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  • Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Sales is Like a Vaccine Injecting Yourself into a Situation and Selling or Developing a Reason..

Updated: Aug 1

Main takeaway

People's c/sell resistance.. which ends up perpetuating the very thing they're resisting. And you can't tell them otherwise.

And ALL food adds intelligence but it's managing the life in your body effectively is what increases your intelligence and intellectual capability

Sales is Like a Vaccine Injecting Yourself into a Situation and Selling or Developing a Reason..

I buy protection but I don't sell it. Nobody has to sell me into anything.. I don't buy Healthcare protection

 I already know what I need

activism is sin: inviting people into your world only to attack them

Selling cures to people only makes them more sick.

selling beauty implying to your customers they are ugly.

Selling freedom to people will only keep them enslaved

selling people remedies implying they should die.

Selling people equality implying they're not equal

Even me selling life I'm implying people are dead.

Selling people death implying their life is not worth living.

Selling people energy implies they have no energy.

Selling people's safety implies they are unsafe.

When you're selling World peace you're implying everyone's at War and you will encourage the war to sell the peace.. because you can't get peace without War

Even selling sex you will eventually sell opposite and they may not even be alive..

Opposite of an act of engaging in intimate relations. chastity. abstention. chasteness. abstinence.

I sell nothing to no one..

Anything you sell implies the opposite..

I just write my story..

Sales was the curse and the Spells of society

DNA (immortalized germline cell_covalent bonding/cured)

RNA (mortal somatic cell/Hayflick Limit/ionic bonding/chaos) children viruses cancer and disease and family

uracil = evolution/corruption/rna= new lifelines

Food must be the support system and yeah feeling pain and suffering and resting and releasing.

Anything the system sells you implies you a perception about who you are and what they want you to be and how they want you to feel. But that is a programming you must understand and assimilate to

 but eventually when the system wants to change find a way to change with the system or resist until you're dead.

I used to be very good at sales and I know how deceptive sales are because you have to be.

Different levels of deception is how the system appropriates regulation. A little deception is better than all out deception and that's a fine line in the sales world

I can't be in sales anymore because that is a dog eat dog world that will have you hovering over that line. Living in a major major aggressively gray areas.

In the past I wanted to find ways to get out of sales but I had to release the demons for me to get out of the sales industry..

I still have the drive to live but not to deceive anyone through sales..

I chose my insurance agent and I chose the companies available for utilities. I chose my husband. There's nothing he could sell me because I knew the potential. We had nothing.. we built something together

I also chose my accountant.

I don't talk to salesman anymore. I don't sell anything anymore.

I'm not even an activist because you can't sell life to people who can't handle life and you really can't sell death to people who want to live so there's nothing to sell anyone anymore and the illusion the curtain has finally fallen in my world.

And selling a religion in politics and science is selling people absolution. But at some point Absolution is death so I don't even sell Absolution to people.

The only thing left in the future is working for the government to regulate people who have to sell each other life and death who can't handle it

dna is germline (immortalized germline) (egg/sperm) (henrietta lacks and cancer is a germline cell)

rna is mortal somatic (can only redouble itself 50 times over/hayflick limit)

the acid to transition over from dna to rna is the uracil and that is the evolution..

so many of you hold so many germline cells causing fertility, periods, and cancers, etc..

the aging process is holding so many conflicting germline cells in your immune system because you have failed to release the demons and of course starving..

my last germline cells blooming developing into a period was in march/April .. the demon developing yet one more harvest of eggs. Will I have another this fall?

we shall see.

once you actually hit menopause, that is your ticket to freedom.. i just hope you survive getting your body mind and spirit back.. and you hope the men around these women who are trying to survive give her a chance to live but most likely they won't

You were bred to procreate specimens for the government and they studied your culture lifestyle belief systems politics religion and science. And then you were told once you hit menopause you're not expected to live too long after menopause. Because how many women can handle symptoms of evolution and change and taking on another Lifeline called the hayflick limit..

 not many if at all because they can't handle pain suffering and change and God forbid should they change their lifestyle and no one around them wants them to change because the suffering and eating will be too much for anyone to handle around them so women and men die to keep everyone around them happy..

and these men and women are starving for their friends and family. And then they become predatory and destructive and blaming and angry and that's the the deadly Cardinal seven deadly sins

You know that salt and my juice could be used as a cure or chaos and I can never tell you which one and I don't want people to be cured because that's not something that I could ever ever claim. But if people do find relief, their situation that you could never say it could happen for you, then I guess I will be open for a little bit of gratitude and I'm not looking for testimonies but this happened to end up on my pinned post and I figure I would share it.

