CHILDREN are climbing out of their parents hole their own parents put them in trying to regain lifelines
and parents are trying to fill in the holes they developed by having children..
then it is the blind leading the blind.. over the cliff.
You have to have so many lifelines or reserves in order to go backwards and forwards and redirect what was done.
Children don't have enough history in their current Lifeline to go backwards and forwards to learn from their mistakes because they have yet the mistakes to make to learn from. And if parents keep bailing them out from less deadly mistakes than they will not learn those mistakes until they actually are allowed to learn from their mistakes.
Which is why infants die from sudden infant death because they didn't have enough lifelines of RAM to give them enough lessons to save them from death. They came in at a deficit ..
And when the elderly are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's they don't have enough memory to learn from their mistakes to redirect so they are preparing for conception into the Afterlife.
And people die suddenly because they don't have enough memory to protect them from aggressive energy conversion.
People who die suddenly are lacking enough RAM to keep them going.
What is Ram?
it is a computer term and it is an acronym made from random access memory.
Your government will keep an infrastructure called read only memory but you are the random access memory which means you are the evolution
Put succinctly, memory is primary memory, while storage is secondary memory. Memory refers to the location of short-term data, while storage refers to the location of data stored on a long-term basis. Memory is most often referred to as the primary storage on a computer, such as RAM.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory, and ROM stands for Read Only Memory. RAM is memory that stores the data that you're currently working with, but it's volatile, meaning that as soon as it loses power, that data disappears. ROM refers to permanent memory. It's non-volatile, so when it loses power, the data remains.
definitions are AI generated
Reverse engineer.
If most of the world believes they should die someday. I reversed engineer dying and converted it back to life. You can reverse engineer anything if you think hard enough.
If Mother Nature can make animals plants fungus monera protists out of the constituents of the universe which rains down upon us called panspermia and then we convert that into our infrastructure and society and even the food then mankind can take the waste and recycle it and reverse engineer everything into something usable and sustainable not disposable.
Welcome to the new world of advanced technology it will take advanced people to understand advanced technology.
And I'm learning how to reverse engineer people's aggressive reaction to develop some kind of easy understanding even if people resist it. It's not easy reverse engineering anger into at least understanding. I don't need agreement. Just understanding
Recycle reduce reuse.
How does one reverse engineer getting your life back if you're thinking about having a family. Don't have a family and get your life back and reverse engineer everything your parents ever told you about symptoms and food and the environment. Nothing is poisonous if it's used for the intention and your government is correct.
And if you had kids you can't stuff that genie back in the bottle so you have to eat food stay home and stay safe feel pain and get off your drugs and alcohol and cut down your expenses and recycle reduce reuse.
And you get a many chances. At least 2.33 chances every year making up each milestone you reach in your lifetime.
You can't help what your parents did but you have a choice between 18 and beyond assuming you survive your childhood and you have a stable infrastructure as an adult.
Whatt exactly quantifies 2.33 chances?
My answer.
What do you do in reaction to disease every Spring allergy season and cold and flu season.
Everything that happens in between spring allergy season and cold and flu season was as a result of your reaction to the climate changing. That includes your essential oils and extracts and diets and detoxes and supplements and drugs and alcohol and cannabis.
And so you as parents will either give your kids a great foundation to thrive as an adult and give your kids a chance to regain the life that was lost
Or you'll keep taking away their lifelines and they may not even survive getting out of childhood.
18 years is a long time to be smothered with essential oils and diets and detoxes and activism.
However, it might be too late for your kids so you have a chance to get your life back and redirect.
I told you, parents have a better chance at saving themselves then their children do because they have something to reverse and the kids can't reverse back to a baby they would die.
And they don't understand the power of suffering because they haven't even developed a foundation to handle it or understand it
To go backwards and forwards you have to have something to go back to. Adults have something to go back to but children don't.
That's called Death. Which is why they get their children baptized so that way in case there is a sudden infant death or a sudden death the Lord receives them graciously back into the universe
And you can't make a child suffer because they don't have enough life experience to understand and they don't have the capacity to suffer. Because they have to learn everything about the world and you can't make them do academics and suffer simultaneously. And so they're still learning academics they don't have the capacity to adapt and suffer to live. So you just hope they have enough life and fun and you give them 18 years of that and then when they turn 18 you hope they have what it takes to make their own choices good for them.
But adults have suffered their whole life so if they know they've survived suffering then they can support it correctly and live.
And yeah you can reverse engineer your politics religion science. You can pick apart why you believe what you believe and you can also give yourself a choice not end up the way your parents or grandparents ended up.
