Six Sigma Humanity after you go through the business process re-engineering phase.
Oh we are in that re-engineering the solution phase of Six Sigma right now
Best practices must come from a redundant population with slight and extreme variations in nature and nurture
And then the petri dish must be cleaned up so we can have the best prototype and best practices for future humans
Yes, historically, Germanic people are known to have consumed a significant amount of milk, with their diet largely based on dairy products like milk, cheese, and butter from their herds, as documented by ancient sources like Julius Caesar who described them as pastoralists relying heavily on milk products.
Key points about Germanic milk consumption:
Pastoral lifestyle:
Germanic tribes primarily raised livestock, leading to a readily available supply of milk.
Fresh milk consumption:
Unlike some cultures who primarily fermented milk into yogurt or cheese, Germanic people are believed to have drank fresh milk in large quantities.
Dietary staple:
Milk was considered a key part of the Germanic diet, alongside meat and cheese.
From a very early time, Germanic tribes are thought to have interacted with and possibly settled in the Baltic states, in which they would leave a profound influence, particularly on the ancient Estonians. During the Iron Age various Germanic tribes migrated from Scandinavia to East-Central Europe.
It seems those who live in northern countries like the Mongols of the North and Eastern Europeans and Northern Europeans and Scandinavians and German people and Kazakhstan and the French gravitate towards the milk. I would think because you live in a very cold climate you would need the cream and the fat and the life and the lactose to keep you warm as well as provide a very well functioning immune system along with the meat and the cheese and the grains.
Which is interesting why Africans and Asians For the most part are lactose intolerant but Africans are so strong and many Asians are extremely slight but even those in North China didn't drink milk when I was there.
It seems the black people from Africa who live in hot climates do not drink milk and yet the eskimos who live in the cold also do not drink milk
While some Eskimos, also known as Inuit, might drink milk, most are lactose intolerant and therefore do not consume large amounts of cow's milk due to their traditional diet which primarily consists of meat from animals like seals and caribou, meaning they would get most of their nutrients from the animal itself rather than its milk;.
Key points about Eskimos and milk consumption:
Lactose intolerance:
Studies have shown that a large percentage of Eskimos have lactose intolerance, making it difficult for them to digest cow's milk.
Limited access to milk:
Historically, Eskimos had limited access to dairy products like cow's milk due to their harsh Arctic environment.
Alternative sources of nutrients:
They primarily obtain nutrients from the meat of animals they hunt, which provides them with necessary fats, proteins, and vitamins.
And here's the thing just because you have lactose intolerance doesn't mean you cannot one day become tolerant because it is a conditioning thing.
Conditioning to eat food to keep you alive and give you a balanced thermal immunological environment to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer is so necessary for any human especially during all types of climate change. Humans must be able to adapt to the changes in the climate because you never know when something might happen that is out of your control. You have to be able to adapt to the changes and they could be extreme.
And here's the thing you can develop humans from the most basic basic genetic ingredients with very little education and exposure to diversity. But then that would shorten that cultural genetic line when the season changes or when the environment changes. And so if you develop such basic basic people with no adaptation or access or exposure to diversity then you have to keep such consistent conditions that is pretty much impossible unless you bring it outside resources to keep the conditions relatively consistent. And when you have serious adaptation issues you could literally risk human extinction.
And so that's why the family was born was that each child was representation of the changes in the environment until the last person basically was reproduced almost out of existence to the point where they can't even handle the new environment because sexual reproduction diluted that genetic line.
So the system had to do all of it's experiments and every single one of us is a representation of that experience even if you are a clone to somebody else's family.
And there are many families out there that are almost mirror images of each other with slight genetic differences. The wife and the husband have extremely similar characteristics as other wives and husbands with almost the same amount of children and the same distribution of genders and behaviors and religions and politics.
But there were slight variations that if the system tweaked certain things in that family then they can see what that difference manifested in the next generation.
And there have been many many documented experiences of people who were bred under the same conditions with slight tweaks to the nature and the nurture..
and that's pretty much the baby boom but the Generation X has even more tweaking of the nature and nurture and that's why you had The Breakfast Club and Cabin in the Woods to show you how they broke down Society to be certain archetypes and then you would see all the Clones All Over America. The jocks the preppies the Goths the rebels the hot chicks
And so that's why there's so much redundancy out there in the population which is why the system can afford to lose a lot of people who deem themselves as expendable and the system also set them up to be expendable..
You literally have to find a way to set yourself apart from your own expectations because they were based upon another clone that you're trying to copy and you also have to set yourself apart I'm almost everything you grew up with. That will be very difficult to do if you don't develop a situation for you to do that. And nobody can give you the answer
you have to take all the information that you can get and process it
And when you start developing your own light bulbs then you will start creating and developing your life instead of trying to be a clone of somebody else's life..
And so that's also why the best practices concept was developed because there was so much redundancy and there were slight variations to the same products but the system wanted the best companies with the best input and output..
And even right now all of us in the health and wellness world or exemplifying suffering and sickness and sharing what we do
basically we are giving them opportunities to develop best practices for future humans. Some things you can use biotech to go and convert a bad cell to a good cell and that's all relative.