Salt water can cause chaos because it's ionic bonding or entropy because it's breaking apart things that need to be let go and people feel stuff as it leaves

and salt and water can also be a cure or covalent bonding and you feel relief but you don't want to be too cured and so everyone has to figure out what's comfortable for them and still survive and eat food.

All evolution is necessary but you have to determine how much evolution is appropriate for you.

We have so many people on different ends at the life and death Spectrum as some people can't do what I'm doing and feel the pain and others found something that works for them and that's all you can give people our options and then upsides and downsides and they make their choices.

 I used to want people to feel pain and suffering because I knew what the power of it could do for the future but sometimes it's too much power.. so if you find relief with whatever you're doing good for you

Yep woke up with hives on the right side of my back below my shoulder. And I know that's the healing process the growth process and all the crap is coming up in the skin and it will eventually disappear. I know my right shoulder is what's healing. Yesterday I drank a bunch of milk and cottage cheese and ate meat and potatoes and yeah my body is converting the growth into retention and release.

And so after drinking that pint of milk and eating those dinner rolls that were so soft and releasing demons not too long afterwards and it was a lot, then I was hungry around midnight.

To reiterate I released demons around 9:30 p.m. and then ate food such as a leftover meat and potatoes around midnight and slept pretty well

Any place where you get hives or other issues is the body attempting to release and then you have to feed to retain. And milk is everything. Gluten and bread is everything. Meat and potatoes are everything. Then you have to feel the body regenerating if you truly want to organically heal everything 100%. Not put a temporary Band-Aid over anything.

Generation X the transition generation.




the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

"students in transition from one program to another"

I'm sure the 1918 pandemic developed a lot of Orphans which probably contributed to the Orphan Train.

The Orphan Train Movement, a controversial social experiment that transported children by train to new homes, ran from 1854 to 1929:

The quote is it's easier to cry for the dead than hang out with the living.. or what they say "be there for people"

It certainly is. It's hard enough to live your own life. Why compound the issues by taking on somebody else's suffering. You're not God. You're not even Jesus. What does being there for people actually mean. To be the receptacle for their issues. You're not a therapist. You're not a nurse or a doctor.

If you're married then it's For Better or For Worse until you can't even do it then you have to bring in the state

 You're not even a friend. The world is changing. Now it is time to be selfish. Now it is time to figure out how to stand on your own two feet. And if you can't stand on your own two feet then you think those who stand on their own two feet are selfish to you because you can't

 Therefore in your defense you have to be there for people because you expect them to be there for you. That's called quid pro quo.

That's assuming a transactional relationship that's based on your survival. So that's even selfish.

 But don't make you being selfish about keeping people around you so they're around for you while you're around for them is better than someone who doesn't want to deal with people and being there for so many people.

 Because even if they were there for you at the end of the day everybody's dead.

So choose your battles. That's my observation..

Life is hard enough why make it harder?

Nurses and doctors are there for people because they get paid to be there for people. Friends just sacrifice themselves and they hope their friends sacrifice themselves for them.

Whenever there's a great reset everybody's going into their specific corners. That's what separates the old world from the new world. You can't save anyone and you can't even make people's exit palatable because you can't live their life or take away their pain. If your profession is to keep people company then do your job.

Raising children and dealing with parents are extremely messy. When you deal with two extremes on each end of the spectrum there is no right way

everyone at some point is going to have to be responsible for themselves and survive every situation and also figure out their own exit strategy.

People are dying on the field like I said. Too much fertility probably also indulged in the Therapies

I drink about 2 pints of milk a day plus cottage cheese and ice cream and cheese

The bigger you are maybe you should drink a quart or two

Men and women should aim to consume three cups of milk each day. A cup is equal to 8 ounces of milk or yogurt. Cheese also counts!

Imo Children SHOULD drink at least a cup of milk every meal and definitely ice cream after their meat and their potatoes and vegetables. If you have a milk allergy it means your body needs nutrition and you have to bring the nutrition in slowly so as not to overwhelm your system.

And you're going to feel your stomach gurgle and you might have to poop and don't stop yourself from pooping or sneezing or blowing your nose. Food has never been poisoned. People are just that deficient.

