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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Some People are too Good to be True

Don't be so good you put yourself in danger or lie to the world around you and don't be so bad you inflict pain and suffering on someone who didn't ask for your presence or comments

When you are already a good girl and a good guy eventually at some point someone will either try to corrupt you or you get tired of being a good guy and a good girl and then you become bad or channel your badness through means that are regulated by the government .

Many good girls and good guys get tired of being good and they find ways to corrupt themselves.. and some people continue to corrupt themselves until they die.

In my world

When someone developed a demon of badness within me through so many different motivation tactics then i spent my whole life to be a good person but then I also have shades of badness that I had to also control. I learned how to control my powers balancing both worlds..

Eventually you will become the good person you were meant to be because someone developed a badness within you and corrupted you in some way or another, assuming you survive that situation of converting back to what you were originally intended

In my opinion I think women like bad boys because they know they are strong and capable and sometimes the good guys are not as capable and strong and so strength is a motivator of attraction

But you don't want to be a bad boy to attract women because you'll attract the wrong type of women so I don't know how to solve that conundrum of attracting women and men to be your significant other because too many factors are in play and you could be getting a Pandora's Box. And she could be a black widow serial killer.

And so when you make your girls so good and make your good guys so good they'll become a target and then eventually they will want to corrupt themselves to become stronger and they may not survive that corruption.

Or they attract predators and constantly need to be protected by their family and friends and groups because they have no defense system.

Really good people don't have a defense system... they will walk right into danger

That's why the system wanted to corrupt people early on so if they are strong enough they can revert to being good when they become an adult but that doesn't always happen

but I think that's what the intention of the system is but you can't be the one to corrupt your children so early

and so then when they do get corrupted they may not survive being corrupted and that's the cross that many people will have to bear and watch..

which is why when your kids hit puberty when they are influenced by their peers you basically lost control and you hope they survive their peers

and you hope you gave them good lessons and tools to survive their peers..

Which is why those who want families with children during this next regime they will be channeled to be good until someone corrupts them

and they don't survive the corruption like having a family or some predator targets them and you hope they survive their family and their environment and their community and even the medical holistic system that will inevitably corrupt them.

My husband was a bit of a bad boy but not so bad that he couldn't be redeemed.

I wasn't really a "bad girl" I just was acting like someone trying to run away from something that I couldn't run away from. But I was always a good girl. And I always meant well for everyone even if it came out a little f***** up.

All of us have amazing goodness within but somebody somewhere corrupted us and we couldn't correct the corruption and fill in the holes.

Maybe you might get the time today and in the future if you are aware of how the system works

You will either be so good and then you become bad later on

Or you become bad early on and then become a good person later on. Or you stay bad forever because that's the identity you want to defend and some people do.

Some people were so good and then they were corrupted and then they never corrected it but they pretend they're good but underneath they are shitstorm.

And that's also an issue of deception of people who claim to be so good. They have corruption underneath that they're afraid to show it.. so they hide behind plastic surgery botox and nice clothing and a persona and a facade and they become even more corrupted until they can't even hide it anymore and they're just a mean f****** person.. I've also seen that

And when you are so in tune with your gut your gut will tell you the type of people you're dealing with.

And it's not like everyone's bad when you think about it you just don't want to deal with people and trying to figure out what the f*** they want from you and why

And that's why Hollywood employed a lot of people who got out of jail or were criminals at one point. They were bad when they were kids but they became amazing f****** actors and actresses..

But during this next Conservative Christian Right you're going to see a lot of good girls get corrupted by some bad boys and I hope they survive.. but at least it'll be hidden underneath the guise of family and the medical system.

You can't stop it.

You can't control it, you can only regulate it.

If you choose to have a family and have children that's the path they have to walk and it's a brutal f****** path and it is a walk of shame at some point..

and you know how some men and women are, they are f****** brutal when they feel they have a right to be because they own you through marriage.

And the girls and boys are either going to survive it or die from it..

some of these kids don't even survive their parents or foster parents so I can only imagine what these young girls getting married straight out of their family are going to deal with and then some dude gets a hold of her and screws her to death.

But hey he looks good on paper he's marriage material. Yeah that's how the family pawns their daughters and sons off onto somebody else.

They sell them into slavery

And I have no problem with that because I'm tired of seeing all the suffering. And you can't tell these parents anything because they want children.