Other times you're going to have to go through the long cuts and not get the shortcuts because there's some things you just can't shortcut.
And so everyone will have an opportunity to have the best life possible for them based upon their expectations and their genetic lines and the rate of climate change and the speed of the particle acceleration in the environment. And that is based upon the systems need for people.
And when they see families risking extinction then they expedite the environment to fast forward people to what they already expect so that we can do a great reset and start over again with a stronger prototype of genetic lines with greater resilience and adaptation ability and obviously intellectual capability.
And so Generation X was the breakdown of our society into specific archetypes and roles and then The Cabin in the Woods was the order of operations that which those who deem themselves expendable would represent certain archetypes that would potentially die first..
it's always the preppy queens who get married and have children are the ones who gets sacrificed first and then it works it's way up the pyramid until the rebel figures out how to adapt to the changes in the system.
Rebellious people are probably the most adaptable people because they can change and also resist when they need to.
Whereas those who are just order takers and order followers have a short shelf life..
 It's not always resisting the government sometimes it's resisting your peers who try to act like government
The system already six sigmafied humanity, now we are in the solution phase.
 I hope you can six sigmafy your situation for survival or else you'll be relegated to somebody else's Six Sigma Solution for you and your family.
Six Sigma is a quality management methodology that helps businesses improve their processes, products, and services by reducing or eliminating defects:
To reduce variation in processes to achieve optimal quality control
All processes can be defined, measured, analyzed, improved, and controlled (DMAIC)
Improves customer satisfaction, reduces operational expenses, and eliminates waste
Motorola trademarked the term in 1993, but General Electric is credited with its widespread adoption
Six Sigma is based on the idea that by controlling inputs, you can control outputs. The numerical goal of a Six Sigma process is 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
Identify what's important
Determine how you're doing
Identify what's wrong
Determine what needs to be done
Ensure performance
High frequency/Slow frequency environment
High frequency environments you have more cancer and died suddenly and in a slow frequency environment you have more children who don't expect to live beyond 60 70 or 80 or 90 if that especially with the advancement of civilization.
This high frequency environment is about you saving you because you won't have enough resources to distribute to others thinking you're going to save other people.
There's no f****** way.
 I don't care how beautiful or how muscular or how high your body mass index is, there's no f****** way you can make somebody smaller than you suffer and force feed them food they have no intention to eat
*High body mass and low body mass
*Pro abortion anti-abortion
*Pro vaccine anti-vaccine
*Pro food Anti food
*Pro symptoms anti symptoms
We are in a high frequency environment and if you are living like you're in a slow frequency environment you will shorten your lifespan as well as your own children's lifespan but you can't save your children if they don't have what it takes regardless and you can't make them suffer and you can't force feed them.
If you are an adult and can handle the suffering, in a high frequency environment keeping yourself alive and only yourself because you cannot save anyone else, this is what I found to be extremely optimal.
Pro Life and Longevity of an Adult HIGH FREQUENCY
1. Pro symptoms because those symptoms are also symptoms of release if you understand the intelligence of your body and not resist it.
2. Pro meat milk cheese eggs with some fruits and with some vegetables. Because obviously you need to feed the energy of the symptoms to retain and release and convert.
3. Anti-vaccine or Pro vaccine because obviously you know how to support life and viruses and antibodies without getting pregnant or looking for a diagnosis to treat
4. Pro-choice because you know you don't need a child when you have to keep yourself alive.
5. High BMI because you have substance to convert because you know you can't make something out of nothing
This lifestyle is for people who are conditioned to sacrifice almost everyone around them plus themselves.
Pro Short Life as a Child and Adult SLOW FREQUENCY
In a slow frequency environment during human experimentation this was what was required so the system could test run every single situation and of course you already expected to pass away so you couldn't blame the system for what you already accepted.
1. Anti symptoms which means you will treat every single pain and suffering regardless of magnitude.
2. Anti food because the skinnier you are the easier it is to procreate a child to shorten both the family's life.
3. Pro vaccine because more fertility is optimal even if it's another disease or a virus.
4. Anti-abortion because the more children you have the more humans experimentation can be undergone.
5. Low body mass index because the smaller you are the shorter life and potentially the easier you get pregnant
And it's so interesting to wach people say that the more that you fast and the more you mitigate salt and sugar and fast the better you feel. That might be true but the dead feel nothing especially in a high frequency environment..
I would say yesterday it was a good day and my husband I hung out until about 7:00 in the evening and I even made cookies which I haven't done in over a year. We had prime rib and mashed potatoes because we had the other two ribs that we saved for New Year's day. And my husband I hung out on the couch and watched so many different videos on YouTube about traveling and going to different places watching influencers rate the different high-end hotels in places that I would love to visit but way in the future. And so we traveled with our mind watching YouTube and learned things
 it was nice hanging out with my husband yesterday.
