Thank you Catholic Church because your perspective opened up my eyes to a lot of things and explained a lot of things and that's why I honor sobriety so I can fight these demons with a sound mind and clear head
And I thank my husband for introducing me to Ghost Adventures because that was another side of the world I was not truly introduced to on that level. I know about the Ouija board because I played it as a teenager but I didn't realize the doors that I was opening as a teenager and so I spent the last 9 years closing those doors that I opened as a teenager without knowing what the f*** I was doing. But guess who introduced to me the Ouija board? Well it doesn't matter at this point
And that's why I say 1 000% sobriety is magical.. you can meet the demons you have cultivated for years and then develop the angels to help save you from your own choices
And so I look forward to sleeping even for minutes because I want to see what is still lurking in my immune system and I see it through my dreams. And I know what I've released because I see them in my dreams and sometimes they're really Larger than Life. Kind of like Freddy Krueger or my dog sugar warning me.
That's what a thousand percent sobriety is, it is your pineal gland, which is there to save you but if you calcify it through your drugs alcohol and massive sex and starvation then you f***** yourself literally..
You calcify your own pineal gland through your lifestyle belief systems politics religion and science. People do it to themselves. They cut their own cord to the universe and now they're floating out there with nothing anchoring them to reality..
And let me tell you quitting any kind of drug cold turkey the demons will hold you accountable
you have to transition off of every single addiction you've ever had and that includes starvation. Oh yeah the demons have people like you would not believe..
Releasing the demons is an extremely painful process but it's extremely enlightening and it's magical.
The Catholic church is f****** amazing.
They know and they knew and I respect the heck out of the Catholic Church.
If it wasn't for the people resisting the Catholic church and if it wasn't for the Catholic Church putting out the type of movies as well as the hospital system I wouldn't have realized what I realized
because they understand both sides. The trinity is you you and the energy. You are your own demons and you are your own enemy.
They understand the need for life and they understand the kind of demons people cultivate voluntarily through their lifestyle and belief system and they can't control you
they can kind of control how those demons affect you. But they can't control you per se.
But the Catholic Church knew the kind of demons people cultivate within their own immune system and in their own families
and the church might have their own issues.. people, even abstinent males and females who aren't really abstinent cultivate demons within their own immune system
And men and women will be even a victim of their own situation. And so there's a lot of different types of exorcisms people undergo.
But they understood and they saw what happened in the population even if they were afflicted themselves at one point.
Demons are real and people do develop them and cultivate them and keep them in place through their own family genetic bloodline..
And so these horror movies about people afflicted by haunted houses and demons tell you the Dark Side of humanity that people turn their heads away from. But they are the ones who develop so much pain and suffering in the population and then blame somebody else.
And I'm not saying I'm catholic christian or claim any kind of religion but I see the merits of all the religions and what they offer on both sides of the aisle. That's why the black and white checkerboard is what it is because everything is relative and it's a contrast..
Fertility opens up these types of doors of demonic energy and then the adult has to find ways to close the doors and stay alive
And I would be so interested in talking to anyone in the Catholic Church who are leaders of organizations just to see how they knew about these demons oh my gosh it's so crazy.
It would be so cool to talk to some Bishop or the Pope and be like how the heck did you guys know this. You guys are pretty awesome..
There's a whole side of the world that I knew nothing about until the last 9 years. You guys are f****** awesome. You're resistance against the Catholic church and Judaism and whatever and your support of it, oened up my eyes astronomically..
And so there is no resistance on my end because I know there's a whole other side of the world that people don't even realize because of how much resistance they are in.
I guess I understand when they say let go and let God
Fertility opens up these types of doors of demonic energy and then the adult has to find ways to fight those demons close the doors and stay alive.
That's why children can see spirits because they are still closer to death than they are of absolute life.. which is also why the elderly and people in hospice can see the door open
And so when you been closer to death your whole life you are sensitive to the negative f***** up energy out there and you have to learn how to release and fight those demons and close the f****** door.
I remember as a kid dream about the door being opened and something coming in and I had those reoccurring dreams as a child. Or I had a dream of flying through buildings. Those flying dreams and also the dreams of some door being opened and something coming in that's some spiritual f****** s*** and that's demonic energy entering into the psyche of a person
And so are you strong enough to fight the Demon World as well as the waking world which is another version of The Demon World
And you can best be sure sleep paralysis are the demons holding you down and you're still conscious but yet not.
That's why it's pretty scary being a kid because you're fighting demons and they are formidable and when these kids go to sleep they're in a world fighting demons and that's what the Nightmare on Elm Street was trying to tell you is that the unconscious world is just as alive as the conscious world but you have to be so strong to survive it..
That demon is not only those orbs that you see but people attract that from their own immune system. They cultivate that within their psyche..
As a kid I remember how scary it was sleeping in a dark room with the door closed and I'd hide under the covers because the dark was so scary.. it's very scary being a child in this really f***** up world. It's very scary being a child in this world.
And parents can't really protect their children from the Demon World because the kid has to be able to fight these demons on their own with whatever God gave them in their immune system.
That's why you can't fight people's battles for them you just hope they are smart enough and strong enough to understand information so they can fight their own battles especially when they're unconscious.. and that's why these kids are at a disadvantage because they don't have enough life experience to process advanced information such as something like this or what I've put out there the last 8 years.
My information is way too abstract for even most adults out there. Many people take s*** literally and they don't understand allegory or abstract thought processes..
they think Adam and Eve is a literal story but no it's allegory and it's representation.
Just like Dante's Inferno.
It's based upon your colon and your intestines and the heat from the hell of diversity replicating astronomically during climate change
But that's what we're dealing with is people who cannot think outside of extremely narrow thought processes. So this Demon World is too abstract for most people and so they'll dismiss me just like they always do.
So there you go..
Now watch people blame somebody for the Demon World. Watch somebody take this information and spin it and blame a person place or thing or culture. That's what you're dealing with.
And so please thank a priest and a doctor for being on the front lines in this war of demons
And do you know and do you understand that your environment the people you surround yourself have just as many demons as these vaccines do if not more.
No matter what, if you cannot discern and differentiate between demon and angel in your own world all the demons will destroy you because they'll be demons to you because you don't have enough life experience to develop angels to protect you.
And in this highly influential environment everyone you surround yourself has demons who have found a way into your immune system and are incubating. And the more influential the environment is the more influential your demons will be and that's why you're also seeing people die suddenly.
They could not fight the battles of demons within their immune system. The system had to show you what happens when people don't have enough resources to defend their own immune system in the sleeping world and the waking world
They couldn't literally Let It Go.
and you see it in the activism world as people keep looping in the same argument.
They can't let it go
The remedies stopped their body from releasing.
So those demons were trapped within their immune system and it was game over..
that's the balloon popping
That's why you have to understand developing angels to protect you takes a lot more than just praying everything away.
There's a lot more to it..
there's a lot more to it than just starving yourself or taking a remedy because then taking remedies and doing surgery just compounds the problem developing more demons to work against you.
Wow holy s***
So I honor every Catholic priest who has to deal with demons every single day.
You guys are the Angels and thank you. And I suppose that's no different than a doctor out there who are fighting with demons every single day.
I wouldn't want to be in their position.
And so I just walked away from everything.
I'll let the priests and the doctors fight those demons and you hope the priest and the doctors survive their own profession.
When you go to your church thank the priest and when you go to the hospital thank a doctor for dealing with all the b******* they put themselves in..
They are the demon Wranglers