Well they're going to walk the path of shame just like you

So all of that slavery will be hidden within the family and the medical system and the insane asylum people can't handle the air food and water and they go off the f****** deep end. Again I have no problem with that anymore

I'm tired of seeing it.

So if they have to drug the suffering or hide it behind pregnancy and then eventual rest in peace, fine.

If that kid turns into whatever I'll let the system deal with that child.

But you can't save anyone.

They have to see what happens when you have children and you can't even control your own corruption much less children born from corruption.

All of us came from corruption

some of us survived it

and we make ourselves redeemable or we let the system put us down as humanly as possible .

But when you have the left in control you saw all the suffering and the corruption in people.

Now it's time for it to be behind closed doors again because it's too f****** brutal to watch..

You got a glimpse what happens inside the immune system when it's corrupted and now during this next conservative regime you will have to deal with it and so will the authorities..

That's coming full circle..

Now you know why good Christian families always get pregnant really early on.

Somebody got corrupted and they had to make it look respectable..

Anytime you have a child I don't care if you're a Christian gay straight whatever that child will eventually be corrupted and it will be a walk and a path of shame that I hope they can get over and survive some predator within their family friends and community and sometimes their predator is their husband or wife..

These kids born during a left and right regime are suffering astronomically from the ignorance in our society..

And we're going to watch it play out. And these poor kids are the human sacrifices

Pain can be the motivator to live or a deterrent to life. You have to choose how you respond to pain.

I never ever advocate anyone just sitting in pain if it's too much because there must be other factors in play to be able to sit in pain and wait for it to go away.

But no one should ever ever put their hands on you to give you pain

examples of "motivators" to exist are pills, sex, money, religion, group think, animals, children, activism, politics, alcohol, powders, supplements and detoxes and drugs..

eventually, those "motivators" will destroy you.

There is such thing as too much of a good thing

Main takeaway: Ask yourself this question: What motivates you to get up in the morning and survive the predators you actively entertain in body, mind and spirit, and what motivates you to also survive the people you prey upon in Body, Mind and Spirit?

Predators Motivate People to Survive

The human race has no real enemies, or predators, aside from themselves and so the system needed to find a way to motivate people to survive while advancing the human race.

However, having too many predators will cause eventual extinction and not enough predators will cause eventual extinction. So, a team of scientists and government officials developed situations to help people get motivated into surviving and through their survival, innovating society at the same time or else bye bye human race.

Sometimes the motivation was the carrot and the stick method or positive reinforcement. Sometimes the motivation was negative reinforcement or psychological operations, slapping, threat of death and bodily harm, hitting, kicking, biting, etc or developing bully alliances against a person.

Sometimes the motivation was developing hot sexual girls to be arm pieces and eye candy or sexual playthings for the high powered men or blue collar men leaving the oil fields or the coal mines.

Sometimes the motivation was wealth, fame, power, prestige, trips, clothes, material items, large families and entertainment.

Choose your poison as they say.

Many times the motivation to get people to work or innovate was to give them alcohol, drugs and addictions so they don't go nuts while performing their jobs and live their lives.

Everyone, including me, was given some kind of motivation to survive, work and be a contributing member of society. I remember how bad in school I was doing because I had no motivation to be a good student. I did not want to learn my ABC's and 123's but in this society, you must learn the basics plus and then eventually find a way to survive.

So, my mother had to do what was necessary to keep me motivated because if not, I would probably die given my background around the Vietnam War. Sometimes the things that motivate you to survive and learn and be innovative can also destroy you.

Over time, if one does not "take off the training wheels" of motivation, that motivator you were given will be the thorn in your side and take over and shut down everything.

There is such thing as too much of a good thing.

I was lucky enough to figure out what motivated me to survive and move and I was also someone else's "motivator" to resist and blame and others will be motivators for others to find ways to survive or blame, resist and learn how the world works.

We all become someone's predator, prey and those two states of existence will be interchangeable until we fulfill our duties as a human and finally pull back and take a break in order to survive.

The last 4 months was the final push to release the monkey off of my back and it was brutal but necessary and I had to do it in a way that was not destructive to anyone or even myself. I had to do it in a way that would be constructive to everyone, not just myself.

How I know that monkey I had on my back is gone is my dreams are pretty much about what I watched on Youtube recently, less arm, neck, back and shoulder pain, I get a pretty good night's sleep and I do sleep in now and I feel "lighter" ..