Your beliefs are the reason why you're resisting everything in the world and suffering and blaming somebody else and why you're actually choosing to die and casting those spells and curses and "gifts" on to your children
That's called science.
From the micro to the macro from the macro to the micro.
By the way I could never have developed this thought process as a child. I didn't have enough life experience or enough memory of the old world that I came from because all of us have been reincarnated from something.
I can't tell you if the factors they post on the internet are the indicators of someone reincarnated
but if you don't have enough memories then there's nothing to go backwards to to do a great reset.
That's why adults have a better chance. Because they can reverse engineer whatever they've done to undo the Spells and the Curses and get their Humanity back
That's the spirituality of my world which is undoing the curses and the spells people cast upon you.
And just to reiterate. There is nothing poisonous if it's FDA approved for the intention.
Just because the universe puts out of signal doesn't mean you are equipped to receive it. Which is why I got so much backlash the last 8 years.
Many people are not equipped to receive messages like this so they are in aggressive resistance and then tell you they love you.
As far as my take around baptism. It is not necessary for kids to get baptized in order to go to heaven because kids don't have that kind of power to make a choice and they shouldn't get punished for their parents sins.
Stay alive eat food or be eaten as food.
Audrey Stewart
I guess this is another chance for someone to reincarnate and take over someone's body laugh out loud.
What is funny is hearing whispers after a nice dinner..
All of you who hate Amer_icans we are feeding you and innovating you. Be thankful we exist and we suffered for you.
What will suck is life is going to be hard and no matter how much I intellectually contribute there's no guarantee I'm going to have a great life in the future
I can only hope.. I can only be the example.
For all we know everything we've put on the internet the system will gobbled up and yeah we are expendable
So you are truly in The Hunger Games and Survivor
I'm ready for the future but I don't imagine many people are ready for the future.
So that everybody becomes a petri dish developing Soylent green? Making the current human smarter from all that DNA from America sprinkled into their food supply. Maybe America is feeding the world one DNA petri dish at a time.
So you have 300 million extremely smart people in America and then all the DNA gets reconstituted developed into a food supply along with animal dna and plants and whatever and so you're getting biological immunological intelligence plus then the innovation from all the typing and the books and the podcast and the blog sites people offer.
Which is why the food is different here in America than it is in the UK. We have highly intelligent highly innovative people who need a lot more support in the food supply to keep things moving and developing producing extreme advancement in the human race
Now you have to survive after you've given everybody your innovation in Body Mind and Spirit.
Americans are the technology. We are the aggressive innovation. Those outside of America who frown upon us, as they are living on gluten-free organic naturopathic essential oil situations well do you think you can handle climate change if your immune system doesn't have the arsenal to handle microbial innovation and advancement?
Which is probably why they're making it harder for people to travel to different countries because some people don't have a tolerance for American advancement. They're still living in Middle Earth
If Mother Nature can make animals and plants. And we eat animals and plants and it gets converted into our poop. Then science can reverse engineer everything. You must suspend disbelief and let go of your emotions understand what life is.. but don't ever insult people. Because that's not a very nice thing to do.
I know initially it's shocking and sometimes we go into insults. At some point you don't have to go there you can just politely disagree laugh out loud.
Oh my God this is crazy. This is basically a version of Soylent Green. It's not poison. It's not bad for you. Energy cannot be created or destroy only converted into something usable and recyclable. All humans are recyclable. All animals are recyclable.
You know this is a future. The people who've passed away the past the present the future well everything is recyclable. They've already given their DNA to the system. The body is left to the family or sometimes to science. But you've already given your DNA for the system to use.
Everything can be reduced down to fatty acid amino acid prohormones and minerals and even insects can be used for food source.
Which is why the allegory of vampires reference humans because we eat meat because it's necessary as we are animals and we have to eat other animals that are closely related to us and we need the protein or the amino acids fatty acids hormones and minerals and water. Humans cannot get away with being vegan and vegetarian. We have to eat fake meat from reconstituted human waste and insects developed into something we recognize like chicken nuggets made from chicken proteins not from a chicken but from its cancer. Cancer is just another form of a chicken that didn't develop into a chicken yet. Oh yeah the system is f****** amazing if you understand science.
We have the food supply to give us something we recognize so we don't get totally grossed out by how it was converted from one product to another. But I have no problem eating chicken nuggets made from whatever they develop in a lab that didn't have to come from suffering of an animal or human.
Some people will have spiritual issues with this but I mean people have sex with each other and they ingest each other's proteins even kissing each other even kissing their children. Sharing microbes like sharing drinks and sharing food and potlucks and birthday cakes blowing out the candles. Sharing restrooms and sharing restaurants
He surpassed his first hayflick limit which is 50 years old and was able to sustain 38 more years but could not hold on.
