That comes from all religions.
Everybody exploits themselves their family friends and children and animals in every single religion
You can't stop people from sinning but you can control it. No different than prohibition. You can't stop people from drinking and becoming alcoholics but you can control the repercussions.
Judaism understands you cannot legislate morals but you can control how they express their sins what they hold inside and developed based upon what is appropriate for that society and when
And so if Jesus Christ is representation of somebody dying for the sins of somebody else like human sacrifice like mothers and grandmothers then Judaism is balancing both worlds of milk and meat as they are cooked separately.
Milk is the representation of life and meat is the representation of death.. signs and symbols everybody that's what kosher eating is. But in my world as I'm not a practicing Orthodox Jew; all food has nutritional benefit and I have an immune system and a release process
Judaism understand all types of sins must be controlled through the government and give people the opportunity to express themselves even if you don't agree with them.
And there's always an evolution when it comes to Judaism and all religions.
And there are some sins that should not have any kind of lawful support because they turn people into aggressive victims and predators.
And so Judaism sees all sides of the issue but they give people enough freedom until they destroy themselves and then they have to go and redevelop the law by learning from the lessons..
And when I see people say that Judaism is Satanic and horrible and they are Hebrew, part of the 12 tribes of Israel and they have LARGE families, I don't imagine they control their sexual appetite when the feeling STRIKES them which is why the tribes become so large, because everyone's having some kind of messed up sex with somebody.
There's no such thing as Immaculate Conception in the Hebrew or Jewish community
we know how you got that kid, we just don't know if it was consensual and you will never know. You will never know if the sex was consensual. And we know what our ancestors did to women and children and what they do today if nobody is watching them or regulating them. Sexual abuse is all over your Society
And you know many Christians on Facebook who are on only fans and Instagram showing everything and the reason why they're Christian and on only fans is because the system gave them an avenue to express themselves and then you as an adult make a choice and be responsible for what you observe and how you observe it.
And the system shows you how hypocritical some people are in all religions when they claim they're so pious and then they have underage girlfriends out there.
And so the Christian judeo judeo Christian Society is a balance of both worlds. But allegory and symbolism and reading between the lines and discernment is so important or else you will take everything literally and then shoot yourself in the foot.
One particularly well-known Catholic method of exploitation in the Middle Ages was the practice of selling indulgences, a monetary payment of penalty which, supposedly, absolved one of past sins and/or released one from purgatory after death.
The seven deadly sins are in your gut. And they drive everything that you do. That's why you can't legislate morals you have to control the sins people hold in their gut.
Prohibition was the lesson it can't stop sin from sinning but you can try to control it
And it doesn't matter if you don't believe in the seven deadly sins because you hold them and you exhibit them in your gut and they're in your behaviors and in your politics religion and science..
And so the only way you can understand where I'm coming from is when you can release so many demons you see a difference in your own behaviors and addictions and desires or else you think I'm full of s*** then I'll just say that's the pot calling the kettle black.
And you'll think hunger and eating food is a sin based upon gluttony and it might be true but you have to feed those demons before you can release them. Sometimes you have to exhibit the sins and face them before you can release them
So when your gut is full of sin why is that somebody else's fault?
According to the standard list, the seven deadly sins in Christianity are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.
I just ended all the arguments demonizing everything in the health and wellness industry selling you protection. They're just selling you starvation and you're literally eating it up that's called irony when you're eating up starvation..
When you eat nothing you become nothing
Happy New Year
These are the sins you hold in your body and that's why you're in pain because the body is trying to push out the sins you trapped in your gut and colon.
You are the source of your own great suffering that's why you can't blame the vaccine industry or the Chemtrails or the air food and water or the fluoride or the Mercury or the salt or the sugar or the gluten or the meat the milk the vegetables the cheesecake.
You hold the sins within.
And you literally have to eat to release and eat to retain and you have to face every single sin you hold within or else you die from the sins.
These are the demons .. and when you release them they put forth an ugly face and you will see them in your dreams and you will also attract them in the waking world
and the angels are the things that were so pure in your world that you were so close to that couldn't survive you.
My dog sugar is my angel and she comes around to warn me of danger even in the spirit realm.
And she is not replaceable. I don't post her picture because she is a trigger point for a lot of people as well as myself.
That's why pain is so important
you never forget the lessons
If you've watched me the last 8 years you saw me release rage and anger and lust and everything and now I see things from a very different point of view
The squeezing
When you're in a vice grip you are held captive by something squeezing the life out of you
The seven deadly sins are the seven vices coupled with Piezoelectricity
you see how you could die from the VICES you hold within..
There is no coincidence because everything is written in the language. Release your vices you might have a chance to survive but it's f****** painful.
According to the standard list, the seven deadly sins in Christianity are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.
What does in a vice grip mean?
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a vice-like gripa very firm hold or a very strong pain He grabbed my neck in a vice-like grip.
Recognizing SIN is the first step
but you can starve it and die
or feed it and release it
Sin does not differentiate between gay straight or LGBTQ