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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Releasing the Shadow of Death is Releasing the Reason to Resist

People wonder why their loved ones are changing because they have so many different personalities within that the climate change and other therapies are bringing up personalities they weren't even aware existed until during this pandemic. And so you will see people become mean if they have been suffering so much and they've been holding it back with drugs and alcohol and they can't help it because their identities are starting to crack and become fractured. When people become mean you know the facade is fading away and now it's going to be a battle between good and evil when you think about it.

And when people are extremely kind it's because underneath they have a bed of lava of anger that they have to keep under control but you'll see the cracks in the facade once you trigger them

That's why you stay home and stay safe because you don't know what facades are cracking and what will trigger people into extreme deadly behavior and violent behavior if it's not channeled correctly.

So many people are hanging by a string and you don't want to be in the crossfire when the volcano explodes and you don't know when that will be..

Everyone right now is under their own immunological pressure cooker and they have all their different experiences that you know nothing about so tread carefully around your peers. And look for signs of the cracks in the facade

Ever since the beginning of Spring, I have been in the process of releasing the Shadow of Death underneath my eyes looking like two puffy circles. It is not to say I was not releasing shadows of death the last 3 years since the Pandemic, but this was another level that was not like any other experience. The pain which stood out the most to me this time around was the arm pain, the back pain and the wrist/hand pain that I have never experienced before. I mean, I have had little snippets of arm/wrist/back/hand and shoulder pain before, but this pain was daily and patterns started to emerge.

I noticed all the pain was the pressure of the system pushing composites of proteins throughout my upper/lower immune system. Relative to the temperatures outside and inside would determine how much pain I was in due to the blood vessels expanding and contracting. When blood vessels and then each opening on either end of my body were constricted, I noticed more pain so the hot showers and the ability to cough, sneeze and blow my nose helped relieve the pressure and of course pooping so much!!!

 I also noticed hunger at different times of the day relative to the growth and release process and of course, the heart palpitations.

Whenever I would get the increase in heart rate, I would eat so much spaghetti and cheese and sauce and ice cream and food to give the body something to process and filter. I know that is what "high blood pressure" is.

High blood pressure is immune system activation and of course the body needs food and rest and also the person needs to allow their immune system to release.

In our world, people are afraid of high blood pressure because their immune system is in resistance and so the person becomes a pressure cooker and they pop, for all intents and purposes. To alleviate "popping" from pressure release the system of medical professionals advocates starving the immune system or use vasoconstrictors to stop the body from releasing and so the person either becomes skinnier and skinnier or morbidly abundant until the body cannot handle the pressure of retention or release anymore, and then.. a sudden event..

So, this last 4 months I have been facing shadows of death and I could feel them in my arms, my shoulders, my wrists, my hands because those were the weakest and most underdeveloped part of my body. I also had crazy dreams of losing my identity and even felt the flesh of an incubus, i think..

I used to play sports so I had enough circulation and infrastructure that I did not experience too much pain in my legs. I did experience weakness in my legs back in July 2022, but not this time around.

This time around it was the immune system actively repairing my lymph nodes in my arms, shoulders, back and neck and that was why the back of my neck was swelling, a bit during the most aggressive times. I do not get such rashes under my armpits like I did the last 4 months, lately, and I am getting better range of motion in my arms. However, during high pressure release times like last night, my arms are more sensitive to "wrestling" lol, hubby needs to be more gentle ahah, and I need to rest a lot more, but the next morning, after feeling bloated due to immune system activation, I release a shitload of demons and wow..

That is why I am up early early in the morning like between 2 and 5 am because I am fighting battles my immune system is equipped to fight and this morning I was coughing so much and blowing my nose. Finally, I woke up, released demons and took a long hot shower and wow, I feel so much better and the shadow of death is fading...

this is intense everyone.. this spiritual war we are in linking itself to microbes within are so severe, I understand why so many are so spiritual..

All the messages of doom and gloom and drugged happiness and love are the microbes influencing your politics, religion science dogmas and then hive minds.

People who are hive minded congregate in groups and group think as the intelligent microbes link everyone together and become a force the govt must sit and watch and also, regulate..

insane, to say the least..

And so that's why my pictures have different looks because it just depends upon what growth and what system is in control at the time and it could be different times of the day.

 It's not that different than someone who has extreme personality changes and when they get triggered, the person becomes a different person.

 You don't want to have something like extreme personality disorders and multiple personalities because then a person can become dangerous. But you want to be aware that the changes in your body in your mind in your spirit in your face is because of the different microbes in control at the time and during different times of the day.

The three faces of Eve is the programming that person is under and the type of extreme personalities that come up when triggered when all the conditions are right

Suffering from headaches and inexplicable blackouts, timid housewife Eve White (Joanne Woodward) begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Luther (Lee J. Cobb). He's stunned when she transforms before his eyes into the lascivious Eve Black, and diagnoses her as having multiple personalities. It's not long before a third, calling herself Jane, also appears. Through hypnosis and continued therapy, Luther struggles to help Eve recall the trauma that caused her identity to fracture.