You'll find Boomers and Silent gens are able to surpass the hayflick limit but some Gen X and Millennials and zoomers will have a hard time reaching it.
Which is why you're watching everyone from all over the map as far as the generations die suddenly or trigger some fast moving cancer.
I surpassed the hayflick limit because I am 50 and 1/2 years old. All I have to do now is keep eating and staying safe.
So even though people are having issues with the vaccines today as well as they are blaming everything disease like on air food and water and of course the vaccines little do they realize it is the aggressive procreation and remedies and lack of food tolerance is the true issue
it's the Boomers and Silent Generations were raised on the vaccines which is why they're living longer than 50 years old not dying suddenly
But even though the vaccines give life people have a hard time dealing with pain because they're so deficient and food is painful and they keep remedying away disease and having many children diluting their ability to gain more lifelines
What's the point of bringing in life even via a vaccine if you can't even feed the person because the person cannot handle air food or water or think everything is poison and can't handle pain.
And the climate has also changed aggressively. Which is why you're experiencing a lot of died suddenly all over.
So that everybody becomes a petri dish developing Soylent green? Making the current human smarter from all that DNA from America sprinkled into their food supply. Maybe America is feeding the world one DNA petri dish at a time
Developing future humans absolutely
Hayflick limit
Once I have legitimized the vaccines and all food and brough up the dangers of family and then breaking everything down to the choices you have made..
yup.. maybe.. i will be done..
i still will go over the info I did today, tomorrow..
when it is all said and done:
vaccines gave us LIFE (they were never the issue)
and the diets and medical/holistic/energy healing world took away your life.
so, aging and obesity and emaciation is someone full of mucus causing nutritional malabsorption taking vaccines, remedies, hanging out with animals, kids and diverse company and exposed to microbes while getting surgeries, drinking, doing drugs and on their diets furthering causing their starvation while their body grows sideways, backwards or inverted spewing out some ideology they developed from their pain and suffering.. while giving samples of their dna to the genome database project.
petri dish.
But in the meantime glorifying God
Okay Okay.
This is all planned way before your parents and grandparents. But you have a chance. If you think you don't have a chance you probably do. The first step is eating that first bite of meat and milk and cheese and eggs and yes sit in the power of the pain and suffering if you can. You can't force your kids to go through this but you as an adult have a chance
so, when the scientists are purifying the samples of DNA you gave them, they are doing what you essentially SHOULD HAVE DONE, to give room for evolution and feed evolution and then release the waste materials.
This was an unintended consequence of running through so much detailed information that I finally figured out the aha moment.
Vaccines produce life. ALL Food supports life. Release gives the new life a chance. And you can't mischaracterize symptoms.
Fertility is only deadly when you starve it. When you starve your children they are deadly. When you starve your body it rebels against you
Aggressive energy conversion happens twice (2.33 times) a year during cold and flu season and spring allergy season. And even more so because we have hot and cold spells that happen in the middle between each season change
Every single time you treat your cold and flu and spring allergy plus all the disease in between developed from cold and flu and spring allergy along with strict diets and hard charging lifestyles, is another lifeline potentially lost.
All changes in the season develop lost lifelines that must be regained with food or lost with remedies and surgeries, etc.. (2nd law of thermodynamics = energy is lost via energy conversion like climate change/season changes.)
Aka positive times a negative equals a negative. That's called entropy
that's called deficit
that's called the laws of thermodynamics
1. in utero 2.33/twice a year chances (died suddenly comes from starvation) 9 MONTHS (2 chances)
2. Baby 2.33/twice a year chances (died suddenly comes from starvation) 24 months/2 years (4 chances)
3. Toddler/preschool years 2.33/twice a year chances " 5 years (10 chances)
4. Tween 2.33/twice a year chances " 6-12 (24 chances)
5. Teen 2.33/twice a hear chances " 12-18 (36 chances)
6. Young Adult 2.33/twice a year chances " 18-25 (50 chances
7 Adult 2.33 chances " 25-50 (100 chances)
and when you work from deficits, these numbers might actually be less than what is shown.
which is why SIDS is so prevalent because the mother could not afford to have her child.. the child was too weak for the world they came into.
every year a child lives, they have a better chance to regain lifelines or lose them altogether..
And when it's all said and done all food offered by the government minus the recommendations of recommended daily allowances is the only thing that will save people if they understand the mechanisms of life and energy and symptoms.
