Science and religion must be understood together and if you don't have the stomach for each then you can't b**** at anyone because you chose not to understand both sides
A wave of energy a wave of water culminates a wave of pestilence
Noah lives to be 600 years old and then told to build an ark because God was going to flood the planet and release the demons. And so you know the story of the animals walking two by two and then he sees land and the flood waters recede and there's pestilence and he's strong enough but over time all that exposure to the pestilence all over the world versus just in his little area he succumbs. I'm sure it doesn't help he drank wine.
So minus all the other story around his life the science behind the Bible stories are people can live a long time but as soon as they get exposed to so much population and death the life is cut short. When a Lifeline gets exposed to so many remedies and detoxes and black magic a life is cut short and they might spit out a few babies but you won't get people living to be 600 years old or a thousand years old like Methuselah. Methuselah was 969
Noah from Noah's Ark didn't die on the flood he died from pestilence
After the flood, Noah lived another 350 years, dying at the age of 950 years.
After the flood, the Bible says that Noah became a farmer and he planted a vineyard. He drank wine made from this vineyard, and got drunk; and lay "uncovered" within his tent. Noah's son Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his brothers, which led to Ham's son Canaan being cursed by Noah.
There's a lot of morals to these stories and you can teach those in the classrooms and then the scientists understand the science behind the Bible stories and when people are exposed to pestilence and microbes from neighboring continents that didn't have land bridges I'm sure just like the Spanish infesting the Native Americans the weakest people succumbed to the pestilence.
No matter how much remedies you apply to a person the remedies can only work for so long before the person expires from all the fertility because the body had to build antibodies and immunity against even the remedies and of course if people are exposed to so many people on a weak immune system they get destroyed by the group.
And so what's going on right now is extremely biblical and it's like Judgment Day because if you're so afflicted yeah you're paying the piper for the sins of the father and of your lifestyle and belief system. There is no one to blame in the government when you are the one who instilled your values in yourself because your parents taught them to you and then you instilled the same values in your kids and then your kids are going to suffer because you never considered other information.
Judgment Day and Revelations The four horsemen of the apocalypse and exodus and the 10 plagues of Egypt all work together and we're living them right now.
And just because you changed out a pharmaceutical for an herbal remedy using a Witch or a Warlock in a filmy dress or balloon pants versus a white lab coat doesn't mean you did anything different if your intention was to destroy disease from the life in your body.
So you can recommend all the different Alchemists out there and some might have licenses others may not but you're not doing anything different until you can face the demons you developed and what you inherited from your parents and your parents' parents and so on and so forth
And since the system doesn't want people to suffer they will change the environment like they did even back then when God flooded out the world and those who don't have what it takes will destroy themselves or drown or ignore warnings and others who might make different choices could potentially gain more lifelines.
But I couldn't tell you how to do it and I couldn't tell you where to start. You would have to consider all the information offered to you and then make your choices. So everything is biblical and everything is right on.
You must mix science and religion together. You can't just be strictly biblical and religious and you can't be just so scientific because those two worlds must conjoin and you have to learn everything from the nitty-gritty to the wow factor and have some discernment how you apply the lessons offered to you