So many humans out there are starving.. but yet they're surrounded by food and they feel they can't eat it.

What is so sad is the first world is so rich with food but so poor in tolerance.

Knowing this how can you say you're better than a third world country because your walls have drywall. People in First World countries and third world countries are equally starving. The first world is by choice the third world is by force

My evening snack. Dinner rolls and a pint of milk

Oh yeah. It's very aggressive and if you're fighting something or resisting something the darkness becomes closer and closer. It's like the grim reapers waiting for you to lose the battle. The battle against the darkness is something that is personal. Even mercenaries can't fight your own Darkness. But your own Darkness attracts other Darkness. It brings up the darkness in others but then being so much light could attract the darkness because too much light will cause Darkness.

 It's called fire.

And you cannot pretend to be brave because you're either going to face the darkness and win or you're going to find a way to fool the darkness and you can't fool the devil and the demons. They know what's in your heart.

A Fool's errand is fighting somebody else's Darkness.

Battles I choose to fight are my own battles because I know whether or not I can win or lose. But I can never ever assume I will win somebody else's battles.

There's no freaking way.

I will neither be anyone's light or darkness. Because someone tells you to follow the light, it probably means they want you to get swallowed by the fire. You'll have to figure out what you can handle.

And when people are battling their own demons you stay far away. Give them space

I sell ideas because I'm implying that maybe you might not have the idea but here let me give you an idea and if you're open to receive it great and if you're not nobody's harmed because there was no transaction involved. You only volunteered to look at things that you actively go and search out. That's why I stay on my Facebook. That way no one can accuse me of injecting myself into their world with ideas countering their own. I am who I am so if who I am is an offense then please block me so that way I can't even inject a nice gesture.

To sell your leadership implies you must have followers. I don't even sell or want leadership because your followers will love you and hate you and you can't tell the difference sometimes. They will hate you with love and love to hate you. You just want to be a good human being who gives people opportunity to expand what they can and not inject yourself into their World selling them anything implying something they're not because you have no idea.. or I have no idea anything about anyone. So I just sell ideas and possibilities with no absolutes..

I don't even know how final death is. I just would rather stay alive in the world I'm in. But I can never tell someone that death is final and done because I don't know. Your spirit could live on in another world and it could be even a better world

I don't know..

I don't know anything and I know everything. Here's another story. Take it or leave it

This is why I stay home and stay safe and I don't pretend I live in a safe world. I don't care what area you're in. The sickos will find you if you make yourself a Target. I don't dance on tables or get drunk in bars or think my girlfriends are going to protect me.

And I don't walk around alone because as a woman even walking down the street walking your dog you put yourself in danger. Your daughter's out there and Sons out there don't know the kind of danger they're in but hey you think the world is a great place and it's a safe place.

No it's not.

Flashing your cash and your nice cars And your Gucci purses Yeah people want your money. People are starving and they also want your money. They will kill for it.. it sucks it takes a victim to catch these criminals.

You always protect yourself. It doesn't mean walk around with a sidearm asking for people to take your gun. Don't inject yourself into situations you can't control. It's f****** dangerous out there. Again you don't flash your cash. You don't buy such nice cars. You don't wear such expensive clothes. You don't buy such expensive purses. You will make yourself a f****** Target..

Don't bump your expensive stereo system. That also calls attention to you. This is not the time to be nouveau riche..

Parts of my town are pretty deadly but I don't go and hang out with people. I stay home stay safe I live very minimally. I don't go out after Dark. And I don't socialize very often if at all. The system has to clean up Society. There's a lot of bait out there people who are f****** oblivious. If people want to be bait out there then you let them do what they do but you protect yourself

don't be bait for the system to catch criminals

schisms is justifying sin with another offshoot of a religion





a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief:

"the widening schism between Church leaders and politicians"

the living cannot compete with the dead.. the dead will pull you down.

like anything.. measure how much death and dying you are willing to entertain and still survive.. no different than your immune system. Figure out how much evolution you can handle and still survive...

if the dead are too influential, then the state must step in.. and that is the purpose of the state..

anti govt people will need help from the state when they finally have to face so many people around them dying and suffering..

you never could save anyone who could not save themselves.. if you believe people should die someday, then one should not resist expectations happening sooner than later.. you already expected to die someday.

I found out yesterday, once you retire or hit 65, you must have medicare or else forgo your ss benefits and suffer financial penalties, etc. Medicare is required once you hit a certain age.


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