The recommended daily allowances is based upon a universal system of death and reproduction. But you cannot possibly think that someone who's 200 lb could live on the recommended daily allowance of food for someone who's a hundred pounds or 5lbs.
And some kids might need more than the recommended daily allowance of any kind of food and you don't want to starve them either
Everybody has different needs and if you don't understand how to meet your own needs then you will always need to refer to professional and they have no interest in letting you suffer to live and hope the suffering is less and less as years progress.
The medical professionals and the holistic professionals want to give you some kind of guarantee approved by the FDA for its intention or else you're living on Hope and change and you can't make death in the medical system a religious experience or else you have everybody dying suddenly and there goes your whole society
And so that's the choices you are facing.
Here is the aha moment that I will not get any support in from the anti-vaxx community and I don't expect you to
By the way the jump in the baby boom was from all the vaccines.
The decline in the baby boom was from all the remedies treating disease and they're blaming it on the vaccines.
But the vaccines was what produced life which is probably why you're seeing a lot of miscarriages. People are either not getting a vaccine or they're so deficient plus so many remedies and diets that even the vaccines can't even give these kids the life.
Anytime you produce life you have to feed it and look at these women and men starving starving starving thinking food is poison. No wonder they're having miscarriages and malnourished children falling apart breaking bones allergic to air food and water.
And this is why the system on YouTube kept dinging me. Oh I get it. I get it.
Will I get a vaccine? No because I hate needles but you can put it in my food supply I don't care.
let us say each child represents 7 lifelines you could have had..
3 kids equals 21 lost lifelines (7*3=21) for you and that child might only have 9 chances to regain lifelines he/she needs to become "whole" again, or else died suddenly when they are a tween.
1. in utero 2.33 chances (died suddenly comes from starvation)
2. Baby 2.33 chances (died suddenly comes from starvation)
3. Toddler 2.33 chances "
4. Tween 2.33 chances "
5. Teen 2.33 chances "
6. Youn Adult 2.33 chances "
7 Adult 2.33 chances "
49÷3generations (boomer?/genx/millenial/zoomer)= 16.33 chances ÷7 growth spurts is 2.33 chances per growth spurt to STOP treating disease, regain tolerance to air food water and add your own LIFE.
Anytime anyone dies suddenly is because they used up all of their lifelines and they could not gain another one because of lack of tolerance to air food and water and think food is poisoned and they're taking on more aggressive fertile microbes from exposure to diversity then the body could support through immunological atomic nuclear energy conversion.
Their body fell apart before they could fuse everything together with milk meat cheese eggs and rest and release. That's why the elderly die and fall apart along with died suddenly through all the different age groups.
the use of all holistic allopathic remedies and surgeries uses up MANY LIFE LINES.
So when you look at your Facebook and you know that these children and adults are gluten free and sugar-free and on low sodium diets and are allergic to food.
It's just a matter of time. When these kids are adults with allergies and intolerances and they have children you know those days are numbered because the parents developed a hole their kids crawled out of trying to gain lifelines they don't have the capacity to gain. They were born with holes trying to fill them up with food they can't eat and air they can't breathe and water they can't drink and that's really sad.
That's why it's so important for adults and older teenagers to understand the importance of life and change
it takes 7 years to regenerate organs, relationships and cells but you only get 7 chances to do that..
so don't bankrupt yourself.. and quit before you reach the 7th chance.. or else bankruptcy.. died suddenly.
7 times 7 =49 or 50 (hayflick limit)
my world, regain another lifeline before you use up the current one you have..
Why do you think they call it The Seven Year Itch?
Because people change every 7 years.
You better have a very strong foundation to survive 7 years of change.
And if you want to survive you better stand up to your partner and demand they allow you to live and not destroy you.
My husband and I got married in 2011 and it was shaky in 2018 when the jilly juice was at its height
I regained another lifeline and hopefully he has the option to regain another one if he so chooses
Which is why I don't spend hardly any money and I don't take on anything I couldn't afford to pay back if I was the only one working.
I spent the last 7 years regaining another lifeline.
7 years.
Do you think you have 7 years plus a few years to transition out of the old world and survive into the new world??
Your adult children will face that. Is the few years of pleasure and paradise having babies satisfying somebody in your world worth the suffering of deterioration?
If it is then I don't want to hear you blaming the air food and water of why your kids have disease and allergic to air food and water. You brought that child into this world knowing exactly they're born deficient in a very highly accelerated environment and you cannot even handle the air food and water mom and dad
CHILDREN are climbing out of their parents hole their own parents put them in trying to regain lifelines
and parents are trying to fill in the holes they developed by having children..
then it is the blind leading the blind.. over the cliff.