I am releasing regular long and j shaped demons (poop) haha, and blow my nose, but the mucus is not so much. My hunger is not so crazy and even though I feel the hunger and sometimes the heartbeats and little energy of "pain" it does not force me to go through a deep nap or sleep.

I see a light at the end of the tunnel without dying from the light as they do when hospice patients are told to walk towards the light.

I still see a little sunken in light bags under my eyes but I will weather that storm since I did have eye changes this last February when I changed my driver's license.

I did notice I can read the writing on the TV screen from my bed without seeing double, which is a significant improvement.

8 years of releasing SOOO MANY DEMONS and then the Queen of all Demons was released just the other day.

Your body wants to feel the pain and it wants to be heard, just like all of you punching air and pointing the finger at the govt.

You hold the voices you need to hear and you actively stifle your own voice or you use your voice to blame, etc.

I go on FB everyday to give my body the voice so it could speak and release energy, demons and also I feed my body ALL FOOD AND I REST AND stay away from aggressive animal and human microbial competition to give my body a chance to survive.

8 years.

Ask yourself this question: What motivates you to get up in the morning and survive the predators you actively entertain in body, mind and spirit, and what motivates you to also survive the people you prey upon in Body, Mind and Spirit?

Shadow of death lifting.

The pain in my arms and shoulders feel better. Better range of motion and I feel like a weight has lifted off my shoulders and my back and my arms and my neck.

Someone said a few years back when they were dying from cancer that "cancer was their spirit animal". He was not too far from the truth.

That statement was said by someone I used to go to school with. He was very popular in junior high and probably popular in high school and he was also in the behavioral sciences field.

He was a psychologist to be exact. Married to another psychologist. And they were newlyweds and then the fateful diagnosis..

And like me, he was on Facebook live talking about his journey..

Cancer is a spirit animal that will kill you if you don't release that demon.

Watching him die on Facebook was so gut-wrenching that's not an image you ever ever forget.

While he was a psychologist, I was raised by a psychotherapist and a chemical engineer..

Sometimes when you're in the field, you don't see what you need to say to save yourself.

To be raised in the industry is like getting a bird's eye view of what it's like to be the guinea pig as well as what it's like to be the one to do the experiments.

And then you have an idea of what it's like to be the patient and the doctor. But you're not allowed to practice medicine unless you're licensed. But you still understand people at the gut level and then at the intellectual and clinical level.

And then you stay away from society..

I will tell you today my arm feels basically pain-free and that's kind of weird. But not really given my Facebook live this morning

Everything has frequency.

Some people can survive and assimilate to whatever frequency is out there and some will have an issue with whatever frequency is out there and within.

Piezoelectric offspring. Antibodies are all offspring and they also give off frequency no different than your children. Whenever you get a vaccine it develops an antibody with a specific frequency and that frequency has a biomarker that is read by a machine

Obviously everyone has mixed feelings about therapies and vaccines but then people also get pregnant developing another frequency called their children.

But in the future we will be infertile and there will be offspring called antibodies that we will be assimilating to that give off a frequency and a biomarker and you're either going to survive it or not and that's been the controversy and so those who are anti-vax or informed choice they do have a point.

Some people cannot handle Public Health Therapy frequency and sometimes those antibodies are the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Obviously these vaccines are safe and effective for the intention and they're tested for efficacy but when the interact with your biochemistry that's when things start changing and some people can survive them others can't which is why you have the inserts.

I can't very well say across the board something is poisonous or dangerous. Every person must determine what is appropriate for them when it comes to a public health therapy or any other therapy for that matter.

Yes, some biomarkers can have frequency:

Cancer biomarkers: Each application of cancer biomarkers has a specific frequency of testing. For example, cancer biomarker testing may look for variants that drive tumor growth and proliferation. This can involve filtering out variants that are unlikely to contribute to cancer cell growth. Somatic testing approaches, which only use tumor samples, rely on databases that record the population frequency of variants that occur in the germline by chance.

Electroencephalography measures: Low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) and beta2 electroencephalography measures can be biomarkers of injury and motor status. For example, beta2 activity in the high-beta frequency band (20–30 Hz) can reflect brain injury, such as a decrease after a stroke. Beta2 activity can also be related to healthy brain activity, such as motor system function, alertness, and inhibitory signaling.

Mutation (variant frequency): Cancer biomarkers may also test for mutation (variant frequency).


Men and boys above 13 should watch this video. Your life And their lives depends on it

If you think 13 is too young you determine whatever. But they need to watch this.