During these elections you're going to watch those with the hive minds of aggressive perceptions that someone is taking away their rights you will see people get caught in the crossfire.

 I already see so many people on my Facebook who are left-wing thinking that so many people are going to be losing their rights and there is nothing they're losing.

Nobody's going into their house and telling them what to do. Nobody in the government is forcing you to have children but it's your friends and family and your husband and wife and your in-laws who are encouraging you to destroy yourself and dilute yourself. But the government is not doing that

 Nobody is forcing them to go in areas they are not welcome and cultivate resistance. But when people feel they must convert somebody else they'll go into a crowd of people they know they're not welcome in and try to force everyone to love them and like them and deal with them and that's called societal rape.

When people are trying to force their position on others by inserting themselves into an area that they are not welcome in, then the hive minds are basically influencing so many people to think they are under attack.

That's why it's going to be f****** dangerous this next pressure cooker release.

And when people are developing so much growth the temperatures will go up in the cities and around a lot of people.. causing the storms to be that much more aggressive.

If you don't want stress and resistance stop inviting it into your world and cultivating it.

But don't forcibly insert yourself into a situation and then blame somebody else for why they're resisting you because then your arguments are asinine.

And if you're not aware that you're not welcome in an area you'll walk into danger and think you'll survive it but you wont..

If you don't release the deadly resistance within your immune system you will be deadly yourself.. and the facade will crack one day. I hope you survive it and I hope you have the ability to rebuild. If that's your intention.

When you are so aware of how deadly the war is out there and people are brewing storms underneath the facade of gentleness and kindness and equality, you cannot force anyone to deal with you.

You cannot force anyone to like you or love you or respect you. You can't force anyone to do anything. But when you insert your children or yourself in situations that are not welcomed by the crowd then the government must step in and control that situation.

Everything about the right wing is about controlling your children who turn into deadly adults or victims of human trafficking and died suddenly.

 If you don't want the government in your business then you need to regulate your own intolerances and you need to reconsider whether or not it's prudent to have children now when the system is trying to control aggressive reproduction.

I don't get special treatment from anybody. I don't expect people to feel sorry for whatever I went through the last seven years or even the last 50 years.

 I'm not pissed off at the government going into Vietnam. I understand all the arguments and I have no issue with whatever happened in the past and what's happening today and what could happen next year.

If you have any issue with any political party regardless, you need to figure out what Hive Minds are controlling your body Mind and Spirit and figure out how to regulate yourself because if not somebody will regulate you regardless if you are Democrat Republican or independent.

And never ever assume you won or lost because the system is showing you both sides of the issue and what happens when one extreme is in control causing resistance in another extreme and then flipping that situation around.

Recognize the tactics your government is developing and implementing

and no you did not win or

No, you did not lose.

You just were able to experience how bad it could get when one side or the other that's so extreme is in control. And you see the chaos and you see the resistance and you see how deadly people can be when they purposely inject themselves forcibly into a crowd who does not understand them and so you ask for a war when you insert yourself into a war or when you get the war inserted into you

But we are heading into a more conservative world and I'm okay with that because it's about conservation and sustainability. Conservative conservation now you see how that works

Every human =parent

Because part of you is a parent to juvenile cells who must evolve and grow up and mature..

But will you destroy your juvenile cells and your parent cells aka YOU..

Or will you help yourself mature and help your juvenile cells mature.. And every other offspring that comes into your body mature..

All the diets people are on is like starving your children.

When people are on diets.. Or they have food allergies.. It's like they starve their children..

Is worse when parents not only starve themselves but also their offspring.. Their sexually reproduced physical offspring..

That's why I'm awake during these times.

These are the times that I will cough sneeze and blow my nose that if I had not conditioned myself to do that I would have died in my sleep. Or at least have a heart attack or stroke or become paralyzed.

That's why I don't remedy any disease or take away symptoms or take away pain because that's the body's way of letting you know it's working for you not against you but you got to be strong enough to understand what's going on and if not people do die in their sleep.

 Especially early in the morning like I said before many times. The most popular times when people die or least experience a heart attack or stroke is either early in the morning or overnight.

And then during the day you feed yourself and sleep when you need to so you're strong enough for the night. That's why I'm an early riser because when it is that aggressive out there my body is in alert mode and I'm awake a lot to make sure I fight these f****** demons.

 And you have to eat all the food to give your body the fuel and the substance so you can survive another day.

That's why the food supply, all of it, is so important and you have to condition your body to deal with taking on pressure and releasing pressure and sometimes you may need to release more pressure than take on and everybody is different and you can't assume you can do the same thing over again and expect a different result.

And you can't expect children to understand this and so it's not your place to make children deal with taking on pressure and releasing it so it's pretty much out of your hands.

But you as an adult have all the freedom and a choice and you're not a slave unless you choose to be. You're the one that has to keep up with everybody around you and a lifestyle that it's truly not sustainable in the long run

And when it's hot outside you need to eat food because your body is burning a lot more energy than you're aware of and if you're not feeding your body your body will actually cannibalize itself and shut itself down.

