literal shitstorm in their immune system.

People selling each other fire cider and Elderberry syrup are causing literal shitstorms in their own children's immune systems as well as the people they sell this s*** to

Yes, spices can be conductive, and their electrical conductivity can indicate their mineral content and nutritional value:

Electrical conductivity

Spices with high electrical conductivity (K>10) have a higher mineral content or nutritional value.

Spices that are boiled

Spices like cumin seeds, black pepper, coriander seeds, and cardamom that are boiled with drinking water in Kerala households have relatively high electrical conductivity.

Your disease and the weather is amplified by the elements in your Elderberry syrup and detoxes and herbs and extracts.

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