Cash was never the answer. They just saw what you did with it and what you did to people to get the cash

and then they see what you do to people to digitally break into their world or steal their PIN numbers and credit cards and hack into their accounts

People literally hack each other to get whatever they think they want from that person especially if that person is flashing cash and their prestige and power and fame.

Cash can't really be traced. People get robbed all the time if someone knows they are hoarding large amounts of cash. Some people even develop fraudulent corporations with cash or use their newly acquired stolen cash to launder money through legitimate Enterprises and people also die for cash or kill people for cash. And then yes digital can always go down temporarily.

And then you have to be of sound mind and body not to have your Biometrics compromised by somebody else. If biometric is the only way to legit qualify somebody for a payment or a program or a product then you better not be under the influence or be drugged by somebody else or cultivate nefarious people to drug you and use your phone to get money.

And dragging a body or cut out eyeballs to use an ATM machine with cameras to go transfer money or buy a product might seem a little suspicious especially when you're trying to steal their Biometrics like a fingerprint or a digital eye scan.

I love how people find reasons why we should go to cash only with no digital payments or identities not realizing their ultimate resistance to Biometrics is developing the reason why you need biometrics.

It would seem kind of suspicious when you cut off someone's hand and then walked up to an ATM to transfer money and use that hand to break into somebody's account. It'd be difficult to cut out somebody's eyes and then use those eyes to go and digitally scan into a program or a building. I mean come on guys you realize how strategic the criminals are out there with digital IDs and your phones and your ATM cards.

You realize the system knew what you would do to get around those measures unless they used biometrics. The system knew everything and your resistance just gives them more the reason why they need to go to biometrics. You're just giving them more of a reason and a case for switching the system pretty quickly.

Cash was never the answer but that's what developed the reason for digital and then eventually the reason for biometrics.

To develop your Humanity everyone must come to terms with their own inhumanity in their politics religion science and in their families regardless of what kind of family people have.

Inevitably any head of household will abuse their power over the weaker people

That was the Stanford Experiment.

No matter what kind of image people put out there everyone has a dark side if they get triggered in a specific way. If you don't know your own dark side you might not be able to handle your reactions when you get triggered.

And that could be a very dangerous situation.

And so all of us are channeling our dark side through whatever image we have to put through and some of us recognize the images others put out there and so everyone's just trying to survive.

But when you do get triggered channel it to something productive and amazing.

I like to keep the devil of reality as close as I understand the angels of illusions.

Another experiment around people using power and abusing their power just like these parents and queen bees and King bees.

Which is why I stay away from group dynamics because I will not be manipulated by some king bee or queen bee abusing their power

And oh yeah they come off as holier than though religious and so kind and so loving and so overprotective but underneath they love the power they have over their children pets and the people around them and even their husbands and wives.

And when you know this is how people operate you see through the b*******.

And then you walk the f*** away.

People who love the taste of their own power cultivate prisoners and make people dependent upon them in Body Mind and Spirit and that's how people abuse their power and they also have children in the process so they can wield their power over their children friends and family..

I hold no prisoners not even a pet. And my husband's free to come and go as he wants within the parameters of our contract.

There are documentaries on Netflix showing you what foster parents do to their foster children when they get a taste of the power over these children and they become increasingly brutal..

The system is showing you what monsters you've created because you had to cultivate deadly powers over your children and then giving them to the medical holistic surgical system and even giving your pets to the veterinary surgical system and think nothing of it.

And then cultivate being anesthetized so you don't feel the pain that you've caused yourself and your animals and your children and your society and then blame somebody else..

That's why everybody is under the influence because they are f****** suffering from their own powers that they can't control.

It's called pain and suffering..

America the last greatest experiment

When children cannot control their powers as children and they're not regulated then they become deadly adults who use their power for evil

And then they also must get treated or else they will be deadly to the people around them..

And that's a suffering..

And it's a cycle that never ends and then you look at the suffering on your Facebook and what people are cultivating.

And so the system must channel the men into sports and boxing so they don't unleash Violent Men onto an innocent population

and so the system Channels their testosterone in relatively productive channels until the system is done doing that because then you have domestic violence..

And women who have been highly sexualized are either channeled into a family or p*** or Instagram and only fans or art if they can Channel it that way or intellectual capability..

And when you have two Tinder boxes coming together then you get domestic violence and family annihilators and infanticide..

Tinder was developed and named correctly because the app develops two explosive hormones coming together developing predators and prey

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