And now when I get hives then heart palpitations I know my immune system is activating and is doing what it needs to do and I feed it spaghetti and whatever else I have in my house so it has the fuel and the resources. And then I take a nap and sometimes I wake up with arm pain and sometimes I have to use the restroom or take a hot shower to help contract the muscles because it's going through its own process. And it's a daily process relative to what kind of life you hold within and what needs to be released that's deep within your immune system that's coming to surface like digging a hole in the earth and going through the layers and layers of strata of time. The world is not what you think. You are history. You are one blip of time in history that you could potentially become valuable information to yourself and your family and the world and carry the human race forward or die on the vine..

And that's why there's so much redundancy in our society. Which is also why we have so many doppelgangers. You have a black white hispanic Asian twin out there.

And that's also why I spent a summer or almost a whole year every day eating ice cream sandwiches at night and eating so much cream and milk and macaroni and cheese because my body needed the mucus to repair and release and to cough and sneeze and blow my nose and even do diarrhea when it was appropriate. I never ever stopped my body from releasing.

And I never ever stopped feeding my body. That's why I ate so much and continue to ear gluten sugar salt meat milk cheese eggs fruits and veggies and water and I rested and I changed my lifestyle and I pulled back from all the social outings and addictive behaviors and I self-reflected and I stayed home and I stayed safe.

People thought I was nuts.

 No, I was saving myself and giving myself a second chance at life.

Ever since 2019 as my immune system was waking up during these pandemics some years were worse than others. Some years were so bad that I could barely move for a few months or a few weeks. This last 4 months have been pretty brutal but not as bad as it was back in 2020 and 2021 and 2022.

I now understand why people think they've been touched by the Holy Spirit when the microbes or the viruses or entities, which are intelligent, start sending people messages at night through dreams.

 It's like Princess Leia sending a message through R2D2 that she's looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi as he is her only hope.

Some of the messages you receive in your sleep could be from the microbes warning you danger is abound. Expect some aggressive energy and Wars within your immune system.

" Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you're my only hope"..

You seriously must be a Jedi Knight within your Body Mind and Spirit to fight off the Dark Forces and you must find Alliances within your immune system to keep you alive.

And I'll tell you the pain food and sleep are the Alliances. But never ever mischaracterize pain.

If you're not strong enough for the pain, food and rest, the Dark Forces will destroy you.

And I know men have a hard time resting and pulling back. They have so much testosterone energy they have to release. But they also need to rebuild. And they need to stop masturbating so much so they can keep some of that energy and life force. Men are built differently than women. There is a way to survive but it does take strategy.

I want to believe that Noah and Methuselah are an example of a male who can withstand the elements and live to be at least 900 years old

equality= the right to exist and express in a culture/lifestyle/belief that is not harming children, animals and other humans and is also appropriate in its proper venue and place.

You can't be yourself everywhere.. know the right time and place to be "yourself".. and sometimes, it is at home.. lol

I really couldn't be myself 20 years ago and I can't be myself in diverse company, even today. So I do it on Facebook. And I know my boundaries.. my husband mostly accepts who I am. But I will never be like everybody else.

I'm not special I just released my demons that most people still cultivate

heteros with no children could be in a domestic partnership and

heteros/gay with children could get married, in case someone has an issue with gay people not allowed to get married.

marriage was the developed to control the mother/father into staying inbounds while they raised their children with financial/health privileges..

domestic partners can develop beneficiaries for certain things and even have living wills, etc.. they may not get their partners social security like married people can, but is that enough to fight for "equality".. one day, even marriage will go to the wayside.. it is an archaic system..

the public school system, the family and the govt will figure out how to raise your children..

the family will be the one to determine what their kids are taught at home and if the kids are taught things which manifest in destructive behavior at school, then the govt will step in..

family first

school system

govt regulating when appropriate

then we can see what kind of people families produce and develop a database of cause and effect..

if you have no children, it is not your "problem". You pay taxes to the govt so that the children are regulated and brought up in a safe and productive society.

hacking into any website to confront anyone is acting like a virtual rapist.. I don't care if you are gay or straight or non-binary. Purposely inserting and injecting yourself into any website or live stream is acting like a rapist and it's not okay and it's inhumane.

If someone is not actively doing any harm to your body mind or spirit then what you have become is a political spiritual and scientific terrorist as well as a sexual terrorist based upon your intention.

And when people make accusations somebody has taken away their rights whatever that means you have now become the predator actively inserting yourself into someone's world taking away their right to exist and express and you've become the terrorist and the predator the system must control and regulate..

The next pressure cooker that's going to be released will be these elections. Stay home and stay safe and do not fly your colors. Someone inevitably is going to want to take away your ability to exist.. and once you insert yourself into a war that you can't control you will become a Target. Don't become the very thing that you're against. Or else you have no f****** argument or leg to stand on

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