Yesterday was the start of Generation B or Generation Beta. Because immunologically they're going to have to submit to the most aggressive environment ever and you hope they survive submitting to the alpha environment
Survivability and longevity was always about the meat and the milk and the cheese and the eggs and some fruits and vegetables and the grains and the salt and the sugar and the gluten and the carbohydrates and the pastas and the desserts and the coffee and the cream. And it was using salt to help alleviate small minor scrapes and cuts but you still have to regenerate the skin cells that were damaged from the injuries. So even the treatments were not supposed to be used indefinitely because small treatments turn into large treatments and then fertility and then extinction.
I told Dr Phil if you can regrow a skin cell from an injury you can regrow organs but I had to go and do further study to show you the reason why we haven't done that.
We haven't proven that we can regrow organs in our bodies in real time because of the traditions of the habits of the populations passed down From generation to generation.
Family traditions don't allow too much Evolution if at all. If anything they f****** slam anyone who is different and of course you can't let people who are so deficient suffer from cell regeneration such as organs and limbs even if you were born without them.
And so I know why many families hate me because I am evolution threatening their traditions but they don't realize they're own traditions are threatening their future bloodlines even themselves.. and so it's easier to hate a small little Asian girl because they think I'm weaker and stupider than they are .
 fine if I have to be this stupid idiot in your world so be it.. I'll be the enemy you can f****** hate because you have to hate someone and Jillian is the easiest person to hate.. you're the one that cannot understand information new to you and so you can't make anyone by yourself understand this information. I realize that.
But I know why many of hate me.
Even some of you pretend to like me but I know deep down inside you think I'm f***** up and traumatized and abused. If that's what makes you happy that's fine. And you don't need to prove it. The more you prove you like someone the more you have proven you never like them to begin with. So just be who you are. I will make my assumptions just like we all do and sometimes it's safer to assume the worst because in this environment you can't assume the best.
It's too f****** volatile and dangerous out there
And so you can't force feed people food they had no intention of ever f****** eating because they were scared away from food because it was painful and the reason why it was painful is because they're that deficient.
 They were procreated on so much they had no tolerance for their local environment and so they became bubble children who then turn into bubble adults and then assume everyone is after them and they would be right because they are the weakest in the flock and the weakest is always attracting the Predators immunologically and societally.
And when you have been prey somebody who is predatory and you can't release those demons then we have weak people in the population who become extremely predatory and find another weaker person to go and control and destroy and that's how the cycle of violence gets developed because it's first developed in the family and then it translates into the population..
and so you have domestic violence victims procreating children who can't handle the air food and water and then now we have Society full of demons who cannot handle anything and then aim to destroy anyone who looks like their abuser..
You have a society crawling with demons and you have women and men afraid to walk after midnight because they might be a victim of a serial killer.
Survivability of the human race was never about big families because what are you teaching your children? I mean yeah they can use you and your kids temporarily to develop innovation for future humans but don't you deserve a chance?
And so that's why the system introduced business process reengineering and six sigma into the organization development breath of study because they knew the system was going to change people's perceptions of what life is as well as what longevity entails
When it all comes down to it you live in a vaccine called your environment also known as climate change
So with that said the fog is going to be even more so and the blizzards and the snow and the rain are bound with microbes and highly influential. You have to eat for this environment and you have to release for this environment. We are in a type of environmental inoculation. You must find a way to activate your immune system to release those demons because the fog will get right into your system as well as a rain and the snow and the wind.
And you can't literally survive being cured in this environment because you will waste away. I constantly had to eat and I still have to eat for my environment and that's why I have spaghetti and cookies and cream and milk and cereal and meat and cheese and eggs because people are literally falling apart because of how highly influential the life and the frequencies are in this environment.
 The system knew exactly who they were dealing with and that's why the fog and the rain and the wind are a type of a vaccine or inoculation as well as your friends families and animals.
The system will vaccinate you whether you like it or not. You cannot escape public inoculations when it's bound through the weather systems and patterns and water is a huge carrier force.
 Don't let anyone fool you into thinking they can save you from your environment. Because they're even subject to the environmental inoculations they breathe in when they go galavant around the globe and their immune system also has a tipping point.
Nobody escapes vaccinations
And that's why you can't blame the vaccines because whatever's in the vaccines is also in the air food and water. That's why the system only wants you to recommend food but even that you can't force feed people AND you can't claim you have a cure for anything.
 And so food is the only answer for me and sometimes death is the answer for other people.
So if I can save you money from buying the latest and greatest cure from somebody who claims they know better than everybody let me give you a reality.
Your whole environment and backyard is one big huge vaccine and so is your household because you can't stop the microbes from getting in.
You are living in a vaccinated environment and so now people who are extremely infested are supposed to eat treated food and treated water or else they won't survive. It'll be just too painful. These poor children are fighting and uphill battle especially generation beta.
And so that's why it doesn't matter if you get vaccinated or not inthis environment because you'll get inoculated by the people you hang out with as well as the weather and your social practices and habits which is also why the unvaccinated are also deteriorating just as much as the vaccinated because it really didn't matter what you did because your traditions of treating disease and social capital was always the same.